Oh Look, More Venture-Captains!

October 27, 2010

A few weeks ago we announced 13 Regional Coordinators that we're calling Venture-Captains. Since then, Mark and I have been going through the entire Pathfinder Society program and starting the process of making sure Season 2 ends with a bang you'll all remember, making plans for Season 3 (which will be awesome, trust me), and going through all of the rules for the Society program itself. In between all of that, I've reviewed a number of Venture-Captain applications and chosen a few new Coordinators. We're still not finished naming new Venture-Captains, but rather than sit on these names I thought it was more important to get them announced and out there building the Society in their area. And so, without further ado, here are your new Venture-Captains!

Arizona (Phoenix)
Rene Ayala

California (San Francisco)
Michael Azzolino

Colorado (Denver)
JP Chapleau

Nevada (Las Vegas)
Issak Haywood

Canada – Ontario (Toronto)
Neil Shackleton

Oh, before you head over to the messageboards, you should scroll down a little to check out what my new desktop image is. Isn't it amazing? It's the cover to Matt Goodall's RPG Superstar adventure Cult of the Ebon Destroyers done by a good friend of mine, Kieran Yanner. And speaking of RPG Superstar, we're hard at work preparing for the 2011 round, so start getting ready for it. Who knows, this time next year I could be putting the cover to your adventure on my desktop.

Illustration by Kieran Yanner

Hyrum Savage
Marketing and Organized Play Manager

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Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

And thus the 13 became 18.

Surely a good start to battle the Shadow Lodge!!

Welcome brothers and sisters!!

Now we must recruit more Pathfinders to increase the glory of Qadiran, oops, I mean the Decemrvirate. (Good nobody noticed the slip).


It will be good to hold a council at the perfect place for any Qadiran: Sin City!


Grand Lodge 5/5

Robyn Nixon wrote:

And thus the 13 became 18.

Surely a good start to battle the Shadow Lodge!!

Indeed. There is a paranoia that fuels the rumors of Shadow Lodge activity in the City of Sin.

Certainly, the circumstance of six Venture-Captains meeting together is neither suspect nor proof of such fabricated tales!

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