War, War Never Changes!

Friday, February 24, 2017

Conflict rages across many portions of Golarion, but no two nations are defined and shaped by the war that rips through them quite like Molthune and Nirmathas. More than 8 decades of bitter unrest and violence inextricably links these two countries; imperialist Molthune seeks to bring rebellious Nirmathas back into its fold, while fiercely independent Nirmathas can't help but rabble-rouse even when peace seems at hand.

Beyond these basic details from the Inner Sea World Guide, though, we've said little about Molthune and Nirmathas—until now. Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Lands of Conflict is just hitting shelves now, and it contains 64 pages about these two complex nations. I couldn't be more proud about how it turned out.

For the first time, we provide an in-depth look at the inner workings of these two lands, including the complex governmental structure of Molthune and the disparate populace of Nirmathas. The illustrious Amber E. Scott—our superstar author guest of honor for this year's PaizoCon!—did a phenomenal job fleshing out both nations, their history and motivations, the ongoing conflict, and the wild adventures you could set there. Amber has turned Molthune and Nirmathas into living, breathing places that Game Masters could use as a setting for years to come.

Speaking of, if you're interested in adventures that take place here, you'll want to check out the upcoming Ironfang Invasion Adventure Path, developed by Crystal Frasier, in which a hobgoblin army invades Nirmathas!

Illustrations by Sandra Posada and Lewis Jones

But deep lore and context is not all this book offers. We've also included a new militia system designed to allow any party to build, advance, and lead their own band of fighters. It's particularly appropriate for the Ironfang Invasion Adventure Path, though this subsystem can easily be used in any game. The militia system marks the debut of author Lissa Guillet, who is also Paizo's own systems administrator. Lissa did a great job building and parsing rules that can slot seamlessly into any appropriate backdrop.

Beside all of the above, Lands of Conflict includes a host of new Molthuni and Nirmathi troops, large gazetteers of each nation, robust nation and settlement maps, and much more. And check out these all-new character shots below!

Amanda Hamon Kunz

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Lewis Jones Pathfinder Campaign Setting Sandra Posada
Grand Lodge


Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Love the boar :3

Scarab Sages Developer

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Love the boar :3

Agreed. I am of the opinion that the world needs 100% more battle boars--all with tusk ornamentations, of course. :D

Silver Crusade

Amanda Hamon Kunz wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Love the boar :3
Agreed. I am of the opinion that the world needs 100% more battle boars--all with tusk ornamentations, of course. :D


Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Also the Molthuni Captain picture link is broken. It's just missing the . inbetween captain and jpg though :3

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What a beautiful half-orc druid. Rawr! :D



1 person marked this as a favorite.

No, no it doesn't.

Takes aim with Annabelle at the Deathclaw standing next to the decrepit Front End Loader.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The link for the Molthuni Captain is broke.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Axial wrote:
The link for the Molthuni Captain is broke.

Try this link.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

What's Nirmathi for "The Mannerheim Line," I wonder...

In any event, "Hakkaa päälle!"

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Feros wrote:
Axial wrote:
The link for the Molthuni Captain is broke.
Try this link.

Thanks for the link Feros!.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cole Deschain wrote:
What's Nirmathi for "The Mannerheim Line," I wonder...

It's "Forest Cantons." Nirmathas being the Swiss national myth incarnate.

zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Cole Deschain wrote:
What's Nirmathi for "The Mannerheim Line," I wonder...
It's "Forest Cantons." Nirmathas being the Swiss national myth incarnate.

Shouldn't they be pikemen and not archers then?

And a question for everyone who's seen the 'new militia system': just how well does it work with the mass combat system from Ultimate Campaign?

Silver Crusade

War, War Never Changes!

let's battle begin!!!

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Eric Hinkle wrote:
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Cole Deschain wrote:
What's Nirmathi for "The Mannerheim Line," I wonder...
It's "Forest Cantons." Nirmathas being the Swiss national myth incarnate.
Shouldn't they be pikemen and not archers then?

Not according to The Myth.

Or at least, to popular (and thus almost certinaly Paizo's) knowledge of The Myth, which pretty much begins and ends with William Tell.

Eric Hinkle wrote:
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Cole Deschain wrote:
What's Nirmathi for "The Mannerheim Line," I wonder...
It's "Forest Cantons." Nirmathas being the Swiss national myth incarnate.

