GM Frost's S05-08 Protecting the Firelight [PbP Gameday XIII]

Game Master Frozen Frost

Sign-Up Sheet | Slides and Maps | Macros |
Challenge Points: 20 (High Tier, Level 7-8)
Start Date: 9 September 2024
End Date: 17 November 2024

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Grand Archive

NG female human rogue scholar-8 HP 88/88; hero 0/3; moderate healing potion 0/1; (heals 1hp/min) lv 1: 1/1; 2: 0/1; 3:0/1; AC 26(w/shield); F +13 (+1 vs inhaled toxins); R +19(evasion); W +13; resist cold&electricity/2; Per +14; Stealth +16 25'; Conditions: none

"My thanks." says Teja, picking herself up off the ground.

"[b]If we have a moment, I'll patch myself up..[/]b"
medicine(expert,assurance): 10 + 12 = 22
heals: 2d8 + 10 ⇒ (4, 3) + 10 = 17

And stone to slowly regenerate as well, 1hp/minute

Envoy's Alliance

Chaotic Good Whisper Elf Alchemist 5 | Level Bump: HP 66/66 | AC 24 | F +12 R +13 W +10 | Perc +11 | Stealth +4 | speed 35 ft. | Advanced Alchemy: 8/8 | Versatile Vials: 6/6 | Active Conditions: none | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ |

Reflex: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24

Erevan was able to dodge the bison. But remains confused as to what caused the creature to charge at them. "Oh my! Did we trespass on its territory?"

If we don't have 10 minutes...

He rushes to Teja's side and quickly patches her up with one of his elixirs ◈ Quick Alchemy: Lesser Elixir of Life

Lesser Elixir of Life: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 6, 3) + 6 = 18 +5 temp HP for 1 minute

"There, there. It's not the best medicine but it'll help you get up."

Vigilant Seal

Male Dwarf Barbarian 7 | 25 ft. speed| Active Conditions: none| HP 122/122 AC 25 | Fort +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Ref +11; Will +14| Perc +14 (darkvision) |
Athletics +17, Intimidation +8, Mining Lore +9, Mountain Lore +9, Nature +14, Pathfinder Society Lore +9, Survival +12 (+13 when in Mountain or Underground terrain)

Reflex: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31

"What manner of beast is that?" cries Grommfell as he displays some unusual prowess. "Certainly don't see many of them down in the mines!"

He draws a pick in case, the beast turns and charges again.

Verdant Wheel

Prof. Whitegourd (they/them) Leshy Druid 7 | Hp 89/92| AC 25 | F +14 (E), R +13 (E), W +15 (E) | Perception +15 (E) Reaction(When Critically Hit in Melee) : Storm Retribution 4d12 DC 25 | Vital Beacon: 4d10

level 2 heal: 2d8 + 16 ⇒ (4, 7) + 16 = 27

Professor Whitegourd fixes most of their wounds with a quick spell, just in case more danger is on the horizon.

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

GM Screen:
Zhamie: 15 B damage - 15 minutes =
Whitegourd: 30 B damage - 17 healing - 27 healing from spell = full HP
Teja: 30 B damage - 21 healing - 17 healing = full HP
Boltblade: 30 B damage - 21 healing
Grommfell: no damage = full HP
Erevan = 15 B damage - redirected 18 healing

With enough time, everyone is back to full health.

"Is everyone alright?" Mekobin inquires. "Maybe the beast must have been spooked. Come on, let us bring the vines you gathered."

The Pathfinders truly impress Mekobin, who warmly tells them they are practically Niishani already. He suggests they stay in the town after the festival to truly get to know what life is like here.

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

Along the way, a halfling girl who bears a strong resemblance to Mayor Deyahi and a group of other children gather on a side street as a few adults swing wide around them. They hold various play weapons as they stand around a pile of brush, which they appear ready to defend with their very lives. “My mother, the mayor, told me I have to keep the kids busy,” she declares.

“So we’re playing Fire Watch. You be bad spirits! You have to attack us, and we fight you off, like when the founders met a wanikkawi for the first time and drove it away!”

Describe what you do as “attacking spirits,” by roleplaying and describing what kind of spirit you are. Attempt a DC 21 Games Lore check or a DC 23 Acrobatics, Deception, Intimidation, or Performance check.

However, as the Pathfinders pretend to be the "attacking spirits" for the children's play, a cloud of dust forms over Peyqua’s “campfire,” choking the Pathfinders. Each participating PC must attempt a DC 22 Fortitude save or suffer a –1 penalty to their check to participate (–2 on a critical failure).

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 5 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 49/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Athletics/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Thievery(U): +5, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +3 |

Fortitude: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29

Zhamie begins coughing as the dust cloud forms but manages to get clear.

"Vone of my friend ees an elf. She taught me some tricks."

Acrobatics(E), Pursue a Lead: 1d20 + 12 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 12 + 1 = 22

Unfortunately, Zhamie's attempt to replicate one of the Acrobatic trick goes wrong and she fails on the handstand.

