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Next, Nikma moves on to Siraya to see what they have cooking...
I figure we should just keep make the rounds to open up the skills for all our options.

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Lan bows his and says to Szvetneera, "I'm sorry I'm madame, I am a dumb soldier and you areprobably annoyed at having to explain your design to someone like me. But I thanks you for your time. One more dumb question. If I or my horse don't eat our legs stop working. Does the train eat chicken feed?"

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A pack of twelve witchwargs lounge on the edge of the courtyard, cleaning their fur idly and occasionally giving cavernous yawns that display rows of sharp, yellowed teeth. Only one of their number seems focused, standing on their hind legs and snarling as they fiddle with the model train display in their indelicate claws.
Danixki - Atheltics, Intimidation, Nature or Survival to research.
On the fringe of the estate’s courtyard, a scant few feet from a copse of trees that begins the Hoarwood, a lone woman paces. Her elegant dress extends to the ground, the hem frayed and stained from dragging slightly. She turns to show vibrant emerald eyes and auburn hair that extends far down her back. In her hands she holds a model, this one oddly devoid of any metal.
Siraya - Deception, Nature or Performance to research.
Szvetneera stares at Lan as if he'd asked the stupidest question in the world.

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Taking a swig of wine, Hadrimos will say to Siraya, "The monks of the Isthmus of Sundergus taught us the value of staying away from others. Separation from the distraction of interpersonal relationships improves the ability to maintain proper thought and action."
Deception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15

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Danixki - Intimidation: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
Gwen approaches the witchwargs with a throaty growl herself and showing some teeth. As she nears the snarling one, her hand darts out to close around the beast's throat, not to hurt it, but in a firm hold, mimicking an older sibling's touch.
Siraya - Deception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
When Gwen approaches Siraya, her eyes widen. She takes in the woman's appearance and smiles. "Hello! I'm Gwendolyn. You seem to have a similar demeanor. Perhaps a bit of the fey realm in your past too?" She tries to mirror the other woman's stance to not alarm her.

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Updated the spreadsheet with all of the skills
Nikma approaches Danixki...
My, what big teeth you have! This seems the sort of creature he might've hunted in his past, before joining the Society.
Looking over the model, he notes It seems like yours may not even need tracks?
He makes a show of trying to pull one of the "train sleds." "It's only a model."
Athletics: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
He then approaches Siraya.
No metal. Interesting. It is beneficial if something can be made from natural effects without lengthly processing. Do you bring a druidic tradition to this endeavor?
Nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Oof, surely we have hero points? If so...
☘️ Nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Finally he returns to Firozet, who he'd had trouble helping his teammates to convince. Still, he has some knowledge that may help evaluate the design.
Arcana: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
That uses up all of Nikma's attempts for the six designs.

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Lan walks up to the witchwarg adjusting his posture and staring down the leader in a show of strength before asking "How do you make your train go?"
Athletics: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

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Lan approaches the dwarves and looks over their design with an eye for craftsmanship Crafting: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13.
Then walks over to Diraya's design puzzled but tries to get the most out of it he can. Nature: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13.

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Sadly, Huang Tong's best skill is nature...
Huang Tong heads over to Firozet. "Hmmm.. Interesting design, smoothscale. But I'm not sure how this works..."
Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
He then heads to the Wargs. "So how does your thingy work?"
Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

