Beginner Box Sneak Preview

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Learning to play the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is about to get easier than ever before, as in just a few short weeks the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Beginner Box hits the shelves of a game store near you! With the imminent release of this mighty boxed set—filled to bursting with easy-to-master rules, multiple adventures, creature tokens, dice, a Flip-Mat play surface, pregenerated character sheets, tons of tools to start building your own campaign, and much, much more—here's the first of several previews to whet your appetite for innovative new ways to tell the stories you've always wanted to tell and bring the adventure of tabletop roleplaying to whole new audiences.

To start things off, check out a few pages from the Bestiary chapter of the new Game Master's Guide, or one of the four pregenerated character sheets included in the set, this one detailing everything you'll need to play the dauntless cleric Kyra.

Game Master's Guide Bestiary Preview: From the heart of the Beginner Box's 94-page Game Master's Guide, here are eight fearsome and familiar foes, exhibiting just a hint of their streamlined rules, and proving that easy to use doesn't mean any less deadly. Download the PDF preview (1.6 MB zip/pdf)

Cleric Pregenerated Character Sheet Preview: What good is a pregenerated character if you don't know how to use it? Check out a complete Beginner Box pregenerated character sheet, designed to not only allow players to dive into the action immediately, but also explain each key ability and character feature at a glance, making sure players are spending their time adventuring, not looking up rules. This sample sheet is only one of four included in the Beginner Box. Download the PDF preview (1.8 MB zip/pdf)

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Beginner Box releases this October, but be sure to check back right here in the coming weeks for more details, discussions, and exciting revelations about the newest and most exciting way to learn and play the Pathfinder RPG!

Wes Schneider
Managing Editor

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Tags: Clerics Iconics Kyra Monsters Ogres Orcs Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Undead
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Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

The Kyra PDF doesn't seem to be working...

I'm not a beginner when it comes to Pathfinder, so I'm not sure how much use I would get out of this. However, I do have to say that I like what I see in the preview. I really like the way the monster stat blocks are done. They look nice, are broken up well, and look very easy to read.


Enlight_Bystand wrote:
The Kyra PDF doesn't seem to be working...

Should be working now! Sorry about the confusion there :)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Chris Lambertz wrote:
Enlight_Bystand wrote:
The Kyra PDF doesn't seem to be working...
Should be working now! Sorry about the confusion there :)

Working now thanks.

So preeeetttyyy...

Sovereign Court

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Enlight_Bystand wrote:
The Kyra PDF doesn't seem to be working...
Should be working now! Sorry about the confusion there :)

Still a no go here.

Sovereign Court

Cylerist wrote:
Chris Lambertz wrote:
Enlight_Bystand wrote:
The Kyra PDF doesn't seem to be working...
Should be working now! Sorry about the confusion there :)
Still a no go here.

Got it now!



Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Love the action art on the character sheets; really makes you want to play the character right away.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Disease and poison without ability damage? Grabbing without grapple rules?

Quantified free actions? Random treasure tables!

Screw level 21+. This boxed set is going to be EPIC!

I love the streamlined rules! It all seems to work almost exactly the same way, but much more easy to understand. If you guys were going to do a Pathfinder "2nd edition" (or even something like a 1.5 edition) I would love to see it look a lot like this.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Is the Ogre supposed to have an init of +9? With a Dex mod of -1, even with improved initiative, I can only see a +3 (and I'm pretty sure he doesn't have that feat). Of course, maybe the basic game does something different with Init based on reach, or some other change to the base rules for it.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

OH NO the monster stats look like 4e statblocks it's over Gary is rolling in his grave the end of the world 1 star out of 5 cancel subscriptions I was betrayed oh wait that's actually a pretty sweet looking statblock there, sold!

Looking good. The only thing I noted as something I'd like to see is an action type directly printed with each ability. So, something like Rebuke Death [SA] or Rebuke Death [Standard]. For abilities that don't require an action, like Improved Initiative, it could have [NA] or [None]. I know there's a summary of action types on the left-hand side, but having the action type directly with the action (as it is with the monster attacks) would be really good for younger players I think. Unfortunately I'm sure with the October ship date, this is not an option. I could see rebuilding the character sheets as a separate piece to add it however.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Gorbacz wrote:
OH NO the monster stats look like 4e statblocks it's over Gary is rolling in his grave the end of the world 1 star out of 5 cancel subscriptions I was betrayed oh wait that's actually a pretty sweet looking statblock there, sold!

