TOZ's Last Call

Game Master TriOmegaZero

Sign in and Maps/Handouts

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Table Maps | Passing the Torch

The sending spell appeared to you out of the blue, not the accustomed face of Kreighton Shaine or Sorrina Westyr, but the masked face of a member of the Ten. ”Report to the Decemvirate meeting hall beneath Skyreach as soon as possible. Your assistance is required for a critical mission in defense of the Society.” A direct summons from the Ten is a rare event, indicating a task of the highest importance. Arriving at the designated room deep below the lodge, you find it richly appointed with seating for far more than your small group.

Please go ahead and introduce your characters and make sure to fill out the sign in sheet on the slide deck.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf LG Ranger (Inf) 6 / Monk (ZA) 6 / Shadowdancer 2 / Paladin (DH) 1 / Investigator (PD) 1| LG | HP: 167/167| AC:29 T:29 FF:20 | CMB:20 CMD:42 (56) | Saves F:+22 R:+27 W:+22 (+2 vs enchant) | Init:+11 | Per: +29 | IP: 3/3 | Darkvision: 60’ | Speed: 50’

Reveling in the moment, a cool Inner Sea breeze blowing against his face, his long, flowing blonde hair trailing behind, as the Elf steers his ship west, towards the Arcadian Ocean, as he travels back to his post to instruct another training class at his second home, in Korvosa, at the Academae...

"HOOOOOOOOO!!!" an owl hoots loudly from the crow's nest, enjoying the breeze as much as his master. The Elf looks up fondly, yelling out, "Aye, Archimedes! This is the life!"

All too soon, his revelry comes to a screeching halt as the mysterious sending from One of the Ten appears before his eyes. The Venture-Captain frowns, thinking, Odd...a direct summons from one of the Ten? This must be something dire indeed...oh, well, can't be helped, I'll send a missive to the Acadamae, notifying them of the delay...

He starts the long U-turn of the Voracioius, setting his course back to Absalom harbor...

"Sorry, Archimedes, our trip will be delayed...back home to the Grand Lodge we go, duty calls..."

The owl hoots loudly, "BOOOOOOOOO!!!" in protest...

He sails straight through the night, arriving back at Absalom, just before daybreak. Upon docking, he calls for Archimedes and the owl flies down from the crow's nest to perch on the Elf's shoulder. He walks from the Docks to the Foreign Quarter, stopping quickly by the Wounded Wisp for a quick bite to eat just as the sun starts to rise. "Eggs and hash browns, Master Heryn," he calls out to the proprietor. "And some of that morning swill of yours that you call coffee!"

After hungrily downing the food, he tosses a remaining bit of egg up in the air which is gracefully caught by Archimedes, then quaffs down the swill, and heads out. Tossing the man a couple of silvers, he nods in appreciation, saying, "Thank you, my friend, might see you tonight..."

From there, he heads straight to the Grand Lodge, proceeds down to the Decemvirate meeting hall below Skyreach. Nodding to the guard by the door, he bows curtly, saying, "Venture-Captain Flyndyngylyn, at your service; I was summoned here for an audience..."

After he's allowed in, he sees that he is the first to arrive. The Elf settles in a seat, props his legs up in another chair, pulls his hood up, and closes his eyes as he tries to catch up on some lost sleep as he awaits the others...

Scarab Sages

Female N Kitsune, always in human form (auburn hair, freckles, dreamily observing and sometimes looking a little bit crazy) | Swashbuckler 1 / Magus 15 | Low-light vision | Speed 30ft, Fly 60ft | Boots of Speed 10/10 | Lucky Horses. 1/1 | HP 209/209 | Normal: AC 24 T 19 FF 16 | CMB +25 (Disarm, Trip, Sunder), CMD 28 | F +22, R +22, W +15 | Empower 1/1 | Quicken 1/1| FreeMove 4/4 | Panache 9/9 | Arcane Pool/Ring 11+4/13+4 | Black Blade Pool 4/4 | Concentr. reroll 2/2 | Chaldira reroll 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 | Flight 15/15 | Init +9 | Perc +26, SM +21, Bluff (Deceive) +28, Dipl. (Convince) +28 | Active cond: Ablative barrier, invisibility, fly, Defending bones

Zaarah walks to the room and seems to have a heated argument with someone. Curiously, she is constantly looking at her sheathed Scimitar with an agitated look on her face and no one else is visible around her.

”Aaahhhh!!! Please stop it ... it is always the same ... always at the start of a mission!!“ she suddenly shouts.

20 seconds of silence...

... and suddenly Zaarah starts sobbing.

”Ehhh, ehhh, you are sooooooooooo mean!!! I don’t do these things ... no ... no ... I .. I think ... “ she says with tears flowing down her cheeks.

Zaarah is a scrawny girl with auburn hair and amber eyes. She is standing with eyes wide open. Her features seem Chelaxian but also have something else mixed in. She is wearing light mithral armor and carries a black pulsing Scimitar at her hip that is attached to her wrist with a very fine chain.

Zaarah seems to be pleasantly surprised when she sees the Archimedes and Flyndyngylyn!

”Oh Master Flyn!!! It is so good to see you again! Such an unbelievable honor to serve with you again!“ Zaarah shouts and runs up to Flyn’s and Archimedes’ side.

”It is really you! But can you believe that we are here together?!? I hope that arrogant master of spells Aram is not alive and potentially part of the Decimverate?!!“ she says rolling her red eyes.

Dark Archive

Human Cleric (Mendevian) 16
HP162/162 | AC27 (26FF, 15T) | Perception +14, Sense Motive +24 | +2 Init | Fort +20*, Ref +12*, Will +28* | Channel (Su) 5/5 Firebolt : 12/12

The sounds of a carriage arriving became louder and louder until the Hooo from the coachman and the horses neighing were replaced by the sounds of boots and of a door opening.

A few second later, a man in black livery opened the doors, bow to the people in the room and announce Tamerius Blakros, Hero of Nerosyan, Captor of Tancred Desimir, Sky Citadel Reclaimer, Hellknight signifer of the Order of the Gate, Cleric of Asmodeus, Mendevian Crusader and demons' hunter, Survivor of the Siege of Gallowspire, BLessed of the Ten.

