DM Trawets |

It is an average night in the Nostromo Wok and Roll. The smell of grease and damp fills the air. It's the best bar on the Narcissus station. It's the only bar on Narcissus station. Smoke fills the air but thankfully the music isn't on. You are at a round table eating appetizers and drinking discussing your new future together.

Allen Crawford |

"...so there I was, all alone in the capital building having just been turned down for a position with the planetary security force and with no prospects. Suddenly this police captain shows up and asks me if I was still looking for work...and bamb! suddenly I am working for the city police force!"
Chuckling at his own story, Allen looks over the group at the table with him. Some he knows, but the others he has only just met. Leaning back he watches the others to see how they react to his revelation he was a cop.

Axel Black |

Axel was quietly listening to the story that was being told by Allen. Nodding at key points as he sipped his whiskey. The peaceful conversation was rather relaxing. No hustle and bustle or anything else rushing them about
"I can't say my story is anything like yours, but being part of law enforcement has its merits. As well as being quite the honorable way to spend your time"

Lucian Brachtarna |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Turning towards Allen as he tells his story, Lucian, also makes sure he helps himself to the potstickers and eggrolls while sipping the plumb wine. He's pretty sure all the elements were altered protein, but he didn't care. This was the best he'd eat all weak and the 'socialites' said they were paying.
His bowl of noodles cooling enough to eat. As he tasted the 'egg' he wondered if they may actually be real while Axel compliments Allen on his decision to go into law enforcement. Axel always knew the right thing to say to people, it was part of the reason the admiral promoted so fast. Of course, when Lucian had met him, he was just a Sub-Lieutenant, but he'd arranged for Lucian to learn a little about Engineering.
Looking towards the officer, Allen was a little closer to his own age. Pausing he eats the pork from the ramen. He could tell by the texture it was processed protein, he didn't care, it was delicious. Looking back towards his friend, Crawford had just joined the police force when they met. Working under cover, he saved Lucians hide.
As he slurps the ramen he looks towards the quite lawyer. The fellow hadn't said much yet. It had been Axel who contacted him said this Prince fellow had some ideas. Drinking the shot of saki he'd ordered, he wondered if anyone else would join them.

Axel Black |

Axel takes another sip after he eats some of the starters presented to them. At least the faces seem familiar. He remembers Lucian well, poor guy was in quite the state when he found him. Glad he's still around and kicking. Perhaps later he'll hear what he's been up to since the rescue
He clears his throat
"So it seems we have quite the group gathering soon. I heard one of you suggested some young blood to join. Anyone care to fill me in on this person? Some prior knowledge would be good for when he does show up"

Axel Black |

"Someone willing to learn I can agree with. So I don't mind. But since we are waiting, may as well get down to business." He puts down his drink and looks to each member around the table they were at
"Through all our years of service we have accumulated some influence and favours. Here we are, retired and twiddling our thumbs. I say we pool our resources and put a down payment on a ship. Now, I know Rion and myself have talked quite a bit, and we believe a Yacht class would be best suited for all of us. Not just the design, but we can make quite a bit of money with the services it can provide"

Lucian Brachtarna |
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Taking another sip of the 'plumb wine' Lucian listened as Allen tells the admiral about the 'kid.' He'd know there would be a fifth. but wasn't too concerned about it, they would need a full crew or at least most of one. He'd heard of the Lawyer Rion, knew the fellow had the 'Midas touch.' When he heard they 'were working together' he pulled in what few recourses he had to invest and asked Axel about joining the crew. It was at least better than scavenger work and hopefully he could make some real money, he was getting too old to do 'hard' work.
as the conversation changed to 'purchasing a ship' Lucian assumes the two 'socialites' had a ship picked out. Whatever it was, he'd be happy to invest the pittance he'd pulled, two percent of something was a whole lot better than all of nothing. Smiling when Axel finished with 'make quite a bit of money,' Lucian adds, "As long as it has a med bay or engineering, I can be of some use." Lifting his small cup of plumb wine, "Here's to making quite a bit of money."

