Rex monitors the goblins down the canyon path. The hunter felt the situation sparked of a deeper trap. He eyes up to the ridges of the canyon while half expecting more goblinoids up top. The imagined goblins would be in a perfect position to pin down their group from there.
Rex looks over at Bastonn who he had nicknamed Nibble when they were pups. "Nibble..." Rex says quietly to his kin. The archer points to his eyes with the first two fingers of his right hand and then to the canyon top on both sides. Rex's warning to him of possible additional danger. The hunter motions to Bastonn that he was sneaking forward to get closer to the visible goblins.
I'm using the terrain to sneak in closer to the goblins. Hopefully another teammate can keep them occupied, while I move into optimal position :) I'll add what I think is accurate to the sheet. Please roll and move for me.