[Gameday XIII] #5-09 - The Traitor's Lodge

Game Master Mustaparta

RPG Chronicles

Silver Crusade

Official sign-up here. First come, first served.

1. Player name
2. Character name:
3. Character class and level
4. PFS #:
5. Faction:
6. Day job roll

The Exchange

1. Player name: Colin
2. Character name:ARXOIAS Rosenthal
3. Character class and level: Gunslinger 5 / Inquisitor 1
4. PFS #: 2411798-21
5. Faction:The Exchange
6. Day job roll: Craft(Alchemy) Take 10, alchem lab, shop vanity, boon: 10 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 2 = 20
I will have the PbP profile updated before game start

Grand Lodge

My word, nick of time!

1. Player name: I'm Hiding In Your Closet
2. Character name: Ekanta Hanoi
3. Character class and level: Fighter 5
4. PFS #: 40025-15
5. Faction: Grand Lodge
6. Day job roll: Craft (Boneworking): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15 I've got a folio reroll, and a 1-Star DM reroll; if one or the other remains unused by the end, I'll be using it on that.

Incidentally, I'm going with this character because the blurb for this adventure implies it's good for Grand Lodge characters, and sounds like it would fit him in other ways as well, BUT I'd not be averse to switching to another, were there reason.

The Exchange

1. Player name: Mage of the Wyrmkin
2. Character name: Rogarch
3. Character class and level: Bloodrager 6
4. PFS #: 115226-9
5. Faction:The Exchange
6. Day job roll: None

Please burn a replay on this character for this adventure. I neglected to mention it in RPG Chronicles.

1. Player name: Raine
2. Character name: Wither
3. Character class and level: Druid 6
4. PFS #: 2405100-1
5. Faction: Dark Archive
6. Day job roll: Heal: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

Grand Lodge

Rogarch wrote:

Please burn a replay on this character for this adventure. I neglected to mention it in RPG Chronicles.

Speaking of which, did I say I was burning a replay? For the time being, at least, I honestly cannot recall whether I need to or not.

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