Advanced Race Guide: Art Preview

Thursday, April 12, 2012

We wrested our Advanced Race Guide preview back out of the hands of Tuesday's pernicious pirates. Inside this upcoming tome of cutting-edge characters and radical races you'll find all the information you need on creating members of all three of the races previewed here, along with any other exotic beings you’ve ever wanted to play or can possibly imagine. Check back next Tuesday for your first look at some of the Advanced Race Guide's new rules, with a focus on its woodsier wonders...

Really this time.

Illustrations by Ben Wootten, Anna Christenson and Rayph Beisner

F. Wesley Schneider
Managing Editor

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Tags: Anna Christenson Ben Wootten Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Rayph Beisner
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Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Centaur Cavalier, Elf Druid with a Plant companion (Leshy?), and... whatever that last one is. OK, what the heck IS that last one?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I've always wanted to play a Carnifex!

Sovereign Court

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Whatever the Mystery Race is, I want to play one.

Like, immediately.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

"MysteryRace.jpg", eh? What a tease!

Grand Lodge

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Calm down PFS players, this one will NEVER see the light of day!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Jiggy wrote:
"MysteryRace.jpg", eh? What a tease!

They've gotten trickier over the years with the art teasers. Used to be so easy to just read the file name...

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Matthew Morris wrote:

I see someone watches Transformers Prime. :)

Lantern Lodge

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:
I see someone watches Transformers Prime. :)

Or, Like me, he's old enough to have owned the original insecticon toys from the 80's :)

So I'm not sure what the "Mystery Race" is, but I know in my Rise of the Runelords or Jade Regent campaign, if one wandered into Sandpoint, it better be really good at diplomacy, have the run feat, or otherwise really enjoy a life spent inside the local jail cell.

Or, if in Ustalav, it better be immune to fire and pitchforks. Player character races with strange "alien" morphologies tend to have problems in a world filled with magical monsters, and where the "standard" races are all generally humanoid.

That said, they would fit in very well in the Darklands.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:
I see someone watches Transformers Prime. :)

They had Insecticons back in the original series.

Actually come to think of it, it might have been G2.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, I still have a G1 Shrapnel and Bombshell packed up in a box somewhere. But the cartoon TPrime Insecticon looks a lot more like the Mystery Race than the G1 Insecticons.

Screw the insect thing, I want to learn about that druid archetype.

Kassegore wrote:
Or, Like me, he's old enough to have owned the original insecticon toys from the 80's :)

I have my three orginal G1s on display inside my transformers display case.

Cheapy wrote:
Screw the insect thing, I want to learn about that druid archetype.

Screw the druid archetype; I want to play the little tree guy!

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

11 people marked this as a favorite.
Ambrus wrote:
Screw the druid archetype

*looks at picture*

I daresay you'd get some takers on that...

Dark Archive

Centaur anatomy has always puzzled me. Do they have one big set of lungs in their upper torso, and their entire digestive system in their lower horse torso, with a couple of hearts, one in each torso?

Anywho, Centaur Cavalier! Whoo!

Love the little tree-dude as well. He seems like a plant companion to the elf druid, in the picture, and that's cool. I like the idea of a druid having an animated plant companion!

Mystery race is mysterious. Those extra tiny arms seem like they might be useful for holding potions or whatnot, in combat. "Do I have a free hand? Why yes, I have *four* free hands, why do you ask?"

Sovereign Court

The thing on the right looks like Hugo Solis drew it, just reminds me of his style.

the mystery race is a little bit too "modern" for my taste, but I'm looking forward to everything in the book, especially that cute little wood-golem/plant companion. Does it remind anyone else of revenge of the killer tomatoes? (that cute little female tomatoe tree or whatever)

Scarab Sages

Azmyth wrote:
Calm down PFS players, this one will NEVER see the light of day!

I was just thinking if this was going to be legal for PFS play.

Finally, something besides another humanoid; now I want this book more than ever.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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Actually, both.

(SO sad that Breakdown got killed. Kind of wanted to see him on the side of the angels).

My guess, is that unknown is from the 'create your own race' section.

I'm guessing that the mystery race is one of the sample races used in the build-a-race chapter.

(Also, it's humanoid.)


Set wrote:
Those extra tiny arms seem like they might be useful for holding potions or whatnot, in combat. "Do I have a free hand? Why yes, I have *four* free hands, why do you ask?"

Huh. You think those are hands.


well they look exactly like the "hands" of a tyrannosaurus rex.

It's a JamesJacobsian!

Shadow Lodge

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Those things on the "mystery race" aren't its extra hands - they're Kuato.

It'seems like the mystery race has a lower mandible on his belly. Maybe those arms/hands are feeding utensils. He looks very creepy and I say he's a barbarian.

Oh Wesley, sneaking into Previews blogs and rousing up trouble and crazy theories!

Btw it could be the mystery monster is in the chapter where you can customize your own race. My quess.

Lantern Lodge

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Whatever it is, it makes me want to go play some old school Dark Sun.

It would be cool tp play a centaur.

