Master Automaton

Kharya Niush's page

28 posts. Alias of Cwethan.


Female Half-Azer Warrior Inventor 11 - HP 133/153| AC 32 | F +20 R +17(19) W +21 | Perception +18 | Hero Points 1


4' something of brassy muscle






Aklo, Daemonic, Dwarven, Pyric, Sakbroth, Taldane

Strength 4
Dexterity 1
Constitution 4
Intelligence 4
Wisdom 3
Charisma -1

About Kharya Niush

That was 12 Piercing +2 Piercing Splash right? If so I think her Piercing Resistance applies twice

Ancestry Dwarf Ifrit
Background Bully or Baiter?
Class Inventor; Level: 11
Size Medium Traits Dwarf, Ifrit, Humanoid
Languages: Aklo, Daemonic, Diabolic, Pyric, Sakbroth, Taldane
STR +4, DEX +1, CON +4 INT +4, WIS +3, CHA -1
Perception: +18 [E]

HIT POINTS: 153/153
Resistances: Fire 5, void 8, spirit 8, piercing 3
32 (+6 item, +1 dex, +15 proficiency)
Shield Hardness 9, HP 76, BT 38

Unarmored: [E], Light: [E], Medium: [E], Heavy: [E]

Fortitude: +20 [E] (+2 circ vs. Grapple/Swallow Whole)
Reflex: +17 [E] (+2 vs. damage)
Will: +21 [E] Resolve
+2 circ vs. spells when shield raised.
DC 10 to recover from Ongoing acid, bleed, and poison

Shield Block (when hit)
Clinch Strike (when escaped)
Heat Wave (when take fire damage)

Class DC: 29 [E]

Speed: 40' Movement Types: Normal (Flight with tattoo)

Melee Strikes (Overdrive +4/+6 to damage)
Puuunch +21 [T]
damage 2d8+d6+6 (B) (Backswing, Forceful, Grapple, Nonlethal) Crit can Owlbear for DC 29 Fort or Slowed 1, and gives Clumsy 1, Enfeebled 1 through my next turn.

Ranged Strikes
Explode DC 29 11d6 Fire 5 or 10' emanation (Unstable)

Megavolt 20' line DC 29 5d4 lightning
Unstable Megavolt 60 or 90' line DC 29 5d12

Weapon Proficiencies
Simple: [E], Martial: [E], Unarmed [E], Other:

Daily Gadgets

Creation (lvl 5)


Acrobatics: +14 [T]
Arcana: +21 [M]
Athletics: +21 [M] (+2 it. to Grapple, +2 circ in Overdrive, in Stance +2 circ to climb; Climb success are Crits, +2 it. to High Jump and Long Jump. +5' further horizontal. +3' further vertical.)
Crafting: +23 [M] (Crit fails to Earn Income are fails)
Deception: -1 [U]
Diplomacy: -1 [U]
Intimidation: +12 [T]
Lore Underworld: +17 [T]
Lore Warfare: +17 [T]
Medicine: +16 [T]
Nature: +3 [U]
Occultism: +17 [T]
Performance: -1 [U]
Religion: +3 [U]
Society: +21 [M]
Stealth: +14 [T]
Survival: +3 [U]
Thievery: +1 [U]


Ancestry Feats and Abilities
Heritage: Ifrit
Heritage: Darkvision
1st: Cindersoul
5th: Heat Wave
9th: Spark Fist

Skill Feats
Background: Intimidating Glare
1st: Inventor
2nd: Quick Repair
4th: Courtly Graces
6th: Trick Magic Item
8th: Biographical Eye
8th: Titan Wrestler
10th: Cognitive Crossover

General Feats
3: Canny Acumen (Perception)
7: Fleet
11: Toughness

Class Feats and Abilities
Class Feature: Innovation (Powersuit)
Modification: Muscular Exoskeleton
Class Feature: Explode
Class Feature: Overdrive
1st: Tamper
2nd: Collapse Armor
Class Feature: Expert Overdrive
Class Feature: Reconfigure
4th: Gadget Specialist
6th: Megavolt
Class Feature: Breakthrough innovation
Class Feature: Master Overdrive
8th: Manifold Modifications
Class Feature: Offensive Boost
10th: Helpful Tinkering

Archetype Feats
2nd: Martial Artist Dedication
4th: Gorilla Stance
6th: Follow-Up Strike
8th: Wrestler Dedication
10th: Clinch Strike

Combat Gear: power suit, spellguard shield, +1 striking crushing handwraps, boots of bounding, repair kit, soaring wings

Consumables: ghost oil
Other Gear: artisan's toolkit, backpack, bedroll, chalk (10), flint and steel, healer's tools, rations (2), rope, soap, torch (5), tradecraft tattoo, wand of tailwind, waterskin
Not carried:

Magic Items:
Invested Items:
Bulk: 8 (Encumbered at: 9; Maximum at: 14)

Coins: (5 gp)

Fuller Descriptions:
**Class Abilities**

Innovation: While Kharya's always creating inventions, Inferno represents her preeminent work, the one that she hopes- with refinement-might change her world. If Inferno is destroyed, she can spend 1 day of downtime and attempt a Crafting check with a high DC for her level (30*); on a success, she rebuilds it. Inferno only works due to her constant maintenance and tinkering, and therefore has no market Price.

