Illustration by Klaus Scherwinski

Advanced Race Guide: Featured Races

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Now that we’re wrapping up the last of the Advanced Race Guide, we’ve decided to give you a very early sneak peek at some of its contents. While Chapter 1 covers the races in the Core Rulebook, Chapter 2: Featured Races gives more details on many popular but less common races for the game, plus game mechanics like alternate racial traits and favored class options (like you saw for the core races in the Advanced Player’s Guide) and some other neat stuff you’ll find out about later. Here’s the list of races in this chapter, each getting 6 pages:


If your favorite non-core PC race isn’t listed here, don’t worry—there are 14 races getting two pages each in Chapter 3, and the build-a-race options in Chapter 4 give you even more choices.

Sean K Reynolds

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Dark Archive

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I hope Changelings are one of the races that get a 2 page spread.

Ratfolk are getting a six page spread but not Catfolk!!!

I agree with you the Changling should be one of the 14 to get a 2 page spread.

Nice pic of a kobold by the way.

But what could the 14 be...hopefully
8)fey race
9)plant race
10)law planetouched
11)chaos planetouched

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

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Dragon, make a perception check again :)

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Wow! Thia looks to be fantastic :-)

Lantern Lodge

Why can't it be April already. I really want this book.

I could have sworn it wasn't there when I looked before.

The Changeling needs love too!!

Glad they added the Skave...I mean ratment to this list. Phew

Lantern Lodge

Dragon78 wrote:

Ratfolk are getting a six page spread but not Catfolk!!!

I agree with you the Changling should be one of the 14 to get a 2 page spread.

Nice pic of a kobold by the way.

But what could the 14 be...hopefully
8)fey race
9)plant race
10)law planetouched
11)chaos planetouched

There is also:


So the actual list could be, in no particular order:

I'm really hoping they add a point value to a lot of the already established monster abilities. I was trying to create a race with the Ettin ability superior two weapon fighting, but I'm just not sure how many points to allocate to that.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It's funny, I was actually considering temporarily suspending my rpg subscription to miss out on the race guide and equipment guide...then I went to Jason's panel at dragon*con and came out intrigued. Now, the more I hear about both books, the more excited I get for them.

The Exchange

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I hope Centaur gets a 2 page writeup...

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So Drow and Dhampir get 6 Pages, but Duergar might not even get 2!!!!!!! That's discrimination Sir!!!!!

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Kobold Power! They need more love anyway.

Love the list, now I can barely wait for information.

Liberty's Edge

Is there any word yet on how this book will affect which races are legal for PFS?

*pets his tiefling he got from a GenCon boon*

Kazarath wrote:
So Drow and Dhampir get 6 Pages, but Duergar might not even get 2!!!!!!! That's discrimination Sir!!!!!

You say that like it's a bad thing in this case.


Pygon wrote:
*pets his tiefling he got from a GenCon boon*

*crushing jealousy!* ;)

Liberty's Edge

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Pygon wrote:

Is there any word yet on how this book will affect which races are legal for PFS?

Please, please, no, no, no.


I can't wait for this to come out. New tiefling art, new fetchling art, all sorts of yummy stuff. Why can't it be April yet?

I think it's really unfortunate that the community has only the Beta-Race-Creation-Rules for 4 months more. A second round or even a little document on the final changes would be very healthy for the process going on in between now and the publication of the Advanced Race Guide. I think myriads of races created with working rules swarming around the web couldn't hurt the sales either.

Apart from this, I'm incredibly intrigued, especially by the openess in changing the Beta-Rules where they lacked according to general opinion.

Sovereign Court


I want it now,
but I know that I can't warp time or production schedules.

That and my wallet needs time to refill.

Liberty's Edge

Tengu! Hooray! Just what I need for my upcoming campaign. Here's hoping you can cleave a little closer to the mythological tengu in a way that's not entirely evil (as in the yamabushi tengu). :)

Wish there was more on kitsune and the other Asian critters (tanuki and kappa spring to mind), but we can't have everything. They may have to wait for the Dragon Empires hardcover... *cross fingers*

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

I'm torn about the duergar. While I would love to see them get the Paizo treatment, not getting an extensive write-up means more design space if a 3PP wanted to tackle them.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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La Cipolla wrote:

I think it's really unfortunate that the community has only the Beta-Race-Creation-Rules for 4 months more. A second round or even a little document on the final changes would be very healthy for the process going on in between now and the publication of the Advanced Race Guide. I think myriads of races created with working rules swarming around the web couldn't hurt the sales either.

Apart from this, I'm incredibly intrigued, especially by the openess in changing the Beta-Rules where they lacked according to general opinion.

