Game Master S's "Hope for the Future"

Game Master Chris Marsh

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| Hope for the Future | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |



Human Mystic 7 SP 56/56 HP 46/46 RP 9/9 | EAC 16 KAC 18 | Spells 1: 6/6 2: 2/5 3: 0/3 | F+3 R+4 W+11 | Init+0 | Perc+16 Dipl +17

Ohmarc is here.


Kasatha Paladin of Iomedae 7 EAC20 - KAC22 | SP45/45 HP49/49 RP8/11 | Init +4 | Perc +15 SM +15| F +4, R +2, W +12 | Fortification (20%)

Eselar's here, but I will need to use a replay if that's ok for you all!

PS: It's "Allons-y" ;-)


Lashunta technomancer 6 HP 34/34, SP 36/36 RP 7/7 |Initiative +6 Perception +7 |Fort + 3, Reflex + 4, Will + 6|

Tanila is here, although I have not yet had a chance to update her.

| Hope for the Future | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |
Eselar wrote:

Eselar's here, but I will need to use a replay if that's ok for you all!

PS: It's "Allons-y" ;-)

Je suis desolé mon ami! Merci pour la correction. J'ai tellement oublié. Bien sûr, tu peux... ummmm use a replay.


Kasatha Paladin of Iomedae 7 EAC20 - KAC22 | SP45/45 HP49/49 RP8/11 | Init +4 | Perc +15 SM +15| F +4, R +2, W +12 | Fortification (20%)

Don't worry, even I make mistakes in French :D
And French words are quite difficult to write for english natives as there is plenty of silent letters and strange wordings.


"Iseph" | non-binary NG Android ace pilot operative 8 | SP 0/56 HP 13/52 | RP 8/8 | EAC 23; KAC 24 | Fort +5; Ref +10; Will +6 | Init: +7 | Perc: +14, SM: +1; darkvision, low-light vision | Speed 40 ft, fly 40 ft (avg)| Evasion; Cloaking field 10/10 | Active conditions: None

Iseph nods companionably to the others.

| Hope for the Future | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |

After a few weeks of R&R, you start feeling the itch to get back into the action.

Over the intercom, a chime sounds, followed by a computerized voice summoning all agents on site to a mandatory meeting in the Hall of Discovery.

Looks like the itch was a premonition.

The Forum’s meeting space is a massive hall with rows of tiered seating facing a central stage. Wide walkways cut through the seating area, providing ample space for crowds of people to file in and out of their seats. About two hundred Starfinders, including most of the Forum, are currently present. While many make themselves comfortable, a few groups mill about in the aisles talking to each other. Several venture-captains and faction leaders stand near the stage, holding conversations in hushed tones.

You pass by a large group by the door, clustered around Royo, a well-respected scholar in a tweed suit chewing on a pipe (rather than smoking it indoors). Everyone in this group carries analog or magical equipment. Many are towering izalguuns and dwarves in archaic attire.

Perception DC 16:

Nnone of the Starfinders in this group have computers or visible cybernetic augmentations, and some carry books, notepads, pens, or other physical writing material.

The group is talking about whether Guidance and other artificial personalities can be trusted after the events of the past months. Royo lectures about how much information could have been lost if Guidance had been fully compromised, to which an irritable jububnan Starfinder adds, “How do we know it wasn’t?”

You can head to your seats for the briefing, or you can finagle here. If you want to join the conversation, make your case and add a social skill check that matches your approach. Alternatively, you can eavesdrop with a Stealth or Perception check.


"Iseph" | non-binary NG Android ace pilot operative 8 | SP 0/56 HP 13/52 | RP 8/8 | EAC 23; KAC 24 | Fort +5; Ref +10; Will +6 | Init: +7 | Perc: +14, SM: +1; darkvision, low-light vision | Speed 40 ft, fly 40 ft (avg)| Evasion; Cloaking field 10/10 | Active conditions: None

Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21.

Noticing that none of them have any technological items, Iseph discretely tries to listen in, activating their cloaking field in the process.

Stealth: 1d20 + 18 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 18 + 10 = 47.


He/Him | NG male half-orc envoy 8 | SP 56/56, HP 54/54, RP 7/12 | EAC 26, KAC 27; F+4, R+11, W+7; resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 | Percept +11, Darkvision 60ft. | Orc Ferocity: 1/1 | Inspiring Boost used on: Eselar, Ohmarc, Trylara

Endre, an experienced networker, moves about the room, greeting colleagues he's worked with before and gathering what rumors he can about the purpose of the meeting.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 18 + 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 18 + (6) + 1 = 33


Kasatha Paladin of Iomedae 7 EAC20 - KAC22 | SP45/45 HP49/49 RP8/11 | Init +4 | Perc +15 SM +15| F +4, R +2, W +12 | Fortification (20%)

Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (17) + 15 = 32

I can't not notice that you don't use any cyber or technological equipment. I can only says that I'm impressed.
As a devoted follower of Iomedae such dedication in the time will live on is impressive.
Can you tell me more about the reason of such dedication?

