[GD13] PF2e - 04-15: In Glorious Battle (P2)

Game Master UncleFroggy

Macros | Slides | RPG Chronicles

CP: 19
Subtier: 7-8

Hero Points:

Othello Verese - 2
Atae - 2
Liam Prentiss - 2
Crystal Schattenauge - 1
Fengor - 2, CC
Quinoline Silicate - 2

Symbols > Single Action (◆), Double Action (◆◆), Triple Action (◆◆◆), Free Action (◇), Reaction (↺)

Half the Sky

Radiant Oath Crystal Schattenauge

Female Catfolk Swashie 12 | AC 31 | F/R/W: 20/24/20 | Perc 21, Low Light | Resist: cold 6, fire/elec/acid 10 | Speed 35 | HP 164/164 | Exp: AN | Acro 23, Ath 15, Dec 20, Diplo 23, Perf 22, Stealth 21, Thievery 19
(19 posts)


Member of Church of Razmir
Envoy's Alliance Fangor The Masked

Cleric 9 AC 27 | HP 69/69| F +13 R +20 W +15 | Init +16 Perception, +20 Stealth| low-light vision Trap Finder +1| Exploration Mode Avoid Notice | Resist negative5 cold1 electricity1
(272 posts)

Ira kroll

Dr Davaulus
Radiant Oath Othello Verese

Human Champion 10 | Exploration activity: Scout | Speed 30 | ♥️ 148 | AC 30 | F +20 R +19 W +17 | Perception +14 | Medicine +19 | Acrobatics, Diplomacy +18 | Athletics +16 | Religion +14 | Legal Lore, Society +13 | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ |
(236 posts)


Horizon Hunters Atae

Whisper Elf, Cloistered Cleric 9/Captivator 97HP/AC 25; Fort +16; Ref +15; Will +19/Perception +18(+20 to Seek a unseen creature that you hear within 30 ft.) 1 Hero Point/Conditions/Search
(1,460 posts)

Super Zero

Baron Hannis Drelev
Grand Archive Liam Prentiss

Male Human Inventor 9+ | HP 90/129 | AC 29/31 | F+18 R+17 (+19 Bulwark) W+15; cold and fire resist 4/6 Void resist 1| Perc +12 (Initiative +14) | Shield Hardness 10 HP 73/80 | Speed 30 ft | Hero Points 2 | Exploration: Defend| Active Conditions: Critical Overdrive
(266 posts)

Watery Soup

Radiant Oath Quinoline Silicate

4-15 | female (she/her) skilled human (Thuvian) alchemist (bomber) 11 | ◆◇↺ | AC 30 (32) | HP 91/140, shield 69/80 | P+18, F+21, R+20, W+19 | Explore: Investigate| DV, 30' | G: 2/2, L: 3/4, DV: 0/1, MF: 1/1, EoL: 1/1, VV: 0/7 | Hero: 2/3 | Active conditions: cleaning glasses
(878 posts)