Lucian Brachtarna |
Watching as the younger man approached, Lucian chuckles at the man's comment about 'registration.' Nodding, the admiral wasn't lying, administration was a gorram pain in the exhaust. Lucian certainly didn't miss all the bureaucracy of the scouts, and he assumes the actual military was probably ten times worse. He lifts his masu cup, "welcome." Quickly drinking the plumb wine.

DM Trawets |

As the group sits and chats an older gentleman approaches the table and introduces himself "My name is Stanislaus Braun. I represent the Yuland Corporation. I understand you are registered as one of the local free traders." You are. He continues "There is a large ship on the edge of the system currently. Massive really. We believe it is a long-lost pre-Imperial battleship called the Absolution. We are willing to pay 1,000,000 credits for any data disks positively identifying it as that craft. Are you interested in the job?"

DM Trawets |

I realized I may not have been clear on the situation having switched from "sandbox"/ free discussion to scenario. If you pass the first roll you get both.

Jason "Rion" Prince |

RECON (INT + JACKoT 1): 2d6 - 3 + 1 ⇒ (5, 5) - 3 + 1 = 8
"It's a pleasure Mr. Braun ... but what seems to have been a chat amongst old friends has now garnered quite a bit more interest around the room. My suggestion would be that you please take a seat, share with us which of the other patrons here are associates of yours, and also perhaps who else has a stake in this retrieval op. Let's try to manage all this before the shooting starts? Wouldn't want to speak for everyone, but yes, that seems to be a fair price to go hack the lost Absolution."

Axel Black |

Seeing and hearing that they may have had the privilege of unwanted attention he moves so that Mr. Braun can have a seat close by. He himself was not in a good position to see what was going on, but he counted on the observations of those around him
"Welcome. And be our guest for a while."

Lucian Brachtarna |
Extending his masu cup a little further towards Axels raised glass he agrees, "Adventure awaits."
As the elderly gentleman begins to head their way, he smiles, "Hopefully it begins now." Finishing his glass of plumb wine as the gentleman introduces himself. Smiling when he hears they are already registered as one of the local free trades, offhandedly wondering if it was Rion or Axel who'd set that up. Raising an eyebrow at the offered amount he sits up and pays attention as the gentlemen explains he wants the data disks off the ancient battleship. Noting the man hadn't said anything about salvaging the ship. About to ask about 'legitimate salvage, Rion observes there are others watching them.
Trying not to look around, Lucian reaches towards his cross-draw holster on his right hip an loosens his pistol. Moving his chair back slightly he lets his left hand drop to his knee, near the stunstick tucked in his boot. As Axel invites the gentleman to sit down, Lucius keeps his eyes on the room, as he asks the gentleman. "The ancient battleship, does anyone already have the rights to salvage?" Doubting anyone would want to fly it, the 'Absolution' must have pieces and parts that were valuable.

Jason "Rion" Prince |

Mr. Braun looks to the group and says "So you are taking the job? You have the details. Go to the ship. Get the proof we want. Get the money."
"Mr. Braun, my instincts say that you have a contract drafted, and I would like to review it for our team; it will be executed and returned prior to an atom of fuel being split ... but I will keep that process as brief as possible. Make haste, I can begin the review in transit."
Jason is clearly done with Braun at that point.
"Team Gluttony, let us also make haste. I had hoped we would talk about roles aboard ship, but that too can happen in transit."

DM Trawets |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Mr. Braun pulls a small card out of his pocket and tosses it on the table. He says "Call me if you decide to take the job or don't. It's a pretty simple offer. Bring me what we want and get paid. I don't have time to waste I have others to make an offer to." With that he begins to walk away toward another table.

Lucian Brachtarna |
Seeing Axel nod, Lucian looked towards the lawyer. As far as he was concerned, those two could make the decisions, he was just crew and glad to have the opportunity.
Raising an eyebrow at the lawyer's request for a contract. It did make sense, but what was there to think about, it was a million credits. Pausing, he realized the man knew about making and keeping money, so if the lawyer wanted to read the fine print on a contract that made sense to Lucian.
Watching as the elderly man got up to leave, Lucian asks. "Can we go take a look at the 'rental'?"

