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Going to be honest. Not happy at all at the way this has been handled. You want more people to be reporting scenarios? fine but dont do it in a way that punishes people who cant play sosiety games. Also bribing people in order to increase the number of sosiety reports is in my opinion not the way to go about things.

vagrant-poet |

Going to be honest. Not happy at all at the way this has been handled. You want more people to be reporting scenarios? fine but dont do it in a way that punishes people who cant play sosiety games.
How does this punish people? I get that your against the bribery, which I think is all in fun, similar to what Jason Bulmahn did on his facebook, but really don't get the punishment. It's not like their goign to only show it to people who report.

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Kevin Mack wrote:Going to be honest. Not happy at all at the way this has been handled. You want more people to be reporting scenarios? fine but dont do it in a way that punishes people who cant play sosiety games.How does this punish people? I get that your against the bribery, which I think is all in fun, similar to what Jason Bulmahn did on his facebook, but really don't get the punishment. It's not like their goign to only show it to people who report.
Okay maybe I worded it badly but what I mean is In order to see new art (that before they showed) they want 500 scenarios reported. Now the problem comes in that not everyone can get a group that is interested in playing society (I fall into this catagory) So are stuck having to rely on other people reporting there games in order to see something they used to be shown anyay.
I understand them wanting more people reporting scenarios I just dont think this is the best way to go about it.

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The scenarios are selling well, and they're being reviewed and discussed. Just not reported.
As I said in the blog, we're going to show art for the World Guide in the early part of next year like we do with any of our hardcovers in the month or two before they release. We're not withholding anything from you now; we're offering a way for you to get a glimpse of some art that you won't be able to see for several months. There will still be art posts in the meantime and we won't punish anyone if our target number isn't met. For all anyone knows, we set the target well below the average number we get in a month anyway.
The point of this blog is to remind PFS players, GMs, and organizers that reporting matters and we plan to use reported scenarios to give the community what they want: more fun (and in this case one piece of art a few months early). Sorry if it upsets you.

Rathendar |

Yeah, I mainly saw this as just a means of rewarding folks with some extra-early stuff for reporting their events, not a means of holding back or really "bribing" people. They just want to give people something nice to look forward to :)
What? Here i had my torches and pitchforks all ready to go!
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So! If we see 600 newly reported PFS sessions in the month of October, I'll preview some exclusive new art from the upcoming World Guide: The Inner Sea. We will be previewing the book when its release date approaches, but my gut tells me you want to see some art sooner rather than later. So get out there and start a PFS group for your friends or at your local game store! Report that session you ran over the summer that you haven't yet. Show us you want the art now!
P.S. (from Hyrum) If you report over 700 tables, we'll spoil a piece of art James Jacobs specifically said not to reveal.
OK. We'll report (Not GMing so I'll just encourage) ... You keep us up-to-date with the number reported (at least every few days or every 50 reported) so we know how close we are to the mark.
So, how many have been reported so far?

Elorebaen |

- Cool deal, Mark.
- Really, Kevin? Really? Really?
Use some commonsense. It is obviously meant to be a fun little nudge. Not to mention it is some pieces of art that we are all going to see anyway once the book comes out. Yes, you completely overreacted.
Chill dude.

Enevhar Aldarion |

Also the way it works is they want more scenarios reported. I would imagine the main way that would happen is people buying more scenarios and running them so people are being asked to pay for something they used to get for free.
The scenarios have never been free. You want to run it, you have to buy it and download it.

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The way I see this, it is no coincidence that this happens right after the regional co-ordinators have been annonced.
For simplicity just take 4 weeks in October
In an eight hour day you can easily do two scenarios.
Five days a week makes 13 * 2 * 20 = 520
No pictures as our new coordinators are not truly committed
Now we add Saturdays
13 * 2 * 24 = 624
Now we see true commitment and all of the Paizo community gets rewarded
And adding Sundays
13 * 2 * 28 = 728
Yes these new coordinators are truly insane - just give them a few more pictures
Just in case anyone is offended - this isn't serious and just tries to lighten the atmosphere. If our new coordinators could do it on their own provided this would be their full-time job, then with our help we should manage.
Anyhow very interesting to get an idea about how many games are played each month.