Juste after the annoucement, a man of average height and proportion in his early forty with salt and pepper hair and hard looking eyes enters the room. He's wearing a courtier outfit at the colors of the blakros family enhanced by a red cape, a medal of honor pin on his heart. Around his neck, a red symbol of Asmodeus in ruby and on his right shoulder, a black and red Raven.

He clearly seems more annoyed by his entrance than pleased and when the first man come to take his coat he stops him with one hand.

The buttler, sits the man at the long table and as the man was ready to bow to his different cousins and inlaws and message from the Ten arrives in his head.
A short smile furtively appears on his face and bowing to the assembled table he says Mother, cousins, my Love. I'm sorry, but urgent business with the Society need my immediate presence. I'm sorry to not be able to stay for dinner but Duty appeals.

Without waiting for his butler, the man turns back to where he's comming from with haste. Once in his carriage, he says Quick! To the Grand Lodge!

As the carriage go through the streets of Absalom with haste, the man inside open a strange trunk with his symbol. From it, he retires a full mask hidding his face as well as a black fullplate bearing the intricate symbols of both the Pathfinder Society and the Order of the Gate.
It's been too long my friends...

Once in front of the Gates of the Grand Lodge, he dismisses his suite Your service is not needed here. Go back to the Mansion.

From there, he heads straight to the Skyreach, proceeds down to the Decemvirate meeting hall below Skyreach. Nodding to the guard by the door, he says, Tamerius Blacros, at your service; I was called here for an urgent matter.

Once in the room, he looks around and says It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Tamerius Blakros. May the Cleansing Fire of Asmodeus be upon us.

After a croak from the black and red raven on his shoulder he adds and this one is Kahl' Heel.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf LG Ranger (Inf) 6 / Monk (ZA) 6 / Shadowdancer 2 / Paladin (DH) 1 / Investigator (PD) 1| LG | HP: 167/167| AC:29 T:29 FF:20 | CMB:20 CMD:42 (56) | Saves F:+22 R:+27 W:+22 (+2 vs enchant) | Init:+11 | Per: +29 | IP: 3/3 | Darkvision: 60’ | Speed: 50’
Zaarah Katsu wrote:
”Oh Master Flyn!!! It is so good to see you again! Such an unbelievable honor to serve with you again!“ Zaarah shouts and runs up to Flyn’s and Archimedes’ side.

Flyn awakens quickly as he hears his name called as Archimedes hoots in greeting; seeing his friend and former student, he rises as she comes to his side, giving her a heartfelt hug. ”Zaarah! It is great to see you, it’s been too long! I am glad they summoned you here; it will be a pleasure to serve with again with such a good friend…”

Zaarah Katsu wrote:
”It is really you! But can you believe that we are here together?!? I hope that arrogant master of spells Aram is not alive and potentially part of the Decimverate?!!“ she says rolling her red eyes.

The Elf nods knowingly. ”I doubt I’d be here if Aram Zey had a say in it; we both know he liked me not. But he is no longer Master of Spells; last I heard, he sacrificed himself to save the Hao Jin tapestry…so, if he indeed be dead, it was a most noble one…”

Tamerius Nalmois wrote:

Once in the room, he looks around and says It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Tamerius Blakros. May the Cleansing Fire of Asmodeus be upon us.

After a croak from the black and red raven on his shoulder he adds and this one is Kahl' Heel.

Seeing the newcomer arrive shortly thereafter, Flyn rises and bows. ”Flyndyngylyn, at your service…but as that can be a mouthful, my friends call me Flyn. T’is a pleasure to meet you sir, I do not believe we have served with one another before…at least not directly, that is…”

Seeing the raven on his shoulder, he smiles and nods. ”Well met, Kahl’ Heel; the owl upon my shoulder is Archimedes…”

Scarab Sages

active effects:
magic vestment (shield), flight, armour, ward of the season, hunter's blessing x2
more active effects:
freedom of movement, deathwatch, shield of faith, blessing of fervour
M Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 14 | AC 35 T 23 FF 27 | HP [136/121] 121/121| F +15 (17) R +18 W +16 | CMD 34 | Init +14/+12 | Perc +19/21 lowlight vision, scent, darkvision, see in darkness, deaf | Spells (-, 6/8, 4/8, 6/8, 0/7, 3/7, 4/6, 3/4)

Deep beneath a forgotten, lightless tomb somewhere in northern Garund, two elves peruse a fragment of stone engraved with ancient glyphs. Then the male of the pair receives the Sending. He sighs loudly.

Sister, I am called upon he turns to the female and looks upon her with a serene smile. His voice sounds directly in her mind, a function of the tomb's third occupant - a tiny dragon no bigger than a housecat, with scales black as midnight.

And I fear you are still unwelcome in Skyreach. Continue the study of the stele fragment if you will, I shall rejoin you at the Sanctum in due course. The True Gods watch over you.

The pair embrace. The male gestures and brings into being a soft magical light. Although his vision has no need of the light, it opens the way in another sense; more complex gestures warp the shadows that the light casts, forming a doorway. The male, and the dragon, step through into the Shadow Plane.

Hours later, elf and dragon emerge into the streets of Absalom. It is not long before the pair enter Skyreach and descend to the assigned chamber.

Entering the chamber, the elf smiles once more at the sight of old friends. Though light shuns him, his beauty is apparent.

Flyn and Zaarah, it is good to see you again! the soundless voice speaks.

With a bow and a flourish, the elf - clad in osirion-style desert robes and carrying the traditional elvish armaments of rapier and longbow - announces himself to new acquaintances in similar vein.

I am Professor Emeritus Quenlariel Saelgwath, Lorekeeper of Kyonin and Jacinth Sage. Know this, my friends: since the gods chose me as their vessel I have heard no voice but theirs. If you face me when you speak I will see the words upon your lips, but it will be easier by far to merely think, and my creature he gestures towards the tiny dragon will convey your thoughts to me and mine to you. It is a thing of elf-magic that I have made for this purpose.

I know we're not allowed 'pre-cast' spells at the start of a scenario, I'll mark off a level 5 slot for the shadow conjuration when we're underway.