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

| Hope for the Future | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |

Royo is more polite than some of his companions, and he soon turns to greet those of you who join in. He explains that "... my companions are all members of a growing anti-technological movement within the Starfinder Society that’s increasingly vocal because of the Data Scourge. The movement includes many Starfinders whose lives have been altered for the worse by technology or by an over-reliance on technology, including the izalguuns and the dwarves rescued from the Salvation’s End simulation." He gesters to the group. "We believe the Society is overly dependent on technology and think tech-reliant factions like the Dataphiles have too much power in the Forum. While some of our members proselytize about the benefits of a tech-free or tech-light lifestyle, the group’s main aim is to reduce the Starfinder Society’s 'dangerous over‑reliance' on technology. We want the Society to transition to a multidisciplinary approach to innovation, operations, and problem‑solving that refocuses on a mix of natural, magical, and analog methodologies to form a balanced and secure foundation."

Royo proudly informs you that, "This group is planning to file with the First Seeker to create a recognized faction within the Forum!"

The conversation eventually peters out as some of the group members take their seats.

Take your seats, or approach the stage to hobnob?


Human Mystic 7 SP 56/56 HP 46/46 RP 9/9 | EAC 16 KAC 18 | Spells 1: 6/6 2: 2/5 3: 0/3 | F+3 R+4 W+11 | Init+0 | Perc+16 Dipl +17

Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (6) + 16 = 22

Ohmarc hobnobs up to the last minute possible. "Royo, I agree that balance is necessary and a dependence on technology could prove detrimental. Do they have a name for this new faction yet?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33

| Hope for the Future | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |

"Right now we've got a leading idea.... but I don't want to put the hovercar before the sidhrath."


Lashunta technomancer 6 HP 34/34, SP 36/36 RP 7/7 |Initiative +6 Perception +7 |Fort + 3, Reflex + 4, Will + 6|

Tanila glares at Royo as he makes his point.

Really? So I should just deal with only having one hand?" Tanila tugs a glove off her right hand, flashing a black chrome hand.
"Don't be an idiot, we both know there are psychos in your group who'd make the Banner of Purity look progressive."


"Iseph" | non-binary NG Android ace pilot operative 8 | SP 0/56 HP 13/52 | RP 8/8 | EAC 23; KAC 24 | Fort +5; Ref +10; Will +6 | Init: +7 | Perc: +14, SM: +1; darkvision, low-light vision | Speed 40 ft, fly 40 ft (avg)| Evasion; Cloaking field 10/10 | Active conditions: None

Iseph, who literally would not exist without the application of technology, wisely stays silent... pretending that they aren't even there.


He/Him | NG male half-orc envoy 8 | SP 56/56, HP 54/54, RP 7/12 | EAC 26, KAC 27; F+4, R+11, W+7; resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 | Percept +11, Darkvision 60ft. | Orc Ferocity: 1/1 | Inspiring Boost used on: Eselar, Ohmarc, Trylara

"Whoa, whoa!" Endre says stepping over as things get tense between Tanila and Royo. "We're all colleagues here. Let's try to keep things civil, huh? Tanila, why don't we go talk to the folks on the stage."


Lashunta technomancer 6 HP 34/34, SP 36/36 RP 7/7 |Initiative +6 Perception +7 |Fort + 3, Reflex + 4, Will + 6|

"Yeah, Yeah you're right Endre. Let's go"

Tanila stalks off towards the stage, giving Iseph an understanding look.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Female LG half-orc dream prophet solarian 8 | SP 64/64 HP 62/62 | RP 9/9 | EAC 24; KAC 26 | Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +8 | Init: +2 | Perc:+6, SM: +0 | Speed 25ft | Attunement: none | Active conditions: None.

Trylara makes some conversation before taking her seat.

Diplomacy, SI: 1d20 + 16 + 1d6 ⇒ (14) + 16 + (3) = 33

| Hope for the Future | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |

On stage are the other faction heads. They're open for questions, but not so much with the small talk. Before you can really engage though, the room starts to quiet down. You're close enough to the leaders that you have a better view than most.

Ehu Hadif strides down the aisle, the hush hanging behind him as he approaches the stage. There, he stops and whispers something to the assembled leaders....


“What? That’s ridiculous!” Fitch protests loudly. “We can’t just stand around and twiddle our thumbs! We still have working starships!”

