Pathfinder Battles Preview: Cosmic Horror Halloween!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Halloween is less than a week away, so it's finally time to deliver on the cosmic horror I've been teasing for the last several weeks.

You've already seen the enormous Gug, which I've included again below since it is so awesome and fits the theme so well.

But the Gug is only one of THREE "mythos" monsters included in January's Shattered Star set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures. He happens to be the largest (by far), but he has plenty of company when it comes to monsters inspired by the writings of legendary horror author H.P. Lovecraft and his circle of author friends from the early 20th Century. Lovecraft is a bit of a patron saint as we approach Halloween (and just about every day of the year around Paizo, truth be told), and we've been incorporating creatures he imagined in the 20s and 30s into Pathfinder from the very start.

The Shattered Star set is no exception! Behold, the insidious Nightgaunt, terror of the darkened skies!

This horrifying creature came straight from Lovecraft's mind, making its most notable appearance in his epic "Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath," one of the great author's more fantastical yarns.

In the words of the master:

"Suddenly, without a warning sound in the dark, Carter felt his curved scimitar drawn stealthily out of his belt by some unseen hand. Then he heard it clatter down over the rocks below. And between him and the Milky Way he thought he saw a very terrible outline of something noxiously thin and horned and tailed and bat-winged. Other things, too, had begun to blot out patches of stars west of him, as if a flock of vague entities were flapping thickly and silently out of that inaccessible cave in the face of the precipice. Then a sort of cold rubbery arm seized his neck and something else seized his feet, and he was lifted inconsiderately up and swung about in space. Another minute and the stars were gone, and Carter knew that the night-gaunts had got him."

WizKids did a marvelous job on this figure. The sheen on its very dark blue hide looks rubbery and cold. They captured the nightgaunt's bat-wings and noxious thinness very, very well. You definitely don't want to get scooped up by these guys on some moonless Golarion night.

The nightgaunts appear in the fifth installment of the Shattered Star Adventure Path, "Into the Nightmare Rift." And I'm happy to say that they don't invade Golarion in this one, mostly because the player characters instead have to go to their vile home dimension of Leng!

Next up this week, we round out our cosmic horror with a creature created by one of Lovecraft's friends and collaborators, Frank Belknap Long. I speak of course of the legendary Hounds of Tindalos, from Long's 1931 story of the same name. The Hounds also appear in Lovecraft's "The Whisperer in Darkness," published the same year.

Belknap Long's terrifying Hounds of Tindalos dwell in the very distant past, and access the present through the angles of time to menace folk with their canine bodies and evil, hollow tongues designed for draining bodily fluids. They secrete a strange blue ichor from their hides. From the story:

"They are lean and athirst!" he shrieked... "All the evil in the universe was concentrated in their lean, hungry bodies. Or had they bodies? I saw them only for a moment, I cannot be certain." — Frank Belknap Long, "The Hounds of Tindalos"

Well, Frank, they have bodies, complete with gross backwards-bending legs and nasty claws. And they're coming your way in the Shattered Star Adventure Path!

So that's it for this week! Two terrible cosmic horrors from the depths of the mythos come to menace your campaigns.

I'd say that their incursion into your games counts as both a trick and a treat!

Happy Halloween, everyone!

Erik Mona

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star
Liberty's Edge

The gug is one of the miniatures I want to write encounters for. Nightgaunt will have some utility I think.

These are awesome. Some of my favorite pf battles minis so far.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hounds of Tindalos. Oh, yes.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Man am I tickled to see the Nightgaunt. Great looking stuff!

Grand Lodge

Creepy goodness!

Monsters never before seen in PPM is always a cool thing.

And thanks for quoting Lovecraft and Long. It adds perspective.

Grand Lodge

These minis all look great! I can't wait to put the gug down and watch the colour drain from my player's faces!

I know the gug is a "large" mini; can you tell us the size of the other two?

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

They're essentially man-sized, so Medium. Nightgaunt is a little taller than the average human figure, while the hound is perhaps the same size as the wolf from Heroes & Monsters.

Grand Lodge

Is there any Monsters we can use in anything but Shattered Star? The ones I've seen so far aren't very useful. Are all miniature sets going to be tied to specific campaigns. As GMs we need the everyday monsters we are missing. Had to buy some D&D figs off a guy at a con to fill in spots you seem to be ignoring. Heck we don't even have a full set of iconics yet. How about some very basic common sets we could buy. Like all the familairs, Animals, basic undead and so on. I know they would sale. I want one of each. How about some oozes. I know you can only do so much, but I know the iconics would sell.