Envoy's Alliance

Chaotic Good Whisper Elf Alchemist 5 | Level Bump: HP 66/66 | AC 24 | F +12 R +13 W +10 | Perc +11 | Stealth +4 | speed 35 ft. | Advanced Alchemy: 8/8 | Versatile Vials: 6/6 | Active Conditions: none | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ |

Fortitude: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22

Erevan is surprised by the sudden appearance of the dust cloud but he steels himself and not let it bother him. He thinks of decides to join in on the halfling's request and tries to twist and flex his body parts to resemble that of what he thinks is a spirit.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31

Horizon Hunters

Male (he/him) Kobold Fighter 5 HP 71/71| AC 25 | Fort +12, Ref +10 (Bulwark +3 to damaging effects), Will +8 | Perc +11, Darkvision| Hero Points: 1/3 | Active Conditions: None

Fort: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30 Being much used to the pranks of his benefactor's various other air elemental servants, Boltblade is entirely unbothered by a cloud of dust.

Boltblade gets particularly excited about his new role as a scary monster spirit and tries to put his gladiatorial showman training to good work.

"You cannot stop me, I am the terrifying Desert Storm!" he says while kicking dust around and making scary whooshing wind noises.

Intimidation: 1d20 + 13 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 13 + 1 = 18
I'll use one of my two hero points, to fail to scare children is just embarrassing for a poor kobold trying to be tough.

Intimidation, Hero Point: 1d20 + 13 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 13 + 1 = 24

Grand Archive

NG female human rogue scholar-8 HP 88/88; hero 0/3; moderate healing potion 0/1; (heals 1hp/min) lv 1: 1/1; 2: 0/1; 3:0/1; AC 26(w/shield); F +13 (+1 vs inhaled toxins); R +19(evasion); W +13; resist cold&electricity/2; Per +14; Stealth +16 25'; Conditions: none

fort DC22: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14
deception DC23, choking: 1d20 + 18 - 2 ⇒ (3) + 18 - 2 = 19

Teja pulls a face "A spirit..." and then, working her muscles, changes her face to look almost totally different.

"Of cour.."

"Or maybe not?"

Verdant Wheel

Prof. Whitegourd (they/them) Leshy Druid 7 | Hp 89/92| AC 25 | F +14 (E), R +13 (E), W +15 (E) | Perception +15 (E) Reaction(When Critically Hit in Melee) : Storm Retribution 4d12 DC 25 | Vital Beacon: 4d10

Fort: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21

Professor Whitegourd coughs and sputters, whacks the side of their gourd a few times but can't seem to get all the dust out.

Professor Whitegourd then grabs some extra bits of brush and shambles around as a mound of plants.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 9 - 1 ⇒ (15) + 9 - 1 = 23

Despite having a head full of dust, and armor weighing him down Professor Whitegourd manages to make a convincing shambling plant spirit.

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 5 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 49/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Athletics/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Thievery(U): +5, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +3 |

"Vere did zat dust cloud come from?" Zhamie looks around for a possible source.

Perc +14

Vigilant Seal

Male Dwarf Barbarian 7 | 25 ft. speed| Active Conditions: none| HP 122/122 AC 25 | Fort +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Ref +11; Will +14| Perc +14 (darkvision) |
Athletics +17, Intimidation +8, Mining Lore +9, Mountain Lore +9, Nature +14, Pathfinder Society Lore +9, Survival +12 (+13 when in Mountain or Underground terrain)

Grommfell crosses his arms and mutters, "Look at me, I'm an attacking spirit." His disdain for being asked to participate in a child's game is quite clear.
Intimidation: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Upon spying the cloud, he tries to take in a deep breath.
Fortitude: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (17) + 17 = 34

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

GM Screen:
Zhamie F, Erevan CS, Boltblade S, Teja F, Prof S, Grommfell F = 4

1d20 ⇒ 18

Peyqua appreciates their efforts for performing as angry spirits but directs them to perform the way she wants. She matter-of-factly tells them they’re in fact now friendly giants because there are a lot of them here.

Be careful of the wanikkawi though, so it doesn’t gobble you up in a single bite!" she warns them.

You obtain a boon for during the Fire Watch: any PC that attempts a check to Recall Knowledge about a spirit in Events 1–3 gains a +1 circumstance bonus to their check.

You catches a glimpse of somebody leaving the scene.

The kids leave the Pathfinders to be on their own. Suddenly, a humanoid suddenly reveals himself out of nowhere! A small humanoid the color of sunset, he has the feathered head of an eagle and talons in place of hands and feet. His eyes are kernels of corn, and he wears clothing and a cape made of corn husks.

"I have been warning you! You will just betray Niishaan and hurt the people! This place will no more be safe!" he exclaims to them.

How do your react? You can allay his suspicions by attempting a DC 21 Pathfinder Society Lore check or a DC 23 Deception, Diplomacy, Intimidation, or Society check.

You recognize this humanoid as the one leaving the scene when your group were with the kids.

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 5 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 49/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Athletics/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Thievery(U): +5, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +3 |

"Sacre bleu!" she exclaims, "Who or vat are vous?! I saw vous trying to disrupt the children's play! Ve mean no 'arm! Ve are 'ere to prepare for ze Fire Vatch. Ve are from ze Pathfinder Society."

PFS Lore: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19

Envoy's Alliance

Chaotic Good Whisper Elf Alchemist 5 | Level Bump: HP 66/66 | AC 24 | F +12 R +13 W +10 | Perc +11 | Stealth +4 | speed 35 ft. | Advanced Alchemy: 8/8 | Versatile Vials: 6/6 | Active Conditions: none | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ |

"Slow down there. How are we betraying Niishaan and the people?"