You may call me Quenly.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf LG Ranger (Inf) 6 / Monk (ZA) 6 / Shadowdancer 2 / Paladin (DH) 1 / Investigator (PD) 1| LG | HP: 167/167| AC:29 T:29 FF:20 | CMB:20 CMD:42 (56) | Saves F:+22 R:+27 W:+22 (+2 vs enchant) | Init:+11 | Per: +29 | IP: 3/3 | Darkvision: 60’ | Speed: 50’
Quenly wrote:
Flyn and Zaarah, it is good to see you again! the soundless voice speaks.

Flyn grins widely seeing yet another old friend. He walks over to the Elf and clasps arms, projecting his thoughts.

Quenly, it is good to see you again, my friend! How have you been? I am now doubly blessed to journey once again with two old friends. Must be dire, eh? Not often we get summoned by the Ten…

Silver Crusade

ecclesitheurge of Sarenrae 15 | HP 118/118 | AC 32, T 22, FF 26 | F: +16 R: +17, W: +21 | Perc +22 | Init +10

A little frog-man is sitting at a table, reading what is clearly a holy book when someone gently taps his shoulder and hands him a note. He reads it, and then respectfully closes the book. He takes a moment to speak to a few others at the temple where he was studying, and then grabs his gear and leaves.

Entering the room where the others are, he smiles shyly. He would probably appear comic, if there were not an elusive dignity about him. A golden symbol of Sarenrae dangles from his neck. He wears no armor.

He greets you, and introduces himself as Thaddeus Treeskipper, servant to the Lady of Light. He invites you to call him Tad like all his friends and family do.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf LG Ranger (Inf) 6 / Monk (ZA) 6 / Shadowdancer 2 / Paladin (DH) 1 / Investigator (PD) 1| LG | HP: 167/167| AC:29 T:29 FF:20 | CMB:20 CMD:42 (56) | Saves F:+22 R:+27 W:+22 (+2 vs enchant) | Init:+11 | Per: +29 | IP: 3/3 | Darkvision: 60’ | Speed: 50’

Flyn nods to the amphibious cleric and smiles. ”Honored to meet you, Tad…and you can call me Flyn…”

Scarab Sages

Female N Kitsune, always in human form (auburn hair, freckles, dreamily observing and sometimes looking a little bit crazy) | Swashbuckler 1 / Magus 15 | Low-light vision | Speed 30ft, Fly 60ft | Boots of Speed 10/10 | Lucky Horses. 1/1 | HP 209/209 | Normal: AC 24 T 19 FF 16 | CMB +25 (Disarm, Trip, Sunder), CMD 28 | F +22, R +22, W +15 | Empower 1/1 | Quicken 1/1| FreeMove 4/4 | Panache 9/9 | Arcane Pool/Ring 11+4/13+4 | Black Blade Pool 4/4 | Concentr. reroll 2/2 | Chaldira reroll 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 | Flight 15/15 | Init +9 | Perc +26, SM +21, Bluff (Deceive) +28, Dipl. (Convince) +28 | Active cond: Ablative barrier, invisibility, fly, Defending bones
Flyndyngylyn wrote:
Zaarah Katsu wrote:
”Oh Master Flyn!!! It is so good to see you again! Such an unbelievable honor to serve with you again!“ Zaarah shouts and runs up to Flyn’s and Archimedes’ side.

Flyn awakens quickly as he hears his name called as Archimedes hoots in greeting; seeing his friend and former student, he rises as she comes to his side, giving her a heartfelt hug. ”Zaarah! It is great to see you, it’s been too long! I am glad they summoned you here; it will be a pleasure to serve with again with such a good friend…”

Zaarah Katsu wrote:
”It is really you! But can you believe that we are here together?!? I hope that arrogant master of spells Aram is not alive and potentially part of the Decimverate?!!“ she says rolling her red eyes.

The Elf nods knowingly. ”I doubt I’d be here if Aram Zey had a say in it; we both know he liked me not. But he is no longer Master of Spells; last I heard, he sacrificed himself to save the Hao Jin tapestry…so, if he indeed be dead, it was a most noble one…”

Zaarah looks at Flyn and seems momentarily confused.

"Wow ... so he is ... dead? Hmm ... okay. Good to know." she says and remains silent for a moment and concentrates on her black blade again.

Quenly wrote:

Entering the chamber, the elf smiles once more at the sight of old friends. Though light shuns him, his beauty is apparent.

Flyn and Zaarah, it is good to see you again! the soundless voice speaks.

With a bow and a flourish, the elf - clad in osirion-style desert robes and carrying the traditional elvish armaments of rapier and longbow - announces himself to new acquaintances in similar vein.

She looks at Quenly and smiles.

"Ahhh, sooo goood to see the little dragon again and also you Quenly!! The shadows follow you everywhere!" she says with a sly grin.

She then looks at Tamerius and Thaddeus and waves with her hand.

"Hey, hi! So I am Zaarah ... yeah, oh and that is it actually. I think ... hmmm ... " she says and suddenly is silent again.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

“Greetings, Pathfinders.” The voice comes from a figure wearing a triple-spired helmet striding purposefully into the room. The same visage as that of the sending spell, one of the enigmatic leaders of the Society. He moves to stand at the head of the long table before continuing.

“You are here because you are the finest that the Pathfinder Society has to offer. Time and again, you have been entrusted with tasks of utmost importance, and you have always carried them through to success. I have personally summoned you here with yet another perilous mission—one that requires great discretion. As I am sure you have heard, the nation of Lastwall is reeling beneath the onslaught of an undead invasion, triggered by the release of the Whispering Tyrant from his prison.”

DC10 Knowledge History:
You recall the Whispering Tyrant as one of the most infamous liches in history, spoken of in hushed tales and legend for centuries.

If you beat DC20 please open the following.