She’s right,” Naiaj grumbles. “Prime is a monster we helped create. Stopping him is our responsibility.”

“We’d be leaving the Station defenseless,” Ixthia argues.


Radaszam nods in agreement.


“We should approach this logically,” Celita says in clipped tones. “The Stewards have the resources and training to—”

"So do our agents!” Naiaj interrupts.


Celita’s eyes flash dangerously, but her face remains neutral.

Naiaj crosses her arms and glares back at the android.

“Your attention, please!” Ehu remarks sternly. “That’s enough speculation. This matter’s already been settled, and I’ve called you here to tell you what I know.”

| Hope for the Future | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |

He walks onto the stage, leaving the group of frustrated venture-captains and faction leaders behind. Grumbling, they settle into empty seats in the front row.

Ehu speaks into a microphone:

“Starfinders, I’ll get right to the point. We know where the Data Scourge code is coming from.”

| Hope for the Future | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |

Whispers spread throughout the crowd.

“I’m sure you all know by now that we have reason to believe Historia‑Prime, the former Dataphiles faction leader, is responsible for the Data Scourge. Historia has tried to control the Dataphiles for years by using illegal technology to steal his successors’ bodies. We lost him in the Scoured Stars, only to find him again on our return expedition. We thought he was dead, but he’s still out there trying to manipulate us. With your hard work and the cooperation of the Church of Triune, we’ve located the source of the Data Scourge code. That means we finally know where Historia-Prime is.”

| Hope for the Future | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |

“What are we going to do?” a Starfinder shouts from the crowd. Murmurs trickle through the hall.

“Nothing.” Ehu says. “The Stewards are already on a mission to those coordinates. They have the firepower, training, and authority to deal with this. They’ve worked with us in the past, but this time the Stewards don’t want us involved. I’ll be honest: I don’t like it, but I understand it. The Stewards are the defenders of Pact Law. Going against them would have repercussions for us. For now, we—”

| Hope for the Future | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |

The building shakes, knocking the microphone over with an ear-piercing whine. Ehu stumbles, and the crowd ripples with nervous energy. Frantic voices in the hall call out in alarm, and the doors fling open. The power flickers, then goes out.

All at once, everybody wants out!

Each PC must succeed at a DC 14 Reflex save to avoid being trampled by the crowd. Fail and take DMG: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8


He/Him | NG male half-orc envoy 8 | SP 56/56, HP 54/54, RP 7/12 | EAC 26, KAC 27; F+4, R+11, W+7; resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 | Percept +11, Darkvision 60ft. | Orc Ferocity: 1/1 | Inspiring Boost used on: Eselar, Ohmarc, Trylara

Reflex: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

"Stay calm everyone!" Endre shouts, trying his best to avoid the stampede.


"Iseph" | non-binary NG Android ace pilot operative 8 | SP 0/56 HP 13/52 | RP 8/8 | EAC 23; KAC 24 | Fort +5; Ref +10; Will +6 | Init: +7 | Perc: +14, SM: +1; darkvision, low-light vision | Speed 40 ft, fly 40 ft (avg)| Evasion; Cloaking field 10/10 | Active conditions: None

Reflex: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27.

Iseph easily jinks and weaves between the panicked crowd members, handily retaining their feet.


Human Mystic 7 SP 56/56 HP 46/46 RP 9/9 | EAC 16 KAC 18 | Spells 1: 6/6 2: 2/5 3: 0/3 | F+3 R+4 W+11 | Init+0 | Perc+16 Dipl +17

"Woah! Watch your step, my friends. There is plenty of time to depart. What is your rush?"

Reflex Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Ohmarc gets bruised in the stampede.


Lashunta technomancer 6 HP 34/34, SP 36/36 RP 7/7 |Initiative +6 Perception +7 |Fort + 3, Reflex + 4, Will + 6|

Ref: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Tanila casts spider climb and jumps up a wall, out of the reach of the crowd.

| Hope for the Future | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |

Ohmarc gets bruised a bit. Eselar and Trylara still to roll, but I'll advance to include the next part.

Outside, Starfinders and other locals gather in loose groups, gaping in awe at a terrifying sight overhead

The artificial sky above the complex flickers, revealing a hectic battle scene! Dozens of starships swoop and whirl through the black, firing at a cylindrical silver vessel that swims through space with strange grace. Absalom Station’s armada and automated defenses continue to confront the attacker, but the enemy craft is fluid. It shifts shape to avoid and absorb attacks, fighting back with whip-like tendrils that lash out from its body. Ships explode in gouts of flame at each tendril’s touch.

The protective dome surrounding Absalom Station’s Eye whirs into action, enveloping the sky in steel and blocking all view of the skirmish above.

