Full Name |
Tarkii |
Race |
M Ysoki Madness Oracle 8 | HP 93/94 (DR 6/-) | AC 26 | F +13 R +16 W +17 (S>CS) (+1 vs Poison, S>CS)| Perception +12 (Low-Light) | Vital Beacon 4d8 |
About Tarkii
2011 Tarkii
M Ratfolk(Shadow), Time Traveler, Oracle 8
LN SmallHumanoid
Senses Perception +12 (Wis 2 + Prof 10 (T)) Low-Light
AC 26 +1 Chainshirt 3(3) + 10 (T)
HP 94
Fort +13(T), Ref +16(E), Will +17(M) S>CS
DR 6 vs Physical Damage (half level)
+1 saves vs Poison/Elixirs & S>CS
+9 Staff 1d4-1 B, Two-Hand 1d8
+16 DC 26
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 19
Speed 25 ft.
Ancestry Feats & Abilities Rat Familiar (Familiar Focus, Cantrip Connection(DU)), Lab Rat
Skill Feats:Bend Time Bon Mot, Group Impression (Impress up to 4 at once), Bargain Hunter, Quiet Allies, Evangelize
General Feats:Canny Acumen (Reflex), Toughness
Class Features & Abilities Cosmos Mystery, Blessed One, Divine Access(Zon-Kuthon), Mercy, Debilitating Dichotomy
Skills:: Acrobatics +12*(T), Athletics +8*(T), Diplomacy +19(M), Intimidation +15(T), Lore(Legal) +12(T), Lore(Zon-Kuthon) +12(T), Lore(Dark Tapestry) +12(T), Lore(Astronomy) +12(T) Nature +12(T), Religion +12(T), Stealth +16*(E) *(Includes Check Penalty)
Languages Common, Ysoki, Jotun, Undercommon
Bulk (/4/9) Adventurer’s Pack, +1 Shadow Chain Shirt of Resilience, Dagger, Feather Token: Holly Bush, S: Bless, Disrupting Weapons, Greater Staff of Healing, Glasses of Sociability, Demon Mask, Boots of Elvenkind, Cloak of Elvenkind
Special Abilities
Bend Time: Free Action (occult, transmutation) Frequency once per day; Trigger Your turn begins; Effect You are quickened this turn. You can use your extra action to Stride.
Boots: Free: 1/hour ignore difficult terrain and +5ft status to speed
Cloak: >> 2/day Invisibility Self
Mask: >> DC 20 Fear
Glasses: > Remember somebody’s name
Focus (0/3)
Spray of Stars (15ft Cone, 4d4 Fire Basic Ref + S Dazzed 1r, F Dazzled 3r, CF Dazzled 10r
Moonbeam (60ft range, 5d6 Fire/Silver. CS: Double and Dazzled 10r, S Dazzled 1r
Lay On Hands(24 + Mercy: Counteract Fear/Paralysis)
Debilitating Dichotomy (30fr range, 9d6 mental basic will, Stunned 1 on CF, SelfSave at +1 success level)
Spells L0: Chill Touch, Dancing Lights, Daze, Disrupt Undead, Guidance, Shield
L1 (1/3) $Animate Dead$, Harm, Command
L2 (0/3) $Phantom Pain$, Blood Vendetta, Final Sacrifice
L3 (1/3) $Vampiric Touch$, Wanderer’s Guide, Wall of Thorns,
L4 (0/3) Behold the Weave, Enervation, Vital Beacon
Greater Staff of Healing (XXOO/4) +2 Healing on Heal Spells!
Stabilize, Heal(1/2/3), Clear Mind(2), Sound Body(2), Cleanse Affliction(3)
Minor Curse Your unnatural lightness makes it hard to keep your footing and interact with other physical objects. You are enfeebled 1 and take a –2 penalty to saves and DCs against Grapple, Shove, and other forms of forced movement.
Moderate Curse Your body is drawn further skyward. You are enfeebled 2, and the penalty from your minor curse increases to –3. You are treated as one size smaller for wind effects. You gain a +2 status bonus against Trip attempts, you only take half as much damage from falls, and you gain the effects of the Powerful Leap and Quick Jump skill feats. You weigh only half as much, and your Bulk, should someone need to carry you, is also half as much.
Major Curse As your body rises, you float just above the ground beneath you. You become enfeebled 4, and the penalty from your minor curse increases to –4. You can walk on liquids as if they were solid; you gain the effects of the Cloud Jump skill feat; and you don't leave tracks, trigger weight-sensitive pressure plates, or otherwise connect with the ground below you.