He was an immensely powerful wizard who terrorized Golarion about 3,000 years ago, conquering nations and ruling with an iron and merciless fist. His reign only ended when the god Aroden slew him personally. But death at the hands of a god wasn’t the end of the Whispering Tyrant, who eventually rose again as a lich. Again, he conquered the nearby lands and re-established his rule. After almost a century of crusades against him, heroes were finally able to imprison him within the tower that had been the seat of his power—Gallowspire.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf LG Ranger (Inf) 6 / Monk (ZA) 6 / Shadowdancer 2 / Paladin (DH) 1 / Investigator (PD) 1| LG | HP: 167/167| AC:29 T:29 FF:20 | CMB:20 CMD:42 (56) | Saves F:+22 R:+27 W:+22 (+2 vs enchant) | Init:+11 | Per: +29 | IP: 3/3 | Darkvision: 60’ | Speed: 50’

Flyn ponders at the mysterious helmet man’s words, his interest piqued as he has an intense dislike for the undead…

Knowledge (History) w/ Inspiration: 1d20 + 7 + 1d6 ⇒ (14) + 7 + (5) = 26

He informs his companions of what he knows of the infamous lich…

You can look at the spoiler (and the embedded spoiler)…

”Hmm…the Whispering Tyrant, eh? I have been to Gallowspire before…very nearly died there. Are we to travel to there again, sir?”

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

“You will not. The majority of our Pathfinder forces have been dispatched to deal with this grave threat, which leaves the Society open to threats from other enemies. In particular, I have received word that Grandmaster Torch is once again on the move and working to capitalize on the current crisis. Although Torch’s past is complicated, his wanton disregard for bystanders and increasingly aggressive gambits against the Society have left us no choice: the time has come to kill Grandmaster Torch."

Dark Archive

Human Cleric (Mendevian) 16
HP162/162 | AC27 (26FF, 15T) | Perception +14, Sense Motive +24 | +2 Init | Fort +20*, Ref +12*, Will +28* | Channel (Su) 5/5 Firebolt : 12/12

History: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

I fought and kill Death there, glad to not have to come back to this cursed place. The Tyrant is quite an enemy, almost the power of a god...

After hearing the member of the Decemvirat explaining the mission he says.
I agree that Grand Master Torch methods have his limits and some have hindered the Society in the past, but killing him isn't usually Society Method. Don't you have another solution to deal with him? Taking down his organization?

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

"Other solutions have failed to date. He is too troublesome by far for anything but a final end. His organization has been whittled away, but the head has remained elusive. We’ve also long wondered where he acquired his most damning intelligence, and in the past year we identified his principal contact: a gnome named Eylysia, who was once a member of the Pathfinder Society. She is not the same justice-minded visionary that she was in the Society’s early days. It appears that a combination of estrangement, Torch’s influence, and perhaps even the Bleaching have left blood on her hands—a great deal of blood. Together, the two of them are planning one last attack that could destroy the Society as we know it. At this point it’s clear that even in apparent isolation, Eylysia poses an ongoing threat to the Society she once championed."

“Although Torch remains untraceable, we have learned that Eylysia has hidden herself away on Mediogalti Island. I have arranged for you to be teleported to Azir, where a ship waits to carry to you to Ilizmagorti, a pirate haven located on the island. Once there, seek out the villa of Stanton Strake. He is a retired pirate captain who once served as a contact for the Pathfinder Society. Strake keeps abreast of Pathfinder news, and I believe he is in communication with Eylysia. Use Strake to discover her whereabouts, then confront her to learn Torch’s location. If she proves unwilling to return to face justice, eliminate her. The Pathfinder Society can no longer afford to have enemies fomenting discord in the shadows."

Grand Lodge

Male Elf LG Ranger (Inf) 6 / Monk (ZA) 6 / Shadowdancer 2 / Paladin (DH) 1 / Investigator (PD) 1| LG | HP: 167/167| AC:29 T:29 FF:20 | CMB:20 CMD:42 (56) | Saves F:+22 R:+27 W:+22 (+2 vs enchant) | Init:+11 | Per: +29 | IP: 3/3 | Darkvision: 60’ | Speed: 50’

Flyn arches an eyebrow when hearing their mission will not be going to Lastwall but assassinating Grandmaster Torch…

Tamerius Nalmois wrote:
I agree that Grand Master Torch methods have his limits and some have hindered the Society in the past, but killing him isn't usually Society Method. Don't you have another solution to deal with him? Taking down his organization?

Flyn nods at Tamerius’ words; but the hearing the Decemvirate’s response caused him to ponder…

Grandmaster Torch…know of his reputation and his Shadow Lodge but never dealt directly with him…but he was once allied with that bastard Venture-Captain Yurl who tried to betray Nerosyan to the Demons…and it’s not like we’ve not had to kill rogue Pathfinder leaders before…had to kill Adril Hestam when he turned traitor…

After thinking for a moment he nods to the mysterious helmed man. ”I’m in…anything else you can tell us that we might need to know? Any other ‘obstacles’ we might encounter on Mediogalti Island?”

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

"Mediogalti Island is the main stronghold of the Red Mantis assassins. Any Pathfinders discovered on the island are summarily executed. The assassins have considerable resources, both magical and mundane, that they use to ferret out spies. There are few places in Golarion more dangerous for a Pathfinder agent to travel. Be sure to take every precaution to conceal your presence there.”

Scarab Sages

active effects:
magic vestment (shield), flight, armour, ward of the season, hunter's blessing x2
more active effects:
freedom of movement, deathwatch, shield of faith, blessing of fervour
M Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 14 | AC 35 T 23 FF 27 | HP [136/121] 121/121| F +15 (17) R +18 W +16 | CMD 34 | Init +14/+12 | Perc +19/21 lowlight vision, scent, darkvision, see in darkness, deaf | Spells (-, 6/8, 4/8, 6/8, 0/7, 3/7, 4/6, 3/4)

Quenly can't fail the enhanced History check.

The shadowed elf nods silently at Flyn's recounting of the Whispering Tyrant's tale. The Tyrant's return offers opportunity to many.

But Quenly's jaw drops at the revelation of the Decemvirate's plan. "Kill the Emerald Sage?!" he exclaims, his voice a touch too loud and discordant.

Ven Lorovox is a member of my Order - well, one of my Orders. Quenly reverts to telepathic broadcast.

My fellow Sages and I may have other means to neutralise him. But if he truly seeks to capitalise on the diversion of the awakening Tyrant to destroy the Society, I will not allow him.

What knowledge do we have of Lorovox's plans? How certain are we of our sources? Torch is nothing if not a master of misdirection.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

“Other agents have uncovered preliminary plots against several lodges. However, his exact plans have yet evaded us, and we are bolstering security in the meantime.”

