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techno-shaman gug? techno-shaman gug. TECHNO-SHAMAN GUG!!
4 people marked this as a favorite.
i've also taken a crack at this, though at the moment its still missing a couple of things (seasons, first full moon).
the obvious solution is that the PCs only ever find +5 weapons, +6 belts, etc. that is, the stuff already at the top of the scale. and they only ever encounter vampiric demons riding tarrasques. >:D
i really hope there's a mod for the whiteboard style art. :)
1 person marked this as a favorite.
best wishes sean, i don't think you could pick a better time to be opening an indiana blockbuster video franchise.
Its built off the temperature ranges given in the d20 SRD, which suffers the same issue of granularity. All summer is mid-summer, all polar is extreme polar, etc. DMs may have to adjust according to local conditions.
DM_Blake wrote: Mead, that link to the Pathfinder random dungeon generator is pretty cool, but I noticed it doesn't seem complete. Lots of repetitive monsters as if they only used part of the first Bestiary bestiary 1 is all there, spread across tables by dungeon level and motif, 2 and 3 are still to be done. hopefully before 4 is out.
DM_Blake wrote: and every treasure hoard I created, out of about 40-50, had coin, art, gems, potions, scrolls, and wands. That's in. No weapons, no armor, no wondrous items, staves, rings, rods. It's like only part of the treasure tables were completed. treasure generally follows the model presented in Ultimate Equipment, and so is based on the type and CR of its guardian monster.
hmmm... i suppose i better get cracking on adding bestiaries 2-3 to my RDG, then. :)
i like the artwork hanging in the tavern... seems familiar. :D
yeah, donjon is my site. the generators are mostly what i've built for use in my own game over the years, plus a few by request or whimsy.
beej67 wrote: That's cool, but I'm not sure you're doing it right? Or maybe I wasn't clear what I was asking? You should only ever be making 40 some odd rolls, tops. you might, then, be better served by...
no, but it shouldn't be that hard to do. the gold piece limit is well defined. but how to determine how many magic items to generate? just use the maximum cash reserve calculation (1/2 limit x 1/10 population)?
awesome artwork. who's the artist?
what? 33 comments, and not one noting how lovely the master spy is?
if i had to say one thing about these wallpapers, its thank you!
if i had to say two things, too much compression, moar quality plz!
Tom Qadim wrote: If you harmed Seoni I'm coming after you, Jacobs! ;-) +1
Jason as Damiel, the iconic alchemist
because alchemists are cool.
heh... my first impression of the cover was, "DUDE! ALIEN RIDING A SNOWMOBILE! AWESOME!" but it now appears to be merely looming over a sailing ship. oh well.
cheers! may your victories be sweet, and the loot plentiful.
Mosaic wrote: Maybe this is just 'cause my 4-year-old loves the movie so I see it all the time, but I'm kinda' seeing Stitch here. yeah, totally stitch. especially if he surfs.
so... bets on how long until Joe Lame's real name is generally known? :)
don't worry too much about the deadlines, you're all only human. pathetic humans who shall one day cower in the dark dominion of the drow elves. muahahahahaa!
we'll miss you and your wild antics.
like the time you wore a romanian gypsy shirt on hawaiian shirt friday.
or the time you spiked the coffee with red bull.
or the funny faces you painted on the back of sean's head,
which have never washed off, and which he has still not noticed.
may you never lose your sense of adventure,
or your fine grasp of obscure latin punctuation.
yeah, i'd put down $50 to see this happen.
Medieval Demographics Made Easy, by S. John Ross
geez, who pulled the drama tag out? i'm going to miss my dragon subscription, but hey.