
Boltblade the Desert Storm's page

59 posts. Alias of Isis Woz.

Full Name

Boltblade the Desert Storm


HP 55/71| AC 25 | Fort +12, Ref +10 (Bulwark +3 to damaging effects), Will +8 | Perc +11, Darkvision|


Hero Points: 0/3 | Active Conditions: None


Male (he/him) Kobold Fighter 5

About Boltblade the Desert Storm

Boltblade the Desert Storm) (he/him)

Boltblade is a tall broad kobold with blue scales adorned with white swirls of air. He wears a turban made of light cloth and a tabard of a desert tornado bursting with sparks of lightning. A small pair of wings juts out from just underneath the flowing tabard. He carries a customized khopesh with a tip bend into a jagged lightning bolt shape.

Kobold Fighter 5
Small, Humanoid, Kobold

Perception +9 [E]
Osiriani, Sakvroth, Common, Petran, Diabolic
STR 19 DEX 10 CON 14 INT 14 WIS 10 CHA 18
+1 Striking Khopesh +16
[dice=Slashing Damage]2d8+4[/dice]

+1 Striking Khopesh (Dual-Handed) +16
[dice=Slashing Damage]2d10+4[/dice]


AC 24
Fortitude +11 [E]
Reflex +9 [T] (Bulwark +3 to damaging effects)
Will +7 [E]
Hit Points 61
Speed 25 feet
Acrobatics: +0 [U]
Arcana: +9 [T]
Athletics: +13[E]
Crafting: +9 [T]
Deception: +4 [U]
Diplomacy: +13 [E]
Intimidation: +13 [E]
Lore (Gladitorial): +9 [T]
Lore (PFS): +9 [T]
Lore (Underworld): +9 [E] (Expert Hireling)
Medicine: +0 [U]
Nature: +0 [U]
Occultism: +9 [T]
Performance: +11 [T]
Religion: +0 [U]
Society: +9 [E] (Expert Hireling)
Stealth: +0 [U]
Survival: +0 [U]
Thievery: +0 [T]
Ancestry Feats and Abilities
Special: Darkvision, Spellhorn innate cantrip: Electric Arc
1st: Cringe
5th: Winglets

Skill Feats
Background: Impressive Performance
2nd: Titan Wrestler
4th: Intimidating Prowess

General Feats
3rd: Fleet

Class Feats and Abilities
Feature: Reactive Strike
1st: Snaggling Strike
2nd: Dual-Handed Assault
3rd: Bravery
4th: Marshal Dedication
5th: Fighter Weapon Mastery (Sword)
Gear: +1 full plate, +1 Striking Khopesh, Gauntlet, Adventurer’s Pack, Crowbar, Grappling Hook, Climbing Kit, Repair Kit, Ladder Feather token, Minor Healing Potion, Winter Clothing, Mod. Alchemist Fire, Low Grade Alloy Orb, Demon Mask