The brevity of the reply compared to the rest of the briefing suggests the Decemvirate member is holding something back.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf LG Ranger (Inf) 6 / Monk (ZA) 6 / Shadowdancer 2 / Paladin (DH) 1 / Investigator (PD) 1| LG | HP: 167/167| AC:29 T:29 FF:20 | CMB:20 CMD:42 (56) | Saves F:+22 R:+27 W:+22 (+2 vs enchant) | Init:+11 | Per: +29 | IP: 3/3 | Darkvision: 60’ | Speed: 50’

Flyn nods at the Decemvirate dude’s last remark; although he maintains a calm mien, he is a little disturbed. He sends a mental message for Quenly only via the ebony dragon…

Quenly (of course, the GM can look too):
Not sure what…but he’s holding something back…don’t think we should press him though…we can talk afterwards as a group…

Scarab Sages

Female N Kitsune, always in human form (auburn hair, freckles, dreamily observing and sometimes looking a little bit crazy) | Swashbuckler 1 / Magus 15 | Low-light vision | Speed 30ft, Fly 60ft | Boots of Speed 10/10 | Lucky Horses. 1/1 | HP 209/209 | Normal: AC 24 T 19 FF 16 | CMB +25 (Disarm, Trip, Sunder), CMD 28 | F +22, R +22, W +15 | Empower 1/1 | Quicken 1/1| FreeMove 4/4 | Panache 9/9 | Arcane Pool/Ring 11+4/13+4 | Black Blade Pool 4/4 | Concentr. reroll 2/2 | Chaldira reroll 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 | Flight 15/15 | Init +9 | Perc +26, SM +21, Bluff (Deceive) +28, Dipl. (Convince) +28 | Active cond: Ablative barrier, invisibility, fly, Defending bones

Zaarah seems to be confused and she listens, and listens and listens but then she wakes up and raises her hand.

"Hmmm ... I think that I killed him once before ... yeah ... no I definitely killed Grandmaster Torch ... yes, yes!!" she says and suddenly grins.

"Oh, but I can kill him again ... we Pathfinders are hard to kill ... I mean, I have not died, yet, I think ... not sure ... hmmm ... OK, do not know!" she says.

But then she inquisitively looks at the Decemvirate member.

"But you ... you are HOLDING SOMETHING BACK!" she shouts.

"Have we not endured enough? Have we not killed often enough??? Have we not shown that we deserve the truth!?" she says with a pained expression on her face.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

"Unfortunately, Grandmaster Torch has always had contingencies and allies willing to expend the effort to resolve even lethal setbacks. We will have to ensure he has nothing to fall back on this time." The Decemvirate member pauses at Zaarah's outburst, inscrutable as the moments stretch. "You are correct. However, what we know does not meet the qualifications to be called truth. Your efforts will be fresh perspectives on Torch's schemes and may discover things that would otherwise be discarded if they do not match our preconceptions. Better that you proceed without any bias, in order to prove or disprove what we have found independently."

Scarab Sages

Female N Kitsune, always in human form (auburn hair, freckles, dreamily observing and sometimes looking a little bit crazy) | Swashbuckler 1 / Magus 15 | Low-light vision | Speed 30ft, Fly 60ft | Boots of Speed 10/10 | Lucky Horses. 1/1 | HP 209/209 | Normal: AC 24 T 19 FF 16 | CMB +25 (Disarm, Trip, Sunder), CMD 28 | F +22, R +22, W +15 | Empower 1/1 | Quicken 1/1| FreeMove 4/4 | Panache 9/9 | Arcane Pool/Ring 11+4/13+4 | Black Blade Pool 4/4 | Concentr. reroll 2/2 | Chaldira reroll 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 | Flight 15/15 | Init +9 | Perc +26, SM +21, Bluff (Deceive) +28, Dipl. (Convince) +28 | Active cond: Ablative barrier, invisibility, fly, Defending bones

Zaarah folds her arms.

"So you are not really sure if he has to be killed or not? Hmmm ... now I am confused ... although I am super sharp usually! I cut like sword through problems ... give me a puzzle! Ahh, wrong audience ... okay ... so what bias are you talking about after telling us to kill him?" she asks curiously.

Dark Archive

HP84/84 | AC31 (23FF, 20T) | Perception +32, Sense Motive +21 | +7 Init | Fort +4, Ref +15, Will +9* |

The black and red raven on Tamerius' shoulder looks at the party and it's almost possible to see ... a smile on his "face".

Kroâ! Kroâ! he says flapping his wings.

Dark Archive

Human Cleric (Mendevian) 16
HP162/162 | AC27 (26FF, 15T) | Perception +14, Sense Motive +24 | +2 Init | Fort +20*, Ref +12*, Will +28* | Channel (Su) 5/5 Firebolt : 12/12

So, if I read between the lines, our primary mission is not, yet, to kill Grand Master Torch, but to get the hand of her associate Eylysia and find what Grand Master Torch is really trying to do without any biais, except for those you gave us saying we need to kill him.
Seems a little bit convoluted but why not.
My questions now are more about our first mission. Can you tell us more about this Eylysia? Do you have a plan to get us on Mediogalti Island? Even if we have a lot of experience between us, I don't think that, without heavy magic help, we could pass for unsuspected bystanders even by the Island standard, especially if the Red Mantis are the real masters of the place.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf LG Ranger (Inf) 6 / Monk (ZA) 6 / Shadowdancer 2 / Paladin (DH) 1 / Investigator (PD) 1| LG | HP: 167/167| AC:29 T:29 FF:20 | CMB:20 CMD:42 (56) | Saves F:+22 R:+27 W:+22 (+2 vs enchant) | Init:+11 | Per: +29 | IP: 3/3 | Darkvision: 60’ | Speed: 50’

Flyn shrugs. ”It’s not like Pathfinder leaders haven’t gone rogue before…not to mention having to kill them. I had considered Adril Hestram a friend…but Zaarah, Kiboko, Kramac and I had to kill him when he turned traitor. Venture-Captain Yurl, whom I have heard Grandmaster Torch once allied with, betrayed Nerosyan to the Demons and we had to clean up that mess as well; I only wish I could’ve killed that bastard…

“Unlike Quenly, I do not personally know Torch, only know him by his questionable reputation; but some of the associates I know he conspired with were not good men. And we know he’s tried to undermine the Society before. I’ll not hesitate to kill the bastard if he’s conspiring to overthrow the Society again…”

He turns to face the Decemvirate dude. ”I only have two questions. First, you mentioned Torch has knowingly plotted against several lodges; are you at liberty to inform us of these plots and which lodges were targeted? Second…when do we teleport?”

