You Are Not Forgotten!

Monday, April 8, 2013

We here at Paizo HQ are deep in the throes of birthing a number of incredible products for release at Gen Con in August, and that means it's an all-hands-on-deck scenario. John and I are being called upon to assist with development and editing of products outside the Pathfinder Society Scenario line, and that means less time to devote to Pathfinder Society blogs on Mondays. So that you aren't left in the lurch, however, here are a few pieces of art from some of this month's Pathfinder releases, set to start going out to subscribers in the next week or so. Some of these images may even be useful for GMs who like visual aids for their Pathfinder Society games, though I won't give any more info than that!

Illustrations by Filip Burburan, Jason Rainville, and Xia Taptara

Mike's back in the office later this week after almost a month of conventions and international business trips, and from what I understand, he's got a few good blogs in the works. Be sure to check back next week and see what he has to report!

Mark Moreland

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Amiri Filip Burburan Harsk Hayato Iconics Jason Rainville Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Player Companion Pathfinder Society Reign of Winter Xia Taptara
Shadow Lodge 2/5

Still sad at the lack of a comprehensive sneak peak for ultimate campaign but I will say I love the iconic with a nursery full of goblins and the maiden, mother, crone art from what I guess is the next reign of winter ap. Very cool to see some new art focusing on some feminine myths cycle ideas. Also cool that we get a piece with a pregnant woman that isn't Lamashtu.

* Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4


That Reign of Winter art is phenomenal!

Silver Crusade

Agreed'd. And it's not just the landscape. Harsk and Amiri look really nice in that piece. All weathered and such. And it's really fun to see "cold weather gear" versions of the iconics. :)

As for the other pieces of art:

"Vos"....could this be from Ibdylos in Reign of Winter?

"Elessia"....huh. Wonder where this could be from. Maybe she's from Champions of Puri-

Hayato and goblin babby



Oh man, his face :)

edit-Whoops, taking a second look, Elessia's a changeling. Probably from Reign of Winter then!


Vos and Elessia are also tagged with PZO9540; the 9500 line is the Module line, so my bet is they're both from Fangwood Keep. Hayato's tagged inn PZO9431, which is a number in the Player Companion line, so probably Champions of Purity.

On further investigation, look at the URL they're linked to and they're clearly from those two lines. :)

Silver Crusade

Wow, now that it's pointed out(AND THE MYSTERY HAS BEEN RUINED :O), that guy does look really Molthrune appropriate. :)

Mikaze wrote:

Agreed'd. And it's not just the landscape. Harsk and Amiri look really nice in that piece. All weathered and such. And it's really fun to see "cold weather gear" versions of the iconics. :)

As for the other pieces of art:

"Vos"....could this be from Ibdylos in Reign of Winter?

"Elessia"....huh. Wonder where this could be from. Maybe she's from Champions of Puri-

Hayato and goblin babby



Oh man, his face :)

edit-Whoops, taking a second look, Elessia's a changeling. Probably from Reign of Winter then!

. What is Ibdylos ?

Dark Archive 1/5

That reign of winter is really great work.
Also Hayako is fricken hilarious, he doesn't know if he should change its diaper or just leave them all with a church.

Silver Crusade

Nick O'Connell wrote:
What is Ibdylos ?

Iblydos is an ancient island nation off the coast of Casmaron with some strong Greek(and possibly other Mediterranean influenced) flavor going on.

But I actually remembered the product description incorrectly, I think. Maiden, Mother, and Crone is going to touch on Iobaria rather than Iblydos, IIRC. :)

Lazoth wrote:
Also Hayako is fricken hilarious, he doesn't know if he should change its diaper

Spring rains urge movements

Samurai braves the soiled cloth
Mustard and jelly

Ahhhh, so THAT is how you sling a greatsword! And now we know.

Liberty's Edge *

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Kudos. Love it all.

Paizo Employee Developer

It's the Supremes!

NO WAY! I thought for sure I would have to describe that cliff face if RoW ever went there.

Amiri: "Why is it always stone carvings of nekkid women?"
Harsk: "'Cause no one, man or woman, wants to see a limp **** the size of--"
Amiri: "ENOUGH!"

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Mikaze wrote:

edit-Whoops, taking a second look, Elessia's a changeling. Probably from Reign of Winter then!

HOLY CRAP SHE IS! I will probably buy that book now. Changelings are my favorite race. I must support them. XD

You know, I'd not mind getting this kind of blog post more often.

Dark Archive

MJinthePitt wrote:
Ahhhh, so THAT is how you sling a greatsword! And now we know.

I like that she's got it wrapped up and is holding it in place with her hand, so that all she has to do is ease up a little on her grip and let the sword spin free of the straps, for speed of 'drawing.'

Very clever. And wow, that woman has some grip strength...

