Reptile's Requisition - GM Heat's The Dragon's Demand [PF1]

Game Master Red Heat

Belhaim environs.

A Belhaim legend.

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Grateful that you're letting us know, Dragoncat. I'm sorry to see you go, of course, but if the shoes don't fit the feet, you're right to bow out; makes for a rocky journey. All the best.

GM Heat wrote:
Kalig's was a goodly soul, yet ancient enmities were slow to fade, nowhere more so than with the mountain-born. Perhaps he just found it plain awkward.

Whoops, meant for that to read *Khavel's*. Shouldn't be implying prejudice, however minor, in any PC.

Male N Male Human Magus 1 (Bladebound & Hexcrafter) | HP 13 / 13 | AC 15 / 12 T / 13 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 4, Reflex + 2, Will + 2 | Init + 2 | Perception + 5| Speed 30 ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Magus Spells: 1st Level (2/2) Arcane Pool: 2 / 3 points |

Bad news: Due to budgetary constraints Gaius couldn't afford a lucerne hammer.

Good news: He does have his 50' of rope and a grappling hook.

If we can set off the trap the spikes will fall and make a mess of the sharpened sticks set into the tunnel. Quintus can 'go fishing' with the grappling hook and rope and we can work together to pull the wreckage from inside the tunnel. Assuming that works; the GM will have to let us know if we decide to try this method.

Battle map

Better to ask forgiveness than permission. Go for it.

Male N Male Human Magus 1 (Bladebound & Hexcrafter) | HP 13 / 13 | AC 15 / 12 T / 13 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 4, Reflex + 2, Will + 2 | Init + 2 | Perception + 5| Speed 30 ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Magus Spells: 1st Level (2/2) Arcane Pool: 2 / 3 points |
GM Heat wrote:
Better to ask forgiveness than permission. Go for it.

I'll let the others weigh in on what they think before causing a commotion. ;)

Human Cardinal Cleric 1 - HP 9/9 - AC 16 - FF 14 - TAC 12 - CMD 11 - Fort +2 - Ref +2 - Will +5 - Initiative +2 - Perception +8 - Channel 4/6 - Command 5/6

I am back in the game.

I'll be getting my post up later this evening.

Would you mind if I just started from where we currently are and just assumed I was there?

Battle map

Glad to have you back, Danton, and condolences. Hope you and yours are well. No worries, you haven't missed all that much. We have indeed assumed Danton to simply be somewhere in the background, contemplating the divine and taxes.

Quintus Galerius Trachalus wrote:
GM Heat wrote:
Better to ask forgiveness than permission. Go for it.
I'll let the others weigh in on what they think before causing a commotion. ;)

That's your (very courteous) call, of course. But honestly, in cases like these where the party stalls a bit, I think players can be forgiven for trying something, anything - clever or harebrained - to move things forward. You certainly won't offend me!

I do apologize if I seem overly concerned about the game's momentum. It's just that it really looks to be one of the primary killers of pbp. Then again, Star cited the pace as one of his reasons for bowing out. Let me know if things need to be adjusted.

On another note, I've just been contacted by someone who applied for the original recruitment. Following the departure of Khavel and Star, they let me know they're still interested should we be looking for reinforcements. I'm perfectly happy to continue with our current quartet (and admit to not being overly fond of new PCs clumsily shoved into established parties), but thought it best to hear from you. The game's still in its early days. I could easily accommodate another player. Any thoughts?

World Walker Druid 1 | HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 T: 11 FF: 14 | CMD 13 | Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +6| Init +1, Perc: +8/+10 scavenger; Dkvision | Goodberries 1 | Diseased (manifests in 1 day)
Quintus Galerius Trachalus wrote:
GM Heat wrote:
Better to ask forgiveness than permission. Go for it.

I'll let the others weigh in on what they think before causing a commotion. ;)

It's fine with me. We're not designed to be a very subtle group I don't think. I also am not sure from an in character perspective who we'd be afraid of alerting, as we killed all the rats and we saw the kobolds who came here flee toward the wizard. (Ooh, do you think he hired them?)

Btw, Kalig gets a +2 to find hidden things, including traps, for a total of +10. She hasn't been involved in the trapfinding since Quintus and Niccan have been so proactive at it I just figured I'd take a step back, but she can help if need be. Depending on how our party evolves she could dip in a class that offers disable device, maybe this whole ordeal inspires her to study trapmaking and she grabs a level of trapper ranger or something.