Very happy to see some Hounds of Tindalos, especially since I'll need a few for my current RotRL campaign as well.

Somehow I feel like there are things here I wasn't meant to know o.O

While the others look good, the Hounds of Tindal just are awsome.

Thanks once again for showing us this preview.

I don't remember there being any hounds of Tindalos in "The Whisperer in Darkness". Only mi-go in that story.

Are the hounds lean and athirst?

Dark Archive

As a big fan of the Lovecraft literature, this is everything I could have ever hoped (nightmared?) for in a preview. Cannot wait to get my grubby little claws on these.

Liberty's Edge

bladen wrote:
Is there any Monsters we can use in anything but Shattered Star? The ones I've seen so far aren't very useful. Are all miniature sets going to be tied to specific campaigns. As GMs we need the everyday monsters we are missing. Had to buy some D&D figs off a guy at a con to fill in spots you seem to be ignoring. Heck we don't even have a full set of iconics yet. How about some very basic common sets we could buy. Like all the familairs, Animals, basic undead and so on. I know they would sale. I want one of each. How about some oozes. I know you can only do so much, but I know the iconics would sell.

They've now had two iconics each in RR and SS(in addition to the 5 made before that). It's also hard to package a familiar/animal bunch without having done the requisite molds first. In order to package/repaint/resell they need to add a few each set. (Vic has answered a thousand times why non blind packs are more expensive) they could at this point do a goblin package and have it be very well received. Also this set has a couple of really useful undead, go check out the gallery at

bladen wrote:
Is there any Monsters we can use in anything but Shattered Star? The ones I've seen so far aren't very useful. Are all miniature sets going to be tied to specific campaigns. As GMs we need the everyday monsters we are missing. Had to buy some D&D figs off a guy at a con to fill in spots you seem to be ignoring. Heck we don't even have a full set of iconics yet. How about some very basic common sets we could buy. Like all the familairs, Animals, basic undead and so on. I know they would sale. I want one of each. How about some oozes. I know you can only do so much, but I know the iconics would sell.

I'm sure the miniatures sets all have a mix of monsters, though each set follows a specific theme of the adventure it's named after. The Hound of Tindalos and the Gug are both in the Bestiaries so they're good for general use as those creatures too. I haven't picked up any of the Pathfinder Battles miniatures yet, but the gug and hound of tindalos are tempting me, and the nightgaunt might if I knew I had stats for it.

I think it's s safe expectation that miniature sets will be a mix of standard monsters and exotic monsters. As more sets come out, more standard monsters will fill in gaps, and more exotic monsters will too.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

As someone who is not doing the APs right now I admit there has been one or two monsters I did not need. But I would say I have not had any issue with the sets so far. They have had lots of cool figures.

I also do not think it is bad for me to rethink the monsters I use. I find I have used some just because I had figures for them.


I still thank that Gug is fantastic.

The others new ones, though, I'm not sure I like as much (judging from the previews; they always might be way better in real life).

The Nightgaunt just doesn't seem quite weird enough. It looks too classically demon-like to me, just with a blank head. It's a cool looking mini -- I especially like the wing shape -- but I'd like it more as some kind of devil rather than a Nightgaunt.

The Hound...honestly, I wish it looked a little bit less like a "hound". I do think the legs are fairly cool, but it could have maybe used a few more of them. But the main thing is, I don't like the face. It looks way too "normal", like any other creature. Two eyes and a mouth with teeth and a tongue.

I have always thought the Hounds of Tyndalos shouldn't look much like any real creature. They're supposed to be from the "angles" of the universe, while absolutely everything we're familiar with is supposed to be from the "curves." So I don't think they should just look like ugly dinosaurs with funny legs.


bladen wrote:
Is there any Monsters we can use in anything but Shattered Star? The ones I've seen so far aren't very useful. Are all miniature sets going to be tied to specific campaigns. As GMs we need the everyday monsters we are missing. Had to buy some D&D figs off a guy at a con to fill in spots you seem to be ignoring. Heck we don't even have a full set of iconics yet. How about some very basic common sets we could buy. Like all the familairs, Animals, basic undead and so on. I know they would sale. I want one of each. How about some oozes. I know you can only do so much, but I know the iconics would sell.