Society: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19

Vigilant Seal

Male Dwarf Barbarian 7 | 25 ft. speed| Active Conditions: none| HP 122/122 AC 25 | Fort +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Ref +11; Will +14| Perc +14 (darkvision) |
Athletics +17, Intimidation +8, Mining Lore +9, Mountain Lore +9, Nature +14, Pathfinder Society Lore +9, Survival +12 (+13 when in Mountain or Underground terrain)
GM Frost wrote:
"I have been warning you! You will just betray Niishaan and hurt the people! This place will no more be safe!" he exclaims to them.

"If you've come to play 'Fire Watch', you're a bit too late." Grommfell grumbles upon spying the bird-headed creature.

"The human is right, we are with the Pathfinder Society. We've been invited here. Not sure the same can be said about you." he adds. "And what do you mean by 'warning' us? You didn't happen to send a some sort of furry, horned beast our way, did you?"

Pathfinder Society Lore: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

Verdant Wheel

Prof. Whitegourd (they/them) Leshy Druid 7 | Hp 89/92| AC 25 | F +14 (E), R +13 (E), W +15 (E) | Perception +15 (E) Reaction(When Critically Hit in Melee) : Storm Retribution 4d12 DC 25 | Vital Beacon: 4d10

Professor Whitegourd bounces up and down excitedly. "Oh boy, it's so exciting to meet you. We've been invited to help though, we're friendly!"

Society: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31

Grand Archive

NG female human rogue scholar-8 HP 88/88; hero 0/3; moderate healing potion 0/1; (heals 1hp/min) lv 1: 1/1; 2: 0/1; 3:0/1; AC 26(w/shield); F +13 (+1 vs inhaled toxins); R +19(evasion); W +13; resist cold&electricity/2; Per +14; Stealth +16 25'; Conditions: none

Teja looks horrified. "You are casting aspersions on us? We are saints of light!"

deception DC23: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (7) + 18 = 25

Luckily her overacting is quite convincing.

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

GM Screen:
Zhamie F, Erevan F, Grommfell S, Prof S, Teja S,

Zhamie Zhapp wrote:

"Who or vat are vous?! I saw vous trying to disrupt the children's play! Ve mean no 'arm! Ve are 'ere to prepare for ze Fire Vatch. Ve are from ze Pathfinder Society."

GM's nose bleeds...

“Anohatsa, a spirit of the prairies. Anohatsa watches over Niishan and keeps it safe!”

Erevan Dalanthan. wrote:
"Slow down there. How are we betraying Niishaan and the people?"

“To name a thing is to speak it into existence, and Anohatsa will not name it!”

Grommfell the Precipitous wrote:
"And what do you mean by 'warning' us? You didn't happen to send a some sort of furry, horned beast our way, did you?"
"I having been meddling with your doings here, but your puny minds cannot unravel the message I am sending!The spirits have longer memories than the Niishani, and we know what they do not. When the founders came to this place—the last outsiders to stand in the firelight here—one of them betrayed their companions. Now you are here, but Anohatsa will not let Niishan suffer if the spirits are not dealt with properly tonight.”

He pauses for a while. And then speaks again.

“Be careful what you agree to at the fire. Know that while some spirits speak the truth, only lies spill from the mouths of the cruelest of us.” He then beckons the Pathfinders close, speaking in a voice just above a whisper. “The spirits will not speak of what happened here. But listen carefully to what you see and hear at the fire, and you may learn more than you expect.”

I will wait for Boltblade's attempt and see if Anohatsa can tell you more.

Horizon Hunters

Male (he/him) Kobold Fighter 5 HP 71/71| AC 25 | Fort +12, Ref +10 (Bulwark +3 to damaging effects), Will +8 | Perc +11, Darkvision| Hero Points: 1/3 | Active Conditions: None

Boltblade blows out a puff of air through his nostrils

"Hey! Get off our case, okay? Stop messing around with us and we won't be tempted to make any betrayals to being with."

Intimidation: 1d20 + 13 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 13 + 1 = 27

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

Anohatsa just shakes his head.

"My gut tells me that i can trust you, but I will always put my faith in Niishani's decisions and I will do everything to keep them safe!" he tells the group before leaving with a squawk.

You gain another boon: The DC for a Society check is reduced by 2.

So far, these are the boons you earned during your Preparations:
Boon A: During Event 2, if the PCs present a portion of the berry pudding before attempting a skill check to soothe the spirits, they can roll twice, and take the better result. You have six portions.
Boon B: Burning sunsmoke vine causes spirits in the ceremonial fire’s light to become enfeebled 1 in dim light (and enfeebled 2 in bright light).
Boon C: Any PC that attempts a check to Recall Knowledge about a spirit in Events 1–3 gains a +1 circumstance bonus to their check.
Boon D: The DC for a Society check is reduced by 2.


Once all the preparations are complete, Mayor Deyahi calls the town together for a massive communal feast. Children’s laughter as they run around cuts through the happy chatter of adults. Huge pots of food are available: patties of dried meat and berries; meat stew; a succotash of corn, beans, and squash; and finally, a berry pudding for dessert.

Following the dinner, Deyahi suggests they rest for an hour. During this time, you can redo any daily preparations to take advantage of what you may have learned about the Fire Watch. This does not allow you to renew any expended spell slots or daily abilities, but you may change any unused prepared spells.

Grand Archive

NG female human rogue scholar-8 HP 88/88; hero 0/3; moderate healing potion 0/1; (heals 1hp/min) lv 1: 1/1; 2: 0/1; 3:0/1; AC 26(w/shield); F +13 (+1 vs inhaled toxins); R +19(evasion); W +13; resist cold&electricity/2; Per +14; Stealth +16 25'; Conditions: none

Teja is more than happy to put her feet up and have a snooze after the dinner.