Jagger Stevens |

Being the new crew's junior member, Jagger allowed his seniors to handle the deal. He could feel himself immediately responding to the aura of authority the former admiral Axel Black exuded. While he didn't immediately snap to attention whenever the man looked at him, he instinctively sat up straighter, and he found himself having to consciously suppress the urge to salute.
Recon 8 v. (unskilled -3) + (Int +1) + (JoT 1): 2d6 - 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (3, 4) - 3 + 1 + 1 = 6
He's concentrating so hard on not inadvertently making a fool out of himself he doesn't seem to pick up on what some of the others have noticed. When Braun abruptly pulls away, Jagger notices the other hungry eyes watching Braun and those eyeing the crew he has joined.
"Well, if this job was meant to be confidential, someone's getting fired.," he murmurs to the others.

Allen Crawford |

"No need to get all riled up. We'll take yer job and you others can pound sand! Now where do I sign??"
The big man gets up and stands beside their new partner, blocking the view of others from his companions at the table. He whispers.
"We take it now or we forfeit, is that right Mr. Braun? Well I say we jump onboard and get out of town ASAP before any of these claim jumpers move on our payday!"

Lucian Brachtarna |
Recon 8 + Recon 0 + Int 0: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 3) = 8
Seeing one of the observers smile and begin to stand, Lucian reaches down and picks up his rucksack and tool kit. Shifting all his worldly possessions to his shoulder. As he stands, he was going to point out that they should be underway. Instead, Allen blurts out they'll take the money. chuckling under his breath, he adds, "That's one way to do it. Either way, we should get moving. I think Allen's observation about 'claim jumpers' may be accurate."

Jason "Rion" Prince |

As Allen calls out Mr. Braun stops and turns around. He take a few steps back and holds his out out to Jason and says "So we have a deal?"
"It would seem that we do, although I am extremely disappointed that "Captain Crawford" seems to think that everyone else here should be shouldering all of the risk without any discussion whatsoever. Was there a portion of that Mcr you were planning to advance to us for costs ... or were we simply flying to the edge of the system on spec and you wanted our team to underwrite all the costs also?"
Jason is NOT smiling as he shakes the man's hand.
"Your answer isn't relative to our acceptance in any way. It's relative to your reputation."

Lucian Brachtarna |
Raising an eyebrow at the lawyer's apparent frustration, Lucian looks towards his friend and shrugs. Figuring they can get the preflight check list done while Rion was taking care of business, Lucian nods towards the 'sailors' "We can get the ship ready to go."
As Rion speaks with the older businessman, Lucian heads towards the door, watching the fellow who seemed so interested in their business.
since he knows the fellow is watching, Any other sort of modifier or skill check?
Recon 8 + Recon 0 + Int 0: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6

DM Trawets |

Mr. Braun smiles as he shakes Jason hand and says "I approached you first because you were the most experienced group but I'm starting to wonder. I have made it as clear as I can. You bring me data discs identifying the craft as the Absolution and you get 1 Megacredit." He then turns and heads to a corner and watches the people in the bar.
As Lucian walks out of the bar he looks at one of the men watching them and sees a bemused smile and the man shakes his head as he gets up and heads toward a table of people.

DM Trawets |

As Axel prepares the ship for launch there is an error flashing on the navigation system. Looking at it he sees an error in the planetary system configuration warning. It looks like the nav systems sees a moon t that doesn't belong to the system and is in it's own trajectory. When he syncs with system flight control the error goes away and the object is displayed as an unknown ship.

