Illustraction by Vincent Dutrait

In with the New

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pretty much the last thing we did in 2009—before we ran screaming from the office, that is—was to pack Pathfinder Adventure Path #31: "Stolen Land", the first volume of the Kingmaker Adventure Path, off to the printer. So, to refresh your desktop for the new year, check out its incredible cover scene from artist Vincent Dutrait. Enjoy!

Wes Schneider
Managing Editor

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Tags: Amiri Barbarians Iconics Kingmaker Monks Monsters Pathfinder Adventure Path Sajan Tatzlwyrms Vincent Dutrait Wallpapers

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber

This is just great!

+! And it's good to see our monk being used again as one of the iconics..

Awesome! SO looking forward to this. Kingmaker will be my first AP in the subscription line and I'm totally geared for it!

RotR: Valeros, Kyra, Merisiel, Seoni
CotCT: Ezren, Harsk, Lem, Seelah
SD: Amiri, Lini, Seltyiel, Sajan

LoF: Valeros, Kyra, Merisiel, Ezren
CoT: Seoni, Seltyiel, Lem, Seelah

So, seen as they cycle through, I suspect Amiri, Sajan, Harsk and Lini to be our iconics.

Amiri, Harsk and Lini are perfect for a wilderness campaign, especially seeing as one of the gods covered is Erastil. Sajan is a fun addition, and unless they do a Vudra campaign will always be the exotic foreigner.

Also, cool cover! Its nice to see less well represented iconics get cover time, can't wait to see the cover NPC.

This is an interesting cover, and in somewhat of a different style. I've been wondering when we'd see more Dutrait, so that's also good. In the other thread, they're saying those are tatzelwyrms. I was thinking linnorms.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

I love the art style on this painting. Not that Paizo doesn't get lots of great art (WAR included, of course), but I like the feel of this sort of "rough cut" with the atmosphere that I think Kingmaker is going for. Cool beans!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Jason Nelson wrote:
I love the art style on this painting. Not that Paizo doesn't get lots of great art (WAR included, of course), but I like the feel of this sort of "rough cut" with the atmosphere that I think Kingmaker is going for. Cool beans!

That is basically what I was thinking as I was looking at the pic. The atmosphere is spot on!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
This is an interesting cover, and in somewhat of a different style. I've been wondering when we'd see more Dutrait, so that's also good. In the other thread, they're saying those are tatzelwyrms. I was thinking linnorms.

They're tatzlwyrms. Linnorms are not fair monsters to use in a 1st level adventure... and linnorms are train-sized monsters anyway! :P

That's what I get for being so visually oriented so as to only give the text a passing glance. Size was actually what was motivating me: I think the one in the foreground fooled me a little bit, when I should have been taking note of Amiri next to the one in the back.

Anyway, thanks for the wallpaper! Great blog!

The art is great, a bit of a deviation... but in a good way. I love seeing different artists take on the iconics.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

::thumbs up::

It's great to see this taking shape. Love the cover art!

Sovereign Court

Tatzlwyrms? I've never heard of them, where are they from?

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

Callous Jack wrote:
Tatzlwyrms? I've never heard of them, where are they from?

They were in Hollow's Last Hope (D0).

I wonder for how many of us the tatzylwyrm was our first new Paizo monster.

Liberty's Edge

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
I wonder for how many of us the tatzylwyrm was our first new Paizo monster.

Yeah, I loved DMing that module!

I've run it twice, and both times IIRC, that has been one of the two places that the party has almost lost folks.

Sovereign Court

Adam Daigle wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Tatzlwyrms? I've never heard of them, where are they from?
They were in Hollow's Last Hope (D0).

Wow! It's been so long since I read that, I had completely forgotten.


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