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Sharoth wrote:WHIMPS!!! All of you at Paizo are complete and total Whimps! ~basks in the 68 degree temperature of sunny Savannah, GA~ Letting a little bit of snow cause such problems. ~sneers in contempt~ I expect better out of you all.
~grins and runs~
PSHAW! PSHAW I SAW! 1/4 inch of snow in georgia and the whole STATE IS CRIPPLED!
I experienced the winter ice storm we had in Atlanta last year. You know, the one with one inch of ice on one day that closed the city down for a week. And I drove in that all 5 days as I was on patrol with the rest of the police department.
You will notice, that photo Sean posted a link to with the bus. That bus had chains on the tires and still slid down.
I put chains on my truck and almost made it up the hill. I was 50 yards short of the top before my truck saw ice yetis and decided to full defensive withdraw. Luckily no attacks of opportunity.
By the way, it is starting to snow again and winter warning just extended until 4 am tomorrow morning :)

Matrixryu |

Granting of PDFs is intimately tied to the shipping of the books. We've gotten some out already and we will be getting the remainder out as soon as possible.
I was afraid that this was the case, but it was worth a try. Thanks for the clarification. I'll have to hope that things have returned to normal tomorrow ;)
Judy - that video is crazy XD

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yeah.. I'm in the "Sandhills" area of South Carolina. only it's not that hilly but very sandy. only 100+ in the summer time probably why I look like a genie. I don't that crappy type of weather.. used to live in Boston/southern Nh/southern maine areas. don't miss that either. I would never move back and I don't think I'll ever move to Seattle. I'll take my chances with the Tornadoes and occasional visits of the Tropical Storm & hurricane.

Samnell |

Judy Bauer wrote:...This was the storm that trapped Wes in the office last Thanksgiving...Was that when we were privileged to witness firsthand Wes' slow descent into madness as isolation and the triops chipped away at his sanity?
That was fun!
I think it was also the one where Sutter came close to being trapped with him and there was brief discussion of the ship names that would have been inspired by their sharing the office couch.
But there was also a storm where several people were snowed in at the office. Maybe that was the year prior.

Samnell |

Well if your stuck in your apartments/houses and run out of food, be careful to avoid the curse of the Wendigo. Those spouses/children/family members are starting to look pretty savoury and flavourful..........
Spouses, children, and assorted family members? An embarrassment of riches! The curse of the Wendigo must be indecision. :)

Sharoth |

Sharoth wrote:Dear Paizo, I TOTALLY WANT free, loose, hungry rot grubs to be included in my next subscription mailing.You WANT rot grubs in your subscription package, you say? Okay! Who are we to argue?
Bring it on, big boy! You send me rot grubs and I will send you kittens. Besides, I have read How to eat fried Rot Grubs before. In my case it is a win / win situation.

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C'mon you have one of the REI flagship stores in Seattle, lol! For those of you in "Paizo East" there's always snow shoes, cross country skis, or dog sleds.
Thankfully there's only a dusting of powdered sugar here in Detroit Vrock City. It's been a roller coaster of tempretures just this WEEK! Sunday and Monday 20s with light snow, tuesday 50s and rain, wednesday and today 20s and light snow. The weather is downright bi-polar (pun intended).
--Vrock Salt

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Renraku wrote:Though it could be worse, I have a friend up in Issaquah without power. You all have emergency generators for writing/editing right? :)Printouts and flashlights are a lot like generators, right? <_<
Our power's been flickering this morning, so I'm keeping my laptop charging as long as possible. If it goes out, I'll have to strap snowshoes on the cats before herding them onto the treadmill that serves as our backup power source.
Ugh. Hope the power is back on steady for you. Reminds me of winter here in Dallas two years ago. My lights (during a large snowstorm for us) seemed to dim. Then, all power was lost. I thought, "Hey, should be a few hours and all will be restored." It was 5 (five!!) days without power in my hood until all was restored.
Stay warm all. Keep the cats warmed up in the on-deck circle.

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For reference, here's what the unplowed, unsalted, and unsanded Seattle hills are like when it's snowy/icy: link—check out the bus at 2:42. This was the storm that trapped Wes in the office last Thanksgiving. That hill continues down for another mile down to Puget Sound, and some of the streets along it have a 20+ % grade. AFTER regrading.
That reminds me of the huge pileup here in Colorado just over a year ago.

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Jesus F Christ, Americans! You don't know how to handle snow! Over here, we don't have Zambonis. If it snows, we FIGHT it. We draw out our bottles of spirytus (99% alcohol, sold commercially, vodka ain't got a thing on it), we set them on fire and we FIGHT THE SNOW. We burn it, we shove it, we hit yetis on the head with road signs, we FIGHT. I dare you, I double dare you, I triple doggammit dare you, FIGHT (and get my subs sent out while at it!).

Mordo |

Edit- Looking at Sean's pics reminded me of something I have missed since leaving Crater Lake... Snow Chains!! ytf MN doesn't allow them is beyond me
Actually, 4 months of chain use will deteriorate the roads real bad. Winter tires are a more effective way to drive safely in winter.