With the view gone and no idea what’s happening above, the crowds panic. Most people run for cover, but a few spring into action, with plans to join the defense in their own ships or to get a better view elsewhere.

Ixthia the Unbreakable stands beside you, their antlered head cocked in curiosity.

“My starship is in a nearby hangar. We can get there quickly if we hustle. Come. Help me defend our home.” Ixthia breaks into a jog. "FOLLOW ME!" They lead you to the Society’s hangars where they board Defiance, an elegant shuttle with a blue and gold paint job.

"Strap in!"

| Hope for the Future | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |

Giving everyone a chance to catch up. This ship is FANTASTIC. You may know something about what's attacking Absalom Station. I'll take a Computers, Engineering, Mysticism, or Physical Science roll.

Endre (SP: 56/56): Recall Knowledge
Eselar (SP: 45/45 ): REF + Recall Knowledge
Iseph (SP: 56/56): Recall Knowledge
Ohmarc (SP: 48/56): Recall Knowledge
Tanila (SP: 36/36): Recall Knowledge
Trylara (SP: 64/64): REF + Recall Knowledge


Human Mystic 7 SP 56/56 HP 46/46 RP 9/9 | EAC 16 KAC 18 | Spells 1: 6/6 2: 2/5 3: 0/3 | F+3 R+4 W+11 | Init+0 | Perc+16 Dipl +17

Ohmarc follows Ixthia to the defiance and straps himself in as he tries to figure out what is attacking Absalom Station.

Mysticism: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (8) + 19 = 27

| Hope for the Future | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |

Ohmarc immediately gets as much of a feel for the situation as one can possibly expect.

  • The starship is constructed of highly advanced and adaptive nanites, likely using biotech or magitech innovations.
  • The nanites are acting in an incredibly complex and purposeful manner and are likely controlled by a singular intelligence. They have a similar molecular structure to "gray goo"
  • The nanites are a form of infinitely reprogrammable nanites, dubbed boundless nanites, which until now has been a purely theoretical technology. With enough magical or technical expertise, one could override the nanite’s programming and replace it with simple new commands. However, a user would need to be in close contact with the nanites and could only control a small mound unattached to the larger mass.

    Endre (SP: 56/56):
    Eselar (SP: 45/45 ): REF
    Iseph (SP: 56/56):
    Ohmarc (SP: 48/56):
    Tanila (SP: 36/36):
    Trylara (SP: 64/64): REF

  • Exo-Guardians

    Kasatha Paladin of Iomedae 7 EAC20 - KAC22 | SP45/45 HP49/49 RP8/11 | Init +4 | Perc +15 SM +15| F +4, R +2, W +12 | Fortification (20%)

    Reflex: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

    Eselar tries to stand his ground just to be trampled by people!

    | Hope for the Future | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |

    In space outside Absalom Station, the hundreds of commercial and private craft that compose the station’s armada are losing the battle against the massive enemy craft. Some starships are retreating while others hang suspended in masses of silver tentacles. Debris floats nearby, indicating more starships have been destroyed or severely damaged. Even stranger, the silver craft has changed shape and now resembles a platform rather than a starship. Buildings begin sprouting up from the platform before your eyes like mushrooms after rain—all completely silver—creating a near-perfect copy of the Lorespire Complex and the surrounding structures on Absalom Station.

    "Approaching this thing won't be easy. I'm a warrior, but I'm no pilot.
    Do one of you think you can get us there? I'll keep the ship safe while you infiltrate! Any takers?"

    | Hope for the Future | Fly Free or Die | | Ship Roles |

    One of you can pilot this bad boy in. Ixthia is a great copilot, and grants a +2 on this roll. Make it count. If you fail, you'll still land, but the starship is battered by the nanite tentacles, and each creature on the starship is dealt 2d6 bludgeoning damage and there's no time for a rest at this moment.

    One party member: Piloting check
    Endre (SP: 56/56):
    Eselar (SP: 37/45):
    Iseph (SP: 56/56):
    Ohmarc (SP: 48/56):
    Tanila (SP: 36/36):
    Trylara (SP: 64/64): REF


    "Iseph" | non-binary NG Android ace pilot operative 8 | SP 0/56 HP 13/52 | RP 8/8 | EAC 23; KAC 24 | Fort +5; Ref +10; Will +6 | Init: +7 | Perc: +14, SM: +1; darkvision, low-light vision | Speed 40 ft, fly 40 ft (avg)| Evasion; Cloaking field 10/10 | Active conditions: None

    Computers (Recall Knowledge): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (13) + 16 = 29.

    Iseph grins.

    "I thought you would never ask!"

    They then take the helm.

    Piloting: 1d20 + 19 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 19 + 2 = 37.

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