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Pathfinder Adventure Path #120: Vault of the Onyx Citadel (Ironfang Invasion 6 of 6) (PFRPG)

The Ironfang Resolution

The Ironfang Resolution Thursday, July 19, 2017 This month marks the conclusion of the Ironfang Invasion, and even as I type, issues of Pathfinder Adventure Path #120: Vault of the Onyx Citadel are being furiously packaged and shipped by our warehouse raptors. Some of you may already have them in your dice-stained hands. We finally get to see what makes Azaersi tick, and what sort of danger her sly inner circle truly present. Your heros will (hopefully) slay the witch worm Zanathura (again)...
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Tags: Ironfang Invasion Miguel Regodón Harkness Pathfinder Adventure Path Remko Troost Will O'Brien

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 6 (PFRPG)

Literary Monsters of Bestiary 6

For this last Bestiary 6 post (the book officially released yesterday, so I can't really call it a preview post!), I want to build upon last week's post, where I talked a bit about monsters from mythological sources. In this case, since these creatures aren't protected by copyright law and aren't the intellectual property of content creators, the field is wide open—we can create specific creatures based on these things in the same way we can stat up things like donkeys and rats. But there's another category of inspiration that we often draw upon that's a bit trickier—literary sources.

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Tags: Bestiary 6 Florian Stitz Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Rafael Rivera Will O'Brien

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 6 (PFRPG)

Demigods of Bestiary 6

Demigods of Bestiary 6 Thursday, March 23, 2017 With the reveal of Pathfinder RPG: Bestiary 6's fiendishly ferocious cover last week, the time is finally right to start looking INSIDE of this book... or should I say the STARS are right? Because yes indeed we've got three more of Lovecraft's Great Old Ones appearing in this book. In fact, one of the recurring themes you'll notice right away (it's right there on the cover) is that we're including more statistics for demigods in Bestiary 6...
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Tags: Bestiary 6 David Melvin Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Will O'Brien William Liu

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Faiths (PFRPG)

Spreading the Good Word of the Inner Sea!

By now, Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Faiths has shipped out to friendly local game stores and subscriber inboxes everywhere, giving you details on some of the lesser-known gods of the Inner Sea—and a couple of them really bug me!

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Tags: Firat Solhan Kiki Moch Rizky Leonardo Borazio Pathfinder Campaign Setting Ralph Horsley Shen Fei Will O'Brien

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #97: In Hell's Bright Shadow (Hell's Rebels 1 of 6) (PFRPG)

Behind the Art of Hell's Rebels

The launch of the Hell's Rebels Adventure Path is special for a number of reasons. Most significant, of course, is that this series will include the long-awaited issue number 100! It's taken a lot of hard work from many talented people to get Pathfinder this far, and I am extremely grateful to have been here to see issue 100 take shape.

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Tags: Caio Maciel Monteiro Ekaterina Burmak Hell's Rebels Kiki Moch Rizky Paizo Pathfinder Adventure Path Will O'Brien

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