For Evil to be Victorious, it Needs Good Help!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Evil is insidious, it's not always the person stabbing you in the face repeatedly, but instead, it's the person whispering honeyed words into your ears. You've all been victim to it. I've seen you lot, swayed by the promises of the occult or tales of black markets. The crafter of those words was quite skilled. It's my understanding that her hand helped guide the words that fill the tome of which I am to speak.

What am I here to discuss? I'm here to talk about evil. Specifically, I'm here to talk about Pathfinder Player Companion: Agents of Evil.

The noblest of soul, or the most depraved mind, can willingly walk the path of service to an evil power. It's important to note that such bondage does not inherently turn one into a force for evil. In this guide, you'll read about bad beginnings, sad stories, and monstrous motivations.

For those of you without a maligned past or similarly dark ambitions, there are evil patrons aplenty—from the Aspis Consortium to the Whispering Way—who willingly seek agents to do their bidding. For those of you with a more religious bent, the fouler gods of Golarion have much to offer. Even those less vile followers of such deities are given their fair respect in this book. Asmodeus too takes his rightful place here, and for those of you foolish enough to combat the rightful rule of House Thrune, you may find yourself interested in hearing about the Devil Impostors—summoners whose eidolons imitate the traits of hellspawn.

All can benefit from the knowledge on fighting the supposed 'forces of good'. Learn strategies to employ against agathions, angels, archons, and azatas alike—most certainly useful for those battling the rising rabble of the Glorious Reclamation.

Contained within the intricate script of this tome are poisons of the foulest sort, with additional necrotoxins—whose sort you've likely learned of from Golarion's black markets. Even the more misunderstood races can learn some skill in service to evil powers, from fetchling magi clouding the vision of their enemies, to tiefling alchemists brewing bombs of pure hellfire.

Ah... it appears I may be telling you too much, and our time is growing short.

Luckily, there's far too many magic items and spells to adequately describe in this place. I could discuss the withershot muskets, crafted by the servants of the daemonic harbinger Cixyron. Or perhaps you'd like to hear of the Aspis Consortium's success with the aboleth-designed ioun spite bracers.

Illustrations by Sally Gottschalk, Kez Laczin, and Andy Timm


Well, I suppose I could tantalize you with the necromantic spell blood tentacles that does... well, it does exactly what you might expect.

Sadly, there's just too much to talk about in a place such as this.

Except... Well, I wouldn't be properly evil without mentioning one last seductive item from this volume of inequity. The insinuator is an antipaladin archetype that purely embodies a path of pure self-interest. These paragons of self shun bonding with a single deity, instead living an existence bartering with any power that seems likely to grant them the power needed to meet their own goals.

Now I must go. But before I do, I must thank Crystal Frasier and Owen K.C. Stephens for the opportunity to work on this book. If anything, I am truly an agent of their far-reaching evil.

Thurston "Thursty" Hillman
Contributing Author

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Andy Timm Kez Laczin Pathfinder Player Companion Sally Gottschalk

Hmmm... sounds good. Playing in an evil campaign myself, could always use some inspiration. Definitely interested in any tips for fighting Ghaele Azata though, I suspect my GM may throw one at us after I talked up how OP it is.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Given my Lisalla worshippers love of Ioun stones, I'll be curious what the Ioun spite bracers do

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Agents of evil? i thought we already had a Pathfinder society primer.

*ow ow ow ow kidding ow ow ow who knew deciemverate masks had newspapers ow ow ow ow*

Scarab Sages Contributor

BigNorseWolf wrote:

Agents of evil? i thought we already had a Pathfinder society primer.

*ow ow ow ow kidding ow ow ow who knew deciemverate masks had newspapers ow ow ow ow*

for what it's worth, the Society gets a mention in here.

Paizo Employee Contributor—Canadian Maplecakes

2 people marked this as a favorite.
UllarWarlord wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

Agents of evil? i thought we already had a Pathfinder society primer.

*ow ow ow ow kidding ow ow ow who knew deciemverate masks had newspapers ow ow ow ow*

for what it's worth, the Society gets a mention in here.

Quite intentional...

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You guys should name that iconic antipaladin already ;)

Community Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Strife2002 wrote:
You guys should name that iconic antipaladin already ;)

...It's not Stephen?

Damn it, why did I not get the memo?!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Liz Courts wrote:
Strife2002 wrote:
You guys should name that iconic antipaladin already ;)

...It's not Stephen?

Damn it, why did I not get the memo?!

No, Stephen is the evil twin.

Sovereign Court

Tels wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Strife2002 wrote:
You guys should name that iconic antipaladin already ;)

...It's not Stephen?

Damn it, why did I not get the memo?!
No, Stephen is the evil twin.

So, Stephen is a Paladin, then? Because, from The Antipaladin's perspective, wouldn't a Paladin effectively be Evil?

The Masked Ferret wrote:
Tels wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Strife2002 wrote:
You guys should name that iconic antipaladin already ;)

...It's not Stephen?

Damn it, why did I not get the memo?!
No, Stephen is the evil twin.
So, Stephen is a Paladin, then? Because, from The Antipaladin's perspective, wouldn't a Paladin effectively be Evil?

No, because the Antipaladin is still Evil. Just because you're opposing someone, doesn't make the opposition Evil from your perspective.

Honestly, with the knowledge of the things the Antipaladin has done (like kicking pigs for fun), it should be bloody terrifying that the Antipaladin is the nice twin.

Tels wrote:
The Masked Ferret wrote:
Tels wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Strife2002 wrote:
You guys should name that iconic antipaladin already ;)

...It's not Stephen?

Damn it, why did I not get the memo?!
No, Stephen is the evil twin.
So, Stephen is a Paladin, then? Because, from The Antipaladin's perspective, wouldn't a Paladin effectively be Evil?

No, because the Antipaladin is still Evil. Just because you're opposing someone, doesn't make the opposition Evil from your perspective.

Honestly, with the knowledge of the things the Antipaladin has done (like kicking pigs for fun), it should be bloody terrifying that the Antipaladin is the nice twin.

Wait, I thought everyone did Blood Pig for fun? I mean, it's not like it's really that cruel.

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