Pathfinder Society: News from the Field

Monday, February 7, 2011

As the days get longer and the snows begin to melt (okay, so maybe not the last part) word comes in from Pathfinder Society events throughout the world, proving that it takes only a month for our esteemed agents to recover from the inevitable lull of the holiday season to pick up adventure and exploration anew on the cusp of spring.

Photography by Adam Daigle

In Houston, Texas, nearly 30 tables of Pathfinder Society were played in the final weekend of January, including the Year of the Shadow Lodge multi-table special. Attendee and Pathfinder Society author Adam Daigle sent the following pictures to me over the weekend, showing that Team Cheliax was present in full force.

Midnight Mauler
Cover illustration by Joe Wilson

That same weekend, on the other side of the pond, European Pathfinders were making their mark on Conception, one of Great Britain's largest gaming conventions. UK Venture-Captain Dave Harrison ran several tables of The Midnight Mauler, the Tier 1–7 scenario by Paizo's own Crystal Frasier available now only to 4-star GMs and Venture-Captains. Reports from players at the table are that this is a new favorite, so don't miss the chance to get in on this memorable event at your next local convention. Contact your nearest Venture-Captain to find out when The Midnight Mauler will be offered in your area!

Have a report from a recent convention or game day in which Pathfinder Society made a particularly large showing? Did any of your regional players create their own Pathfinder team regalia or did someone run a unique event or incentive? Stop by the Pathfinder Society Organized Play messageboards and let us know. Reporting back to the Decemvirate is one of every Pathfinder's duties, after all.

Mark Moreland

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Adam Daigle Community Conventions Joe Wilson Pathfinder Society
Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I NEED that shirt! O_O


Scribbles note

Ambush Daigle

Hit Daigle over the head

Take Cheliax shirt

Hit Daigle again for good measure

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Note that the photographs were taken by Daigle. They are not of Daigle.

If any hard comes to one of our favorite freelancers and community members, we will know who to go after and it will not be Hank Woon.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16


You know, I've never gotten into hard rock fandom, and I know that's the culture the shirt is trying to represent, but, wow, I'm glad that shirt isn't being shown around to people unfamiliar with Pathfinder and our pretend devil-worship.


Mark Moreland wrote:
Note that the photographs were taken by Daigle. They are not of Daigle.

Nonetheless "Operation Ambush Daigle" is still A Go.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Great showing! Hoping to have a report from ConNooga in a couple of weeks. We are planning 80 tables of PFS! See you in Chattanooga, TN.


I'm glad to hear that some of you folks appreciate our PFS Team Shirts.
They have the Cheliax faction logo on the chest (not shown in the lovely Daigle pics) and then the 'Rock Concert Tour' style tour schedule on the back.

I figure that outsiders (non-PFS/Golarion/Pathfinder) folks might assume we're devil worshippers in real life... but hey, you can't please everyone.

The holy symbol of Asmodeus on the back indicates that our team and our shirts are sanctioned by the church itself (and since I designed the shirt and my character is the cleric of Asmodeus, it just all fits, wouldn't you say?).

I don't think additional explanation is necessarily needed, but if you were curious, the countries and module numbers track the history of our characters through 2008, 2009 and 2010.
Our character names are across the bottom of the back, and a nice little quote from each of us finishes the whole thing off.

Yes, we enjoy PFS and our Cheliax characters.

Thanks for the positive comments.
Expect to see Team Cheliax representing (and sporting these shirts) at GenCon this year!


Shadow Lodge 2/5

Not Hank Woon wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
Note that the photographs were taken by Daigle. They are not of Daigle.
Nonetheless "Operation Ambush Daigle" is still A Go.

I just want to point out that one of the few unforgivable offenses on the Paizo forums is threatening people. I suspect everyone realizes that you are joking but sometimes it can be a very fine line to kid about.

Sovereign Court 1/5

Goatlord wrote:


I'm glad to hear that some of you folks appreciate our PFS Team Shirts.
They have the Cheliax faction logo on the chest (not shown in the lovely Daigle pics) and then the 'Rock Concert Tour' style tour schedule on the back.

I figure that outsiders (non-PFS/Golarion/Pathfinder) folks might assume we're devil worshippers in real life... but hey, you can't please everyone.

The holy symbol of Asmodeus on the back indicates that our team and our shirts are sanctioned by the church itself (and since I designed the shirt and my character is the cleric of Asmodeus, it just all fits, wouldn't you say?).

I don't think additional explanation is necessarily needed, but if you were curious, the countries and module numbers track the history of our characters through 2008, 2009 and 2010.
Our character names are across the bottom of the back, and a nice little quote from each of us finishes the whole thing off.

Yes, we enjoy PFS and our Cheliax characters.

Thanks for the positive comments.
Expect to see Team Cheliax representing (and sporting these shirts) at GenCon this year!



Without Zavega and the rest of Team Half Orc, I know a certain glabrezu that would happily have munched on all your bones!

Glory to Taldor and Gorum!

:) <- that's me. Zavega doesn't smile. Though she occasionally bares her teeth in a friendly-like manner.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Awesome shirts!

Ohh Zavega! (and Team Half-Orc)

Don't worry, I couldn't forget you that soon.

Those special moments we spent with George the Glabrezu are forever etched in my memories.
I can never see the twisted terrain of the WorldWound without thinking of you...


PS: seriously though, that was an EPIC fight, and I DO appreciate you all keeping him busy through my 4 rounds of STUN.

PPS: sorry about that suffocate. That really sucked.

Dark Archive

Lets see I am actually two of the tour stop GM. Being #24 in '09 and 2-03 in '10. All I can say is good things about these three players. I am honored to have them at my table and would gladly shiv someone to have them again.

Torath, I would love to have one of those T-shirts. My e-mail is in my profile just let me know the cost. I sense my monk will have new thread for his Eye's of the Ten run.

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