Introducing Rummy-Tum-Tugger!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Every other Thursday evening, I run my "Shadow Under Sandpoint" campaign for the editorial folks. I started the game several months ago for three reasons—as a team-building exercise, as a way for we editors to get more familiar with the game we created, and because it sounded fun. Several of the PCs from this campaign appear in the recently released NPC Guide, in fact... but not all of them.

When Rob McCreary joined the Paizo editorial team, I invited him to join the game (which brought our total number of players up to a staggering total of nine!). After a false start with a half-orc (who soon left the party to seek fame and glory as our iconic inquisitor), Rob settled on a gnome summoner inspired by another of our new iconic characters. Yet unlike the iconic summoner, who has some sort of weird chicklizatrice type monster as an eidolon, Rob went for a different critter entirely.

His character is named Balazar, and his eidolon is named Rummy-Tum-Tugger (no relation to a certain similarly named feline superstar). When Rummy-Tum-Tugger first showed up, I asked Rob to describe him, but that didn't really help. It seems that every session, something new comes up and folks have to revise what they think Rummy-Tum-Tugger looks like. "Wait, his teeth shoot ice?" "Huh? He has six limbs?" "He's PURPLE?"

There's only one solution. A contest!

Break out your pencils, pens, paints, and Photoshops, because whoever draws Rob the best and most accurate depiction of Rummy-Tum-Tugger not only gets the satisfaction of helping my poor group of PCs visualize what their newest member actually looks like, but I'll sweeten the deal by sending that person a copy of the NPC Guide, signed by the entire Paizo editorial staff!

To enter, simply email your illustration to me at as a .jpg attachment by the end of the month—keep the file small (600 KB or less). Rob will then pick his favorite picture of them all and that'll be the winner, and we'll show it off in a blog post at the start of April.

And now, the details! Rummy-Tum-Tugger is a Medium-sized eidolon. He's got the quadruped base form, and looks vaguely like a purple badger with six legs, each leg tipped with scary sharp claws. His jaws are filled with BIG sharp teeth that are caked with even sharper razor-sharp ice. Oh, he also has a gore attack. Some sort of horns or spikes or something. Did I mention he's purple? He also wears an amulet of mighty fists. And he can talk. And he likes cheese, but since he's lactose intolerant poor Balazar has to constantly watch Rummy-Tum-Tugger's cheese intake.

James Jacobs
Creative Director

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Tags: Community Eidolons Gnomes Iconics Inquisitors Orcs Paizo Pathfinder Campaign Setting Rob McCreary Sandpoint Summoners
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Dark Archive

And now Vic's post makes sense ...

Oh! I'm totally in! Though I'll never beat the full-on artists! :D

Sovereign Court

I really think that, as awesome as this is going to be, you should show off the 2nd and 3rd place pictures, even if they get no other reward!

Sovereign Court

What a great idea! I wish there were more fun drawing contests like this.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

YES. I'm SO drawing for this. :D

Oh, and CJ, I bet if they have a good time with this one, they'll probably start making more of 'em.

I hope. :D

*sharpens the pencil*

Liberty's Edge

I'm not an artist, but look forward to seeing what gets created.

And now, I'm going to have to look up I got very confused with quadruped base form, but six legs...

(This is what I get for taking a break from the hobby.)

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Maybe this is just 'cause my 4-year-old loves the movie so I see it all the time, but I'm kinda' seeing Stitch here.

Mosaic wrote:
Maybe this is just 'cause my 4-year-old loves the movie so I see it all the time, but I'm kinda' seeing Stitch here.

yeah, totally stitch. especially if he surfs.

I think Rob will pick his favorite critter, not the best illustrated. So no professional skills required!

*sends assassin frogs to deal with Vagrant-poet, Callous Jack, N'wah and Lilith*

Sovereign Court

Hugo Solis wrote:

I think Rob will pick his favorite critter, not the best illustrated. So no professional skills required!

*sends assassin frogs to deal with Vagrant-poet, Callous Jack, N'wah and Lilith*

Damn ninja frogs!

oh, BTW, is it only one submission per paizonian?

*sends more ninja frogs and some poodles after CJ*

Sovereign Court

Hugo Solis wrote:

oh, BTW, is it only one submission per paizonian?

*sends more ninja frogs and some poodles after CJ*

Agh! My office is overrun by katana-wielding vermin!

Sovereign Court

*Hires Le French Chef to get Hugo*

Tres bien...!

*sharpens knives*


*runs away from the menu*

Good Ninja Minion

Callous Jack wrote:
Hugo Solis wrote:

oh, BTW, is it only one submission per paizonian?

*sends more ninja frogs and some poodles after CJ*

Agh! My office is overrun by katana-wielding vermin!

Sorry, wrong address - and who ya callin' vermin?!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Hugo Solis wrote:

oh, BTW, is it only one submission per paizonian?

*sends more ninja frogs and some poodles after CJ*

Only one submission per person. So make it your best shot!

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm thinking like the one this one

EDIT: Better link

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

To all of you meta-gamers posting to Lilo and Stitch, I will point out that it will be ROB choosing the winning entry, NOT JAMES.

So you can pander, but make sure you pander to the right judge!