Inferno is a cutting-edge power suit with a variety of attached gizmos and devices. The suit can have fundamental and property runes added to it in the same way as ordinary armor. It has the following modifications installed:

Muscular Exoskeleton: Inferno supports Kharya's muscles with a carefully crafted exoskeleton. When she sends her armor into overdrive, the exoskeleton supplements her feats of athletics as well. When under the effects of Overdrive, she gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Athletics checks.
Otherworldly Protection: Just because Kharya uses science doesn't mean she can't build your suit with carefully chosen materials and gizmos designed to protect against otherworldly attacks. She gains resistance equal to 3 + half her level (8*) to void damage and to spirit damage.
Heavy Construction: Kharya's expanded her innovation into a heavy bulwark, and her groundbreaking design ensures she doesn't take any of the drawbacks for such heavy defenses. Inferno is heavy armor, and her proficiency in her suit (but no other heavy armor) advances to be equal to her proficiency in medium armor.

Explode: (AA, Manipulate, Unstable) Kharya intentionally takes Inferno beyond normal safety limits, making it explode and damage nearby creatures without damaging the suit... hopefully. The explosion deals 11d6* fire damage with a basic Reflex save (DC 29*) to all creatures in a 5 or 10-foot emanation around her*.

Overdrive (A, Manipulate, Frequency once per round)

Temporarily cranking the gizmos on her body into overdrive, Kharya tries to add greater power to her attacks. Attempt a Crafting check that has a standard DC for her level (DC 28*).

Critical Success: Her gizmos go into a state of incredible efficiency called critical overdrive, adding great power to her attacks. Kharya's Strikes deal additional damage equal to her Intelligence modifier +2 for 1 minute (+6*). After the Overdrive ends, her gizmos become unusable as they cool down or reset, and she can't use Overdrive for 1 minute.
Success: Kharya's gizmos go into overdrive, adding power to her attacks. As critical success, except the additional damage is equal to half her Intelligence modifier +2 (+4*).
Failure: Kharya makes a miscalculation and nothing happens.
Critical Failure: Whoops! Something explodes. Kharya takes fire damage equal to her level (11*), and she can't use Overdrive again for 1 minute as her gizmos cool down and reset.

Special When under the effects of Overdrive, Kharya can still use the Overdrive action. She can't extend her Overdrive's duration this way, but she can turn an overdrive into a critical overdrive if she critically succeeds. A failure has no effect on her current Overdrive, and she ends her Overdrive on a critical failure.

Reconfigure: Kharya's become an expert in all crafts and is always adjusting her inventions. She can attempt to change the modifications on Inferno by spending 1 day of downtime tinkering with it and attempting a Crafting check, with a high DC for her level (DC 30*). On a success, she can change one modification she's chosen for Inferno to a different modification of the same kind (initial, breakthrough, or revolutionary). If Kharya has any modification feats, on a successful check she can choose to instead retrain a modification feat to a different modification feat. The new feat has to meet the standard restrictions for retraining.

Offensive Boost (Momentum): Kharya's made additions to Inferno to upgrade her offensive capabilities. Those improvements make any Strikes that rely on Inferno deal an additional 1d6 bludgeoning damage. Kharya can spend downtime to switch to a different boost in the same way as switching her modification. (Options: Cold, Fire, Electricity, Slashing, Piercing, Acid)

**Class Feats**

Tamper: (A, Manipulate)
Kharya tampers with a foe's weapon or armor, using a free hand. Choose either a weapon held by an enemy in her reach or a suit of armor worn by an enemy in her reach. Attempt a Crafting check against the enemy's Reflex DC:

Critical Success: Her tampering is incredibly effective. If you tampered with a weapon, the enemy takes a –2 circumstance penalty to attack rolls and damage rolls with that weapon. If Kharya tampered with armor, the armor hampers the enemy's movement, making the enemy flat footed and inflicting a –10-foot penalty to its Speeds. The effect lasts until the enemy Interacts to remove it, regardless of which one you used.
Success: Her tampering is temporarily effective. As critical success, but the effect ends at the start of her next turn, even if the enemy doesn't Interact to end it.
Critical Failure: Her tampering backfires dramatically, creating a small explosion from her own tools or gear. She takes fire damage equal to her level (11*).