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

"Other agents are in charge of preparing countermeasures for those plots. You are needed to deal with the cause, not the symptoms. When your preparations are complete, report to the main incantation room when you are ready to depart. Time is short, but do not let it cause you to be unprepared for the journey. The Eel Prince awaits your arrival and will take roughly a day's sail to reach the isle."

Zaarah Katsu wrote:

Zaarah folds her arms.

"So you are not really sure if he has to be killed or not? Hmmm ... now I am confused ... although I am super sharp usually! I cut like sword through problems ... give me a puzzle! Ahh, wrong audience ... okay ... so what bias are you talking about after telling us to kill him?" she asks curiously.

"This is why that information was withheld, to avoid diluting your focus. Your task is to eliminate Torch."

Tamerius Nalmois wrote:

So, if I read between the lines, our primary mission is not, yet, to kill Grand Master Torch, but to get the hand of her associate Eylysia and find what Grand Master Torch is really trying to do without any biais, except for those you gave us saying we need to kill him.

Seems a little bit convoluted but why not.
My questions now are more about our first mission. Can you tell us more about this Eylysia? Do you have a plan to get us on Mediogalti Island? Even if we have a lot of experience between us, I don't think that, without heavy magic help, we could pass for unsuspected bystanders even by the Island standard, especially if the Red Mantis are the real masters of the place.

"She is old enough to have witnessed the dedication of the Grand Lodge, and she was directly involved in the deaths of several members of the Ten. She was banished from the Society centuries ago. For many years, Pathfinders sought to track her down, though none found her. Learning information about her has been difficult. She has not been heard from for hundreds of years, and most assumed her dead. In the intervening time, her treachery was almost lost to memory. But recent events have allowed more of the past’s secrets to come to light.”

“The Red Mantis assassins keep a tight control of Ilizmagorti. They have informants everywhere, so using some sort of disguise would be wise. Certainly you should avoid displaying your wayfinders or any other signs of affiliation with the Pathfinder Society. Magical protections against divinations would also be of service, as the Red Mantis assassins have many powerful spellcasters within their ranks.”

Grand Lodge

Male Elf LG Ranger (Inf) 6 / Monk (ZA) 6 / Shadowdancer 2 / Paladin (DH) 1 / Investigator (PD) 1| LG | HP: 167/167| AC:29 T:29 FF:20 | CMB:20 CMD:42 (56) | Saves F:+22 R:+27 W:+22 (+2 vs enchant) | Init:+11 | Per: +29 | IP: 3/3 | Darkvision: 60’ | Speed: 50’

Flyn nods. ”Good enough for me; we had best prepare…”

He’ll remain silent and listen till his companions are finished with questions…

Scarab Sages

active effects:
magic vestment (shield), flight, armour, ward of the season, hunter's blessing x2
more active effects:
freedom of movement, deathwatch, shield of faith, blessing of fervour
M Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 14 | AC 35 T 23 FF 27 | HP [136/121] 121/121| F +15 (17) R +18 W +16 | CMD 34 | Init +14/+12 | Perc +19/21 lowlight vision, scent, darkvision, see in darkness, deaf | Spells (-, 6/8, 4/8, 6/8, 0/7, 3/7, 4/6, 3/4)

Eliminating Torch need not mean death then; and death might not be a permanent enough solution if we are to stop an assault on the Society from one who knows it so well.

I know Ven Lorovox, not only through the Pathfinder Society but also through the Order of Jeweled Sages. He is the wielder of the Emerald Sage Jewel, the equal of my own stone Quenly withdraws from his robes a large jacinth and gazes into its depths. Torch obtained his Jewel by subterfuge and manipulation, as is his way, yet if he had not done so then we may not have had the opportunity to purge the Jewels of the spirit of their vile originator; Torch was instrumental in the success of that undertaking. But without me, and my fellow scarab sages, Torch would have fallen to Tahari's corruption along with the holders of the other original Jewels. He knows this, and he owes me a debt in consequence.

Time is short, but I shall attempt to confer with Tahonikepsu and the others through my Jewel. Perhaps they have had more recent contact with Torch.

As for our immediate needs, Nondetection and Veil spells would be appropriate, but they are arcane in nature...

I'll post some thoughts on preparations in Discussion

Dark Archive

Human Cleric (Mendevian) 16
HP162/162 | AC27 (26FF, 15T) | Perception +14, Sense Motive +24 | +2 Init | Fort +20*, Ref +12*, Will +28* | Channel (Su) 5/5 Firebolt : 12/12

Thinking about what the elf said Tamerius says I could call for a powerfull entity from Hell to help us in this mission.

Silver Crusade

ecclesitheurge of Sarenrae 15 | HP 118/118 | AC 32, T 22, FF 26 | F: +16 R: +17, W: +21 | Perc +22 | Init +10

Tad keeps pretty quiet during the mission briefing. He's not happy about the request to kill someone without giving them a chance, but the immediate mission does not have that problem.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

"If you have no other questions, then I wish you the best of luck in hunting down Eylysia. Make your preparations and meet with Lord Elish in the incantation chamber to be transported."

Let me know when you are all ready to move forward.

Silver Crusade

ecclesitheurge of Sarenrae 15 | HP 118/118 | AC 32, T 22, FF 26 | F: +16 R: +17, W: +21 | Perc +22 | Init +10

Tad nods that he is ready to go.

