Pathfinder Battles Preview: More of the Undead Horde!

Friday, June 21, 2013

This week brings the final six reveals for the upcoming Pathfinder Battles Undead Horde Builder Series, which is set for a September debut. This set of 12 figures features new sculpts and repainted favorites to help you swell the legions of undead in your Pathfinder campaigns. Figures come one per pack, with 24 $2.99 packs in a single "gravity feed" display. Our first Builder Series release, We Be Goblins! came out last week, and reviews have been very positive. We think you'll like the Undead Horde just as much!

But enough preamble! Let's get right to the miniatures!

Up first this week we have the Ghoul, everyone's favorite long-tongued bad guy this side of Gene Simmons. The figure debuted in the Rise of the Runelords set, and has since become one of the most popular singles from that collection. This time he's got a chalkier, grayer cast to his skin. We though he deserved a repeat performance. The Ghoul is a common figure.

We didn't want the Ghoul to be too lonely in the Undead Horde, so we decided to also include this charming Lady Ghoul. While this figure may look like a new sculpt, in fact it's a repaint of a Skull & Shackles figure we haven't previewed yet, so consider this an ominous hint of things to come on the deadly seas ahead of us. The Lady Ghoul is a common figure.

Here we have a genuine new sculpt, the Festrog, an undead creature that crawls on all fours that we first introduced way back in the old GameMastery Modules line (Hungry are the Dead, to be specific). The CR 1 creature's statistics got a Pathfinder upgrade in Bestiary 3. Since Festrogs often appear in gangs or packs, we slated him at the common rarity.

This familiar face originally appeared as the Spectre from our first set, Heroes & Monsters. The sculpt resurfaced as the Festering Spirit for last year's convention season promotional figure, and now he makes his third (and likely final) appearance as a Ghost. The Ghost is a rare figure.

Another favorite from Heroes & Monsters, the Vampire returns in Undead Horde with an all-new paint scheme and the same dark designs on your player characters. The Vampire is a rare figure.

Last up this week we've got the Wraith, a new paint scheme on a favorite figure from Rise of the Runelords. Now with deep purples but with the same malevolence as ever, the Wraith looks forward to wrapping your player characters in an energy-draining embrace. Give him a hug! The Wraith is a rare figure.

That's it for this set. Next week we'll return to the Skull & Shackles preview, and I've got some exciting developments to reveal shortly thereafter. Believe it or not, we're currently finalizing the set list for THREE sets from now, and that's not including additional Builder Series and Encounter Pack releases that will be making their way to you throughout the rest of 2013 and into 2014!

Make sure you don't miss a single figure by setting up an ongoing Pathfinder Battles case subscription today. Subscribers receive special discount codes they can use on releases like the Undead Horde Builder Series set, and they always enjoy a significant discount on single sales on

Next week we'll see if it's safe to go back in the water!*

Erik Mona

*It isn't.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Undead Horde

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

As much as I admire the minis revealed here—especially the Lady Ghoul and Festrog—the news that you're finalizing the set list for the next three sets is what has blown me away. This tells me that this line is now a complete success. That makes me very happy!

BTW: The Festrog. Crawling around on all fours?!? Now I have to look into getting Hungry are the Dead. That is one creepy image. I like it!

Spirit again...:(

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Hungry are the Dead is awesome. Bad things happening...

besides the spirit, these are awesome! I really like the inclusion of a female monster especially. i noticed that a lot of the people on the forums have been asking for common monsters in lady form, and the lady ghoul shows me that you guys do in fact go through our suggestions, and that is just awesome.

The third spirit doesn't bother me. This builder set has gotten too awesome so far (festrog, female ghoul) for me to dwell on that. If it takes another spirit repaint to make this set happen, I'm all for it.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

The Spectre making its third appearance is mostly due to not having many sculpt choices available, a problem that will resolve itself as time goes on. That Spectre sculpt is _very_ versatile. We explicitly avoided reusing the Skeletal Champion/Bone Priest and the original Zombie for these reasons, but the Spectre/Festering Spirit got one more chance for being at the right place at the right time.

Two types of ghouls is a plus, especially because the female ghoul can also double for other types of undead as well. And Erik, a big thumbs up for including that figure in both this set as well as S&S. The Festrog was unexpected, but after looking at it should fit in nicely with my undead horde.

I love the new paint scheme for the vampire.

I'm not sure sure about the Wraith, that might look better in person. As for the Spectre, well, different colors make it easier for me as a GM. And if color pattern is different enough, I can use it.

Erik Mona wrote:
The Spectre making its third appearance is mostly due to not having many sculpt choices available, a problem that will resolve itself as time goes on. That Spectre sculpt is _very_ versatile. We explicitly avoided reusing the Skeletal Champion/Bone Priest and the original Zombie for these reasons, but the Spectre/Festering Spirit got one more chance for being at the right place at the right time.

I don't think this is a bad thing. I happen to like that sculpt. not that I would want to see it use more that these three times, but I don't mind it.