Male N Male Human Magus 1 (Bladebound & Hexcrafter) | HP 13 / 13 | AC 15 / 12 T / 13 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 4, Reflex + 2, Will + 2 | Init + 2 | Perception + 5| Speed 30 ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Magus Spells: 1st Level (2/2) Arcane Pool: 2 / 3 points |

@GM: Particularly at 1st level a group can always use extra HP. If I may inquire with what type of PC did they apply? If it's a clear replacement for Star or Khavel I'd be inclined to say yes.
I forgot to add this earlier but I don't have a problem with the pace of the game.

@Kalig: This is one of the few times I haven't 'scanned' other PC's character sheets. With a +10 Kalig is literally twice as good as Quintus. I understand not everyone wants to go first to find traps but Kalig is far better qualified than Quintus!

Ratfolk Inquisitor/Monster Tactician 1 | HP 9/9 | AC18 T14 FF14 | CMB-1 CMD12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init +5 | Perc +8 | Spell Slots: lvl 1: 0/2 | Summon Monster: 4/5

Personally I'm enjoying the pace of the game, that said after I spent most of yesterday in the ER for a kidney stone. But, I'm back at it. Sorry to see Star go.

I think there were a couple in the recruitment thread that offered to join if we had attrition. ??

Human Cardinal Cleric 1 - HP 9/9 - AC 16 - FF 14 - TAC 12 - CMD 11 - Fort +2 - Ref +2 - Will +5 - Initiative +2 - Perception +8 - Channel 4/6 - Command 5/6

I'm enjoying the pace, it's great as long as I get my weekends away from my computer lol!

Re Replacement: I'm fine with a new player as long as they can keep up with the game honestly. Now that we've started they can check out the rate and posts and stuff and judge for themself.

Re Trapfinding: We just need a rank into Disable Device Kalig, you don't need to dip a level really. Trapfinding allows you to disarm magical traps in addition to the mundane default, and I don't see us hitting many of those at this level.

Ratfolk Inquisitor/Monster Tactician 1 | HP 9/9 | AC18 T14 FF14 | CMB-1 CMD12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init +5 | Perc +8 | Spell Slots: lvl 1: 0/2 | Summon Monster: 4/5

Having disable device as a class skill gives +3, and the trapper ranger gives an additional +1 and you can disable magic traps. I was thinking about doing that myself.

World Walker Druid 1 | HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 T: 11 FF: 14 | CMD 13 | Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +6| Init +1, Perc: +8/+10 scavenger; Dkvision | Goodberries 1 | Diseased (manifests in 1 day)

Yes the main point of the dip was to get DD as a class skill. But of course for Kalig the ranger abilities dovetail with druid pretty well too.

Don't want to step on your toes Niccan if you want to got that route though.

Male N Male Human Magus 1 (Bladebound & Hexcrafter) | HP 13 / 13 | AC 15 / 12 T / 13 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 4, Reflex + 2, Will + 2 | Init + 2 | Perception + 5| Speed 30 ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Magus Spells: 1st Level (2/2) Arcane Pool: 2 / 3 points |

It's one of the roles in the party I always like to see around. As I (and everyone else) was reminded yesterday at my in-person game it's when you don't have a rogue (or trap removal specialist) that you need one.

Human Cardinal Cleric 1 - HP 9/9 - AC 16 - FF 14 - TAC 12 - CMD 11 - Fort +2 - Ref +2 - Will +5 - Initiative +2 - Perception +8 - Channel 4/6 - Command 5/6

Could we use monster summoning to trigger the tripwire?

World Walker Druid 1 | HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 T: 11 FF: 14 | CMD 13 | Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +6| Init +1, Perc: +8/+10 scavenger; Dkvision | Goodberries 1 | Diseased (manifests in 1 day)
Danton Trallius wrote:
Could we use monster summoning to trigger the tripwire?

That's brilliant. I didn't even think of it. I could spontaneously convert Expeditious Excavation into Summon Nature's Ally 1. Would that be okay? Or does someone else have a summoning spell saved for the occasion?

Ratfolk Inquisitor/Monster Tactician 1 | HP 9/9 | AC18 T14 FF14 | CMB-1 CMD12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init +5 | Perc +8 | Spell Slots: lvl 1: 0/2 | Summon Monster: 4/5

Not sure why I didn't think of that. That's my specialty!

Male N Male Human Magus 1 (Bladebound & Hexcrafter) | HP 13 / 13 | AC 15 / 12 T / 13 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 4, Reflex + 2, Will + 2 | Init + 2 | Perception + 5| Speed 30 ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Magus Spells: 1st Level (2/2) Arcane Pool: 2 / 3 points |

I didn't know how the Kalig and Niccan would receive such a suggestion.

