Seaweed Leshy

Professor Whitegourd's page

237 posts. Organized Play character for Pirate Rob.


Prof. Whitegourd (they/them) Leshy Druid 7 | Hp 86/92| AC 25 | F +14 (E), R +13 (E), W +15 (E) | Perception +15 (E)


Reaction(When Critically Hit in Melee) : Storm Retribution 4d12 DC 25 | Vital Beacon: 4d10

About Professor Whitegourd

2008 Professor Whitegourd
Gourd Leshy, Thassilonian Delver, Storm Druid 7
N Medium Leshy

Senses Perception +15 (Wis 4 + Prof (11)) Lowlight Vision
AC 25 +1 Hide Armor of Quenching +4(2) Dex + 9 Trained
HP 92
Fort +14(E), Ref +13(E), Will +15(E)
Spells Expert +15 / DC 25
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 19, Cha 8
Speed 25 ft. (20ft in armor)
Ancestry Feats & Abilities Gourd Head, Leshy Lore, Ageless Spirit
Skill Feats: Arcane Sense, Natural Medicine, Kreighton’s Cognitive Crossover(Nature/Arcana), Cat Fall
General Feats: Shield Block, Fast Recovery, Toughness
Class Features & Abilities Wild Empathy Storm Born, Magaambian Attendant (Cascade Bearers), Alertness, Great Fortitude, Mask Familiar (Independant/Valet), Storm Retribution
Skills:: Acrobatics +9(T), Arcana +14(E), Diplomacy +8(T), Lore(Engineering) +12(T), Lore(Leshy) +12(T), Lore(Magaambya) +12(T), Lore(Thassilonian History) +12(T), Nature +17(M), Society +12(T), Stealth +9(T), Survival +13(T), Thievery +9(T), Ageless Lore? +12(T*)

Languages Common, Druidic, Mwangi, Sylvan, Thassilonian, Undercommon
Bulk (2/4/9) Adventurer’s Pack, +1 Hide Armor of Quenching, Thieves Tools +3 Picks, Expanded Healer’s Tools (+1), Wooden Shield, Staff of Fire (2), Silversheen(x4), Scroll of Windwall(3), Lesser Elixir of Life(x4), Lesser Blood Booster(x4)

Staff Charges (3/3): C: Produce Flame, 1: Burning Hands

Focus(2): Tempest Surge(L4) (Cast as reaction when crit in melee, + push 5/10 feet.)
0-level : Acid Splash, Detect Magic(Arcane Innate), Disrupt Undead, Electric Arc, Guidance, Ray of Frost, Shield(Arcane),
1-level : Fear, Featherfall, Heal,
2-level : Heal, Longstrider, Brine Dragon Bile
3-level : Floating Flame, Haste, Heal
4-Level : Fireball, Vital Beacon
Special Abilities

Low Light Vision
Shield Block

Organized Play Notes