Happy Labor Day!

Monday, September 3, 2012

It's Labor Day here in the States, which means that all the goblin-wranglers and libromancers at Paizo are taking a well-deserved day off. To hold you over until the next blog post, here's the unadulterated cover illustration for Robin Laws' new Pathfinder Tales novel, Blood of the City--a story revolving around Luma, an urban druid, and her family of high-end mercenaries in Magnimar.

One of my favorite things about novel covers is the way they wrap all the way around the book, and it's always with a tinge of regret that I write the back cover copy, knowing it'll cover up such wonderful details. Just take a look at those fountains here in the wealthy Alabaster District, and it's easy to see why Magnimar is often called the City of Monuments....

Illustration by Adam Danger Cook

James Sutter
Fiction Editor/Senior Editor

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Adam Danger Cook Druids Elves Hellknights Pathfinder Tales Robin D. Laws Wallpapers

Whoa! WHOA!

She's up against an ANTIPALADIN?

HOLY SHIT! I hope she brought BACK UP!

Good luck Luma and don't underestimate your foe!

Your up against the WORST SORT OF SCUM!

Scarab Sages

More likely Hellknight.

Dark Archive Contributor

4 people marked this as a favorite.

It's a shock, I know, but I'd love to see all of these covers as gigantic, scalable computer desktops.

I love the colors in Magnimar. More landscapes and city vistas in desktop format would be awfully keen, too.

Dave Gross wrote:

It's a shock, I know, but I'd love to see all of these covers as gigantic, scalable computer desktops.

I love the colors in Magnimar. More landscapes and city vistas in desktop format would be awfully keen, too.

I believe you should listen to Mr. Gross.

Silver Crusade

Really really love this one.

Lantern Lodge

I like the artwork, but have to ask.. What's that horridly useless hunk of twisted metal in her hand supposed to be? Is that whats left of her scimitar after hitting the hellknight's armor, some weird spell effect, or is it just an artists interpretation of a sickle?

Dave Gross wrote:

It's a shock, I know, but I'd love to see all of these covers as gigantic, scalable computer desktops.

I love the colors in Magnimar. More landscapes and city vistas in desktop format would be awfully keen, too.

This is a wonderful idea! I have a significant variety of stuff rotating on my desktop, but I certainly wouldn't mind a bit more.



Kassegore wrote:
I like the artwork, but have to ask.. What's that horridly useless hunk of twisted metal in her hand supposed to be? Is that whats left of her scimitar after hitting the hellknight's armor, some weird spell effect, or is it just an artists interpretation of a sickle?

Artist's version of a sickle. Though to be fair, at the beginning of the book she uses a normal sickle, then picks up that weird one because of... reasons. ;)

Lantern Lodge

James Sutter wrote:
Kassegore wrote:
I like the artwork, but have to ask.. What's that horridly useless hunk of twisted metal in her hand supposed to be? Is that whats left of her scimitar after hitting the hellknight's armor, some weird spell effect, or is it just an artists interpretation of a sickle?
Artist's version of a sickle. Though to be fair, at the beginning of the book she uses a normal sickle, then picks up that weird one because of... reasons. ;)

Thanks James,

You guys are usually spot on with art direction, so I figured it was probably something story related.

By the way, loved the character development in Death's Heretic.

Death's Heretic:
Not to ruin things for other people, but the way you resolved the Salim/Nelia relationship I thought was handled perfectly and stayed true to the character. Also your treatment of planar travel and the denizens therein was handled well, and highly enjoyable. I look forward to reading more about Salim in the future.

What's this? Someone in the traditional "T 'n' A"-pose, without any T or A?

Finally, the day has come that fully armoured males get to strike ridiculous poses too. I'm so happy. ;)


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kassegore wrote:

By the way, loved the character development in Death's Heretic.

** spoiler omitted **

Thanks, Kassegore! Glad you liked it!

And VRMH--who's saying there's no T&A? That's a fine-looking Hellknight backin' that cuisse up...

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