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 5 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 49/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Athletics/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Thievery(U): +5, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +3 |

Zhamie takes a power nap after such a heavy meal. Before snoozing, however, she checks her weapons...

Verdant Wheel

Prof. Whitegourd (they/them) Leshy Druid 7 | Hp 89/92| AC 25 | F +14 (E), R +13 (E), W +15 (E) | Perception +15 (E) Reaction(When Critically Hit in Melee) : Storm Retribution 4d12 DC 25 | Vital Beacon: 4d10

Professor Whitegourd will rest as well.

Happy with my prep.

Horizon Hunters

Male (he/him) Kobold Fighter 5 HP 71/71| AC 25 | Fort +12, Ref +10 (Bulwark +3 to damaging effects), Will +8 | Perc +11, Darkvision| Hero Points: 1/3 | Active Conditions: None

Boltblade likewise checks over all his gear and sits down with a snack for a bit.

No real preparations to make on my end

Envoy's Alliance

Chaotic Good Whisper Elf Alchemist 5 | Level Bump: HP 66/66 | AC 24 | F +12 R +13 W +10 | Perc +11 | Stealth +4 | speed 35 ft. | Advanced Alchemy: 8/8 | Versatile Vials: 6/6 | Active Conditions: none | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ |

Erevan replaces the elixirs he gave to his companions with a fresher one and brews a couple more.

Brewing 8 lesser elixirs of life. Giving 1 to each companion.

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 5 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 49/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Athletics/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Thievery(U): +5, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +3 |

"Ah! Merci Erevan!" Zhamie says gratefully.

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

Afterward, Deyahi leads the Pathfinders and a procession of townsfolk on a 20-minute walk down an escarpment to the fire site. Deyhai tells them a bit of history they should know.

After a short walk along a well-maintained path, Mayor Deyahi brings the procession to a halt in a clearing. Six small earth lodges stand here, the original site of Niishan when it was just a few families and not a prosperous small town. These homes remain in good condition despite the passage of many years.

In the center of the clearing, a towering pile of dead, dry brush stands in a stone circle. As the sun sinks below the horizon, it paints the sky a fiery red. A moment later, a real fire flares on the torch Deyahi is carrying. She calls out in a strong voice that carries through the suddenly quiet crowd: “This marks the start of our Festival of Fire. We recognize the turning of the seasons, and we give thanks to the spirits for Niishan’s prosperity. We honor our four founders by following the traditions they set forth. We honor those who have given the most to Niishan in the last year. This year, that is the Pathfinder Society, who have restored the star gun Hatahasi to us. This year, we honor their traditions too, agreeing the Fire Watch could be more than four agents if the Society sent more to us. Just as they helped us prepare and we got to know each other better, we bring both Niishan and the Pathfinder Society together in the spirit of cooperation!”

With those words, she plunges her torch into the pile of brush, and it roars into flame, casting light across the clearing. Mekobin then throws the ceremonial fuel the Pathfinders gathered onto the fire. Following the fire lighting, the townsfolk leave, and the Pathfinders’ Fire Watch begins!

You Fire Watch begins on this MAP. Tall grasses about 5 feet high and shrubs create difficult terrain in most of the area (in any green square on the map). Creatures in those areas have concealment. The clearing that includes the fire site and the paths leading away from it (brown areas on the map) are packed dirt, making them normal terrain that does not offer any concealment. The paths are considered well-maintained roads. he fire produces bright light in a 10-foot radius, and dim light to the edge of the clearing. Six earth lodges from the original village remain in good condition. PCs can enter them through doorways that face inward toward the fire, though the lodges are completely empty (their furnishings were removed long ago). The walls are made of dry clay over an inner shell of grass; they are 10 feet tall, with a Climb DC of 20, Hardness 10, and 40 Hit Points (BT 20).


After two hours...

Stars sparkle across Desna’s dark canvas above, their magnificence barely dimmed by the light of the ceremonial fire. The sounds of nature fill the air alongside the crackling and occasional pop of the fire—the buzz of insects, the occasional cry of a hunting owl—until they all suddenly fall silent.

A few moments later, a voice calls from the darkness. “Abandon this watch. You’re not from here, and so we offer you the same deal as we did the last time strangers came to this place and lit a fire. Let us have our way, and in return, we will let you live!”

Another voice calls out, “And just like every year, you bring the wrong number of watchers to the fire. You know nothing of your history!”

I will give you the liberty to position your characters around the fire on the MAP.

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 5 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 49/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Athletics/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Thievery(U): +5, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +3 |

Zhamie prepares her weapon, sensing that the voice doesn't sound friendly.

Horizon Hunters

Male (he/him) Kobold Fighter 5 HP 71/71| AC 25 | Fort +12, Ref +10 (Bulwark +3 to damaging effects), Will +8 | Perc +11, Darkvision| Hero Points: 1/3 | Active Conditions: None

Boltblade takes a long squint out into the darkness as his eyes adjust to the darkness.

"Well why don't you inform us of this history then. We are guests protecting this fire and I would like to be enlightened."

Though he does still draw his sword in concern.

I'm not sure if I can see the source of this voice or not but as a note I do have darkvision as a kobold so I'll peer around for something anyway.