I do find it interesting that I am more excited about the commons than the rares in this set. I can always use more ghouls and skeletons. :-)

That female ghoul looks like it might be a sea hag in S&S. :)

Yib Thoolp wrote:
That female ghoul looks like it might be a sea hag in S&S. :)

I think it will actually be a ship whore, since they have female ghouls by that name in the AP.

Also, I think the spectre looks good in plain black too which is another reason why I'm not complaining. Like DonalGraeme, I'm kinda raising my eyebrow at the Wraith, but I never really liked that sculpt in the first place so it's probably a taste thing.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Nope. We haven't done a Sea Hag yet, but you're right that it'd make a good proxy until we do one (it's pretty high on my priority list).

The reason you're excited about the commons in this set has a lot to do with the whole point of the Builder Series releases. Without awesome commons it kind of defeats the point.

Wraith looks amazing in hand, btw.

The Exchange

That is great news about set lists. I'm glad this miniature line has become a success. So many goodies in store for us. It is a good time being in pathfinder.

The Exchange

surprised to see the most common zombies and skeletons not in an undead horde set...

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

They are in the set. Both of those figures were previewed in last week's blog.

I say to those whom like the commons best "Good, 75% of you set is fantastic,". I like both Builder sets so far. But I can wait for another set or two, luntil something naturally presents itself. These sets need to all be so indespensible!

Chernobyl wrote:

surprised to see the most common zombies and skeletons not in an undead horde set...

Undead Horde Gallery

Is the ghost clear plastic with a grey paint similar to the Festering Spirit or is it more like the original Spectre? It is hard to tell from the picture.

Grand Lodge

The Ship's Who...I mean Lady Ghoul is fantastic. IMO she rivals the Ghostly Consort from The DDM Angelfire set as the best female undead in PPMs. Getting extras of her beyond Shattered Star is a plus. I trust she is a repaint?

I am honestly not that familiar with the Festrog. I look forward to adding some at low level in the next campaign. The mini looks great.

I don't mind getting repaints. They make keeping up with multiples of an encounter more interesting than just numbering them. So getting another repaint of the Specter is not bad.

I too like the Vampire's repaint. The Ghoul's repaint looks good also. Both are awesome.

Honestly I am not fond of the Pathfinder Wraiths. Too many years imagining Wraiths like from Lord of the Rings for me to change. Plus I have a bunch of more LotR looking Wraiths from various manufacturers, including a really good one from Wizkid's Mage Knight sets. I am glad it is a rare. With only one, it will not stop me from buying a whole gravity box. Plus I have found on many occasions that something I originally didn't like, turns out to be very useful for something else later.

Little disappointed to see another horde of common and overused undead...

The festrog is super cool tho! My rightfull replacer of the D&D Ghoul.

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Sincubus wrote:

Little disappointed to see another horde of common and overused undead...

The festrog is super cool tho! My rightfull replacer of the D&D Ghoul.

But isn't the whole point of the Builder Series to give DMs an economical way to gather up enough mini's to represent the "common and overused," in a way that even a common rarity mini in a standard set can't? I bought a case of H & M got 3 skeletons, 2 zombies, 2 red Gob warriors, 3 blue, 1 red gob hero, 2 blue, and 2 of each orc. Not enough to run an encounter with a typical "horde" creature. And, as singles climb in price from the sets, these builder sets will be a godsend for people who don't have a decade or more of ppms available to them.

I understand that you like the novel and the unique, but there is a very large population who still need the common and overused.

This looks like it will be a good set. The she-ghoul is more than sufficiently creepy, and along with the new ghoul will give flexibility for combined ghoul and ghast encounters. I like the festrog, it gives a feral variety to the set. I might need more than three of these. I have always liked the allip/specter/etc. sculpt and am happy to have a third variant. The wraith is another one I have always liked, and the bright flames contrast well with the deep purple and smoky base on this new version. I think it looks better than the original. Next, can we see a large dread wraith?

I used to use an old rebased Dreamblade mini for festrogs, and it worked pretty well, but this will definitely be an improvement! I'm going to want a bundle of those guys. And the Lady Ghoul is a valuable addition too. More female monsters, please!

Hey when's this come out again?

The Exchange

Marcus Moroe wrote:
Hey when's this come out again?

This is supposed to come out in September.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Isil-zha wrote:
Is the ghost clear plastic with a grey paint similar to the Festering Spirit or is it more like the original Spectre? It is hard to tell from the picture.

It's more like the original. Not clear.

Dark Archive

Wow, these are really nice as well; I love festrog and lady ghoul, but I think the new vampire paint scheme is the most impressive "upgrade" of the whole bunch! :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Very glad to hear that you guys are finalizing the next THREE sets! (Hopefully I'll be able to re-subscribe ... soon).

***Also hoping that Jade Regent is among one of the "Three" sets being finalized.***

Speaking of "hope" ... I hope the festrog is a large mini (were they large, or were those "bigger, badder variants" just in the latter parts of Carrion Crown? I can't remember).


The Exchange

thanks for the clarifications on what's in the set - Must have missed the last update. This looks like a good set! I'm glad to see Paizo going this direction with themed sets. I will definitely be picking up some of these!


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