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I have some good news ...
I just got back from PaizoConOz 2010 Brisbane two-weekends ago, and Unicon 2010 Melbourne last weekend. Tonight I reported 51 tables! That's 1/12th of the total required, so I've narrowed the gap for you all considerably - Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi :-)
Truth be told, I'm also missing one session reporting card of three tables I need to chase from one of my PaizoConOz GMs (Rich), and I know I have a few slot-zero sessions played with my home group left unreported during the organisational rush leading up to both cons - so I'll try and chase those up this weekend and enter them in too.
The rest is up to you :-)

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52 tables reported here :) about a years worth :)
Dang! Out of curiosity, what was holding reporting of these up? Was it a technical or organizational issue on our end that we could improve, or another reason? If we could make it easier to report sessions so we don't have to bribe the community to do so, we'd love to hear how.

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Todd Morgan wrote:52 tables reported here :) about a years worth :)Dang! Out of curiosity, what was holding reporting of these up? Was it a technical or organizational issue on our end that we could improve, or another reason? If we could make it easier to report sessions so we don't have to bribe the community to do so, we'd love to hear how.
Mark, I offered favors.... of Subway, but that didn't seem to work
But yayyy, I'm closer to Star #2 now lol

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Todd Morgan wrote:52 tables reported here :) about a years worth :)Dang! Out of curiosity, what was holding reporting of these up? Was it a technical or organizational issue on our end that we could improve, or another reason? If we could make it easier to report sessions so we don't have to bribe the community to do so, we'd love to hear how.
No, nothing like that Mark. Honestly, about 3-4 months went by of me not reporting when I started coordinating events (not that big of a number, 6-8 sessions) and when I first looked at the reporting software, something was screwy at first, so I put it off. A local convention went by and suddenly 6-8 sessions turned into 40.
Today, I stayed home due to being sick, so I had loads of time to sit, really look at the reporting system again (realizing that it auto flows in a bunch of info once you put in the society number was a huge relief) and get them done.
The dates may not all be correct, because myself and a few of my fellow GMs have horrible hand writing, but it's done.
Now that I know how easy it is, I don't think I'll have much trouble reporting from here on out.
What really slowed me down today was the scenario drop down menu and locating the scenario, although there really isn't a way to make that easier. Maybe adding a drop down menu with the year and then the scenario drop down menus become much shorter, so you don't have to scroll through as much?

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What really slowed me down today was the scenario drop down menu and locating the scenario, although there really isn't a way to make that easier. Maybe adding a drop down menu with the year and then the scenario drop down menus become much shorter, so you don't have to scroll through as much?
Yeah, this is something on the agenda to be simplified. It worked ok when there were 20 scenarios, but now that we have over 60, it can be a hassle.

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Just a heads-up, I have all my reporting done, bar maybe two. I thought, why is it I haven't reported these two? They were two sessions that ran late into the night, my players grabbed their chronicle sheets and hurried out the door. I tidied the house up after hosting a roomful of gamers and gamer snacks, and went to bed.
Much later I realised I hadn't reported these sessions, but by then I'd forgotten which players attended each session? Fortunately, they're all members of my (extended) home-group, so I've emailed the likely suspects and just waiting to hear confirmation before reporting players to each of these sessions.
I think in this situation, if I had printed the reporting sheet at the same time as the chronicle sheets, they would have all been signed together. So I think it might help if the session reporting sheet was part of the same download, eg included in each scenario PDF, maybe the page after the chronicle sheet, this would help keep things together and not forget reporting.

Hyrum Savage |

Just a heads-up, I have all my reporting done, bar maybe two. I thought, why is it I haven't reported these two? They were two sessions that ran late into the night, my players grabbed their chronicle sheets and hurried out the door. I tidied the house up after hosting a roomful of gamers and gamer snacks, and went to bed.
Much later I realised I hadn't reported these sessions, but by then I'd forgotten which players attended each session? Fortunately, they're all members of my (extended) home-group, so I've emailed the likely suspects and just waiting to hear confirmation before reporting players to each of these sessions.
I think in this situation, if I had printed the reporting sheet at the same time as the chronicle sheets, they would have all been signed together. So I think it might help if the session reporting sheet was part of the same download, eg included in each scenario PDF, maybe the page after the chronicle sheet, this would help keep things together and not forget reporting.
This is something we're definitely going to be doing ASAP.

