[ACO] PF2e 05-08 - Protecting the Firelight (P1) (Inactive)

Game Master UncleFroggy

Symbols > Single Action (◆), Double Action (◆◆), Triple Action (◆◆◆), Free Action (◇), Reaction (↺)

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Radiant Oath

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Tarkii reaches into the void and calls forth a crawling hand, which moves up to Wanikkawi's corpse and begins cutting Sophia free. Chupko fails to avoid the spikes but avoids them the second time.

Round: 7-8
Tactical Map

Terrain Conditions:
Green Areas - Difficult terrain; Tall grasses that are 5' high and provide concealment
Brown Areas - Normal Terrain
Fire - Hazardous terrain (4 squares)
* Enter the square or begin turn in fire pit: 1d6 Fire Damage
* End turn in the fire pit: DC 25 Reflex or suffer 1d6 Persistent Fire

Lighting from the fire:
Bright Light - 10' radius from the fire (Yellow Circle)
Dim Light - up to the edge of the clearing
Darkness - anything past that (unless you have DV or some other aid)

Active Conditions: Courageous Anthem

Before your Turn:
Those with ** may go

**Chupko - AC 24 (26 w/shield), 49/72
Tarkii - AC 26, 78/94 (AC 27; DR 6 vs Physical Dmg; Enfeebled 2; -3 Penalty to saves/DCs vs Grapple/Shove/forced movement; +2 vs Trip; Bulk 50%; Half damage from falls); Crawling Hand AC 12, 8/8
**Avery Wings - AC 24 (25 w/shield), 72/72; Sophia AC 23, 7/52 (Grabbed; Slowed 1; Swallowed; Escape DC 30; Air: 7 rds; Rupture: 17)
Khaul - AC 25 (27 w/shield; H 13, 107/120), 79/100 (AC 27; +1 Atk/Saves/Perc/Skill Checks)

Red (-96; Enfeebled 2)
**Salaish - AC 24, 74/74
Zibini - AC 23 (24 w/shield), 58/64 (Sickened 1 w/in the firelight; 3 mirror images; Stupefied 1)

Horizon Hunters

Male Tengu Rogue (Eldritch trickster) 6 / HP 72/72, Perc +12, AC 24(26), Fort +10 Ref +14 Will +12 / Active conditions: Low-light vision, Nimble dodge, resist negative damage 1, +1 HP/min

The archaeologist moves to the opposite side of the remaining foe and stabs it.

+1 striking shortsword, Courageous anthem, vs off guard: 1d20 + 15 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 15 + 1 = 31

Damage, sneak:2d6 + 1 + 2d6 ⇒ (1, 1) + 1 + (6, 2) = 11

+1 striking shortsword, Courageous anthem, vs off guard: 1d20 + 15 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (5) + 15 + 1 - 4 = 17

+1 striking shortsword, Courageous anthem, vs off guard, hero point reroll: 1d20 + 15 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (19) + 15 + 1 - 4 = 31

Damage, sneak:2d6 + 1 + 2d6 ⇒ (6, 1) + 1 + (4, 4) = 16

Radiant Oath

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Chupko moves into the flank and stabs Red. The sword goes through Red's back and out its chest.

Piercing: 3d8 ⇒ (2, 6, 6) = 14
Chupko Ref: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22

Chupko gets stuck by the quills again but shrugs it off.

Salaish draws her dagger and hurries to Wanikkawi's carcass. With one slice, she finishes the work of the crawling hand and releases Sophia.

Wanikkawi - AC 28, 155 hp. Wanikkawi's undead. If you open the GM Dice spoilers, you'll see why he got through most of your spells unscathed... :)


About an hour after the fight with Wanikkawi, the sun rises. The citizens of Niishan come out to greet you and congratulate you on making it through the night. Mayor Deyahi walks up to you "How did the Fire Watch go?" she asks, though her eyes widen at the sight of Wanikkawi's carcass as well as the bodies of the other enemies you fought that night.

Horizon Hunters

Male Tengu Rogue (Eldritch trickster) 6 / HP 72/72, Perc +12, AC 24(26), Fort +10 Ref +14 Will +12 / Active conditions: Low-light vision, Nimble dodge, resist negative damage 1, +1 HP/min

Fine, thank you. You can tell to the children that they must not fear Wanikkawi anymore.

Well not mostly because of me, but...

The archaeologist tries to make a good figure after the final fight of the night.

Vigilant Seal

NG M Dwarf Champion-6; HP 100/100; Focus 1/1; HeroP 0/3; Potion lesser healing 1/1; AC 27(with shield); Fort +14; Ref +8; Will +13; poison resist/3; cold resistance/2; mental resistance/2;Perc +11; +1 to saves vs disease,; Active conditions: Shield (hardness 13, hp120/120). Default exploration: Defend;Action Symbols: (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺); sheet

A slightly battered, and even more embarrassed Khaul nods to the mayor, but keeps silent. He is going to have to work on his hammer-skills a bit.