Collapse Armor (A, Manipulate, Modification - can swap to Built-In Tools or Variable Core)

Kharya's modified Inferno to collapse into a more compact form so she can don or remove it in an instant. If she's wearing Inferno when she Collapses her Armor, she removes it instantly, and it compresses into its compact form, which is held in both of her hands (if she doesn't have both hands available, it falls to the ground in an adjacent space). If she's holding her armor in compact form when she takes this action, it unfolds back into its armor form onto her body.

In compact form, Inferno is easier to carry, with a Bulk 1 lower than the Bulk listed for it.

Gadget Specialist
Rather than just using her gadgets for various boosts and tweaks, Kharya also crafts a few specific temporary consumable gadgets each day. She gains the formulas for six common or uncommon gadgets. Each day during her daily preparations, she can create three temporary gadgets from her formula book. Gadgets prepared in this way don't cost her any resources to Craft and don't have any sale value. They are temporary items and fall apart the next time she makes her daily preparations if she hasn't already used them.

If you're legendary in Crafting, you can create four gadgets per day, and you gain another additional three common or uncommon gadget formulas, for a total of nine.

Megavolt: (AA, Manipulate, Unstable?)

Kharya bleeds off some electric power from Inferno in the shape of a damaging bolt. Creatures in a 20-foot line from her take 5d4* electricity damage, with a basic Reflex save against your class DC (29*). The electricity damage increases by 1d4 at 8th level and every 2 levels thereafter.

Unstable Function She overloads and supercharges the voltage even higher. Add the unstable trait to Megavolt. The area increases to a 60-foot line and the damage increases from d4s to d12s.

Kharya can choose a 60-foot or 90-foot line for the area when she uses an unstable Megavolt; if you also have the revolutionary innovation class feature, you can choose a 60-foot, 90-foot, or 120-foot line.

Manifold Modifications: (Modification - can swap for: Diving Armor, or as above)

Kharya's modified Inferno using clever workarounds, so she can include another initial modification without compromising its structure. Inferno gains an additional initial modification from the list for innovations of its type.

Helpful Tinkering: (A, Manipulate, 1/10 minutes)

Kharya doesn't just tinker with Inferno, she fiddles with her allies' weapons as well (for their benefit, of course). Choose an ally in her reach and one of their weapons. Attempt a Crafting check against a high DC for her level (30*).

Success For 1 minute, the chosen ally's Strikes with the chosen weapon gain the same offensive boost your innovation has (+d6 Bludgeoning).
Critical Failure Your ally takes damage of the type and amount that your offensive boost normally deals on a successful Strike.

**Multiclass Feats**

Martial Artist Dedication:

Kharya has trained to use her fists as deadly weapons and can deliver devastatingly powerful blows with them. The damage die for her fist unarmed attacks becomes 1d6 instead of 1d4. She doesn't take the –2 circumstance penalty for making a lethal attack with her nonlethal unarmed attacks.

Gorilla Stance: (A, Stance)

Kharya lowers herself to the ground and take an imposing, knuckle-walking stance. While in this stance, the only Strikes she can make are gorilla slam unarmed attacks. These deal 1d8 bludgeoning damage; are in the brawling group; and have the backswing, forceful, grapple, nonlethal, and unarmed traits. While she is in Gorilla Stance, she gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Athletics checks to Climb, and if she rolls a success on an Athletics check to Climb, she get a critical success instead.

Follow-Up Strike: (A, Flourish, if last action was a missed melee Strike)

Kharya has trained rigorously to use all parts of her body as a weapon, and when she misses with an attack, she can usually continue the attack with a different body part and still deal damage. Make another Strike with a melee unarmed attack, using the same multiple attack penalty as the missed Strike, if any.

Wrestler Dedication:

Kharya's training in the wrestling arts has made her particularly adept at moving, striking, and grappling while unencumbered. She gains a +2 circumstance bonus to her Fortitude DC when resisting an opponent's attempts to Grapple you or Swallow you Whole.

Clinch Strike: (R when a creature Escapes a grapple)

Kharya's opponents can't slip her grasp without punishment. Make an unarmed melee Strike against the triggering creature.

**Ancestry Feats**

Cindersoul (Lineage)
The fire of Kharya's elemental ancestor manifests like dying embers of a blaze, and her inner charcoal helps staunch bleeding, purify simple poisons, and absorb acid. The DC for her to recover from persistent acid, bleed, and poison damage is 10 instead of 15 (or 5 if you have particularly effective assistance).

Heat Wave (R when an effect would deal fire, 1/10 minutes)

Kharya harnesses the oncoming flames and twists them into a screen of heat and smoke, granting her concealment until the beginning of your next turn.

Spark Fist: (A, Manipulate, 1/minute)

Kharya dusts explosive black powder on her fist or glove before attacking, which combusts as she hits an opponent. The resulting pops of flame harm both her and her enemy.