Scarab Sages

Female N Kitsune, always in human form (auburn hair, freckles, dreamily observing and sometimes looking a little bit crazy) | Swashbuckler 1 / Magus 15 | Low-light vision | Speed 30ft, Fly 60ft | Boots of Speed 10/10 | Lucky Horses. 1/1 | HP 209/209 | Normal: AC 24 T 19 FF 16 | CMB +25 (Disarm, Trip, Sunder), CMD 28 | F +22, R +22, W +15 | Empower 1/1 | Quicken 1/1| FreeMove 4/4 | Panache 9/9 | Arcane Pool/Ring 11+4/13+4 | Black Blade Pool 4/4 | Concentr. reroll 2/2 | Chaldira reroll 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 | Flight 15/15 | Init +9 | Perc +26, SM +21, Bluff (Deceive) +28, Dipl. (Convince) +28 | Active cond: Ablative barrier, invisibility, fly, Defending bones

Zaarah thinks for a moment.

Hello GM, Are there any knowledge checks to know more about the gnome woman and / or the island?

Grand Lodge

Male Elf LG Ranger (Inf) 6 / Monk (ZA) 6 / Shadowdancer 2 / Paladin (DH) 1 / Investigator (PD) 1| LG | HP: 167/167| AC:29 T:29 FF:20 | CMB:20 CMD:42 (56) | Saves F:+22 R:+27 W:+22 (+2 vs enchant) | Init:+11 | Per: +29 | IP: 3/3 | Darkvision: 60’ | Speed: 50’

Once they depart from the Decemvirate meeting hall to prep for this mission, Flyn talks to his companions via Quenly’s shadow dragon…

I know he’s one of the Ten but he’s hiding something; dunno what and wasn’t going to confront him with it…and while I spoke truthfully about killing Torch if he’s trying to bring down the Pathfinder Society, I won’t act blindly…his history works against him, but I must have proof…

Then looking over to Tamerius, he nods and then grins, speaking aloud. ”So we’ll have a devil amongst us during this mission? From a recent mission, I had to kill more than a few so I hope none were related to the one that is summoned…”

Flyn is ready

Scarab Sages

Female N Kitsune, always in human form (auburn hair, freckles, dreamily observing and sometimes looking a little bit crazy) | Swashbuckler 1 / Magus 15 | Low-light vision | Speed 30ft, Fly 60ft | Boots of Speed 10/10 | Lucky Horses. 1/1 | HP 209/209 | Normal: AC 24 T 19 FF 16 | CMB +25 (Disarm, Trip, Sunder), CMD 28 | F +22, R +22, W +15 | Empower 1/1 | Quicken 1/1| FreeMove 4/4 | Panache 9/9 | Arcane Pool/Ring 11+4/13+4 | Black Blade Pool 4/4 | Concentr. reroll 2/2 | Chaldira reroll 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 | Flight 15/15 | Init +9 | Perc +26, SM +21, Bluff (Deceive) +28, Dipl. (Convince) +28 | Active cond: Ablative barrier, invisibility, fly, Defending bones

Zaarah nods and shrugs.

"I am good ... yeah, thanks." she says claps her hands.

Dark Archive

Human Cleric (Mendevian) 16
HP162/162 | AC27 (26FF, 15T) | Perception +14, Sense Motive +24 | +2 Init | Fort +20*, Ref +12*, Will +28* | Channel (Su) 5/5 Firebolt : 12/12

If you were able to kill a Devil, then, it was not strong enough. says Tamerius. For my induction in the Order of the Gate I had to kill one.

He looks to his comrades that have a good aura around them, Thaddeus, Flyn and Quenly and says.

If nobody object about calling Hell for help, I will go to the summoning chambers and call a Devil.

waiting to their formal agreement.

Dark Archive

HP84/84 | AC31 (23FF, 20T) | Perception +32, Sense Motive +21 | +7 Init | Fort +4, Ref +15, Will +9* |

Kroâ! Kroâ!

Say the Red and Black Raven to Flyn.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf LG Ranger (Inf) 6 / Monk (ZA) 6 / Shadowdancer 2 / Paladin (DH) 1 / Investigator (PD) 1| LG | HP: 167/167| AC:29 T:29 FF:20 | CMB:20 CMD:42 (56) | Saves F:+22 R:+27 W:+22 (+2 vs enchant) | Init:+11 | Per: +29 | IP: 3/3 | Darkvision: 60’ | Speed: 50’
Tamerius Nalmois wrote:
If you were able to kill a Devil, then, it was not strong enough. says Tamerius.

Flyn shrugs. ”Perhaps not…but one of ‘em was the first lieutenant of Duke Lorthact of Hell…remember him, Quenly? And we heard Lorthact has a long reach and even longer memory…as those at the Acadamae experienced firsthand…”

Tamerius Nalmois wrote:
If nobody objects about calling Hell for help, I will go to the summoning chambers and call a Devil.

”From what we’ve been told, looks like we’ll need the help, especially in keeping a low profile to avoid discovery; Quenly and I have dealt with devils before, not pleasant but it seems necessary in our situation…at least it’s not a demon…

“Meet back here in an hour or so?”

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Some time later...

With preparations made, you report to the specified chamber in Skyreach, the door bearing arcane sigils courtesy of the Dark Archive. Inside, you find implements laid out in precise arcane geometry. A man with orange-streaked red hair and bronzed skin stands ready, ceremonial silks open to expose his bare chest.

"Greetings, honored Seekers! I, Lord Able Elish, shall have the pleasure of transporting you today!" He speaks with bombast and complete lack of restraint, the mark of extraplanar heritage clear in his appearance and manner. "By the POWER OF THE EFREETI, you shall be safely conveyed." The booming voice somehow grows louder at the boast.

Directing you within the bounds of the implements, flames leap up your feet as he concentrates, eyes glowing bright. The sheets of fire rise to obscure your view, before receding and leaving you unharmed, but altogether elsewhere.

"BEHOLD! Azir, and lo there berths the Eel Prince, to ferry you on to the accursed isle. May your mission for our GLORIOUS SOCIETY be met with good fortune."

Please make sure to note on the buffs slide your spell effects and other precautions for the journey if you have not already.

Scarab Sages

active effects:
magic vestment (shield), flight, armour, ward of the season, hunter's blessing x2
more active effects:
freedom of movement, deathwatch, shield of faith, blessing of fervour
M Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 14 | AC 35 T 23 FF 27 | HP [136/121] 121/121| F +15 (17) R +18 W +16 | CMD 34 | Init +14/+12 | Perc +19/21 lowlight vision, scent, darkvision, see in darkness, deaf | Spells (-, 6/8, 4/8, 6/8, 0/7, 3/7, 4/6, 3/4)

Flyn and I had a hand in breaking a ruinous compact between Hellish powers and certain, shall we say, foolhardy researchers in Korvosa Quenly adds to his fellow elf's explanation.

