Introducing Rummy-Tum-Tugger!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Every other Thursday evening, I run my "Shadow Under Sandpoint" campaign for the editorial folks. I started the game several months ago for three reasons—as a team-building exercise, as a way for we editors to get more familiar with the game we created, and because it sounded fun. Several of the PCs from this campaign appear in the recently released NPC Guide, in fact... but not all of them.

When Rob McCreary joined the Paizo editorial team, I invited him to join the game (which brought our total number of players up to a staggering total of nine!). After a false start with a half-orc (who soon left the party to seek fame and glory as our iconic inquisitor), Rob settled on a gnome summoner inspired by another of our new iconic characters. Yet unlike the iconic summoner, who has some sort of weird chicklizatrice type monster as an eidolon, Rob went for a different critter entirely.

His character is named Balazar, and his eidolon is named Rummy-Tum-Tugger (no relation to a certain similarly named feline superstar). When Rummy-Tum-Tugger first showed up, I asked Rob to describe him, but that didn't really help. It seems that every session, something new comes up and folks have to revise what they think Rummy-Tum-Tugger looks like. "Wait, his teeth shoot ice?" "Huh? He has six limbs?" "He's PURPLE?"

There's only one solution. A contest!

Break out your pencils, pens, paints, and Photoshops, because whoever draws Rob the best and most accurate depiction of Rummy-Tum-Tugger not only gets the satisfaction of helping my poor group of PCs visualize what their newest member actually looks like, but I'll sweeten the deal by sending that person a copy of the NPC Guide, signed by the entire Paizo editorial staff!

To enter, simply email your illustration to me at as a .jpg attachment by the end of the month—keep the file small (600 KB or less). Rob will then pick his favorite picture of them all and that'll be the winner, and we'll show it off in a blog post at the start of April.

And now, the details! Rummy-Tum-Tugger is a Medium-sized eidolon. He's got the quadruped base form, and looks vaguely like a purple badger with six legs, each leg tipped with scary sharp claws. His jaws are filled with BIG sharp teeth that are caked with even sharper razor-sharp ice. Oh, he also has a gore attack. Some sort of horns or spikes or something. Did I mention he's purple? He also wears an amulet of mighty fists. And he can talk. And he likes cheese, but since he's lactose intolerant poor Balazar has to constantly watch Rummy-Tum-Tugger's cheese intake.

James Jacobs
Creative Director

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Community Eidolons Gnomes Iconics Inquisitors Orcs Paizo Pathfinder Campaign Setting Rob McCreary Sandpoint Summoners
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Liberty's Edge

Cool. I hope he (and the rest of you guys) enjoys them all.

Thanks for the kind words about my entry everyone :) I look forward to seeing the others!

I'll post a link to my entry once the winner is announced.

And the winner is ...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Rob is out sick today, so assuming he's well enough to come in tomorrow, we'll see about getting the winner posted as early as Wednesday's Blog.

James Jacobs wrote:
Rob is out sick today ...

With these words, the dread Curse of the Rum Tummy is born.

Grand Lodge

I know I'm to late for the contest, but I wanted to share my version.
Rummy-Tum-Tugger and his really big wheel of Varisian extra sharp

Sovereign Court

Nice work, Dorgar. Here's my unfinished work, it was fun to do! I hope Paizo does another contest some day!

It is a two-eyed, one-horned purple cheese-eater..

Liberty's Edge

Aw, heck! Everyone else is doin' it and I'm a sucker for peer pressure. Here's mine.

I only draw in Darkvision Grey, so sorry for the lack of purple.

PS the kobold is my character from Galnorag's Second Darkness Campaign. The Homunculus is his newest creation.

Your Tugger is somewhat reminiscent of mine Dorgar, it is sad that you didn't get it in in time (you too CJ, though our tuggers are not that similar).

Oh man, I totally forgot about this contest...

Next time... :-(

I am guessing since the blog is about Kaer Maga today we are going to have to wait until at least tomorrow to find out the results?

Sovereign Court

Unfortunately, I was out sick Monday, and James was out sick yesterday and again today, so it's probably going to still be a day or two.

I can say that the entries are really good, and it's been really hard choosing a winner. You guys sent in some really awesome pictures!

So thanks for your patience, and please have just a little more, and we'll get the results up as soon as we can!

Here's hoping my friend wins. Not that archdaemons have "friends".

But seriously, I'll eat the competition's souls if needed. *slavers*

Liberty's Edge

Rob McCreary wrote:

Unfortunately, I was out sick Monday, and James was out sick yesterday and again today, so it's probably going to still be a day or two.

Bummer! Hope you guys are feeling better.

Paizo Employee Creative Director


The winner has been chosen and notified by email. Tomorrow's blog post will reveal who won, and will also reveal two honorable mentions.

(AKA Rob and I are finally not sick at the same time!)

Liberty's Edge

Glad you guys are feeling better. I was out with something flu-like a couple of weeks back and it wasn’t much fun.

Oh, and congrats to the winner and honourable mentions (whoever they might be)!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My entry can now be seen here. Hope y'all enjoy it.

Especially Rob. :D

I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for the winner and honorable mentions, and hoping I'm one of 'em. :D

as promised here is a link to my version of the Tugger CW's Tugger (color)

Congratulations to the winner!

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