Gugs and hounds both show up in at least 1 other adventure path. I think hounds are also in a module. Derro Show up in 2 other adventure paths and at least 4 PFS scenarios, same for Mites, Elementals are all over the place, as are Golems/Trolls/Hillgiants/Mummies

As of today, we have seen 26 minis from this set. 7 are not printed as enemies in other paizo products (5 of them are only used in Shattered star, and 2 iconics - of those 5, 2 of them have stats in a bestiary).

Remember, Erik is also trying to satisfy beginner minis buys as well as those who have every D&D mini produced. Personally, unless it has replay value, I don't want to see any PC races... But I know that newer collectors need them to fill their collections out

I don't really like Mini's, not because they are ugly or anything, they are always so cool and beautiful, but more because I want everything, I can't stand collections that aren't complete and I have such a feeling we never gonna get a Alraune and other such rarer enemies as minatures and so it will always feel like my collection is incomplete... too bad, if all monsters of paizo EVER would be minimized I would be the first to buy sets, also don't like the random stuff.

Anyway these three are REALLY awesome! Would really be cool for my room!

Also cool to see the Nightgaunt being here! I hope to see them that way in the bestiary! And that hound of tindalos is very different from the one in the bestiary? Does that mean their artwork has changed?

Anyway good job on these!

Well this blog post confirmed my interest in this set..

Grand Lodge

Well I own maybe 5 total Wizards of the Coast minis. Since I quit D&D with 4th ed. Until pathfinder I didn't think there was any hope. As a GM I need more basic monsters. And I need them in bulk, not 1 or 2 per case. I got one ghoul in the last case. Make us some core monster and animals packs. Call it Minions 1,2,3,4 whatever. Make an undead pack full of undead like ghouls, zombies, skeletons etc. Wold love to see a goblin pack with same figures maybe painted different.

Granted the line hasnt really kicked into gear yet, but you should keep an eye out for Pathfinder Battles Encounter Packs. It sounds like they'll be exactly what you're looking for.

Steve Geddes wrote:
Granted the line hasnt really kicked into gear yet, but you should keep an eye out for Pathfinder Battles Encounter Packs. It sounds like they'll be exactly what you're looking for.

I wanted one of these and my local store said they can't get them. I try to support the FLGS when I can. Are they exclusive to the Paizo site?

I dont think so.

Pretty sure I've seen them at my local gaming shop. The shopkeeper might be confused between the encounter packs and the Heroes and Monsters set - as I understand things Wizkidz produced enough to meet preorders and no more, so if the store didnt preorder them they might struggle to find stock now.

Having said all of that - I'm no insider, so treat it as no better than mildly informed opinion.. :p

danielc wrote:
I wanted one of these and my local store said they can't get them. I try to support the FLGS when I can. Are they exclusive to the Paizo site?

I have definitely seen them in stores, and on both coasts (Aero Hobbies in Los Angeles, and Compleat Strategist in New York). Why your store can't get them (if that is in fact the case), I have no idea.

Thanks Guys, I will call around then. it might just be the distributer they use or something else. They are normally good at getting me what I want.

An encounter pack with skeletons, mummies and ghouls would be great! But last I heard, it sounds like there was a re-think on how the encounter packs were going to be offered (possibly adlargest bigger type lminis). Has anyone heard anything lately?

Paizo Employee CEO

danielc wrote:
Thanks Guys, I will call around then. it might just be the distributer they use or something else. They are normally good at getting me what I want.

It is almost certainly related to the distributor. Only Alliance, the biggest distributor and the one WizKids has an exclusive with, had the Encounter Pack. So if you FLGS doesn't do business with Alliance, then they probably can't get that pack.


Smexy preview. The hounds look extra creepy!


Lisa Stevens wrote:
danielc wrote:
Thanks Guys, I will call around then. it might just be the distributer they use or something else. They are normally good at getting me what I want.

It is almost certainly related to the distributor. Only Alliance, the biggest distributor and the one WizKids has an exclusive with, had the Encounter Pack. So if you FLGS doesn't do business with Alliance, then they probably can't get that pack.


Vic also confirmed that the Champions of Evil encounter pack was sold out @ Alliance on June 4th Here

Lisa Stevens wrote:

It is almost certainly related to the distributor. Only Alliance, the biggest distributor and the one WizKids has an exclusive with, had the Encounter Pack. So if you FLGS doesn't do business with Alliance, then they probably can't get that pack.


Thanks Lisa. I did ask who he uses and he did say Alliance. He showed me it was not listed on the Alliance order system. So no support for my FLGS today. Oh well, I tried.

Grand Lodge

At least you can now support the company that inspired Wizkid to make the miniatures. :-)

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