I'm fairly certain Gary didn't like 3rd edition because he felt things were too complicated. With his rules, monsters could be described in two sentences. (Orc, 2HD, AC 15, +5 Axe 1d12.)

I like the simplified monster layout. It is very similar to the monster notes I use for games.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
deinol wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
OH NO the monster stats look like 4e statblocks it's over Gary is rolling in his grave the end of the world 1 star out of 5 cancel subscriptions I was betrayed oh wait that's actually a pretty sweet looking statblock there, sold!

I'm fairly certain Gary didn't like 3rd edition because he felt things were too complicated. With his rules, monsters could be described in two sentences. (Orc, 2HD, AC 15, +5 Axe 1d12.)

I like the simplified monster layout. It is very similar to the monster notes I use for games.

I'm very curious as to what the OSR crowd will say about the Box.

Grand Lodge

deinol wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
OH NO the monster stats look like 4e statblocks it's over Gary is rolling in his grave the end of the world 1 star out of 5 cancel subscriptions I was betrayed oh wait that's actually a pretty sweet looking statblock there, sold!

I'm fairly certain Gary didn't like 3rd edition because he felt things were too complicated. With his rules, monsters could be described in two sentences. (Orc, 2HD, AC 15, +5 Axe 1d12.)

I like the simplified monster layout. It is very similar to the monster notes I use for games.

Gary liked seeing his ideas grow and expand as each edition came out. While he did not agree with each and everything that was presented through each edition he did support each one in his own way. Same with Dave. I know Dave continued to play and even taught using D&D in some ways too.

Now on a personal note. Having played about 37 years now, going through each and every edition of D&D and now Pathfinder too... with Pathfinder through Alpha, Beta and now the actual rule sets and all the books for the most part. I love the box set and am truly looking forward to it. The teaser for the Box set... I have to say I am MORE then impressed! I look forward to receiving it as part of my subscription.

I got some grand kids and friends kids that would absolutely love this!! Teaching newer players will be easier too. (NEW to RPG's that is :) )

Pathfinder in and of itself in my opinion is fairly easy to learn and have taught many new to RPG's how to play but this box set will make it so much easier in many ways.

Thanks! :)

(I guess I am about as old school as one can be without being TOO old hehe) (been playing since 1974 and am only 44) :)

What I most want to see is the Wayne Reynolds cover art without the logo on it. Any chance we can get that posted as a preview?


Hobo wrote:
What I most want to see is the Wayne Reynolds cover art without the logo on it. Any chance we can get that posted as a preview?

Right here?

'Rixx wrote:
I love the streamlined rules! It all seems to work almost exactly the same way, but much more easy to understand. If you guys were going to do a Pathfinder "2nd edition" (or even something like a 1.5 edition) I would love to see it look a lot like this.

I totally agree with Rixx here! Not only for my benefit (because I am still struggling with it), but for those who want to get into the hobby.

I am excited about this box set, especially after we played with two new people (who had never played rpgs before). They did a good job trying to keep up, but they were still not experienced enough to loan them that 500+ rule book and hope they know what to do with it ;)

I'm really looking forward to the box, especially given these previews. I tried to create a couple characters over the weekend and I had a hard time figuring out how to do it with just the core rule book and a character sheet. So anything that helps new players is awesome in my book.

There really are a number of similarities here with 4E design. Then again, some of the designers involved often work or have worked for both companies. "Play this character if" resembles the 4E design, as do the monster stat blocks. Nothing is inherently wrong about that, though I never liked the former. In any RPG I prefer that space to be used for more details on the class with actual text instead of bullets. I get the point, but I prefer the more recent (Essentials) 4E design that eliminates this.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Mostly we just wanted to give first-time players a sense of what the four major character types were like, and hence what they were about to get into, in as fast and fun a way as possible.


Erik Mona wrote:
Mostly we just wanted to give first-time players a sense of what the four major character types were like, and hence what they were about to get into, in as fast and fun a way as possible.

What Erik said. Basically, if you and 4 friends are opening the box for the very first time, it's very handy to have those bullet points on the front of each pregen so you can decide which one you want to play.

