Crystal Frasier has left the building, but her legacy lives on! Legacies are a big focus of the War for the Crown Adventure Path, which comes to its stunning conclusion with Amber E. Scott's The Six-Legend Soul. Amber's adventure opens on a truly dire note:
Spoiler:While the PCs were working hard to obtain the approval of First Emperor Taldaris's spirit in Axis (as recounted in John Compton's excellent adventure, The Reaper's Right Hand), assassins murdered Princess Eutropia!

Some of these conflicts are intellectual, while others are definitely not.
Illustration by Miguel Regodón Harkness
This mighty deed is merely the first step in a thrilling adventure that will put high-level heroes to the test. Amber assembled a ton of exceptional encounters—so many that I'm not sure how she fit them all into a single adventure—and Crystal tied them very neatly to the rest of the adventure path. Several of the PCs' former enemies and allies influence this story, but it is the legendary figures from Taldor's history that really steal the show. You may have noticed the, well, shall we say, suspiciously favorable histories of Taldan emperors in the inside cover of each of the adventure path's volumes. The PCs meet each of them here, vying with these legendary spirits for control of young Prince Carrius's soul.
It's quite common for us to end an adventure path with a "Continuing the Campaign" article, and War for the Crown is no different. In addition to providing adventure hooks regarding several loose ends, Crystal's article presents an in-depth subsystem to determine what kind of ruler Eutropia becomes at the end of the campaign. So much of Eutropia's legacy is tied up in the PCs' decisions and victories throughout the entire adventure path that her ultimate leadership style rests on their actions. Will history call her Eutropia the Kind, Eutropia the Builder, Eutropia the Measured…or even Eutropia the Bloody?
Bring your War for the Crown campaign to a stunning conclusion and create a lasting legacy in your world!
Ron Lundeen