Dragon78 |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

What no Advance Races preview, for this insult I should cancel my subscription. We haven't even gotten a real preview for the Advanced races book yet. We have three of the five blogs are things I could really care less about, I don't collect minitures anymore, I don't read the short stories, and I don't care much for pathfinder society play, so that only leaves two possible blogs of interest a week.

Azure_Zero |

What no Advance Races preview, for this insult I should cancel my subscription. We haven't even gotten a real preview for the Advanced races book yet. We have three of the five blogs are things I could really care less about, I don't collect minitures anymore, I don't read the short stories, and I don't care much for pathfinder society play, so that only leaves two possible blogs of interest a week.
I happen to agree with Dragon78
In fact I cancelled my subscription, a week or two ago.
Why? I don't like pirates, and sea battles

Chris Lambertz |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

What no Advance Races preview, for this insult I should cancel my subscription. We haven't even gotten a real preview for the Advanced races book yet. We have three of the five blogs are things I could really care less about, I don't collect minitures anymore, I don't read the short stories, and I don't care much for pathfinder society play, so that only leaves two possible blogs of interest a week.
We've had a few tidbits about the ARG in the blog, but we're still a fair bit away from its release. However, if you have any suggestions or opinions you'd like to share about the blogs, please feel free to post in the Website Feedback forum.

Zaister |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Well, everyone's tastes are different. I couldn't care less about another ARG preview, the book holds no interest for me. And this is finally another AP I look forward to after two APs I didn't care for. So, hooray!

Azure_Zero |

I'm sort of with Zaister on this one - if I have to choose between Golarion-stuff or rulebook-stuff, I prefer the setting stuff.
"To each their own" - Unknown
I like both the rule books and the setting, but do tend more towards the rule books, and if a setting book contains game play content (feats, spells, archetypes etc) I give it a bit more value than a core rule book.

F. Wesley Schneider Contributor |

What no Advance Races preview, for this insult I should cancel my subscription... etc.
You'll get plenty of ARG preview in the coming days and weeks, rest well assured. That product isn't intended for release for some time still, so don't worry, we'll make sure all of our babies get the requisite amount of love. A bit later this week even! (As noted.)
As for things being a bit different than you expected. Well. That's pirates for ya.

Jam412 |

I started reading this and had to stop myself because I seriously don't want to lose interest in the Jade Reagent game that I just started running. You guys and gals do such a great job on these players guides.

Justin Franklin |

"Another ARG preview" we can hardley say we had one yet let alone say "darn I wish they would stop". Besides APs do not need previews, you are ether going to buy them when you hear about them or not at all.
I am going to guess that it is because the ARG doesn't release for TWO MONTHS.

Zark |

I started reading this and had to stop myself because I seriously don't want to lose interest in the Jade Reagent game that I just started running. You guys and gals do such a great job on these players guides.
The carrion crown player's guide was just awesome, but Skull & Shackles Player's Guide is even more fantastic. I hope Paizo will release an updated players guide of Kingmaker to match these two guides!
Neil Spicer Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Dragon78 wrote:"Another ARG preview" we can hardley say we had one yet let alone say "darn I wish they would stop". Besides APs do not need previews, you are ether going to buy them when you hear about them or not at all.I am going to guess that it is because the ARG doesn't release for TWO MONTHS.
I'm guessing it has more to do with the fact that the acronym for the Advanced Race Guide sounds like something a pirate would say. "ARG!" Yes, it needs more "R's" and it might not actually need the "G"...but it's still rather ironic that it reads the same. No wonder the pirates commandeered the blog. The ARG practically summoned them!

Dr. Johnny Fever |
I'm really trying hard not to imagine how the guy who takes the Dockside Brawler trait sneaks brass knuckles into captivity with him.
...Visions of Christopher Walken giving young Bruce Willis his dad's watch back in Pulp Fiction are coming to mind...
Then again, they let the oracle keep her gold-plated hat and gown, so who knows....

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ARGGGGG An equal share of Grog to all me'harties
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We pillage plunder, we rifle and loot.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We extort and pilfer, we filch and sack.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
Maraud and embezzle and even highjack.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We kindle and char and in flame and ignite.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
We burn up the city, we're really a fright.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
We're rascals and scoundrels, we're villians and knaves.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
We're devils and black sheep, we're really bad eggs.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
We're beggars and blighters and ne'er do-well cads,
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
Aye, but we're loved by our mommies and dads,
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.

Lord Fyre RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |

We've had a few tidbits about the ARG in the blog, but we're still a fair bit away from its release. However, if you have any suggestions or opinions you'd like to share about the blogs, please feel free to post in the Website Feedback forum.
Done! :)

Chris Lambertz |

TechLee wrote:Anyone else having trouble printing the guide? I'm getting an error about no pages being selected. :(I had the same problem using Adobe. I switched to another pdf reader called Foxit, and had no problems.
We think we've narrowed down the problem. Once it's fixed, there will be an email telling you it has been updated.

Devastation Bob |

I miss the multi-paragraph descriptions on what races are like in the setting of the AP.
I wasn't feeling particularly inspired after reading this. The campaign traits seemed a little flat too. I guess with everyone being a pirate there's only so much you can do, but after the last several Player's Guides, this was a letdown to me.

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Stand fast, ye hearty bastards! Don't let the gutless scalawags deter ya from yer fate!

vikingson |

Ice Titan wrote:I miss the multi-paragraph descriptions on what races are like in the setting of the AP.+1
I wasn't feeling particularly inspired after reading this. The campaign traits seemed a little flat too. I guess with everyone being a pirate there's only so much you can do, but after the last several Player's Guides, this was a letdown to me.
^ this. Plus the artwork was... distracting. Cover : +, Buccaneer : +, the rest.... meh ! Especially the utterly silly ships. Or the even more absurd rules for upgrading ships... "p**p my float" anyone ?
"Movable deck" ? Was someone channeling too much 007 ?And as for players : Most asked for more "tourist" information on Ilizmagorti or Port Peril. Nevermind the campaign traits really giving away the "starting twist" of the initial adventure.

Jeffrey Palmer |

Ice Titan wrote:I miss the multi-paragraph descriptions on what races are like in the setting of the AP.+1
I wasn't feeling particularly inspired after reading this. The campaign traits seemed a little flat too. I guess with everyone being a pirate there's only so much you can do, but after the last several Player's Guides, this was a letdown to me.
Yeah, I really miss the more extensive description of races and classes in context. That was what always got my character creation juices flowing. Seeing all of that excellent material reduced to half of a page wasn't great. While I'm still very excited about this adventure path, the player's guide's focus on naval combat wasn't what I was looking for.

![]() |

Yeah, I really miss the more extensive description of races and classes in context. That was what always got my character creation juices flowing. Seeing all of that excellent material reduced to half of a page wasn't great. While I'm still very excited about this adventure path, the player's guide's focus on naval combat wasn't what I was looking for.
Agreed. The AP looks awesome, and the Traits are very nice and thematic, but the Player's Guide as a whole feels really lacking without the per race/class breakdown on what's going on (which also almost always included some of the best hints for what the AP was actually gonna be like).
Especially since I think that would've been really useful for, say, Cavaliers and ahving a mount on shipboard. Or how many Dwarves there are in the Shackles. And so on and so forth.

Kajehase |

Nevermind the campaign traits really giving away the "starting twist" of the initial adventure.
Huh? The various design-talk about Skulls & Shackles have been pretty much entirely open about the first adventuring starting with the players already having been press-ganged onto a pirate ship from almost as far back as the first mention of this being a pirate adventure path. It's not so much a reveal as saving the GM the trouble of pointing it out.