Shadow Lodge

Baby goblins! Awesome and cute at the same time,

Silver Crusade

Set wrote:
MJinthePitt wrote:
Ahhhh, so THAT is how you sling a greatsword! And now we know.

I like that she's got it wrapped up and is holding it in place with her hand, so that all she has to do is ease up a little on her grip and let the sword spin free of the straps, for speed of 'drawing.'

Very clever. And wow, that woman has some grip strength...

Yeah, really liking how this was finally revealed. Practical, even if it still provides the problem of turning around in a crowd. :)

I think this may also be the most rugged that sword has ever appeared...

Some great artwork - I look forward to seeing it "in the paper"! :)

We here at Paizo HQ are deep in the throes of birthing a number of incredible products for release at Gen Con in August

Please tell me this includes Bestiary 4! :P

Shadow Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

MJinthePitt wrote:
Ahhhh, so THAT is how you sling a greatsword! And now we know.

Actually, it isn't a greatsword. If you check out her stats, she uses a large-sized bastard sword, complete with the -2 penalty for swinging that 2d8 sword around. :D

Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
MJinthePitt wrote:
Ahhhh, so THAT is how you sling a greatsword! And now we know.
Actually, it isn't a greatsword. If you check out her stats, she uses a large-sized bastard sword, complete with the -2 penalty for swinging that 2d8 sword around. :D

Ugh, now I'm extremely disappointed. I wish I'd known that when I stat'ed out my barbarian. Oh well, in my group's imagination ... that's what a greatsword looks like.

EDIT: Actually this post - Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #10 has it listed as a +4 frost keen adamantine greatsword ... and that's what I'd initially stat'ed my character with.

The Exchange 4/5

Sincubus wrote:
We here at Paizo HQ are deep in the throes of birthing a number of incredible products for release at Gen Con in August

Please tell me this includes Bestiary 4! :P

And bestiary boxes for 2 and 3!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Sincubus wrote:
We here at Paizo HQ are deep in the throes of birthing a number of incredible products for release at Gen Con in August

Please tell me this includes Bestiary 4! :P

It won't. We know the products that will be coming out at Gencon, and B4 isn't amongst them.

We can't be too far off the October products going up though, which I'm guessing is 50% likely to make you happy (with the other 50% coming a month later)

Shadow Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

MJinthePitt wrote:
Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
MJinthePitt wrote:
Ahhhh, so THAT is how you sling a greatsword! And now we know.
Actually, it isn't a greatsword. If you check out her stats, she uses a large-sized bastard sword, complete with the -2 penalty for swinging that 2d8 sword around. :D

Ugh, now I'm extremely disappointed. I wish I'd known that when I stat'ed out my barbarian. Oh well, in my group's imagination ... that's what a greatsword looks like.

EDIT: Actually this post - Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #10 has it listed as a +4 frost keen adamantine greatsword ... and that's what I'd initially stat'ed my character with.

Interesting. I was going off of Second Darkness where in the back of the books she has a large bastards sword. They must have changed it for that, and then changed back since now the NPC Codex has her starting with a large bastard sword too. <shrug>

" she came to an immense body at the foot of a cliff—the giant had fallen to his death weeks before, and at his side lay his immense bastard sword. "

It canonically is a Large Bastard Sword.

A Real-Life Greatsword can be carried on the waist like a Longsword. Though they typically are carried on the Back.

Also, I love how the Statues are fitting to the Legend of the Maiden, Mother, [&] Crone.

5/5 5/55/55/5

I don't know why people say they didn't scabbard greatswords or claymores. If half the people at ren faires can figure out 6 different ways to leave their hands free when walking around with the blasted things I'm sure the folks who made a living tromping 20 miles a day with them did as well.

Only 6 Ways? My Group alone has figured out 13 ways in the last minute.

The Exchange 5/5

Really stunning artworks, all... breath-taking.

So, this is going to sound petty...

I wish the sword and board figure had armor on the tops of the feet. Greek Hoplites often only had one armored leg (the left one, the one forward, and below the shield when fighting) - but even they knew to armor the top of the foot. Otherwise the enemy spikes you to the ground with a spear thrust and all you get to do is run in circles... if you can stand at all.

I can understand the lack of a helmet - artistic licence and all that - show off the face. But... armored feet! at least steel toed boots!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
nosig wrote:
at least steel toed boots!

Maybe they are armored, but under the leather. And I think Mithral toed boots would be better ;)

The Exchange 5/5

Dragnmoon wrote:
nosig wrote:
at least steel toed boots!
Maybe they are armored, but under the leather. And I think Mithral toed boots would be better ;)

maybe - but with that style of armor I think they would be over the foot - like the greaves are. Perhaps hinged and attached to the shin piece?

and as for material? Adamantine, for kicking your way thru walls! Doors! Mooks! Who cares if the boots are light and silvery? Not heavy armored sword swingers! And we'll put something eye catching engraved on them. That way when you look down to see what exactly my boot says, I'll plant my sword in your forehead!

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