Human Cardinal Cleric 1 - HP 9/9 - AC 16 - FF 14 - TAC 12 - CMD 11 - Fort +2 - Ref +2 - Will +5 - Initiative +2 - Perception +8 - Channel 4/6 - Command 5/6

Danton is pragmatic. He has seen Niccan summon a bird earlier.
He has no qualms with sacrificing some summoned mana construct.

World Walker Druid 1 | HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 T: 11 FF: 14 | CMD 13 | Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +6| Init +1, Perc: +8/+10 scavenger; Dkvision | Goodberries 1 | Diseased (manifests in 1 day)

Going to be busy this week, may post slower than usual but I am here.

Kalig is very pragmatic (she is TN) and wouldn't want to be wasteful of a life, but I don't think she'd consider this wasteful necessarily.

Battle map

If anyone is worried about the GM bringing down the alignment hammer for birthing some poor pup into the world only to sacrifice it, don't be. Summons are very much just magical 'constructs' of sorts, not truly living creatures. There's a difference between summoning and calling within both the rules and setting. Or at least so I've understood it.

As for talks about disable device (very sensible given the kobolds in the party's future), you may like to know that the player who approached me about joining hopes to play a rogue. They applied in the original recruitment with Twig here, a goblin unchained rogue. It was with real regret that I passed on the character then. I think I can find a natural spot to squeeze him into the party not too far down the road, but I'll only do so with your blessings. Again, I'm happy with the quartet as is and a new PC - perhaps especially a goblin PC - can be disruptive. Honestly, it's partially just sympathy that has me considering it. Not easy for a player to find a PF1 game these days.

If you have any misgivings, don't be hesitant to air them! Really, that's perfectly fair.

Male N Male Human Magus 1 (Bladebound & Hexcrafter) | HP 13 / 13 | AC 15 / 12 T / 13 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 4, Reflex + 2, Will + 2 | Init + 2 | Perception + 5| Speed 30 ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Magus Spells: 1st Level (2/2) Arcane Pool: 2 / 3 points |

How would a goblin be received in Taldor? That's a question I don't know the answer to.

Battle map

They're chittering, arsonist, baby eating maniacs just as likely to shiv you as start arguing with their own reflection in a nearby puddle. With said argument revolving around the best way to shiv you.

So not well. Not bad singers, though.

Of course, the portrayal of goblins in PF has changed a tremendous deal over the years. My own use of them in games leans heavily towards this very earliest conception as I find it far and away the most interesting (and plain funny) version. I briefly touched on such iterative changes as the setting has developed in the recruitment, and on goblins specifically when aforementioned player applied with one such. I was happy that we were on the same page regarding their use.

Because despite my none too flattering description above, I don't mind goblin PCs at all. They fill the same character niche people often play tieflings or half-orcs for: that of the unlikely hero. And I'm certainly not one to get in the way of a good trope. While the vast majority of goblins might be crazed miscreants, best killed on sight, they are still plain old soul-bearing mortals and like any other such in the setting, they can be capable of heroics. Even if this would be a rare soul indeed.

As GM, my problem with "evil races" as heroes just lies in the cohesion of the world presented. After all, it wasn't so long ago that the entirety of the very evil drow race were actually all dour loner Chaotic Good dual-scimitar-wielding rangers with hearts of gold wandering the surface world. Every single one of them.

But putting aside narrative concerns and other such fruity nonsense, another frontliner joining Quintus would probably be good. Would also free Kalig or Niccan from dipping ranger.

Ratfolk Inquisitor/Monster Tactician 1 | HP 9/9 | AC18 T14 FF14 | CMB-1 CMD12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init +5 | Perc +8 | Spell Slots: lvl 1: 0/2 | Summon Monster: 4/5

That's my concern too. How could he be brought in and not attacked by the towns people and us? I've never understood wanting to play a goblin pc in a regular game. Ratfolk is strange enough and they aren't known for being evil.

Battle map

And I want to do more with ratfolk prejudice soon! You're right, though. It would (should!) take something pretty out of the ordinary to introduce such a PC. But I think I have a fair idea in mind.

Not anything to worry about here and now. We'll get there when and if we get there.

While I'm writing, I might as well answer this...

Quintus wrote:
Would a Heal check determine the approximate age of the person?

Yup. As would just digging out the body, of course.