Verdant Wheel

Prof. Whitegourd (they/them) Leshy Druid 7 | Hp 89/92| AC 25 | F +14 (E), R +13 (E), W +15 (E) | Perception +15 (E) Reaction(When Critically Hit in Melee) : Storm Retribution 4d12 DC 25 | Vital Beacon: 4d10

Professor Whitegourd takes up a defensive position behind a hut with their staff of fire in hand.

Grand Archive

NG female human rogue scholar-8 HP 88/88; hero 0/3; moderate healing potion 0/1; (heals 1hp/min) lv 1: 1/1; 2: 0/1; 3:0/1; AC 26(w/shield); F +13 (+1 vs inhaled toxins); R +19(evasion); W +13; resist cold&electricity/2; Per +14; Stealth +16 25'; Conditions: none

Teja stays near the warmth and light of the fire.

When the spirits call out, she is about to reply to them, but Boltblade speaks first. As he said everything she wanted to, she remains silent, but takes out parchment and pen, ready to note down the exact words of the spirit. Proper record keeping is so important.

Envoy's Alliance

Chaotic Good Whisper Elf Alchemist 5 | Level Bump: HP 66/66 | AC 24 | F +12 R +13 W +10 | Perc +11 | Stealth +4 | speed 35 ft. | Advanced Alchemy: 8/8 | Versatile Vials: 6/6 | Active Conditions: none | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ |

Erevan tries to locate the source of the voice and brings out his hand crossbow.

Vigilant Seal

Male Dwarf Barbarian 7 | 25 ft. speed| Active Conditions: none| HP 122/122 AC 25 | Fort +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Ref +11; Will +14| Perc +14 (darkvision) |
Athletics +17, Intimidation +8, Mining Lore +9, Mountain Lore +9, Nature +14, Pathfinder Society Lore +9, Survival +12 (+13 when in Mountain or Underground terrain)

Grommfell takes up a position some distance from the fire. He intends to glare at any spirits to force them away. Adding to his threat he brandishes his magical, ghost touch greatpick.

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

"It is not for us to tell the story. But Niishan’s ceremony always has four. But before Niishan, there were five." the voice tells them that originates somewhere the southeast part of the Map.

"Wonderful," the voice add after seeing Grommfell positioning himself away from the fire. "You are giving us an opening!" they tell them and gives a sinister laugh.

Rolling Initiatives:
Teja Khellekdottir's Initiative using Avoid Notice: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (11) + 17 = 28
Zhamie Zhapp's Initiative using Scout: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (9) + 15 = 24
Erevan Dalanthan's Initiative using Search: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
Boltblade the Desert Storm's Initiative using Scout: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27
Professor Whitegourd's Initiative using Search: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (9) + 16 = 25
Gromfell the Precipitous's Initiative using Scout: 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (5) + 28 = 33
Malicious, Stealth: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (4) + 18 = 22
Withered, Stealth: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28
Wilted, Stealth: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26

⬤ EVENT #1: THEY ARRIVE! Round 1 ⬤
Terrain Feature(s): Tall grasses about 5 feet high and shrubs create difficult terrain in most of the area (in any green square on the map). Creatures in those areas have concealment. The clearing that includes the fire site and the paths leading away from it (brown areas on the map) are packed dirt, making them normal terrain that does not offer any concealment. The paths are considered well-maintained roads. The fire produces bright light in a 10-foot radius, and dim light to the edge of the clearing. Six earth lodges from the original village remain in good condition. PCs can enter them through doorways that face inward toward the fire, though the lodges are completely empty (their furnishings were removed long ago). The walls are made of dry clay over an inner shell of grass; they are 10 feet tall, with a Climb DC of 20, Hardness 10, and 40 Hit Points (BT 20).
Note(s): ☘️: Hero Point, OG: Off-Guard

➤ Gromfell the Precipitous (AC 25) (HP 122/122) | 2☘️ |
Wilted (Red) (HP -) | Concealed to darkvision, otherwise Undetected | Slowed 1
Teja Khellekdottir (AC 26) (HP 88/88) | 2☘️ |
Boltblade the Desert Storm (AC 25) (HP 71/71) | 1☘️ |
Malicious (Blue) (HP -) | Concealed to darkvision, otherwise Undetected |
Professor Whitegourd (AC 25) (HP 92/92) | 1☘️ |
Zhamie Zhapp (AC 21) (HP 63/63) | 1☘️ |
Withered (Yellow) (HP -) | Concealed to darkvision, otherwise Undetected | Slowed 1
Erevan Dalanthan (AC 23) (HP 56/56) | 2☘️ |


Boon A :
During Event 2, if the PCs present a portion of the berry pudding before attempting a skill check to soothe the spirits, they can roll twice, and take the better result. You have six portions.

Boon B :
Burning sunsmoke vine causes spirits in the ceremonial fire’s light to become enfeebled 1 in dim light (and enfeebled 2 in bright light).

Boon C :
Any PC that attempts a check to Recall Knowledge about a spirit in Events 1–3 gains a +1 circumstance bonus to their check.

Boon D :
The DC for a Society check is reduced by 2.

Vigilant Seal

Male Dwarf Barbarian 7 | 25 ft. speed| Active Conditions: none| HP 122/122 AC 25 | Fort +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Ref +11; Will +14| Perc +14 (darkvision) |
Athletics +17, Intimidation +8, Mining Lore +9, Mountain Lore +9, Nature +14, Pathfinder Society Lore +9, Survival +12 (+13 when in Mountain or Underground terrain)

"You'll take the opening to depart, if you are wise." Grommfell threatens.