Maze |

There seems to be a fair amount of apathy around reporting
Pathfinder Society events. Once players have their signed
Chronicle Sheets, there is little incentive to report online.
I understand that there is benefit to Paizo regarding tracking
Pathfinder Society play, so I am hoping that you can provide
some sort of permanent benefit rather than just some artwork.
It would be great if there was a "carrot" rather than a "stick"
used to encourage people to report their PFS games on time.
Perhaps some token Paizo product credit ($1 per game judged)
for the judges and/or coordinators who have to do reporting?
This would certainly help to defray the costs of adventures.
Stephen White wrote:Just a heads-up, I have all my reporting done, bar maybe two. I thought, why is it I haven't reported these two? They were two sessions that ran late into the night, my players grabbed their chronicle sheets and hurried out the door. I tidied the house up after hosting a roomful of gamers and gamer snacks, and went to bed.
Much later I realised I hadn't reported these sessions, but by then I'd forgotten which players attended each session? Fortunately, they're all members of my (extended) home-group, so I've emailed the likely suspects and just waiting to hear confirmation before reporting players to each of these sessions.
I think in this situation, if I had printed the reporting sheet at the same time as the chronicle sheets, they would have all been signed together. So I think it might help if the session reporting sheet was part of the same download, eg included in each scenario PDF, maybe the page after the chronicle sheet, this would help keep things together and not forget reporting.
DarkWhiteThis is something we're definitely going to be doing ASAP.

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Perhaps some token Paizo product credit ($1 per game judged)
for the judges and/or coordinators who have to do reporting?
There's a balance to be struck here—we need to find a way to incentivize people to report, but we also can't have an incentive that's *so* strong that people are motivated to create fake game sessions just for the benefits (i.e. phoney up a few games a week, and your Adventure Path subscription is free!).
I'm sure Hyrum will come up with a good solution.

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Maze wrote:Perhaps some token Paizo product credit ($1 per game judged)
for the judges and/or coordinators who have to do reporting?There's a balance to be struck here—we need to find a way to incentivize people to report, but we also can't have an incentive that's *so* strong that people are motivated to create fake game sessions just for the benefits (i.e. phoney up a few games a week, and your Adventure Path subscription is free!).
I'm sure Hyrum will come up with a good solution.
BUTTONS, buttons for everyone! :)

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Vic Wertz wrote:BUTTONS, buttons for everyone! :)Maze wrote:Perhaps some token Paizo product credit ($1 per game judged)
for the judges and/or coordinators who have to do reporting?There's a balance to be struck here—we need to find a way to incentivize people to report, but we also can't have an incentive that's *so* strong that people are motivated to create fake game sessions just for the benefits (i.e. phoney up a few games a week, and your Adventure Path subscription is free!).
I'm sure Hyrum will come up with a good solution.
Josh passed those out at Gen Con for every GM in the 8 a.m. slot. That was a very thoughtful and appreciated boon.

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Maze wrote:Perhaps some token Paizo product credit ($1 per game judged)
for the judges and/or coordinators who have to do reporting?There's a balance to be struck here—we need to find a way to incentivize people to report, but we also can't have an incentive that's *so* strong that people are motivated to create fake game sessions just for the benefits (i.e. phoney up a few games a week, and your Adventure Path subscription is free!).
I'm sure Hyrum will come up with a good solution.
Its a shame that you guys even have to be concerned with that.....but I know things like it happen unfortunately.
I guess I did not even see reporting fake games as an option because I already am getting all of the subscriptions. Oh well I am sure a good idea of reporting well encourage people to report.
Of course it helps now that Pazio and Gencon are reported. Lead by example. Do not take that the wrong way either...its just the way it is.

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Shieldknight wrote:Josh passed those out at Gen Con for every GM in the 8 a.m. slot. That was a very thoughtful and appreciated boon.
BUTTONS, buttons for everyone! :)
We also tried to keep a few back for GMs that were running later slots that didn't manage to get to the booth.
However some players were disappointed that they weren't able to get their buttons because they were playing.