Ratfolk Inquisitor/Monster Tactician 1 | HP 9/9 | AC18 T14 FF14 | CMB-1 CMD12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init +5 | Perc +8 | Spell Slots: lvl 1: 0/2 | Summon Monster: 4/5

How about Critzible - Rhona Copperhair, dwarf Trapper ranger?

Ratfolk Inquisitor/Monster Tactician 1 | HP 9/9 | AC18 T14 FF14 | CMB-1 CMD12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init +5 | Perc +8 | Spell Slots: lvl 1: 0/2 | Summon Monster: 4/5

A game for a total ratfolk party!?! A ratfolk swarm!

Battle map
Niccan Tol wrote:
How about Critzible - Rhona Copperhair, dwarf Trapper ranger?

Dunno. Like I said, the only reason I'm considering this is because the player contacted me - right in my soft heart.

Niccan Tol wrote:
A game for a total ratfolk party!?!

A rat can dream.

Male N Male Human Magus 1 (Bladebound & Hexcrafter) | HP 13 / 13 | AC 15 / 12 T / 13 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 4, Reflex + 2, Will + 2 | Init + 2 | Perception + 5| Speed 30 ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Magus Spells: 1st Level (2/2) Arcane Pool: 2 / 3 points |
Niccan Tol wrote:
A game for a total ratfolk party!?! A ratfolk swarm!

Dream for some, nightmare for others.

World Walker Druid 1 | HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 T: 11 FF: 14 | CMD 13 | Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +6| Init +1, Perc: +8/+10 scavenger; Dkvision | Goodberries 1 | Diseased (manifests in 1 day)

Re: new player possibility

On one hand, I think we are gelling as we are and it might be good to just try to keep moving with who we've got. I don't mind speccing some disable device into my build.

On the other hand, the goblin applicant is a good player. As I don't think we'll level often in a module, it might be suitable to have someone come in as a trapbreaker without counting on future build plans. I am not too worried about the monstrousness as we're a wildly diverse party anyway and it just adds to the outsider nature of the group (Abadaran being the exception that proves the rule).

Real question is: can we bring them in *soon,* before the party gels further together, in a way that does not disrupt the flow of the game. The GM has been busting his humps to keep my stubborn character from going back early, so it feels like going back to town to recruit trap help is not an option. That would leave running into the goblin where we are, perhaps as a kobold captive (which also makes it less unusual to find a goblin...). I wouldn't want to wait until we're done with this dungeon because that negates the point of wanting someone who can use disable device right now and if it's not till we're further in we may as well do the level dip plan anyway, which is not anathema to my character otherwise.

Ratfolk Inquisitor/Monster Tactician 1 | HP 9/9 | AC18 T14 FF14 | CMB-1 CMD12 | F+3 R+3 W+4 | Init +5 | Perc +8 | Spell Slots: lvl 1: 0/2 | Summon Monster: 4/5

I don't know the module, and the GM says he's changing it anyway. (Yay!)

For this group I'm fine either way. We already have a rat.... Pity we didn't have a catfolk too!

Male N Male Human Magus 1 (Bladebound & Hexcrafter) | HP 13 / 13 | AC 15 / 12 T / 13 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 4, Reflex + 2, Will + 2 | Init + 2 | Perception + 5| Speed 30 ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Magus Spells: 1st Level (2/2) Arcane Pool: 2 / 3 points |

Depending on what type of build the rogue is going for they can also be a good 'second line' combatant. So the PC could have value even if we no longer face the number of secret doors/traps/locks past this point.

Battle map
Niccan Tol wrote:
I don't know the module, and the GM says he's changing it anyway. (Yay!)

Very much still the original yarn, only with some tangles cleared and my own kinks added.

Glad to hear a vote of confidence for the player, Kalig. As for when and how to introduce the PC, don't worry about it. We had a chat and they very graciously accepted to wait until an opportune moment when the story best allows for it. I wasn't happy to ask for this. Although they reached out to me, I don't like keeping people on standby, and time never stands still; said player might very well find other opportunities in the meantime. But with this understanding between us, I have a scenario in mind which we should reach before too long. We'll see.

Suffice to say, no, there won't be a goblin standing ready to ally with the party the second you climb out of this dungeon. Twig will hopefully join in somewhere down the road. As for needing disable device here and now, as my last post indicated you have apparently finished searching the basement, not a kobold in sight (another reason I pushed you so hard; you were all of a hop & a skip away from completing it).

On the topic of levels, Dragon's Demand actually goes from lv.1 to 7 as planned, quite a big jump in power for a module! Gee, I wonder if the party has had rough enough a day to justify such an advancement?

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