Shouldn't they be pikemen and not archers then?

And a question for everyone who's seen the 'new militia system': just how well does it work with the mass combat system from Ultimate Campaign?

Having read the new militia rules, but only skimmed the mass combat section of Ultimate Campaign, I'd say they are two distinct systems. It might be possible to shoehorn the militia rules into the mass combat system with some creative design work, but I don't believe that was the intention.

I'm most curious about the new Troop subtype for creatures and am wondering if there's going to be any additional information about it before making its full debut in Bestiary 6.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm coming up with a concept for a character for Ironfang Invasion, and i was wondering if this book had any further information on the judiciary / legal system in Nirmathas?

The concept is a Cavalier - he's the local circuit judge / lawyer, who is in Phaendar for market day, which on the American frontier was also one of the days when the circuit judge would show up to try cases.

He's kind of inspired by Jimmy Stewart's character in the "Man who Shot Liberty Valance", and by reading about Abraham Lincoln's frontier lawyering days in "Team of Rivals". I got the idea looking at the list of Professions, and one of them is "barrister".

I figure Nirmathas doesn't have lawmen in the towns - instead there's a sort of roving system of judges who go from place to place, judging cases and then moving on.

Yakman wrote:

I'm coming up with a concept for a character for Ironfang Invasion, and i was wondering if this book had any further information on the judiciary / legal system in Nirmathas?

The concept is a Cavalier - he's the local circuit judge / lawyer, who is in Phaendar for market day, which on the American frontier was also one of the days when the circuit judge would show up to try cases.

He's kind of inspired by Jimmy Stewart's character in the "Man who Shot Liberty Valance", and by reading about Abraham Lincoln's frontier lawyering days in "Team of Rivals". I got the idea looking at the list of Professions, and one of them is "barrister".

I figure Nirmathas doesn't have lawmen in the towns - instead there's a sort of roving system of judges who go from place to place, judging cases and then moving on.

Mmmmh... not working too well I fear. Nirmathas is described as being "fiercely independent" to the point the people don't trust authority figures of any kind. In Nirmathas a character concept like yours would mean dealing with a lot of hostility and distrust. It could be interesting but not exactly what you seem to want . More like a travelling judge dealing with contemporay anti government members...


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Rogar Valertis wrote:
Yakman wrote:

I'm coming up with a concept for a character for Ironfang Invasion, and i was wondering if this book had any further information on the judiciary / legal system in Nirmathas?

The concept is a Cavalier - he's the local circuit judge / lawyer, who is in Phaendar for market day, which on the American frontier was also one of the days when the circuit judge would show up to try cases.

He's kind of inspired by Jimmy Stewart's character in the "Man who Shot Liberty Valance", and by reading about Abraham Lincoln's frontier lawyering days in "Team of Rivals". I got the idea looking at the list of Professions, and one of them is "barrister".

I figure Nirmathas doesn't have lawmen in the towns - instead there's a sort of roving system of judges who go from place to place, judging cases and then moving on.

Mmmmh... not working too well I fear. Nirmathas is described as being "fiercely independent" to the point the people don't trust authority figures of any kind. In Nirmathas a character concept like yours would mean dealing with a lot of hostility and distrust. It could be interesting but not exactly what you seem to want . More like a travelling judge dealing with contemporay anti government members...


It's just that there's gotta be SOMEONE who figures out disputes when the locals can't do it. I mean... they could... you might have a system like Athens where the citizenry is allotted to the jury and whatnot, but then you'd need lawyers, which I figure is something that the Nirmathi would like even less than a circuit judge.

So I figured the lightest hand would be someone who isn't in town 90 % of the time, who doesn't have a travelling posse of soldiers with him, and who sets up shop to adjudicate every other market day or so.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

If he's Nirmathi, I actually don't see much of a problem. Just have a backstory where he has a reputation in the area of being able to resolve disputes fairly and equitably.

"Fiercely independent" doesn't mean "blisteringly incapable of basic jurisprudence," after all.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Cole Deschain wrote:

If he's Nirmathi, I actually don't see much of a problem. Just have a backstory where he has a reputation in the area of being able to resolve disputes fairly and equitably.

"Fiercely independent" doesn't mean "blisteringly incapable of basic jurisprudence," after all.

yeah, that's what I figured.

I mean... it is a country, not just an area. They have to have some governance.

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