Note that the layout was designed by Sarah, who comes from a videogame background and wanted to present the pregen info in easily-digestible chunks.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Sean K Reynolds wrote:

Note that the layout was designed by Sarah, who comes from a videogame background and wanted to present the pregen info in easily-digestible chunks.


see here folks, Pathfinder Beginner Box was
designed to appeal to WOW-Adicted crack fiends as the primary audience.
I prepared explosive ruins today.
Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Play a cleric if you want to be good at:

"Using a Scimitar"
"Persuading People"

Isn't this redundant? :-)

But, wait, all Clerics have to use Scimitar's now? Great simplification! :-)

(PS: Great first preview. Looks fun!)

Dark Archive

I might be missing the fact but is the 4e comparison based on just design or is there a gameplay change that I am not seeing?

The simplified skill list looks interesting. I'm assuming this is the limited list of skills available in the starter game, and that the starter game does not provide a full listing of skills (including for such strange-sounding or odd-application skills like Fly and Use Magic Device).

I'm realy glad to see Knowledge (geography), a critical skill to many classes and builds, rather than Survival, a skill that is confusing in its application and not critical to any character themes.

Liberty's Edge

Shouldn't Krya have two more orisons?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Pete Apple wrote:

Play a cleric if you want to be good at:

"Using a Scimitar"
"Persuading People"

Isn't this redundant? :-)

But, wait, all Clerics have to use Scimitar's now? Great simplification! :-)

(PS: Great first preview. Looks fun!)

It's "Play this Cleric", not "Play a Cleric". Semantics are important.


Souphin wrote:
I might be missing the fact but is the 4e comparison based on just design or is there a gameplay change that I am not seeing?

The comparison people are making must be based on visuals, as the BBox rules work like Pathfinder.

Kendermage wrote:
Shouldn't Krya have two more orisons?

Yes, but this is a pregen, and we had limited space (mainly because her channel energy text required 4 lines), so we didn't list all of the orisons she'd normally get. The trick to the pregen is presenting the information the player needs to functionally play that character, and later, when they read the included player book, they'll see they have more options.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gorbacz wrote:
I'm very curious as to what the OSR crowd will say about the Box.

As an OSR man myself, I have to say that being an OSR man is why I am with Pathfinder in the first place - it's the best OSR product I've ever read (and it doesn't even know it is OSR), and now it will even come in a box, beautiful!

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
Mostly we just wanted to give first-time players a sense of what the four major character types were like, and hence what they were about to get into, in as fast and fun a way as possible.
What Erik said. Basically, if you and 4 friends are opening the box for the very first time, it's very handy to have those bullet points on the front of each pregen so you can decide which one you want to play.

Great points. It is tough to balance something being easy to grasp for new players with something that can turn off other players. It's an audience problem and 4E had it, right? Saying things like "Play a dragonborn if you want... to look like a dragon" captured what I didn't like about early 4E design (and I'm a big 4E fan). It took accessibility to a silly level. I mean, I see the picture and the name, I get that my PC would look like a dragon! :-) At the same time, if I look at Eclipse Phase pregens I can say that it takes me too long to figure out what role they play.

It's a hard balance to find. I personally prefer having a few clear titles (things like "Healer and Diplomat") and not oversimplify to that part of the audience that is familiar with RPGs. All this said, I'm just enjoying discussion and I like what I see here!

Liz Courts wrote:
Hobo wrote:
What I most want to see is the Wayne Reynolds cover art without the logo on it. Any chance we can get that posted as a preview?
Right here?

Nope. Unless I'm missing something. He wants (and so do I!) the beginner box art with no text on it (other than the golem in the lower right, I assume). Is it possible to get our hands on that? I'd love that as my wallpaper.

Is someone with only the Beginner Box going to be able to generate a character to play in Pathfinder Society?

Might be a bit of an odd question, but here goes:
What's the font used for the "handwriting" on the character sheet?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
BigWeather wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Hobo wrote:
What I most want to see is the Wayne Reynolds cover art without the logo on it. Any chance we can get that posted as a preview?
Right here?
Nope. Unless I'm missing something. He wants (and so do I!) the beginner box art with no text on it (other than the golem in the lower right, I assume). Is it possible to get our hands on that? I'd love that as my wallpaper.