Sovereign Court

Erik Mona wrote:

To all of you meta-gamers posting to Lilo and Stitch, I will point out that it will be ROB choosing the winning entry, NOT JAMES.


Scarab Sages

Ah, I have Rummy-Tum easily pictured in my head, but I am so not an artist. Writing, yes, drawing... no, unless you want really bad stick figures...

Liberty's Edge

I saw the title and was excited hoping there'd finally be cat people in Golarion. I am disappointed lol

I'm sorry guys I justcan't see the name Balazar without being reminded of the character of that name in the Worlds Largest Dungeon MP3

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

baron arem heshvaun wrote:

And now Vic's post makes sense ...

I think we should have a contest for recipes featuring Rummy-Tum-Tugger as a chief ingredient.

Liberty's Edge

I've submitted my entry. Pretty happy with it, but I won't be able to beat the pro's. Lookin' forward to seeing what everyone else can do.\


A good friend of mine said that she'll be submitting something for this contest. :)

Right, now to move into the shading stage. ~I sould be submitting my entry tomorrow.

Where's Rob? I need to pander, coz papa wants this book, but papa's broke! :p

Vic Wertz wrote:
I think we should have a contest for recipes featuring Rummy-Tum-Tugger as a chief ingredient.

Stop saying that name... you're going to summon Celestial Healer and he'll smite us all with Youtube clips of Cats. {shudders}

Submitted. Would we be able to put our interpretations up here after the winner is decided? I know I want to see what everyone else came up with!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

vagrant-poet wrote:
Submitted. Would we be able to put our interpretations up here after the winner is decided? I know I want to see what everyone else came up with!

Once the winner's decided, feel free to provide links to your entries here if you want.

James Jacobs wrote:
vagrant-poet wrote:
Submitted. Would we be able to put our interpretations up here after the winner is decided? I know I want to see what everyone else came up with!
Once the winner's decided, feel free to provide links to your entries here if you want.

Cool, thanks James.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Sent in mine; eager to see who the winner is. :D

Funny enough, despite meeting pretty much everyone at Paizo, and hanging out with those cats and kittens on occasion, I've never gotten a book signed by any of 'em (though I did sign Sean's copy of Gods & Magic without him even requesting it, and I left goofy Post-Its all over their desks once :P ).

I'd love to see what kind of payback they'd give me if I won. :P

But good luck to everyone, and I can't wait to see what everyone whips up. :D

N'wah wrote:
But good luck to everyone, and I can't wait to see what everyone whips up. :D

*shakes fist*

Oh yeah, be a good sport! You dastardly dastard you!

Today's the last day, good luck everyone!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Yup; today's the last day! Send in your entries and Rob will pick the winner on Thursday!

And there's going to be some tough choices... the picture folks have been sending in are quite delightful!

Sovereign Court

James Jacobs wrote:

Yup; today's the last day! Send in your entries and Rob will pick the winner on Thursday!

And there's going to be some tough choices... the picture folks have been sending in are quite delightful!

Agh, I hope I can slip something in at the last minute...

The Exchange

I used to sing to our baby boy which we called "Rumpy"

The song went, "Rumpty-Tumpty-Tum".


Zuxius wrote:

I used to sing to our baby boy which we called "Rumpy"

The song went, "Rumpty-Tumpty-Tum".


Eerie almost!

Good luck everyone!

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Ooh, I'm so nervous! Maker* knows in this economy I could use a free book . . . !

*Dragon Age reference.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Zuxius wrote:

I used to sing to our baby boy which we called "Rumpy"

The song went, "Rumpty-Tumpty-Tum".


Even stranger if he's a purplish badger.

Liberty's Edge

I've officially gone mad with anticipation.

It's half 8 am over there! You have at least 8 hours or so before we're likely to hear anything! :D

Liberty's Edge

vagrant-poet wrote:
It's half 8 am over there! You have at least 8 hours or so before we're likely to hear anything! :D

Do you really think they're that cruel? Oh, wait...


Here's my hat into the ring!

I hope there's a way to see the other entries, whether they won or not! I am dying to see everyone else's version of Rummy-Tum-Tugger! :D

Liberty's Edge

Char Reed wrote:

Here's my hat into the ring!

I hope there's a way to see the other entries, whether they won or not! I am dying to see everyone else's version of Rummy-Tum-Tugger! :D

Spiffy! Really neat looking critter!

Paizo Employee Creative Director


The window for submitting Rummy-Tum-Tuggers is officially over! Rob will be picking his winner today or (more likely) tonight at the game, and we'll post the winner sometime next week.

Thank you, everyone, for participating! This was really fun!

Char Reed wrote:

Here's my hat into the ring!

I hope there's a way to see the other entries, whether they won or not! I am dying to see everyone else's version of Rummy-Tum-Tugger! :D

Wow... that makes mine looks BAD!

vagrant-poet wrote:
Char Reed wrote:

Here's my hat into the ring!

I hope there's a way to see the other entries, whether they won or not! I am dying to see everyone else's version of Rummy-Tum-Tugger! :D

Wow... that makes mine looks BAD!

I have to say that I wouldn't be too disappointed to 'loose' to that picture, indeed.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

OK! Rob has all his pictures and will be taking the weekend to make his choice! Expect results early next week!

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