Come to the Phaendar Market Festival!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The friendly local faces of Phaendar.
Illustrations by Dario Jelusic

Once a season we transform our town into the greatest celebration of trade and community in Golarion! Come meet hundreds of other Nirmathi for music, food, and trade! Join us all for a week of fun and community, and stock up for the coming season.

This season's festival will include:

  • Traders from Tamran and Exotic Druma!
  • The Varisian Musical Stylings of Jet!
  • Archery Demonstrations by our Local Legend, Aubrin the Green!
  • Fireworks!
  • And Wee Patterson, the Tiniest Aurochs!

Anything and everything you want will be at the festival: fruits and vegetables, fine cured meats, furs and pelts, seeds and tools, and all manner of woodwork! Space at our very own Taproot Inn is limited, but ample spaces is available for pitching tents in the surrounding fields, so reserve early or bring your own camping supplies. Whatever you choose, everyone loves the festival!

Normally, celebrations are reserved for the tail end of the Adventure Path, but the Ironfang Invasion treats players to dessert first by starting everything off at a festival. The biggest social event of western Nirmathas is in swing as the adventure begins, bringing over a thousand attendees ranging from local farmers to trappers, to even the occasional adventurer! The PCs can spend their starting wealth on rare treasures, from fried squirrel to paper bullettes, all before raiding a single dungeon!

Sure nothing bad will happen at this delightful, local tradition. The PCs are free to let their guard down, if only for a moment. Death and destruction surely won't appear without warning...

Illustration by Mirco Paganessi

Oh... oh dear.

If you'd like to capture some of the feel of this Adventure Path in music, here are just a few soundtrack suggestions to get you started, lifted from a few of my favorite video games. In fact, I listened to many of these while developing the adventures you're about to play!

  • Bastion
  • Dragon Age: Inquisition
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  • Final Fantasy 9
  • Journey
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  • Ni No Kuni
  • Never Alone
  • Unravel
  • World of Warcraft: Legion

Crystal Frasier

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Tags: Dario Jelusic Ironfang Invasion Mirco Paganessi Pathfinder Adventure Path
Scarab Sages


And the Bastion soundtrack is so, so damned good.

Silver Crusade

Good picks!

Silver Crusade Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Bastion! <3

Silver Crusade

I hasn't played it...

Silver Crusade Contributor

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Why are you still here? Get to it!

Silver Crusade



That looks like an orc holding the sword to the dude's throat. So sick of greenwashing...

Silver Crusade


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hm. I feel the need to caper in madcap glee...

Hey! I'm getting killed in Skyrim as we speak!

It turns out nothing attracts a giant entourage like a pissed off Blood Dragon.

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It seems Rhyna and Jet are about to hit the terminal stage of Joker Toxin, poor dears.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite. Leslie Knope organizing this season's festival, by any chance?

Hmm, between this, Rise of the Runelords, and Wrath of the Righteous, I think I am going to avoid anything resembling a festival in Golarion.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Where is your citizenship now, you Molthuni @#$%&s!?!?

xobmaps wrote:
Hmm, between this, Rise of the Runelords, and Wrath of the Righteous, I think I am going to avoid anything resembling a festival in Golarion.

Haha, I know, right!?

Festivals on Golarion are almost as bad as weddings in Westeros/Essos. All the bad things happen there!

xobmaps wrote:
Hmm, between this, Rise of the Runelords, and Wrath of the Righteous, I think I am going to avoid anything resembling a festival in Golarion.

Don't forget Feast of Ravenmoor and Carnival of Tears!

Shadow Lodge

And Realm of the Fellnight Queene + Reign of Winter.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Festivals have become Pathfinder's taverns.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

And Murderer's Mark!

Grand Lodge

PFS Scenario #8-06 has something like that innit too, don' it?

What kind of music could represent Jet's (and thus Varisian) music?

edit: I'm listening to all the soundtracks but there's about 6 to 7 hours of it. I'll probably start Book 1 at the Inn so a cool song to wow the PCs would be ideal.

Poor Kining, why isn't she partying in the festival? :P

Sovereign Court

Rune wrote:

What kind of music could represent Jet's (and thus Varisian) music?

edit: I'm listening to all the soundtracks but there's about 6 to 7 hours of it. I'll probably start Book 1 at the Inn so a cool song to wow the PCs would be ideal.

For sad times

For good times

Liberty's Edge Developer

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Okay, you know what? You guys don't get any parties any more!

Liberty's Edge

Maybe the solution is to have two parties instead? I know two-party systems have gotten a bad rap, but...

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Look, not everything Hamilton did turned to gold.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

I'd like an AP to start with a battle and suddenly have a festival break out.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey all, so I took Crystal's suggestions for tracks as well as my own inspirations for musical themes and put together a soundtrack on Spotify for Ironfang Invasion. I plan to use it for my upcoming play-by-post game. The tracks should line up pretty well with the events of the AP as they happen - I've keyed the various parts of each adventure to a series of songs. There's room for expansion, and I don't have Prisoners of the Blight yet, so I'll make sure to come back and post my new list, but for now here is what I've got!

Playlist Breakdown, AP Spoilers Ahead!:
Intro - 'A Winter's Tale'

Night of the Iron Fangs - 'Night of the Long Fangs', 'Twisted Streets', and 'A Knife in the Dark'
Beneath the Hemlock Banner - 'Survivors', 'Kyne's Peace', 'Threshold', 'Commanding the Fury', and 'Distant Horizons'
Cradled in Stone - 'In Hushed Whispers', 'Silent Footsteps', and 'Vortigen and the Syrens'
Camp of the Red Jaw - 'Make Them Count' and 'Welcome, Imlerith'

Exploring the Fangwood - 'The Call', 'The Edge of the Wild', and 'Unbroken Road'
Revel at Ristin - 'Descent', 'Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts', and 'Eyes of the Wolf'
Secrets of Fort Nunder - 'Wharf to Wilds' and 'Roast Mutton'
The Gorge - 'The Bielski Otriad', 'Amon Hen', and 'Watch the Skies'

Safe Haven - 'Seasoned Oak', 'Nascence', and 'Tooth and Claw'
Scouting The Hollow Hills - 'Journey to Skyhold', 'Slinger's Song', and 'Forged in Fire'
Jewel on the Marideth - 'The City Gates', 'The Streets of Whiterun', 'Cloak and Dagger', and 'The Hornburg'
Undermining the Legion - 'Journey to the Caves', 'Mine, Windbag, Mine', and 'Calling the Inquisition'
Battle of Longshadow - 'Helm's Deep', 'Siege of Adamant', 'The Fall', 'Isengard Unleashed', and 'On Thin Ice'

Goddess Below - 'Ancient Stones', 'The Hill of Sorcery', and 'The Darklands'
The Long Walk - 'A Journey in the Dark', 'Shadows and Echoes', and 'The Bridge of Khazad-Dum'
Judgment of the Sky Citadel - 'The Dwarf Lords', 'Sovngarde', and 'Sons of Durin'
Ghosts of the Past - 'The Lost Temple', 'Bottom Feeders', and 'The Place of All Fears'

Any feedback would be very welcome! I can add album and artist credits when I'm at a computer, but the above list should correspond with the playlist, which I've linked above. Happy gaming!

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