Actually... we got a LOT of great feedback from the public playtest for those rules. Another round of playtesting would have ventured into the land of diminishing returns—for the amount of work it takes on our end to run and process feedback from a massive public playtest, the amount of additional useful information we'd gain would likely not have been worth the loss in time on other projects and the like. We've learned a LOT over the past several years about running big public playtests, after all. And multiple public playtests of material is generally NOT the best way to playtest material, alas. Public playtests are a VERY GOOD thing... but they're also really easy to get TOO much of a good thing.

I like that list, it's very good.

Yéhé, Kobold, Goblin, Orc, Hobgoblin. I'm very happy.

Ratfolk, Drow and Catfolk, ok .

The Dhampir? why not. I'm not a fan of the idea, but why not. I could discover a great treatment of that race.

Aasimar, Oread, Tiefling and the others. I'm not a fan of the Half Elf, Half Orc and others Half races, but others like them. And it could be fun to play.

I hope that we can see other races, in particular the Lizardman after the excellent description of this neutral race in Classic Monsters Revisited. A Lizardman could have his place with dwarfs, elves and halflins, for a great number of adventures.
But also, the Centaur and the Gnoll.
And the Duergar.

It seems i would buy this book as soon the french version will come.

It is a pity that none of the Dragon Empires races are getting the 6 page treatment. On the one hand they are a bit new without much recognition at this point - but on the other hand they are the core-assumption of an entire continent of the Golarion setting. I think Paizo has missed a trick here. Especially if the Dragon Empires prove popular and precipitate into a hardcover, say around 2015.

Given the popularity of ninja and samurai archetypes, I wouldn't be surprised.

Sovereign Court

I certainly hope we don't ignore the Grindylow in this Big Book of Races.

Liberty's Edge

LoreKeeper wrote:

It is a pity that none of the Dragon Empires races are getting the 6 page treatment. On the one hand they are a bit new without much recognition at this point - but on the other hand they are the core-assumption of an entire continent of the Golarion setting. I think Paizo has missed a trick here. Especially if the Dragon Empires prove popular and precipitate into a hardcover, say around 2015.

Given the popularity of ninja and samurai archetypes, I wouldn't be surprised.

I think that's likely exactly the reason they aren't getting that treatment now. If the demand is there, a hypothetical Tian Xia World Guide would be the perfect place for a 6 page writeup, which leaves more space for races that aren't likely to have another opportunity like this one again for some time, if ever.

LoreKeeper wrote:
It is a pity that none of the Dragon Empires races are getting the 6 page treatment.

Besides the tengu, anyway.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

No love for the Lizard Folk?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
LoreKeeper wrote:

It is a pity that none of the Dragon Empires races are getting the 6 page treatment. On the one hand they are a bit new without much recognition at this point - but on the other hand they are the core-assumption of an entire continent of the Golarion setting. I think Paizo has missed a trick here. Especially if the Dragon Empires prove popular and precipitate into a hardcover, say around 2015.

Given the popularity of ninja and samurai archetypes, I wouldn't be surprised.

I concur. So, here is my obligatory "+1".

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Shisumo wrote:
LoreKeeper wrote:

It is a pity that none of the Dragon Empires races are getting the 6 page treatment. On the one hand they are a bit new without much recognition at this point - but on the other hand they are the core-assumption of an entire continent of the Golarion setting. I think Paizo has missed a trick here. Especially if the Dragon Empires prove popular and precipitate into a hardcover, say around 2015.

Given the popularity of ninja and samurai archetypes, I wouldn't be surprised.

I think that's likely exactly the reason they aren't getting that treatment now. If the demand is there, a hypothetical Tian Xia World Guide would be the perfect place for a 6 page writeup, which leaves more space for races that aren't likely to have another opportunity like this one again for some time, if ever.

I would agree with your line of logic, except that Tengu ARE getting a 6-page write-up in the race guide, whereas the other races in the Dragon Empires are not.

Lantern Lodge

LoreKeeper wrote:

It is a pity that none of the Dragon Empires races are getting the 6 page treatment. On the one hand they are a bit new without much recognition at this point - but on the other hand they are the core-assumption of an entire continent of the Golarion setting. I think Paizo has missed a trick here. Especially if the Dragon Empires prove popular and precipitate into a hardcover, say around 2015.

Given the popularity of ninja and samurai archetypes, I wouldn't be surprised.

To my knowledge they are supposed to be given more detail in the Dragon Empires Primer. So their "write-up" should be coming sooner than 2015, more like in a month.

Don't like the Kobold picture. Doesn't match the image fostered for decades instead it looks like a lizardman.

Ah, well spotted with the tengu there, Filby Pott, I had mentally subtracted those as being 2009 or so.

Leaving room for a future expansion of the Dragon Empire is good, of course, but there is a tremendous amount of things that can be elaborated on - no dearth here. But there's likely only going to be one definitive hardcover for races.

Then given that some of the 6-pagers are entries in the Bestiary 3 (or should that be "3estiary" ?) that have considerably less gravitas and campaign presence then the new Dragon Empires races, its a bit of a spot of bad luck.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Aventhar wrote:
No love for the Lizard Folk?

