Sky King's Tomb

Game Master Lia Wynn

This is PbP Campaign of the PF2E AP Sky King's Tomb.

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Current Map

Yes. People can see you. It's the middle of the day in a major city :).

Is anyone specifically focused on you? No. Not as far as you can tell.

Walking around the building shows no other doors. The building to the south has a double door, but you are uncertain what that building even is.

Male Dwarf (strong blooded) Fighter 4; AC: 21, HP: 62/62; Saves F+11, Ref +9, Will +9 (2 Hero points)

The Broch is a collection of five shoddy towers, built when the Church of Droskar ruled Highhelm. About 50 years ago, the towers were bought and turned into a for-profit prison by a dwarf named Baelim, who is now the Warden.

With manpower pulled away to Torag's Shield, prisons like this have become more prevalent in the last 10 years, but The Broch had a four-decade head start and is the most well known.

You get there. And you wait. And wait.

Eventually, you are taken to the Warden's office, where he sits behind his desk on a chair that resembles a throne.

Once you are seated, he slowly, almost agonizingly so, pages through notes.

"Yes. We do have a prisoner named Jirelga. Smuggling and manufacturing fraud." The latter is a very significant crime in Highhelm. "It will be a while before she sees trial. There are more significant cases before hers."

"Well, I'm glad to see it should be no trouble to see her then, as she won't too busy with her case preparation at this time. Thank you, Warden. Where do we go to talk to her?" It is not that Dyrm is clueless, but utilizing the bureaucratic mindset of trying to create barriers only to have their barrier turned to an access ramp seems to be a possible avenue.

Current Map

"You don't.. The warden glares at Dyrm. "As far as I can tell, you are both wasting my time. Unless you can show me that you are not, this meeting is over."

Male Dwarf (strong blooded) Fighter 4; AC: 21, HP: 62/62; Saves F+11, Ref +9, Will +9 (2 Hero points)

"Warden, she has information that could be of benefit not just to us, but to Highhelm" He says as he is glared at. He glances to Korox, perhaps the good priest will have a better impression.

Male; AC 22(24), HP 50/50 Hero Points 2/3, Spd 20. Dwarf (Forge Blessed) Cleric (Warpriest) / 4 Gunslinger - Way of the Spellshot Perception +9; Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +11

"My good man. I can assure you we don't wish to tarry, but it's important to Highhelm that we try to find information that we believe this young woman might have. I'm sure Warden that you would like your cooperation to be revered when we are able to provide answers to things that threaten the safety and security of all the citizens of this fine town. Perhaps you could just give us a guard to accompany us to her cell, then we'll be out of your hair, and we can be done with this whole matter in meer moments".

Oh Well. I'll try.

1d20 ⇒ 18 Diplomacy (Don't know if Korox's fine clothes and prominantly displayed holy symbol help or hurt this).

Current Map

"If it was important to Highhelm, someone important would be here. As no one important is, I doubt that there is any crisis." he says to Korox. He then repeats "Unless you can show me that you are not waiting my time, there is nothing more to say."

Male; AC 22(24), HP 50/50 Hero Points 2/3, Spd 20. Dwarf (Forge Blessed) Cleric (Warpriest) / 4 Gunslinger - Way of the Spellshot Perception +9; Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +11

"Would I have this if I wasn't important enough for your precious time"?

Korox displays the armor shard he was presented.

Current Map

I've updated the Campaign Info spoiler with what you know so far.

"So you have a shard of Skymetal. Half the city does. Quite a few of my prisoners are here because they smuggled Skymetal from the Shield project.

There is nothing visual about Adamantine Echo to set it apart from any other fragment of adamantine. You know what it is, but there's nothing special about it that makes it stand out.

Female Umbral Gnome Fey Sorcerer 4

"... Welp, nothing else to do!"

She'd just walk up and knock on the front door of the bakery. If there was no response, after a minute or so, she'd just try the handle to see if she could go in. It probably wasn't going to be an option, but it was better safe than sorry in her opinion!

Male Dwarf (strong blooded) Fighter 4; AC: 21, HP: 62/62; Saves F+11, Ref +9, Will +9 (2 Hero points)

"Warden, that piece of skymetal was once worn by Taargick himself..." Dyrm says, offended on Korox's behalf. "Now, we are here in part on behalf of Clan Tolorr...a house of historians, and we have reason to believe a clue is to befound by talking to the prisoner. How do you wish to be known in history? As the man who assisted a quest of great import on behalf of Dwarven history ? Or will you be seen as the one who stood in its way?"

Current Map

Dyrm, are you sure that you want to say that? Clan Tolorr asked you to keep things quiet so that every potential criminal and thug in the city wouldn't be on the hunt for you and/or the tomb. You're dealing with a man who has been running a shady private prison for 50 years. Do you /really/ want to tempt him with a close to priceless treasure?

Jaxi knocks on the door. There is no answer, so she opens the door and strides into the building.

The room you walked into clearly used to be the public room of a bakery! There is an L-shaped front counter, still with a cash register, and the counter has a glass display that would have let people see baked goods. There are also shelves on the walls that would have held loaves of bread and other products.

However, it does not seem to be a bakery anymore. There are no smells of baked goods, and adorning the walls are drawings of what seem to be drafts of architectural plans. In the area behind the counter are a trio of drafting tables.

A dwarf is sitting at each of the three tables, seemingly working on drafting plans. One of them rises as Jaxi comes in, and he walks over to her, bowing politely when he gets close.

"Welcome to our office, Miss." he says politely. "Are you looking to have a business or home remodeled?"

He wears a short sword, but given the Depths' closeness to the Darklands that is not unusual. There are three other doors that lead out of the room.

Secret Roll:
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

You notice that he is wearing the pink of the Blacknoon Thieves Guild.

Male Dwarf (strong blooded) Fighter 4; AC: 21, HP: 62/62; Saves F+11, Ref +9, Will +9 (2 Hero points)

I DID forget. Forget he mentioned Clan Tolorr. Let me change things up.

"Warden, I'm going to trust you don't MEAN to insult the honor of a priest of Dranngvit, or a warrior of the Stonefist," He bristles, "I do think that perhaps, in your effort to block us, you're not considering thinking of how word of your behavior might spread. It won't sound good. You might even get more visitors, more attention." Yes, he's suggesting the man can let them see the prisoner once and be done, or deny them and get a lot more spot light.

Intimidation?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Male Catfolk Thaumaturge 4 | Cat's Luck (reaction): 1/day - reroll Ref save HP 52/52 | AC 22 | Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +7 | Perception +7; Low-Light Vision; Imprecise Scent (30 ft.) | +1 Exquisite Sword Cane +10 1d6 +2 S +2 physical | Chakram +8 (Thrown) 1d8+2 S | Spd: 25 | Active Conditions: N/A| Exploration Activity: Investigate | Hero Points: 2 |

At the bakery

Since the dwarf addressed Jaxi, Zothan hangs back for a moment and looks carefully at the architectural plans on the wall, seeing if he recognizes any of the buildings.

Highhelm Lore: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Current Map

At the bakery

Zothan does not, but they could be plans for new construction. Highhelm rarely gets rid of a building, there's a limited amount of expansion space. They repurpose them, sometimes with significant changes. They do seem to be proper plans.

At the Broch

The Warden laughs a little. "Someone has an over-inflated sense of self-worth. I'm not trying to block you at all. You don't have any legal standing to see any of my prisoners. You're not from the government, you're not family. For all I know, you are her cohorts here to silence her. Go ahead, report me."

He does seem to have a grudging respect for Dyrm from the tone that he uses.

The two of you could also file a complaint with Highhelm authorities if you want.

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