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Everyone starts with one hero point, and Huang has four to hand out. If the other players have two glyphs between them, everyone can start with two.
Siraya speaks in a soft voice that shares the tone of leaves shifting in the wind. She introduces herself as a representative of the people of the
"Hadrimos. Yes. It is much easier to concentrate away from others." She doesn't seem interested in considering that conversation.
She giggles at the sorcerer's question, however. "Gwendolyn. Perhaps you'd like to share a tale about your life? The more fantastical, the better."
In response to Nikma's question, Siraya explains that the best way for a train to move through Irrisen’s wilderness is for it to be adaptable. She proposes that a small group of sprites could craft the cars from wood and manipulate its form as needed. If pressed, she taps her wooden model—causing it to sprout a wooden set of dragonfly wings that thrum at a rapid cadence.
Lan tries his best to work out what is going on with the winged train, but neither trains nor winged vehicles are really in his personal experience.
Siraya - 2 successes. Deception, Nature or Performance to research. More is available.
Danixki dips their head to Gwen in a way similar to that of submitting to a stronger pack member.
The witchwarg shows teeth when Nikma touches the model, though.
Lan adds a demonstration of the Pathfinders' physical prowess that impresses the witchwarg. Danixki reveals that their plan is an easy one—their pack is more than capable of pulling a 'chain of iron boxes' across ice, so long as well-waxed skis are laid beneath the cars.
The model is not quite small enough for Huang Tong to pull, but he can drag the model across the snow on the ground.
Danixki - 3 successes. Atheltics, Intimidation, Nature or Survival to research. More is available.
Firozet is surprised at Nikma's understanding on his design. He explains that through gentle applications of planar binding, minor elementals of air and fire can be used to create superheated air. This in turn is directed out through a large vent in the back of the train, causing a horizontal push that will propel the train.
Firozet is willing to explain more about the spirits to Huang Tong, who seems to at least grasp the basic concepts.
Firozet - 3 successes. Arcana, Nature or Thievery to research. More is available.
The dwarves ignore most of Lan's suggestions.
Ivinder - 1 success. Crafting, Medicine or Society to research. More is available.

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Gwen is taken aback by such a bold request. "Fantastical? Hmm..." She thinks for a moment. "Well, I think you would enjoy hearing about my godmother. No, sorry. She was my dad's godmother, making her my great-godmother. My faerie great-godmother"
Gwen begins speaking quickly to recount the story. "I don't actually know her real name. You know, the faeries guard such things carefully. But I always called her Babka. After my mother left (which is a different story), my father was left to raise me on his own. Luckily, he could call my Babka to babysit and she would take me for a while. Sometimes that meant going to her house where the rainwater flowed up the spout and I could play with her pet lion-cricket. Now the fey realm is a bit dangerous for a youngster, so there was a few times where something tried to steal me. I think they wanted to take my eyes and see what make the different colors work. But Babka always stopped them and usually we would have a wonderful stew that evening!" Gwen smiles as if it's a very plain story and for a moment, it looks like her teeth are sharp and her smile hungry.

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Does anyone want to make any other attempts before moving on? There is more information available from each contractor, and there is no mechanical penalty for failure/critical failure.

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Danixki is not impressed by Hadrimos' tricks.
Any other attempts will be handled retroactively.
As the struggling sun reaches its zenith, Calix emerges from the main doors of the estate and tolls a large brass bell twice. The sound echoes across the courtyard, piercing through the chatter of the assembled parties and drawing all eyes to the dromaar.
“Esteemed representatives, assembled staff, and, of course, our honored guests from the Pathfinder Society. I hope you have found the accommodations welcome and are all prepared to present your solutions to Her Majesty Queen Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova. The court will receive you in the estate’s meeting room. If you would please gather your demonstrative models and accompany me closely. The estate has many rooms and corridors, and it would not do for any of you to lose your way.”
Please discuss what recommendation you would like to make to the queen.

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Huang Tong realizes he didn't ask Siraya how her train would work.
Nature(T): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Huang Tong isn't sure he understood her explanation. He hurries to catch up to 'Aunt Gwen'...

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"Come on, HT." Gwen holds out her hand for the little dragon. "Which one is the best? I'm partial to the one the sprites can make spout wings, but I do feel like the one that can make portals is kinda smart."

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"The wargs one looks like it's a fun ride though. My uncle Jinlong says that simple is usually better."

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"Come on, HT." Gwen holds out her hand for the little dragon. "Which one is the best? I'm partial to the one the sprites can make spout wings, but I do feel like the one that can make portals is kinda smart."
HT?! LOL!! :)

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Lan chimes into the discussion, "I think if you could combine two methods. I'd pick the teleportation one with the chicken legs one. It makes most sense to me.*

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Huang Tong looks slightly awed that the more senior Pathfinders are taking part in a discussion he started... Call it being star-struck! :)

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I am looking forward to the overengineered train you suggest with wings, legs, dogs and portals. Unless you settle on one. I'll proceed in about 12 hours with a split decision if you don't have a consensus.

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Lan hmm ands haws and says, "if the majority want the sprite wings then I'll go along with their judgement and go with sprite wings."

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Nikma gives a sheepish grin and nervous laugh.
I'm no dwarven engineer. I've not spent time with the tinkerers of Alkenstar. I can only pick a design based on the utility I see in it. That is how I chose the Sprite wings.