I knew they wouldn't be there, since their current incarnation is as a 2HD creature. The featured races are all class level only races.

Still, a pity.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

Joe Wells wrote:
Aventhar wrote:
No love for the Lizard Folk?

I knew they wouldn't be there, since their current incarnation is as a 2HD creature. The featured races are all class level only races.

Still, a pity.

Agreed. One of my favorite 2nd edition characters was a lizardman fighter. I must have been 11 or 12 at the time. I was so excited that I found a mini for him but I made the mistake of painting him a very bright green color for which I was teased about by the other players who were older than me. Ah, good times bright green lizardman.

damphir get as many pages as goblins or drow?
Is twilight still booming?

if you wonder what to put in the next paizo blog, please consider favorite class options for goblins :)

I love most of this list. I am psyched about a 6 page spread on the dhampir.

I would have gone with changeling before fetchling, but I can see how a fetchling might actually need more pages.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I guess this will be the first Pathfinder RPG rulebook that will see next to no use in my campaigns. Catfolk, really? Ratfolk, for god's sake? I mean really, who wants to play that? Dhampir? Ugh. I don't want to play anime or Blade/Twilight/Emo stuff. And don't get me started on do-it-yourself-races. This is the way to circus freak party no self-respecting town would even allow in.

The more I read about this book the more disappointing it gets. Too bad.

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Isn't it a good thing that Zaister isn't the sole vote then?

On a more serious note, I'm really looking forward to this. Whether others like it or not, I can guarantee you that every GM should get TONS of use out of this book, both the writeups on the races, the alternate abilities for enemies, and the ability to create your own unique races (magic warped, toxic warped, etc).

Yes it's a pity for the Lizardfolk who have a neutral alignement, and a culture that could be very playable (Ah Classic Monster Revisited).

I like all the races, but i prefer much the opportunity to play a Lizardfolk, neutral race, not necessary hostile to humanity, than a pseudo demi-vampire Dhampir. I like vampires, but demi_ vampires i dislike the idea of vampires having living children.

Perhaps i like it more when i see what Paizo done for Dhampir.

I hope very much that the lizardfolk will have 2 Pages if not 6.

Lantern Lodge

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Not sure if you know this already, but there is a half page of favored class options for goblins at the back of Goblins of Golarion. Covers Alchemist, Bard, Cavalier, Druid, Gunslinger, Oracle, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, and Witch.


Leomund wrote:
I like all the races, but i prefer much the opportunity to play a Lizardfolk, neutral race, not necessary hostile to humanity, than a pseudo demi-vampire Dhampir. I like vampires, but demi_ vampires i dislike the idea of vampires having living children.

I guess you hate folklore from all over the world that talks about vampires having children with mortals...

Shadow Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
John Benbo wrote:
I'm torn about the duergar. While I would love to see them get the Paizo treatment, not getting an extensive write-up means more design space if a 3PP wanted to tackle them.

Ditto. Duergar and Derro, two of the absolute best darklands races and neither seem to get a look in. I'm all for Drow, but they really only need a two pager - they have become tedious and overused in the game over the years (not paizo fault really). Given the wonderful treatment the Derro got in Classic Horrors revisited and the potential offered by the duergar, this is a real blow...unless the duergar are getting special treatment later? Then again we all have our favourites and theycan't all fit into this book - unless you make it TWICE the size!

Shadow Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Leomund wrote:
I like all the races, but i prefer much the opportunity to play a Lizardfolk, neutral race, not necessary hostile to humanity, than a pseudo demi-vampire Dhampir. I like vampires, but demi_ vampires i dislike the idea of vampires having living children.
I guess you hate folklore from all over the world that talks about vampires having children with mortals...

Whoah, hate is a powerfull word. Hate leads to anger, anger to fear and fear leads to the dark..err George Lucas - and we all know that leads to a lame Darth Vader who inappropriately yells NO! Is this the sort of thing you want to promote Sean?

Scarab Sages

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Leomund wrote:
I like all the races, but i prefer much the opportunity to play a Lizardfolk, neutral race, not necessary hostile to humanity, than a pseudo demi-vampire Dhampir. I like vampires, but demi_ vampires i dislike the idea of vampires having living children.
I guess you hate folklore from all over the world that talks about vampires having children with mortals...

I am really curious how this is going to be done, because while it is true that there is folklore that that talks about vampires having children with mortals, D&D vampires have always been UNDEAD, with their own physiology, they destroy life, not create it...

perhaps, if damphirs were descendants of a different kind of vampire.

Shadow Lodge

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Why is Goblin on the list? They already had an entire player resource devoted to them! They could have had Gnoll instead IMO.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I do so hope Grippli at least get on the two page spread, still waiting for Reaper to make a Grippli after I bugged them at Paizocon last year, maybe this year i will tickle that fancy again.

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