One of our Society allies in that endeavour was also a priest of Hell. For all that your masters espouse Order, Tamerius, they excel at internal conflict Quenly smiles wryly.

By all means call your devil. I trust that your binding will be appropriate.

In the teleportation chamber Quenly's gaze lingers on the brazen Lord Eilish as he recalls his encounter with the efreet Isah. Powerful magic indeed...

Quenly ensures that his wayfinder is hidden inside his robes. He bolsters his defence with a necromantic buffer.

False Life: 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

Other buffs in Quenly's header and on buff sheet.

When we're aboard ship, Quenly will cast Hunter's Blessing choosing Water terrain and aquatic humanoids, and covering the whole party. Everyone will get a bunch of sacred bonuses including +2 Initiative whilst in the chosen terrain (including above water, per the ranger Favoured Terrain feature).

Grand Lodge

Male Elf LG Ranger (Inf) 6 / Monk (ZA) 6 / Shadowdancer 2 / Paladin (DH) 1 / Investigator (PD) 1| LG | HP: 167/167| AC:29 T:29 FF:20 | CMB:20 CMD:42 (56) | Saves F:+22 R:+27 W:+22 (+2 vs enchant) | Init:+11 | Per: +29 | IP: 3/3 | Darkvision: 60’ | Speed: 50’

Flyn nods in appreciation to the efreeti lord. His bow stashed in his efficient quiver, his wayfinder, along with any other outward signs that might mark him as a Pathfinder, hidden beneath his robes and cloak, before they are teleported…

As they arrive to their destination, Flyn boards the ferry, his eyes alert as he checks out the ship and the folk upon it, passengers and crew…

Perception: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (13) + 29 = 42

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Boarding the Eel Prince, you find the crew are pointedly uninterested in you, not to the point of rudeness but clearly out of long practice in ferrying passengers discreetly. The sailing is smooth and uneventful, with little to distract from the boredom. By the time the Scum Tide City comes into view it's almost a welcome end.

Sliding past Mayor's Island, the ship steers well around the Three Sisters, a trio of tiny islands in the center of the lagoon that Ilizmagorti crouches upon. Mooring at the docks is a simple affair, but the captain takes a moment to quietly suggest you be ready to face customs, gesturing to the red garbed official waiting with ledger as the gangplank is run out.

A day's travel has passed, so please mark off your charges as needed and let me know how you would like to proceed.

Scarab Sages

active effects:
magic vestment (shield), flight, armour, ward of the season, hunter's blessing x2
more active effects:
freedom of movement, deathwatch, shield of faith, blessing of fervour
M Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 14 | AC 35 T 23 FF 27 | HP [136/121] 121/121| F +15 (17) R +18 W +16 | CMD 34 | Init +14/+12 | Perc +19/21 lowlight vision, scent, darkvision, see in darkness, deaf | Spells (-, 6/8, 4/8, 6/8, 0/7, 3/7, 4/6, 3/4)

"Customs?" Quenly asks the captain aloud. "Are we likely to be physically searched? Or taxed?"

On final approach would be a good time for Heroes' Feast, if either of our clerics felt like preparing it. And perhaps for a devilish illusion ;)

Quenly will cast a Hunter's Blessing covering Urban Terrain and Humans today. Summary of bonuses to the party: +2 sacred bonus on Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks attempted against humans, and a +2 sacred bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls made against humans. A +2 sacred bonus on initiative checks, Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks while in urban terrain ("streets, buildings, sewers"). And when tracking humans in urban terrain, the party can follow tracks untrained, even if the DC for the task is 11 or higher.

Quenly also renews False Life today: temp hp: 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Silver Crusade

ecclesitheurge of Sarenrae 15 | HP 118/118 | AC 32, T 22, FF 26 | F: +16 R: +17, W: +21 | Perc +22 | Init +10

Tad has no daily buffs to cast. He has spent the journey quietly conversing with his companions, and also in prayer and study.

He does not own anything that would label him as a pathfinder, so is ready for any required customs inspection.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

"It's a duty free port, for what that's worth." the captain offers tersely, before turning back to his crew and the offloading of cargo.

Dark Archive

Human Cleric (Mendevian) 16
HP162/162 | AC27 (26FF, 15T) | Perception +14, Sense Motive +24 | +2 Init | Fort +20*, Ref +12*, Will +28* | Channel (Su) 5/5 Firebolt : 12/12

In the invocation chambers below Skyreach, Tamerius starts his call to his Lord and Master, Asmodeus, god of Hell, Master of Contract.

From one corner of the room, the raven watch, a smile, if even it was possible for a bird, on his face.

Oh Lord of Hell, Answer the prayers of your follower! I'm in need of one of your most powerful servant for my mission. A creature capable of subterfuge and discretion, rather wanton destruction. A servant that will enable us to bypass scrutiny and transform us into mundane adventurers. Send it to me, and I will make good use in your unholy name Oh Asmodeus, Lord of Hell, Master of Contracts!

As his prayers are done, the invocation circle starts to take a reddish glow and the form of a medium creature appears.

In a voice as powerful as feeble and as convincing as suave the creature says I've answered your call mortal, what is the Price of my Services...

Dark Archive

Human Cleric (Mendevian) 16
HP162/162 | AC27 (26FF, 15T) | Perception +14, Sense Motive +24 | +2 Init | Fort +20*, Ref +12*, Will +28* | Channel (Su) 5/5 Firebolt : 12/12

The contract between Tamerius and the Devil is:
Use his power to pass for a standard human.
Use his power to transform us with Veil in standard human mercenaries/adventurers from different origins.
Use his power to Protect the place we gather with Screen.
The creature is free to act as please as long as his schemes doesn't interfer with our mission: finding Eylysia, avoid conflict with the Red Mantis, keep a low profile.
THe creature other abilities are not needed for this mission and are not part of the present contract.

Tamerius came back with a mangwi man in his early thirties. The man looks like a experienced fisherman with practical clothes typical of the islands.

We are ready.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

The customs official remains waiting at the end of the gangplank.

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