Richard Pett Contributor |

Great interview with a lovely guy.
I remember Ed taking an interest in the Styes many years ago and writing to me, it was awesome to think that someone like him would take the time to write and be encouraging to someone who'd only had a couple of adventures out there.
'I still love creating stuff, and try to do something every day.'
...scuttles away, inspired to do more.
More Ed please!

F. Wesley Schneider Contributor |

When WOTC stops giving him work perhaps? I imagine there might be some noncompetitive clauses in his contract.
It hasn't been a problem in the past. Aside from his "Guns of Alkenstar" series, Ed created and introduced monsters for every volume of Kingmaker and took a first stab at the outline for that campaign, kick starting that whole process. But, I believe by his own admission as well, Ed is more a story guy than a hardcore rules guy, and I'd much prefer match up people with their strengths and what they're excited about writing than shoehorning them into weird assignments.
That said, if Ed ever rang us and said he'd be interested in writing adventures, we'd be excited to listen.

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LazarX wrote:When WOTC stops giving him work perhaps? I imagine there might be some noncompetitive clauses in his contract.It hasn't been a problem in the past. Aside from his "Guns of Alkenstar" series, Ed created and introduced monsters for every volume of Kingmaker and took a first stab at the outline for that campaign, kick starting that whole process. But, I believe by his own admission as well, Ed is more a story guy than a hardcore rules guy, and I'd much prefer match up people with their strengths and what they're excited about writing than shoehorning them into weird assignments.
That said, if Ed ever rang us and said he'd be interested in writing adventures, we'd be excited to listen.

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LazarX wrote:When WOTC stops giving him work perhaps? I imagine there might be some noncompetitive clauses in his contract.It hasn't been a problem in the past. Aside from his "Guns of Alkenstar" series, Ed created and introduced monsters for every volume of Kingmaker and took a first stab at the outline for that campaign, kick starting that whole process. But, I believe by his own admission as well, Ed is more a story guy than a hardcore rules guy, and I'd much prefer match up people with their strengths and what they're excited about writing than shoehorning them into weird assignments.
That said, if Ed ever rang us and said he'd be interested in writing adventures, we'd be excited to listen.
What about Ed for a Pathfinder Tales novel?????

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F. Wesley Schneider wrote:What about Ed for a Pathfinder Tales novel?????LazarX wrote:When WOTC stops giving him work perhaps? I imagine there might be some noncompetitive clauses in his contract.It hasn't been a problem in the past. Aside from his "Guns of Alkenstar" series, Ed created and introduced monsters for every volume of Kingmaker and took a first stab at the outline for that campaign, kick starting that whole process. But, I believe by his own admission as well, Ed is more a story guy than a hardcore rules guy, and I'd much prefer match up people with their strengths and what they're excited about writing than shoehorning them into weird assignments.
That said, if Ed ever rang us and said he'd be interested in writing adventures, we'd be excited to listen.
Can't wait for PaizoCon.

cibet44 |
Fun to see this interview, thank you.
"I have never been on staff at any game company..."
I have seen Mr. Greenwood state this before. To me, the natural follow up question would be "Why?" yet I never hear an interviewer ask. Is it taboo or is the answer just so simple that no one bothers to ask?
Why would he NOT want to work for the company that he voluntarily sold his masterpiece to? I never understood this. I assume the purchase of the Forgotten Realms by TSR did not make Mr. Greenwood so wealthy that he no longer has to work at all, if it did then I understand not going on staff. Otherwise, if he saw fit to hand over his entire creation to TSR I would think that his next step would be to follow it over and into a position that would allow him to continue to have creative control or input while being paid a (probably generous) salary. I would call this "having his cake and eating it". So what's the deal?

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Just wanted to add...
I met Mr. Greenwood (call me old fashioned, I hold Mister for people whom I respect and who awe me.) at Origins a few years ago. Donna and I sat and listened to him talk about his realms and his stories. The time flew by in a flash, and I think everyone in that room could have listened to him for another hour easily.
I'd love to see his take on Taldor.

Kajehase |

Fun to see this interview, thank you.
"I have never been on staff at any game company..."
I have seen Mr. Greenwood state this before. To me, the natural follow up question would be "Why?" yet I never hear an interviewer ask. Is it taboo or is the answer just so simple that no one bothers to ask?
Why would he NOT want to work for the company that he voluntarily sold his masterpiece to? I never understood this. I assume the purchase of the Forgotten Realms by TSR did not make Mr. Greenwood so wealthy that he no longer has to work at all, if it did then I understand not going on staff. Otherwise, if he saw fit to hand over his entire creation to TSR I would think that his next step would be to follow it over and into a position that would allow him to continue to have creative control or input while being paid a (probably generous) salary. I would call this "having his cake and eating it". So what's the deal?
If I remember correctly, he's been working first full-time, and then half-time as a librarian for most of his career simultaneously with writing enough novels and rulebooks as to be downright staggering. But if you really want to know, why don't you ask him?.

cibet44 |
But if you really want to know, why don't you ask him?.
Nah, not really a Forgotten Realms person at all so I'd rather not waste his time. If he's going to be kind enough to spend his personal time answering questions from devoted fans of his work I'd rather not bog him down with queries just to satisfy my curiosity.
I was just wondering if there was an obvious answer to, what seems to me, an obvious question and if so someone could share it.

Samnell |

I was just wondering if there was an obvious answer to, what seems to me, an obvious question and if so someone could share it.
Coming to this late because it popped up on Facebook. Ed's mentioned over at Candlekeep that coming on staff for TSR was floated a few times but he turned it down for several reasons. I remember they included that he doesn't want to give up the Canadian health care system and he likes living out in the Ontario countryside.

John Kretzer |

I am not much in being a fan of people. Sure I like some people's works and such...but never understood the whole big thing about meeting them....or getting their autograph...etc. Except everytime I hear about Ed Greenwood I think wow that is a guy I want to meet.
It would probably be the only reason why I would even go to a Con.