DM Brainiac's Curtain Call

Game Master Brainiac

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Human Wizard (Mentalism) 11 | HP: 107 | AC: 27 | Fort: +18 Ref: +19 Will: +15 | Perception: +15 | Hero Point: 1/3

"This is why I hate mucking around in the sticks with barbarians," Farrina bemoans. "At least with civilized opponents they let you introduce yourself first."

With less than enthusiastic gestures she directs a spell at the foe attacking Timdok.

{A}{A} cast vision of death
Mental Damage: 8d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 4, 5, 2, 6, 1, 1) = 29
Basic DC 30 Will Save.

Current Status/Spells:

Current HP: 107/107
Current Focus: 1/2
Hero Points: 1/3
Current Effects: n/a
Focus Spells
(6) - charming push
(6) - invisibility cloak

Prepared Spells
Cantrips - 6th (6) - daze, detect magic, figment, ignition, infectious enthusiasm, shield
1st (5) - charm, dizzying colors, force barrage, phantasmal minion, sleep
2nd (3) - dispel magic, mirror image, stupefy
3rd (3) - hypnotize, mind of menace, mind reading
4th (3) - suggestion, translocate, vision of death
5th (3) - glimmer of charm, mirror malefactors, wave of despair
6th (2) - never mind, phantasmal calamity

Envoy's Alliance

Non-binary Empty Sky Kitsune Alchemist 11 | DC: 29 | Resistances: fire 5 HP 118/118| AC 22 | F+19 R+19 W+16 |P+16 | Speed 25ft | Hero 0/3 | Reactions:Distracting Flattery, Eat Fire| Conditions:| Exploration:

"Not eeeveryone we come across are barbarians. But on this particular instance we agree."

Ducking away from being in any direct line with the scorpion people Cerulean crouches own behind Khayra and the pincer holding her in place.

"Gonna feel a slight pinch love."
Reaching up and around Khayra's neck the dwarf would feel a slight pinch in her neck as Cerulean sticks her with some kind of needle. Having stuck the armored up woman in a small chink in her defenses, the resultant cocktail of alchemical agents cause her blood to thicken ever so slightly with a protective coating making it coagulate and resist foreign agents all the better.

Bloodbooster(10 reistance)
10 res to persistant bleed or poison effects, guessing scorpion people have a poison effect

Peeking from behind the dwarf Cerulean taunts the scorpion person. "You know those are quite fine clothes. Made by a cousin perhaps a large gangly spider? Just so you know we are well known for and have slaughtered our way through the guards up until now so Take note of your actual odds of success dearies and lay down your arms."

stride to behind Khayra, action quick alch(one blood booster), apply. 5/6 vers vials

Female Half-Azer Warrior Inventor 11 - HP 133/153| AC 32 | F +20 R +17(19) W +21 | Perception +18 | Hero Points 1

Kharya has a +2 circ bonus to her Fort against being grappled/swallowed whole from her wrestling training, so I think she's just grabbed

Kharya twists away from the very worst of the scorpionfolk's grab. Unable to safely detonate so close to her companions, she instead channels Inferno's energies into a crackling blue beam from an aperture in her palm. Cursing at the searing touch of her own armor, she wrenches her shield back into line, trying to keep it between her and the scorpionfolk's tail...

Electric Volt: 5d12 ⇒ (8, 6, 5, 8, 7) = 34 DC 29 Basic Ref, should be able to hit both
Unstable: 1d20 ⇒ 3 Sigh, 11 Fire to Kharya (she resists 5)
Raise Shield

F HP 116 | AC 27 | F+18, R+17, W+20 | Per +18 | Halfling stage manager oracle

Quick stats:

HP 114/116
AC 27
Fort +18, Ref +17, Will (mysterious resolve) +20
Halfling Luck: Skill/saving throw []; attack/Perception []
Hero points: 1
Focus Points: 1/2
Spells (DC 30): 1st [][][][]; 2nd [][][][]; 3rd [][][][]; 4th [x][x][][]; 5th [x][][][]; 6th [x][][] GP []
Effects: Cursebound 1 (-5 speed)

"Hustle up, Timdok!" Esirelle calls, time bending around the halfling at her command. "No time to let them grab you, Kharya!"

Cast time skip on Timdok, cast unfettered movement on Kharya

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