Until the end of Kharya's next turn, her fist loses the nonlethal trait and deals an additional 2* fire damage on a successful Strike. Each time she succeeds on a fist Strike, she takes 2 fire damage. (The fire damage dealt on a successful Strike, to both her and her opponent, is equal to the number of weapon damage dice.)

**Skill Feats**

Intimidating Glare:
Kharya can Demoralize with a mere glare. When she does, Demoralize loses the auditory trait and gains the visual trait, and she doesn’t take a penalty if the creature doesn’t understand his language.

Kharya is a genius at Crafting, easily able to determine how things are made and create new inventions. She can spend downtime to invent a common formula that she doesn't know. This works just like the Craft activity: she spends half the Price of the formula up front, attempt a Crafting check, and on a success either finish the formula by paying the difference or work for longer to decrease the Price. The difference is that she spends the additional time in research, design, and development, rather than in creating an item. Once it's complete, she adds the new formula to her formula book. The GM might allow you to invent uncommon or rare formulas, typically with an increased DC. Kharya needs the Alchemical Crafting feat to invent alchemical formulas and the Magical Crafting feat to invent magical formulas.

Quick Repair
For Kharya, the Repair activity loses the exploration trait and takes 3 actions. If you're legendary, it takes 1 action.

Courtly Graces
Kharya has learned proper etiquette and bearing, allowing her to present herself as a noble and play games of influence and politics. Unless she is intentionally presenting herself differently, anyone who speaks with Kharya will assume she is a noble or closely associated with the nobility (such as a prominent servant). Kharya can use Society to Make an Impression on a noble, as well as with Impersonate to pretend to be a type of noble or a specific individual noble. If she uses the normal skills in those situations, she receives a +1 circumstance bonus to the check instead.

Trick Magic Item (A, Manipulate)
Kharya examines a magic item she normally couldn't use in an effort to fool it and activate it temporarily. She must know what activating the item does, or she can't attempt to trick it.

Attempt a check using the skill matching the item's magic tradition, or matching a tradition that has the spell on its list, if she's trying to cast a spell from the item. The relevant skills are Arcana for arcane, Nature for primal, Occultism for occult, Religion for divine, or any of the four for an item that has the magical trait and not a tradition trait. The DC is based on the item's level (possibly adjusted depending on the item or situation).

Biographical Eye (Secret)

In even a brief conversation or social interaction, Kharya picks up on subtle social and visual cues to learn a great deal about a person's origin and history. She might notice bits of green under the person's fingernails and determine they're an herbalist, spy a pin indicating their membership in a secret society, or something similar. Kharya picks up on only details that have to do with their societal role, so she might learn the city district where a vampire lives, but wouldn't learn any of their weaknesses, nor necessarily even that they are a vampire.

Spend 1 minute in the presence of someone she hasn't met before, or hasn't met since she first gained Biographical Eye, then attempt a DC 30 Society check. She gains a +1 circumstance bonus to the check if she engaged the person in conversation during this time. If the person is deliberately trying to conceal their nature or present a false identity, she learns about their false biography rather than their true one unless the result of her Society check exceeds their Will DC.

Critical Success Kharya learns the creature's profession, their specialty within that profession, and a major accomplishment or controversy from their career. She also learns the nation and settlement where they live, as well as the district in a city large enough to have districts. In addition, she learns the nation or settlement where they spent their formative years.
Success She learns the creature's profession and specialty within that profession. she learns the nation or settlement where they normally live.
Failure She learns the creature's profession and the region of the world they hail from, but no more.
Critical Failure She learns a piece of erroneous information about the creature.

Titan Wrestler

Kharya can attempt to Disarm, Grapple, Reposition, Shove, or Trip creatures up to two sizes larger than her, or up to three sizes larger than you if you're legendary in Athletics.

Cognitive Crossover (R, Gain no information with a Crafting or Nature check)

Kharya immediately reattempts the triggering check using the other skill.

**General Feats**

Shield Block (R when she takes physical damage from an attack or takes spell damage)

Kharya snaps her shield in place to ward off a blow. Her shield prevents her from taking an amount of damage up to the shield's Hardness. She and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.

Canny Acumen (Perception)

Kharya's observation is beyond the ken of most in her profession. She is an expert in perception. At 17th level, she becomes a master in her choice.

Kharya moves more quickly on foot. Her Speed increases by 5 feet.


Kharya's body can withstand more punishment than most before succumbing. Increase her maximum Hit Points by her level. She reduces the DC of recovery checks by 1.

**Important Items**

Soaring Wings
Activate command, envision;
Frequency once per day;
Effect For 10 minutes, Kharya gains a fly Speed equal to either her land Speed or 20 feet, whichever is greater.