BrOp's Dragonbane RPG game

Game Master Branding Opportunity

A one-shot exploration of Free League's Dragonbane RPG
Online Character Keeper

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@Archmaster - adaptive isn’t a spell it is an ability that humans get.

✦ Willpower Points: 3
When rolling for a skill, you can choose to
make the roll using another skill of your choice.
You must be able to justify how you use the
selected skill instead of the normal one. The GM has the final word, but should be lenient.

Grand Lodge

M Human Mage-elementalist

Oh, that's OP! Thanks!

Knight of Halfbay

Updated Makander's name. I decided I wanted him to have a surname, but I wasn't feeling Halfbay since it's more of a "he's from there", so The Baron of Halfbay and his children are the Brightbill Family!

Yay, worldbuilding!

Plus the boards were warning me I was on my 10th post, so if I was changing his name, it had to be now!

Grand Lodge

M Human Mage-elementalist

FYI, I am on vacation in Greece, so my posts may be inconsistent in frequency and quality.

Lucky. Enjoy!!

is the game still going?

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