PFS2 Pirate Blood of the Beautiful Many (Inactive)

Game Master Pirate Rob



This is a recruitment for the level 1 Pathfinder Society2 Bounty #2 Blood of the Beautiful

This will be a somewhat unusual game, so please make sure to read carefully.


Pathfinder Society2 Bounties are run in Adventure Mode.

"This mode allows the GM more freedom to adapt those adventures, including running the adventure in Pathfinder using GM house rules and the ability to alter encounters and statistics found in the adventure."

Some things that will be different:

We are not limiting ourselves to 6 players. That's right we'll potentially have a whole gaggle of PCs. Adventure difficulty will scale appropriately based on how many players we get. (And since it's in Adventure Mode, you still get your rewards and character back even if things turn out to be a total disaster.)

To keep things flowing smoothly, all rolls will be made by the attacker, and enemy statistics will be fully visible, so that you can fully resolve your turns without having to wait for me. (I'll include some notes about reactions later)

Example: you cast electric arc, so instead of the enemy making saves at +5 vs your DC 17, you make +7 rolls against my DC 15. (Since the roller effectively wins ties, this has slightly boosted the effectiveness of abilities that would normally generate a save. I'm aware of that, and am okay with it.)

Also in combat I will be aggressively delaying PCs who do not act in a timely manor. (Generally around 20+ hours since they've been up without taking an action).

Do note, despite being in Adventure Mode you are required to bring a PFS character. (Ionics Pre-Gens are acceptable as well)


Normally I'd expect a bounty like this to just take 1-2 weeks. I'm guessing at least twice as long assuming many players, but it's just guesswork given my lack of experience in this format.

To participate you must both check in here, with the alias/character you plan to use, and fill in the sign-in sheet Here.

Eventually I'll need easy access to your character's key statistics, Preferably via header, but can work with profile if needed.

I will take everybody who signs up by the time I close recruitment about 30 hours from the time of this post, late Saturday 10/26 PDT.


Questions and comments appreciated as well here. We'll address specific issues as needed once we get started.

Horizon Hunters

So the reward will be the same amount of gold and xp as if we had played it in Standard Mode?

Zenari Benarry wrote:

So the reward will be the same amount of gold and xp as if we had played it in Standard Mode?

I'm not sure I quite understand your question. There is no such thing as "Standard Mode." There is Society Mode, which covers Scenarios and Quests, and Adventure Mode which covers everything else.

The only way bounties are played is in adventure mode. Anytime you've ever played a bounty it has been in "Adventure Mode."

Does this answer your question?

Radiant Oath

I think I would like to try this. I filled in the sign-up sheet.

Horizon Hunters

You gave me an excuse to make a new character!

Horizon Hunters

Standard as in Society Play is what I meant. It's tempting to see how you're going to do this to be honest, I'd just have to play another Bounty straight after then a Series Two Quest to get the next 4xp block. Zenari only has 4xp under her belt and is my only 1st level PC.

Grand Lodge

"Huh, wuzzat? Mission? Sign me up!"

I'll get this alias cleaned up and switched to PF2 Harsk soon (it still has the remnants of an old PF1 Harskfinder game).

Vigilant Seal

I need to update the profile to remaster champion.
This alias goes with the PFS2 registered placeholder name TDM Ranged Paladin (because I have name indecision).

Vigilant Seal

Just made this character recently, so might as well try her out! First time taking part in one of these official PFS Forum games, so early apologies if I screw something up.

Horizon Hunters

Oh what the heck - I'm in.

Henaria Sedin wrote:
Just made this character recently, so might as well try her out! First time taking part in one of these official PFS Forum games, so early apologies if I screw something up.

No need to apologize, appreciate the note though, helps me calibrate the level of explanations I need to give for things. Glad you felt comfortable enough to join. We'll have some more instructions etc later once I get folks into the game etc.

Vigilant Seal

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pirate GM wrote:
Henaria Sedin wrote:
Just made this character recently, so might as well try her out! First time taking part in one of these official PFS Forum games, so early apologies if I screw something up.
No need to apologize, appreciate the note though, helps me calibrate the level of explanations I need to give for things. Glad you felt comfortable enough to join. We'll have some more instructions etc later once I get folks into the game etc.

Just want to say I've played 2E before, I meant specifically PFS. I'm even in a different play-by-post campaign on here.

Alright, congrats everybody!

I think we have 1 or maybe 2 more joining us from elsewhere.

Please come join us over in Discussion for some polite/modest setup requests.

You can also introduce your character etc over in Gameplay

I'm hoping to get us all checked in within the next ~24 hours.


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