Anguish |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Paizo staff, here's a big Canadian "stay safe" well-wish to all of you.
You're spot on about the physicality of your area making all the difference. Where I'm at, we're used to basically what you've got now, through most of January through March. Thing is... here's it's the flattest area you can find. No hills, no valleys, no third dimension for a couple hundred kilometers. Despite that, and despite "knowing how to drive", when it's slick, getting up and down my driveway can be entertaining. And that's with snow tires. And maybe a 5 degree incline.
I wouldn't trade with you folks.
So stay warm, stay healthy, and wait it out. My big-butt January shipment isn't urgent. I've waited this long for the minis... what's another few days? Especially when compared to the inconvenience the weather's throwing your way.

F. Wesley Schneider Contributor |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |

Judy Bauer wrote:...This was the storm that trapped Wes in the office last Thanksgiving...Was that when we were privileged to witness firsthand Wes' slow descent into madness as isolation and the triops chipped away at his sanity?
That was fun!
Why are people "Favoriting" this post!?!
My slow descent into madness needs no extra encouragement!

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I feel like there's a story I'm missing about Wes. Details?
A tale of abandonment and isolation in the midst of a white, powdery hellscape of winterland wonder.

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Dear Wes,
Please don't get trapped in the Paizo building again.
You know if Wes is trapped in the office, he can pack and ship out all the pending orders (rot grubs or not). Nothing like some hard work to keep warm and all. I am good with this.

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You guys stay safe now. Over here in the Quad City are we canceled school for the first time in 19 years, so I know what you are going through. And just for the record getting snow on a regular basis does not mean the snow gets cleared any better. we have three inches of ice on the road because the snowplow drives gave the roads a trim when they needed a buzzcut.

Samnell |

Samnell wrote:I think it was also the one where Sutter came close to being trapped with him and there was brief discussion of the ship names that would have been inspired by their sharing the office couch.Still dirty.
There's nothing dirty about lovingly snuggling with a coworker for warmth when you're snowbound together. Not even if you whisper tender speculation about what your ship name should be to one another.
I mean really, if you're snowbound with someone you're that much further away from autocannibalism. Three hundred sixty-four days out of the year that's nothing to sneeze at, though understandably it's lamentable on Eat Your Own Clone Day.

Gururamalamaswami |

I was watching the news the other night (whatever one features Diane Sawyer) and they opened with a story about Seattle's big snowfall. They had live footage of one of your mile-long hills and said most of them had been closed to traffic.
Meanwhile, the camera was showing folks sledding, skiing, and snowboarding down the street. That's how much snow and how steep the hills are folks. I don't even like driving on the damn things in the summer when I go over to visit.

CapnVan |

Back in ma day, we had to get to school if the headmaster could make it to his office. And he lived on the grounds. And I carpooled with a kid who lived on a private road. At the end. All two hilly miles of it.
You ain't really lived until you've gone up a half-mile hill sideways.
Now I live in Africa. And man, is that pool calling.

sykoholic |

The whole state of Washington (yes... believe it or not, there really IS more in Washington State than just Seattle) got hit. I live in the central portion and it looks just like Cosmo's pic... minus the trees, of course. What I would really like to know is if snow can make it over the mountains, why can't rain make it over here as well?

Mordo |

/Obligatory Canadian comment: bah, that's nothing.
Then again, we're obligated to have winter tires after December 15 by our road code.
Even then it doesn't prevent bad driver from causing accident :D
Just last week I've seen an accident happened just in front of my eyes. At the intersection down the only hill we have in town, a car figured he could just turn left before the car coming in the opposite direction get by. I don't know why people believe that winter tires will get them the same grip on an icy road than on a dry roadway... In the end the car coming from the opposite direction couldn't stop hit the car turning left, which rammed into a car waiting to cross the intersection...
Also a few years ago, I lived in a town where there was a few steep hills, one next to the college where I studied that I had to drive uphill to get to the parking lot. Street light on top of the hill (you see where I'm getting to :D). So every morning was the same in winter, on a red light, cars will lined up down all the way down the hill, and as the lights turn green, there's always someone fearing that he will slide down when he'll release the brakes, just push the gas pedal to the florr, causing his wheel to spin, creating more ice under the wheels and this until his car bumps the car behind. Way too often I had to litteraly push a car up the hill with my car :( It's like nobody ever learned to use the handbrake to help you out in a hill

Dhampir984 |

Anybody got a Zamboni I can borrow? Its looking to be about the only way I could make my way to work...
So you want to make it even slicker for those behind you...? Also zambonis are horrible on anything not flat. Or smooth.

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Dear Wes,
Please don't get trapped in the Paizo building again.
We don't want anyone to have to resort to cannibalism to get through the night. :(
Dear Paizo,
Please don't let Wes get trapped in the Paizo building again.
If Wes does get trapped, will he raid Jason's beer stash?

Gururamalamaswami |

The whole state of Washington (yes... believe it or not, there really IS more in Washington State than just Seattle) got hit. I live in the central portion and it looks just like Cosmo's pic... minus the trees, of course. What I would really like to know is if snow can make it over the mountains, why can't rain make it over here as well?
Yep, over here in the Tri-Cities (Richland, Kennewick, Pasco) we had over 70 accidents reported just on Tuesday when the snow started. All day yesterday was freezing rain. Bleh.