AP subscription - Return of the Runelords #3 pending, 1 & 2 not yet shipped

Customer Service

Hey there, could someone tell me why my last order (#4613972) is still pending with a hold on my account, when I now have order #7499967 pending as well? Am I going to be charged twice for shipping? Is the fact that I ordered dice holding up my books? What's going on?

EDIT: Apologies for the tone. Not angry; just slightly miffed and rather confused.

Customer Service Representative

Hello El Ronza,

I have combined these orders into a singular order and I will ensure that it ships promptly. It appears a common bug was affecting this order and preventing the order from shipping. This should be fixed now that I have manually pushed the order through. Keep an eye out for your shipping confirmation email soon. Thank you!

Hey Sam, I've received my "shipping soon" email, and it all looks right to me. Thanks for pushing that through!

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I had a similar problem, not only Return of the Runelords 1 & 2, but the last three installments of the previous AP as well.

But Virginia came to my rescue, and soon all will be well. Thanks, Paizo!

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