If you really really want it, I am sure Mr Reynolds would be happy to sell you the original. :)

Dark_Mistress wrote:
BigWeather wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Hobo wrote:
What I most want to see is the Wayne Reynolds cover art without the logo on it. Any chance we can get that posted as a preview?
Right here?
Nope. Unless I'm missing something. He wants (and so do I!) the beginner box art with no text on it (other than the golem in the lower right, I assume). Is it possible to get our hands on that? I'd love that as my wallpaper.
If you really really want it, I am sure Mr Reynolds would be happy to sell you the original. :)

I suspect the Paizo crew will beat me to that!

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

DMFTodd wrote:
Is someone with only the Beginner Box going to be able to generate a character to play in Pathfinder Society?

Probably, though it might involve a few on-the-fly conversions to bring it up to speed with things like CMB and CMD. We're still working on those details.


BigWeather wrote:
I suspect the Paizo crew will beat me to that!

Yup. Just ask Bulmahn. Though I really wish he had hung it some place more respectful than his washroom. Cest la vie.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Note that the layout was designed by Sarah, who comes from a videogame background and wanted to present the pregen info in easily-digestible chunks.

To be clear there, Sarah's background is in designing strategy guides for video games, not video games themselves. And that experience improved the Beginner Box much more than you'd imagine. "How we teach you" and "how it looks" are very much intertwined, and there was much more of a collaboration between graphic design and game design than we've ever had in any other product.

GentleGiant wrote:

Might be a bit of an odd question, but here goes:

What's the font used for the "handwriting" on the character sheet?

I believe that font is called Peter.

Did you go to TJHSST?


Vic Wertz wrote:
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Note that the layout was designed by Sarah, who comes from a videogame background and wanted to present the pregen info in easily-digestible chunks.
To be clear there, Sarah's background is in designing strategy guides for video games, not video games themselves.

WHAT??? Sarah told me she designed several classic Atari games such as Adventure and Pitfall. And I believed her!!!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Note that the layout was designed by Sarah, who comes from a videogame background and wanted to present the pregen info in easily-digestible chunks.
To be clear there, Sarah's background is in designing strategy guides for video games, not video games themselves.
WHAT??? Sarah told me she designed several classic Atari games such as Adventure and Pitfall. And I believed her!!!

If you don't know off the top of your head that Adventure was designed by Warren Robinett, you haven't really played that game.


I guess this also means she also didn't invent the invisible dot in the game that unlocks the room with WR's initials.....

Anyway, I am very pleased with how the Beginner Box turned out!

Liberty's Edge

From thinking I'll give this a miss to going get in one preview. Well done Paizo. Amazing what coolness you guys can come up with when not hobbled by the Ghost of d20 Past. I know PF 2 is a long way off but this Beginners Box shows all your collective Paizo neurons are firing in the right direction when PF 2 is planned in the future.

TSR is dead, Paizo is King, long live the King.

Doombunny wrote:
GentleGiant wrote:

Might be a bit of an odd question, but here goes:

What's the font used for the "handwriting" on the character sheet?
I believe that font is called Peter.

Any idea where it's available from? I can't seem to find it (if it's the right one).

Liberty's Edge

The monster stats in the Beginner Box just going to be like that for the Beginner Box? Or is that the way monster stats are going to be now?

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
I guess this also means she also didn't invent the invisible dot in the game that unlocks the room with WR's initials.....

I rocked Adventure and never found that darned invisible dot I was always hearing about. You mean it's not apocryphal?

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CapeCodRPGer wrote:

The monster stats in the Beginner Box just going to be like that for the Beginner Box? Or is that the way monster stats are going to be now?

This is a preview of how monster stats will look in the Beginner Box. The monster stat blocks for things like the Pathfinder Adventure Path and Bestiary 3 will be the standard format we've been using.

This is not a sneak preview of "Pathfinder second edition" or anything beyond a look at what the insides of the Beginner Box will look like.

Erik Mona wrote:

This is not a sneak preview of "Pathfinder second edition" or anything beyond a look at what the insides of the Beginner Box will look like.

I'm just sayin'

Really easy to run monsters with all their abilities lined up there

Not havin' to worry about hit dice or boat loads of feats

Just sayin'

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