If Grommfell can tell which spirit last spoke (and it is within 30 feet), he will attempt to demoralize that spirit. Otherwise, he targets red.

Intimidation to Demoralize: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

The dwarf tightens his grip on his magic pick.

Readied action to Strike if enemy spirit comes within reach:

Readied Melee Strike +1 striking ghost touch greatpick (fatal d12, magical): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (19) + 16 = 35
Damage (P): 2d10 + 6 ⇒ (6, 6) + 6 = 18

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

Grommfell threatens Blue but his words fall into deaf ears. Fail to Demoralize. He then readies to do something, just in case.

Red becomes Quickened when their turn begins. Red quickly runs toward Grommfell for being quickened, but before they can do something, Grommfell lands his greatpick upon them. Crit, 36 P damage plus Fatal d12: 1d12 ⇒ 10 damage. Their approach close to the fire makes it knees weak. Red becomes Enfeebled 1

Grommfell, do you have Crit Spec of your weapon?

Red retaliates with a withered punch!
Fist Attack, Enfeebled 1: 1d20 + 14 - 1 ⇒ (11) + 14 - 1 = 24 vs Grommfell AC 25

Fist Attack, Enfeebled 1, MAP: 1d20 + 14 - 1 - 5 ⇒ (7) + 14 - 1 - 5 = 15 vs Grommfell AC 25

⬤ EVENT #1: THEY ARRIVE! Round 1 ⬤
Terrain Feature(s): Tall grasses about 5 feet high and shrubs create difficult terrain in most of the area (in any green square on the map). Creatures in those areas have concealment. The clearing that includes the fire site and the paths leading away from it (brown areas on the map) are packed dirt, making them normal terrain that does not offer any concealment. The paths are considered well-maintained roads. The fire produces bright light in a 10-foot radius, and dim light to the edge of the clearing. Six earth lodges from the original village remain in good condition. PCs can enter them through doorways that face inward toward the fire, though the lodges are completely empty (their furnishings were removed long ago). The walls are made of dry clay over an inner shell of grass; they are 10 feet tall, with a Climb DC of 20, Hardness 10, and 40 Hit Points (BT 20).
Note(s): ☘️: Hero Point, OG: Off-Guard

Grommfell the Precipitous (AC 25) (HP 122/122) | 2☘️ |
Wilted (Red) (HP -46) | Concealed to darkvision, otherwise Undetected | Slowed 1; Enfeebled 1 (in dim light)
➤ Teja Khellekdottir (AC 26) (HP 88/88) | 2☘️ |
➤ Boltblade the Desert Storm (AC 25) (HP 71/71) | 1☘️ |
Malicious (Blue) (HP -) | Concealed to darkvision, otherwise Undetected | Immune to Grommfell's Demoralize
Professor Whitegourd (AC 25) (HP 92/92) | 1☘️ |
Zhamie Zhapp (AC 21) (HP 63/63) | 1☘️ |
Withered (Yellow) (HP -) | Concealed to darkvision, otherwise Undetected | Slowed 1
Erevan Dalanthan (AC 23) (HP 56/56) | 2☘️ |


Boon A :
During Event 2, if the PCs present a portion of the berry pudding before attempting a skill check to soothe the spirits, they can roll twice, and take the better result. You have six portions.

Boon B :
Burning sunsmoke vine causes spirits in the ceremonial fire’s light to become enfeebled 1 in dim light (and enfeebled 2 in bright light).

Boon C :
Any PC that attempts a check to Recall Knowledge about a spirit in Events 1–3 gains a +1 circumstance bonus to their check.

Boon D :
The DC for a Society check is reduced by 2.

Vigilant Seal

Male Dwarf Barbarian 7 | 25 ft. speed| Active Conditions: none| HP 122/122 AC 25 | Fort +17 (Successes are crit successes instead.); Ref +11; Will +14| Perc +14 (darkvision) |
Athletics +17, Intimidation +8, Mining Lore +9, Mountain Lore +9, Nature +14, Pathfinder Society Lore +9, Survival +12 (+13 when in Mountain or Underground terrain)
GM Frost wrote:
Grommfell, do you have Crit Spec of your weapon?

Yes, it is fatal d12

"They never listen." Grommfell mutters as the pick pierces the spirit.

Horizon Hunters

Male (he/him) Kobold Fighter 5 HP 71/71| AC 25 | Fort +12, Ref +10 (Bulwark +3 to damaging effects), Will +8 | Perc +11, Darkvision| Hero Points: 1/3 | Active Conditions: None

"Hey! Not knowing history is no reason to kill us." Boltblade rushes up to the creature attacking the dwarf and tries to lend a hand.

First he gives them a tough two handed swing.

Unsure if Red is still concealed being near the clearing at this point but will roll dc5 checks anyway and let me know if they end up mattering or not.

Concealment Flat Check: 1d20 ⇒ 13
Khopesh,: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (15) + 16 = 31 v Red
Slashing Damage, Dual-Handed Assault: 2d10 + 4 ⇒ (3, 9) + 4 = 16

Then he pulls the creature's hair while he takes a second swing.

