Give the Gift of Gaming

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Last night marked the first night of Hanukkah, and today is the seventh day of the traditional holiday shopping season. Christmas carols have invaded my car radio on the drive to and from work, and the flood of wishlists from friends and family have my inboxes overflowing. But this past weekend, I saw some of the spirit of the season exhibited in our own community and wanted to remind everyone of the tools offers to help you show your appreciation for your online friends!

This weekend, one of our generous Pathfinder Society members gave the gift of several scenarios to a fellow board member so that she could review them. Gifting products (either downloads or physical merchandise) was a new feature introduced to around this time last year, but anyone can do it! When looking at your shopping cart, before proceeding to checkout, be sure to click the "show gift options during checkout" button to gain the ability to give the contents of the order as a gift to a fellow Paizo customer, either anonymously or with a message.

I know that I, for one, love wishlists, and used to fill my Amazon wishlist up throughout the year to send to family and friends around the holidays and my birthday so they could see alternatives to getting me socks, calling cards, and scratch-off lottery tickets. Paizo offers the same thing, and whether you use one to list products to buy yourself in the future or to list for others, wishlists are a great way to organize your desired products. When someone (either a relative you direct to the site or a random friend from the messageboards) orders something for you from your wishlist, they'll be able to send it directly to the address you specify and it will be removed from the list so you don't get duplicated items. Start your own wishlist by going to the "My Wishlists" tab at the top right of any page on the site. Who knows who out there on the boards wants to share the holiday spirit with you.

And because I'm feeling extra generous today, here's some new art from the forthcoming Pathfinder Player Companion: Halflings of Golarion by Mike Sass!

Illustration by Mike Sass

Mark Moreland

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Halflings Mike Sass Paizo Pathfinder Player Companion Wallpapers
Dark Archive

Warms the cockles of my black heart.


::casts Empowered Remove Compassion and Tenderheartedness::

Ahhhh! All better!


; )

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Is that a halfling nativity?

Is Jesus a halfling in Golarion? Because that'd be sweet.

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

Is that a halfling nativity?

Is Jesus a halfling in Golarion? Because that'd be sweet.

Oh your a brave one.

Excuse me whilst I grab my 10' pole.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

Is that a halfling nativity?

Is Jesus a halfling in Golarion? Because that'd be sweet.

Actually, there's one of each of the core races in that image. The baby looks like it'll grow into a medium creature, and the mother is a half elf.

Dark Archive

Enlight_Bystand wrote:
Actually, there's one of each of the core races in that image. The baby looks like it'll grow into a medium creature, and the mother is a half elf.

squints the old set of eyes he was born with

Looks like four adult halflings around a halfling babe as an elf and a half orc watch over.


come on these are EXPLOSIVE RUNES

Silver Crusade

Sweet image. And yeah, nativity was the first thing that popped in my head when I saw it too.

So we've got what looks to be a cleric of Sarenrae(not certain who is holding the staff, gut says the lady). An overjoyed halfling fighter/paladin who looks like he had a rough trip on the way in, and a half-elf and half-orc watching over the scene, and that roof needs work.

Man I hope there's context for this in the book. ;)

The guy on the right is intended to be a gnome?

needs some colour in his hair!


Very fun.

Now I want to see the Cheliaxian nativity scene and the annual antichrist pageant.

Dark Archive

+1 to that

Mikaze wrote:
An overjoyed halfling fighter/paladin who looks like he had a rough trip on the way in, and a half-elf and half-orc watching over the scene, and that roof needs work.

"So you are back from your 'adventuring' huh? You missed the birth. I will smite you for this! Now fix the damn roof!"

Happy holidays and may your family dinners be tolerable

Dark Archive

As a previous recipient of this gifting feature. I love it, am very thankful for it, and fully intend to utilise it at some point...

Liberty's Edge


The guy on the right is intended to be a gnome?

needs some colour in his hair!

The guy on the right is a halfling, I believe. The old male in the robes is a gnome suffering from the bleaching (just a bit taller than the halflings, so not human). I'm sure he'd agree about needing color in his hair, but not for aesthetic reasons....

The staff appears to be his. I don't think the mother would be clumsily holding the staff while she holds her newborn, and the gnome does have his hand outstretched to where he could be holding it.

I read an interesting bit by a fantasy artist at one point about the notes he (or was it she?) got back on some art for a book... lots of "it's not clear whose arm that is," "change the cloak so that it's not obscuring the hordes in the background," kind of things. It was a real eye-opener with respect to the editorial process for art. Frankly, the staff confusion should have been caught in this piece, but it's a relatively minor point, and other more pressing art-related editorial issues may have obscured it.

Is there a button for regifting?

It looks like Jamus Hainard is a new father (I love that little guy!).

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I like the hole in the roof, because it's clearly from the Half-Orc standing up too fast in the little halfling house.

Mikaze wrote:

Sweet image. And yeah, nativity was the first thing that popped in my head when I saw it too.

So we've got what looks to be a cleric of Sarenrae(not certain who is holding the staff, gut says the lady). An overjoyed halfling fighter/paladin who looks like he had a rough trip on the way in, and a half-elf and half-orc watching over the scene, and that roof needs work.

Now all we need is for the following lines of dialogue:

"Look, he has your husband's eyes."

"Yes, but he's got his father's nose -- woops."

morphail wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
An overjoyed halfling fighter/paladin who looks like he had a rough trip on the way in, and a half-elf and half-orc watching over the scene, and that roof needs work.

"So you are back from your 'adventuring' huh? You missed the birth. I will smite you for this! Now fix the damn roof!"

And now we know why married adventurers spend so much time wandering.


Huh. I totally was not thinking "nativity scene" when I did the art order for that piece, but it sure looks like one.

Great work of art! I like this style, and I to saw "Nativity Scene" first but then thought maybe a Baptismal, Christening, or if you prefer, a Naming Ceremony.

Shadow Lodge

I showed this to my wife (a semi-gamer) and she thought nativity right away too. :) Maybe its just the season... ;)


Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
I showed this to my wife (a semi-gamer) and she thought nativity right away too. :) Maybe its just the season... ;)

It's the iconography of the composition.

You can have a barn with a broken roof and a beam of heavenly light slanting down onto a cabbage and it will look like a nativity.

Add in the small horde of adoring faces in shadow looking at the object of adoration?

There's also the fact that the elf, the half-orc, and the pointy-eared bald guy form the three patriarchal figures of different races needed to figure in as the wise men--and also, frankly, there's also the small racist detail that the white guy is in the center coming forth to admire the blessed child while the Asian guy (the elf) and the African guy (the half-orc) stand behind him somewhere between bodyguards and back-up singers. (The only time I've ever seen one of the non-white guys get closest to the kid is when it's the African guy kneeling down like a slave.)

Then you've got the two younger figures around the kid as the Joseph and Mary figures and the short guy running in the door takes the place of the little drummer boy.

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