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“Our thanks again, to each of you in turn for replying to our summons. We understand the task we commission is not only strange but made more difficult without our ability to demonstrate the function of a train properly. Therefore, we knew it was best to allow the people of Golarion to set loose their vision and ingenuity in order to bring it about. We are sure we will not be disappointed in what we are about to see. If you would please lay out your demonstration models on the table before you.” The assembled representatives produce their model locomotives and begin to set them up. Queen Anastasia opens her mouth to continue before the sound of wrenching metal and shattering glass cuts her off.
Cold wind surges through the wreckage of the meeting room’s large windows, the panes reduced to jagged edges and fine powder on the floor. Before anyone in the room can react, a group of six goblins, their skin a pale blue and accented by patchy tufts of white fur, barge through the opening. The small creatures surge over the large table, knocking it over and scattering the models. The goblins slide across the floor, scooping up the models and dashing out of the room. They round a corner, the sound of shrieking house maids marking their passage through the estate.
Only Lieutenant Surkzin still holds her model, shock somehow an even odder emotion on her hobgoblin features than a smile. As she begins to formulate an explanation the chaos increases with the shouts of the other representatives. Accusations are quick to fly, with many of the group casting blame on the lieutenant and crying conspiracy.
Calix is the first to regain his composure. He gestures to the door leading out into the rest of the estate. “Pathfinders, if you please?” he entreats in a strained voice.
Picking up the goblins’ trail through the estate is an easy task—the Pathfinders need only follow the sound of breaking objects and the rousing chorus of goblin song. Keeping up with the troublemakers is more difficult, as the goblins tear through the building in a flurry of chaos, which stymies attempts to catch them.
We are now entering a chase. Each round, each character will be allowed to make one check to attempt to overcome the current obstacle. Creative solutions may be allowed at a higher DC, and expending relevant spells may result in automatic successes. You can choose to make a primary roll or assist, but a certain number of successes are needed for each. Anyone who has their action left when an obstacle is cleared may attempt the next one. If you are in the same location as the goblins, you may also use Athletics or Thievery to try to recover one of the five stolen trains.
The main hallway of the estate is in much worse shape now, with claw marks dug across the walls and floor and a thin patch of slippery ice spread around. Acrobatics to maintain balance or (slightly easier) Nature to identify the least slippery patches of ice.
Chase - everyone may go
Main Hallway <-- Pathfinders (0 successes)
Sitting Room <-- Goblins

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Nature(T): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
"This way smoothscaaaaaaa---" comes Huang Tong's directions... until he slips... and crashes into Gwen in a tangle of arms, legs and tail...

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Lan sees if he can find a way to cut off the goblins while trying to navigate the ice. Nature: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

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Speed is not a factor here. The problems you face are obstacles, not distance.
Hadrimos carefully makes his way through clear patches of the floor. Meanwhile, Nikma runs so fast that the ice doesn't have time to trip him up.
Gwen and Huang Tong both slip and crash into each other.
Lan ponders the situation, but indoors ice is not something he has experienced before.
The goblins continue through the manor, knocking over tables as they go.
Chase - everyone may go
Main Hallway <-- Pathfinders (2 successes)
Sitting Room
Game Room <-- Goblins

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Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Nature, HP, T-Shirt: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 5 + 1 = 18
Huang Tong tries to scramble to his feet. He grabs on to Gwen and lets her pull him along, using his tail for stability...
Lan can grab on to HT's tail and look like a train ourselves!

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Gwen and Huang Tong both hit the DC exactly, so I will take those and let the rest of you attempt room 2.
Hadrimos puzzles out a way to keep his footing on the ice, while Gwen is right on his tail (perhaps literally).
The once well-maintained sitting room appointed by fine furniture and expensive artifacts has been thoroughly ransacked. A lingering winter goblin hurls a parting shot of a bejeweled and gilded egg while the staff that been cleaning the room are in hysterics, blocking most movement through the room.
Diplomacy check to calm the panicked staff or easier Thievery check to catch the gilded egg. Yes, multiple people can get credit for catching the egg.
Chase - Hadrimos, Nikma and Lan may go
Main Hallway
Sitting Room <-- Pathfinders (0 successes)
Game Room <-- Goblins