Concealment Flat Check: 1d20 ⇒ 3
Khopesh,: 1d20 + 16 - 5 ⇒ (19) + 16 - 5 = 30 Snagging Strike, Red is off-guard if this hits
Slashing Damage: 2d8 + 4 ⇒ (1, 1) + 4 = 6

Grand Archive

NG female human rogue scholar-8 HP 88/88; hero 0/3; moderate healing potion 0/1; (heals 1hp/min) lv 1: 1/1; 2: 0/1; 3:0/1; AC 26(w/shield); F +13 (+1 vs inhaled toxins); R +19(evasion); W +13; resist cold&electricity/2; Per +14; Stealth +16 25'; Conditions: none

"That is not what my father would say. I think he may actually agree with them." sighs Teja.

Drawing her weapons, she moves to stand next to Grommfell, hoping to prevent the creatures flanking him.

* interact (draw rapier)
* stride
* stride

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

Fatal d12: 1d12 ⇒ 2 damage to Red

Red is no more Concealed in its current position.

Boltblade rushes to help the fellow fighter and slashes with his blade. 16+6 S and OG

Teja draws weapon and joins the two fighters.

Between grasses, someone reveals itself and Strikes Boltblade with a lignifying hand!

Lignifying Hand Attack: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (4) + 18 = 22 vs Boltblade AC 25
Damage: 2d8 + 7 ⇒ (6, 7) + 7 = 20 and DC 24 Fortitude vs Lignify or be Slowed 1 (Slowed 2 on Crit Fail)

Lignifying Hand Attack, MAP: 1d20 + 18 - 5 ⇒ (18) + 18 - 5 = 31 vs Boltblade AC 25
Damage: 2d8 + 7 ⇒ (1, 8) + 7 = 16 and DC 24 Fortitude vs Lignify or be Slowed 1 (Slowed 2 on Crit Fail)

⬤ EVENT #1: THEY ARRIVE! Round 1 ⬤
Terrain Feature(s): Tall grasses about 5 feet high and shrubs create difficult terrain in most of the area (in any green square on the map). Creatures in those areas have concealment. The clearing that includes the fire site and the paths leading away from it (brown areas on the map) are packed dirt, making them normal terrain that does not offer any concealment. The paths are considered well-maintained roads. The fire produces bright light in a 10-foot radius, and dim light to the edge of the clearing. Six earth lodges from the original village remain in good condition. PCs can enter them through doorways that face inward toward the fire, though the lodges are completely empty (their furnishings were removed long ago). The walls are made of dry clay over an inner shell of grass; they are 10 feet tall, with a Climb DC of 20, Hardness 10, and 40 Hit Points (BT 20).
Note(s): ☘️: Hero Point, OG: Off-Guard

❗ Boltblade the Desert Storm: Two DC 24 Fortitude saves vs Lignify ❗

Grommfell the Precipitous (AC 25) (HP 122/122) | 2☘️ |
Wilted (Red) (HP -70) | Concealed to normal vision; OG | Slowed 1; Enfeebled 1 (in dim light)
Teja Khellekdottir (AC 26) (HP 88/88) | 2☘️ |
Boltblade the Desert Storm (AC 25) (HP 71/71) | 1☘️ |
Malicious (Blue) (HP -) | Hidden to normal vision | Immune to Grommfell's Demoralize
➤ Professor Whitegourd (AC 25) (HP 92/92) | 1☘️ |
➤ Zhamie Zhapp (AC 21) (HP 63/63) | 1☘️ |
Withered (Yellow) (HP -) | Concealed to darkvision, otherwise Undetected | Slowed 1
Erevan Dalanthan (AC 23) (HP 56/56) | 2☘️ |


Boon A :
During Event 2, if the PCs present a portion of the berry pudding before attempting a skill check to soothe the spirits, they can roll twice, and take the better result. You have six portions.

Boon B :
Burning sunsmoke vine causes spirits in the ceremonial fire’s light to become enfeebled 1 in dim light (and enfeebled 2 in bright light).

Boon C :
Any PC that attempts a check to Recall Knowledge about a spirit in Events 1–3 gains a +1 circumstance bonus to their check.

Boon D :
The DC for a Society check is reduced by 2.

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 5 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 49/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Athletics/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Thievery(U): +5, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +3 |

Zhamie moves to the edge of the clearing and lights her Wayfinder, throwing more light at the area. She games the angles on Wilted and tries to determine what it is.

Devise: 1d20 ⇒ 16
Hits AC 31

Confident of her target, she shoots him/her/it...

Concussive Damage: 2d8 + 1 ⇒ (7, 4) + 1 = 12 with Strategic Strike: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6 Critical Hit: Double Damage, 1d6 Persistent Bleed

She calls to Gromfell. "Bonk 'is 'ead, Grommfell!" (Wilted is OG to Grommfell)

◆ Stride
◆ Activate Wayfinder
◇ Devise (Firelight)
◇ Known Weakness

Verdant Wheel

Prof. Whitegourd (they/them) Leshy Druid 7 | Hp 89/92| AC 25 | F +14 (E), R +13 (E), W +15 (E) | Perception +15 (E) Reaction(When Critically Hit in Melee) : Storm Retribution 4d12 DC 25 | Vital Beacon: 4d10

Professor Whitegourd takes advantage of their low-light vision and summons a ball of fire on Wilted.

Floating Flame(3) Fire Damage: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 5, 4) = 14
Basic Ref DC 25 for Wilted

Professor Whitegourd then offers Guidance to Boltblade the Desert Storm.

Floating Flame(3), and Guidance for Boltblade.