I like the idea of a plant companion for druids.

The last one is very strange.

That little tree guy looks like my Branchling! Awesome!

Richard Leonhart wrote:
Does it remind anyone else of revenge of the killer tomatoes? (that cute little female tomatoe tree or whatever)

Actually, I was picturing it with it's five buddies joyriding around the City in a stolen pickup truck. "Weeeee!"

Set wrote:
Love the little tree-dude as well. He seems like a plant companion to the elf druid, in the picture, and that's cool.

Funny. To me it seems like the elf is the diminutive tree's cohort/gardener sidekick. And that's cool.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

What I want to know is if the rock/bug thing is the male or female example of the species...

Kieviel wrote:

What I want to know is if the rock/bug thing is the male or female example of the species...

Hmm, male or hermaphrodite... or genderless.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kieviel wrote:
What I want to know is if the rock/bug thing is the male or female example of the species...

You looking for a prom date?

Singing: She's a... BRICK. HOUSE. She's mighty mighty. She's letting it all hang out...

Silver Crusade

Those secondary arms on the Mystery Race have me really hopeful for certain Race Builder options. I have at least one race that needs a pair of those.

Kassegore wrote:

So I'm not sure what the "Mystery Race" is, but I know in my Rise of the Runelords or Jade Regent campaign, if one wandered into Sandpoint, it better be really good at diplomacy, have the run feat, or otherwise really enjoy a life spent inside the local jail cell.

Or, if in Ustalav, it better be immune to fire and pitchforks. Player character races with strange "alien" morphologies tend to have problems in a world filled with magical monsters, and where the "standard" races are all generally humanoid.

That said, they would fit in very well in the Darklands.

Alternately, that race could fit in perfectly in other settings where they may not be an unusual sight at all. The Advenced Race Guide isn't setting-specific, but is a supposed to be a general-use product to help folks build their own races most likely for their own worlds or their own takes on pre-existing settings.

Got a lot of hopes tied into this book. :)

Silver Crusade

Ambrus wrote:

Set wrote:
Love the little tree-dude as well. He seems like a plant companion to the elf druid, in the picture, and that's cool.
Funny. To me it seems like the elf is the diminutive tree's cohort/gardener sidekick. And that's cool.

Or treeguy with a druid bodyguard!

Very nice art although i have to ask for something:
For the humanoid races, big breasts.
Sure Paizo hasn't let us down in that regard but i feel the need to ask for it.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
leo1925 wrote:

Very nice art although i have to ask for something:

For the humanoid races, big breasts.
Sure Paizo hasn't let us down in that regard but i feel the need to ask for it.

Yeah, cause all women have big boobs, right?

Gorbacz wrote:
leo1925 wrote:

Very nice art although i have to ask for something:

For the humanoid races, big breasts.
Sure Paizo hasn't let us down in that regard but i feel the need to ask for it.

Yeah, cause all women have big boobs, right?

Maybe s/he meant no lolis.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Ambrus wrote:
Kieviel wrote:
What I want to know is if the rock/bug thing is the male or female example of the species...

You looking for a prom date?

Singing: She's a... BRICK. HOUSE. She's mighty mighty. She's letting it all hang out...

I'm pretty sure that she could handle anyone who would ridicule us :-)

Belle Mythix wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
leo1925 wrote:

Very nice art although i have to ask for something:

For the humanoid races, big breasts.
Sure Paizo hasn't let us down in that regard but i feel the need to ask for it.

Yeah, cause all women have big boobs, right?

Maybe s/he meant no lolis.

First of all i don't know what lolis means.


leo1925 wrote:
Belle Mythix wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
leo1925 wrote:

Very nice art although i have to ask for something:

For the humanoid races, big breasts.
Sure Paizo hasn't let us down in that regard but i feel the need to ask for it.

Yeah, cause all women have big boobs, right?

Maybe s/he meant no lolis.

First of all i don't know what lolis means.


Lolis +/-= Little girls/young looking girls

Yeah i prefer the artwork showing more women and less loli.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Maybe the elf is really a dryad, and that's her tree?

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Set wrote:
Those extra tiny arms seem like they might be useful for holding potions or whatnot, in combat. "Do I have a free hand? Why yes, I have *four* free hands, why do you ask?"

Huh. You think those are hands.


Oh god they're bug udders.

Maybe that is not an elf but a elf like giant and the plant companion is actually a treant;)

Well technically Lini is a Loli.

I wouldn't mind some well endowed female Lashunta. But your not going to find too many big busted gnomes, halflings, or even elves. Of course dwarves and Half-orcs might be different though.

Fabius Maximus wrote:
Maybe the elf is really a dryad, and that's her tree?

That sir, is an awesome idea. Kudos.

Centaur Cavalier.
The answer to the prayer of all those players whose GM used to force them to dismount.
The sorrow of a new wave of whines from GMs who can't have normal PCs in their daily dungeon and can't randomly kill a mount which was left at its entrance.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Centaur Cavalier, reminds me of the old Shining Force games.

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