I wonder if the mayor already knows the truth about the first firenight?

At least I can see where all the good dice rolls went!

Horizon Hunters

(female) Gnome (Fey-Touched) Bard 7 | HP 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14 R +15 W +13 | Perc +13 | Stealth +12 | 25 ft | Hero 1/3 | focus 2/2 | spells 1: 3/3 2: 3/3 3: 3/3 4: 2/2 | ◇◆↺ | Active Conditions: none

Wanikkawi had some dang good saving throw modifiers. I'm jealous!

"Whew! That was tough! Wanikkawi made himself known." Salaish gestures to the corpse of the erstwhile spirit. "It seemed like every spell we threw at him rolled off like water off a duck, but my friends chipped away and defeated him. ... He seemed to remember the First Night differently than what you told us, but he refused to tell us the tale. I do wonder about his sanity after all this time. His accusations sounded like a tale he created to make himself feel better, retold to himself so many times that he didn't even remember the truth anymore." She watches Mayor Deyahi for her reaction.

Perception to Sense Motive +12

Radiant Oath

M Ysoki Madness Oracle 8 | HP 93/94 (DR 6/-) | AC 26 | F +13 R +16 W +17 (S>CS) (+1 vs Poison, S>CS)| Perception +12 (Low-Light) | Vital Beacon 4d8

Tarkii refocuses a bit coming back to the ground.

"Yes... YES!!! Wanikkawi has been returned to the void. THE VOID... The Void..." chitters Tarkii.

Radiant Oath

[R] Female Ancient Mualijae Elf Precision Ranger 6 / Rogue | Field Medic | Animal Companion Sophia | HP 72/72 (recovers 1 HP/min, Void Resistance 1), AC 24 w +1 Shadow Leaf Weave (25 w Low-Grade Cold Iron Buckler raised), Fortitude** +11, Reflex** +14, Will** +14, Perception** +14 (low-light vision), Stealth** +15 | Speed 30 ft. | Exploration Activity Avoid Notice (w Stealth) | Active Conditions Trackless Journey (Cover Tracks at Natural Terrains) | ◆◇↺

Sophia flies out in panic after being released from the giant's stomach. She goes to Avery, shaking.

"My Sophia! I will not allow you to be eaten again!" she comforts the owl. She gives the undead carcass a hard kick in its head before treating the owl of her wounds and her allies too.

Radiant Oath

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As you tell your story, Mayor Deyahi appears skeptical.

"Perhaps I can clarify, " comes a voice and Anohatsa suddenly steps out from behind a tree. Mayor Deyahi and the townsfolk appear to want to bolt but after seeing your calm faces, they control their fear.

"Anohatsa is what I am called. Long lost to tradition and history, however, is that there was a fifth explorer. While his companions prepared for their long evening, Wanikkawi sought glory. He plotted with malevolent spirits, to watch the other explorers get overwhelmed and emerge as the hero of the night. Unfortunately for Wanikkawi, his companions were experienced adventurers, and when he saw that they weren’t succumbing to the spirits, he fled into the dark. The surviving explorers, realizing his betrayal, chose to leave him out of the story of Niishan’s founding. They knew that in his desire for glory, simply being forgotten was the most just punishment they could devise. What they didn’t know was that he didn’t die in the darkness, but rather became one of the horrors of the night that stalked the plains. He’s watched the ceremony ever since, plotting his revenge and building up his strength. Until now. Wanikkawi is no more."

Mayor Deyahi's eyes widen at the telling of the story. "I see. So for future festivals, we shall tell the proper story. We are grateful for the Pathfinder Society for handling the unexpected attack. You are welcome to stay for the entirety of the Festival of Fire."


Thanks for playing!

Radiant Oath

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CHRONICLES (Alternate Location)

Radiant Oath

M Ysoki Madness Oracle 8 | HP 93/94 (DR 6/-) | AC 26 | F +13 R +16 W +17 (S>CS) (+1 vs Poison, S>CS)| Perception +12 (Low-Light) | Vital Beacon 4d8

Really appreciate the post here of the sheets. Of course since you did that the RPG Chronicles email came through just fine. Seems better than the alternative where I don't get it tough.

Horizon Hunters

Male Goblin Psychic 7 | HP 80/80 | AC 24/25 | F+14 R+15 W+12 | Perc +10; Darkvision | Speed 25ft | Focus [ ] [ ] [ ] | Hero Points 1 | Spells 1st 2/2 2nd 2/2 3rd 2/2 4th 1/1 | Exploration: Avoid Notice | Activ6e Conditions: None

"Nah, we expected it," says Zibini, between bites of food that he mysteriously acquired, "That always happens."

Radiant Oath

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Chronicles updated (both via email and in the google drive).

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