Horizon Hunters

Male (he/him) Kobold Fighter 5 HP 71/71| AC 25 | Fort +12, Ref +10 (Bulwark +3 to damaging effects), Will +8 | Perc +11, Darkvision| Hero Points: 1/3 | Active Conditions: None

Fort: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

Zhamie sheds light on her Wayfinder to expose the evil deeds of their enemies. She then targets Wilted Red with a loud but sure-hit bang. Crit, Wilted out

With Wilted out, redirecting attack to Malicious that you can see a bit... Prof Whitegourd burns Malicious with magical flames!
DC 25 basic Reflex save: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (12) + 16 = 28 vs Floating Flame Success, 7 Fire - Resistance 5

It burns a little.

Boltblade, Second Save: Fort: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30 vs Lignify Success

Another creature emerges from the tall grasses that is Quickened to join the fray. Withered then punches Grommfell and then Boltblade.
Fist Attack: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 23 vs Grommfell AC 24

Fist Attack, MAP: 1d20 + 14 - 5 ⇒ (11) + 14 - 5 = 20 vs Boltblade AC 25

Both punches hit nothing.

⬤ EVENT #1: THEY ARRIVE! Round 1 and 2 ⬤
Terrain Feature(s): Tall grasses about 5 feet high and shrubs create difficult terrain in most of the area (in any green square on the map). Creatures in those areas have concealment. The clearing that includes the fire site and the paths leading away from it (brown areas on the map) are packed dirt, making them normal terrain that does not offer any concealment. The paths are considered well-maintained roads. The fire produces bright light in a 10-foot radius, and dim light to the edge of the clearing. Six earth lodges from the original village remain in good condition. PCs can enter them through doorways that face inward toward the fire, though the lodges are completely empty (their furnishings were removed long ago). The walls are made of dry clay over an inner shell of grass; they are 10 feet tall, with a Climb DC of 20, Hardness 10, and 40 Hit Points (BT 20).
Note(s): ☘️: Hero Point, OG: Off-Guard

Round 2
➤ Grommfell the Precipitous (AC 25) (HP 122/122) | 2☘️ |
Wilted (Red) (HP -106) | OG | Slowed 1; Enfeebled 1 (in dim light)
➤ Teja Khellekdottir (AC 26) (HP 88/88) | 2☘️ |
➤ Boltblade the Desert Storm (AC 25) (HP 71/71) | 1☘️ |
Malicious (Blue) (HP -2) | Immune to Grommfell's Demoralize
Professor Whitegourd (AC 25) (HP 92/92) | 1☘️ |
Zhamie Zhapp (AC 21) (HP 63/63) | 1☘️ |
Withered (Yellow) (HP -) | Slowed 1

Round 1
➤ Erevan Dalanthan (AC 23) (HP 56/56) | 2☘️ |


Boon A :
During Event 2, if the PCs present a portion of the berry pudding before attempting a skill check to soothe the spirits, they can roll twice, and take the better result. You have six portions.

Boon B :
Burning sunsmoke vine causes spirits in the ceremonial fire’s light to become enfeebled 1 in dim light (and enfeebled 2 in bright light).

Boon C :
Any PC that attempts a check to Recall Knowledge about a spirit in Events 1–3 gains a +1 circumstance bonus to their check.

Boon D :
The DC for a Society check is reduced by 2.

Grand Archive

NG female human rogue scholar-8 HP 88/88; hero 0/3; moderate healing potion 0/1; (heals 1hp/min) lv 1: 1/1; 2: 0/1; 3:0/1; AC 26(w/shield); F +13 (+1 vs inhaled toxins); R +19(evasion); W +13; resist cold&electricity/2; Per +14; Stealth +16 25'; Conditions: none

Teja tries to work out what she can about the opponents before her.

Not sure about the right knowledge to use here, but my bonsues are very similar for all of them. Guessing at nature

recall knowledge secret rolls:

recall information (malicious): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
recall information (wilted): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26

She then calls out what she knows about them.

* recall knowledge
* recall knowledge
* point out

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

On the phone right now.

Teja knows Malicious is waldgeist. Waldgeists act as avatars of nature that seek vengeance for environmental abuse, such as pollution and deforestation. These undead spirits of destroyed trees form at the site of their destruction or in a nearby woodland, if the original location was entirely razed. They become guardians of the forest, possessing power over the plants within its boundaries. Waldgeists show no mercy to anyone caught damaging their bonded woodland, attacking loggers, fey, travelers, and invasive species with equal prejudice. It has the usual undead immunities and resistance to all damage except force, ghost touch, or vitality.

On the other hand, she recalls Wilted is a husk zombie that has weakness to vitality.

Envoy's Alliance

Chaotic Good Whisper Elf Alchemist 5 | Level Bump: HP 66/66 | AC 24 | F +12 R +13 W +10 | Perc +11 | Stealth +4 | speed 35 ft. | Advanced Alchemy: 8/8 | Versatile Vials: 6/6 | Active Conditions: none | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ |

Erevan moves to join in on the action, and shoots a bolt at Malicious. He then reloads his hand crossbow.

H. Crossbow: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17
Piercing: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 4) = 9

◈Stride, ◈Strike, ◈Interact (Reload)

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 5 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 49/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Athletics/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Thievery(U): +5, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +3 |

"Ve did not destroy ze forest!" Zhamie calls to Malicious. "Vy don't vous stop zis and ve can talk about it?"

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