Axel Black |

"Sensors? Navigator? We seem to have an unknown ship, just in case, be prepared for an attack, with such a big bounty, we will sure to have people that will want to take advantage of it" the former admiral barks out as he keeps his eyes on the front, ready to get the ship into evasive maneuvers if needed

Jason "Rion" Prince |

Jagger moves beside Rion as they watch Braun retreat to a dark corner. "He really doesn't want to give up any details, does he?" he whispers only just loud enough to be heard over the ambient sound of the bar's patrons and/or overhead music. "Should we go ahead and do this?"
"Always the investigator J-man, and I've always liked your style. Of course we should do this ... and at the same time, you and Lucian and Crawford should rig up a "storage"container" for the data disks, something I can blow if the deal goes south. This isn't a job, it's a treasure hunt. He's offered us absolutely nothing, and probably expects that he can strong arm the endgame too. Let's make sure that isn't the case."

Jason "Rion" Prince |

Jagger Stevens wrote:Jagger moves beside Rion as they watch Braun retreat to a dark corner. "He really doesn't want to give up any details, does he?" he whispers only just loud enough to be heard over the ambient sound of the bar's patrons and/or overhead music. "Should we go ahead and do this?""Always the investigator J-man, and I've always liked your style. Of course we should do this ... and at the same time, you and Lucian and Crawford should rig up a "storage"container" for the data disks, something I can blow if the deal goes south. This isn't a job, it's a treasure hunt. He's offered us absolutely nothing, and probably expects that he can strong arm the endgame too. Let's make sure that isn't the case."
"Mr Stevens, I need your opinion: do we put the drop on one of our "onlookers" or just leave it alone? My instincts say there is more to all of this, and at least one of these people knows more about what's going on. If you went ahead of me, and cut back around the building, I could exit, see if anyone follows, and again, we either leave it alone, or we jump them."

Jagger Stevens |

Rion’s suggestion is a very useful investigator maneuver, and Jagger gives a quick nod. He nonchalantly follows Lucian outside leaving Rion to continue to draw attention and stall any potential tails until Jagger has had time to find a location to blend in and watch the exit to Nostromo Wok and Roll.
He glances around for signs there are already observers waiting for the crew to depart.
Is that Recon again?
Recon 8 v. (unskilled -3) + (Int +1) + (JoT 1): 2d6 - 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (5, 6) - 3 + 1 + 1 = 10

Jason "Rion" Prince |

Rion went over the the bar and had another drink. Well, had a drink. He hadn't really had a drink as much as he had wanted to when the newly forming team was ... forming. Part of him really wished he had taken Crawford up on the offer to get a Comm Implant. But he got his out anyway; he needed to text the man before he went outside.
"Crawford - sorry about the 'Captain' jab my friend. The job needed a lot more scrutiny, and to be honest it still does. Particularly from YOU. Text me back and let me know what you need. Like, think about what you need first, and then text me. I was feeling like I was the only one that caught the part about accessing the computer core of a milleniums old military vessel, and I also caught the part where I know I am not the guy who will be doing that. So think about what you need, text me, and we can go get it together. We're not taking off until you have what you need: there's no Megacredit if you can't succeed."
Happy to have gotten that out of the way, Jason looked around, threw back the drink, and headed for the door.
RECON: 2d6 - 3 + 1 ⇒ (2, 6) - 3 + 1 = 6

Allen Crawford |

Hearing the ping of his audio pickups, Allen mentally reviews the message from Rion and snorts in amusement. He clicks his tongue then returns the following message.
"No worries chief and sorry for the toe stomping. I caught the reference to the computer caper and unless you can pick me up a TL-13 or higher system with level 3 intrusion software, we will have to make do with my rig!"
I am still in the diner am I not?? A little confused on locations and time at the moment...if not then he will also send a pin as to where they should also meetup so he can at least offer some protection from the thugs at the bar

DM Trawets |
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Jason leaves the bar and is watched and tailed by his friends. It's about a 20 minute walk to the ship that passes uneventfully.
Onboard the process to get the ship ready for flight is ongoing. When the system traffic system loads there are two NOTAMs; no one knows why they call them that but they are notices of things that aren't normal. The first is about a week old alerting ships that a very large vessel has been spotted far out of the system heading inward. The second, more recent one, advised parts of the system opposite the ship are out of bounds due to heavy pirate attacks.
Axel glances out the windows to the System patrol and small Navy base and sees all berths are empty.