TOZ's Last Call

Game Master TriOmegaZero

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Dark Archive

Human Cleric (Mendevian) 16
HP162/162 | AC27 (26FF, 15T) | Perception +14, Sense Motive +24 | +2 Init | Fort +20*, Ref +12*, Will +28* | Channel (Su) 5/5 Firebolt : 12/12

3. What spells do we need in case we kill the Master to get back Strake memories
4. Is there a chance that we can negotiate, one way or another, with the Master for Strake Memories
5. How can we avoid or reduce the ire of the Red Mantis once we've deal with the Master
6. Are we watched by the Red Mantis?

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Tamerius Nalmois wrote:
1. Does the Master of the Pagoda need to be alive for Strake to regain his memories?


Tamerius Nalmois wrote:
2. Will killing the Master of the Pagoda restore Strake's memories?


Let me know if that changes your questions.

Scarab Sages

active effects:
magic vestment (shield), flight, armour, ward of the season, hunter's blessing x2
more active effects:
freedom of movement, deathwatch, shield of faith, blessing of fervour
M Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 14 | AC 35 T 23 FF 27 | HP [136/121] 121/121| F +15 (17) R +18 W +16 | CMD 34 | Init +14/+12 | Perc +19/21 lowlight vision, scent, darkvision, see in darkness, deaf | Spells (-, 6/8, 4/8, 6/8, 0/7, 3/7, 4/6, 3/4)

This suggests that the Master has already transferred Strake's memories.

Dark Archive

Human Cleric (Mendevian) 16
HP162/162 | AC27 (26FF, 15T) | Perception +14, Sense Motive +24 | +2 Init | Fort +20*, Ref +12*, Will +28* | Channel (Su) 5/5 Firebolt : 12/12

Lets resume with questions 3.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

3. You already possess them.
4. Unclear
5. Unclear.
6. No.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch
Quenly wrote:
stealth, tiny, invisible: 1d20 + 18 + 8 + 20 ⇒ (16) + 18 + 8 + 20 = 62

Given that it takes at least 10 minutes to make your way across town, Vanish is not applicable, but I will let you know that you don't actually have to roll with those bonuses. :P

Scarab Sages

active effects:
magic vestment (shield), flight, armour, ward of the season, hunter's blessing x2
more active effects:
freedom of movement, deathwatch, shield of faith, blessing of fervour
M Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 14 | AC 35 T 23 FF 27 | HP [136/121] 121/121| F +15 (17) R +18 W +16 | CMD 34 | Init +14/+12 | Perc +19/21 lowlight vision, scent, darkvision, see in darkness, deaf | Spells (-, 6/8, 4/8, 6/8, 0/7, 3/7, 4/6, 3/4)
GM wrote:
Flyn thinks that Stealth is the most difficult method to enter, as he was almost spotted, while a Disguise or Sleight of Hand would be possible to let the party enter without attracting notice.

GM, how will the Veil spell operate here? Assuming we Veil as mosquitos or other innocuous insects? It looks like the scenario is calling for a Skill check but the spell seems to avoid any chance of detection, barring Will saves (Disguise only being called for if we try to pose as specific individuals).

Notwithstanding anything the mark of the mantis does of course, or any other defences we don't yet know about :o

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

I think turning into mosquitos and then having the brand appear would make it very hard to cover it up with a Disguise check. Flyn is already able to cover it up in his current Veil disguise. As I mentioned in the OOC, Flyn can tell that Stealth is a Hard DC while the other two checks appear to be lower difficulty.

If you have a way to avoid needing to make the checks, such as teleportation or the like, that can work. Otherwise you will need to roll to see if the temples occupants notice you.

Silver Crusade

ecclesitheurge of Sarenrae 15 | HP 118/118 | AC 32, T 22, FF 26 | F: +16 R: +17, W: +21 | Perc +22 | Init +10

I'm sorry I have not been keeping up on posting, and can't necessarily do so now. I've been putting all my time and energy into dealing with a mess that is part of my VO responsibilities. I don't know if it's about to get better or even worse. I can't be more specific in order to protect someone else's privacy.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

There is no need to apologize, I fully understand. I started this table with the intent not to rush through the arc. Please take all the time you need.

I am also working through the loss of my senior dog and dealing with the difficulties than come with training a new puppy. (Sleep has been at a premium this month.) I am doing my best to keep us moving steady and appreciate your understanding.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf LG Ranger (Inf) 6 / Monk (ZA) 6 / Shadowdancer 2 / Paladin (DH) 1 / Investigator (PD) 1| LG | HP: 167/167| AC:29 T:29 FF:20 | CMB:20 CMD:42 (56) | Saves F:+22 R:+27 W:+22 (+2 vs enchant) | Init:+11 | Per: +29 | IP: 3/3 | Darkvision: 60’ | Speed: 50’

My Stealth mod is high and with Blend I could increase it by 4 so I’ll run with that…but it won’t work for everyone else…

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Plus you already know your Take 10 passes. :P

Scarab Sages

active effects:
magic vestment (shield), flight, armour, ward of the season, hunter's blessing x2
more active effects:
freedom of movement, deathwatch, shield of faith, blessing of fervour
M Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 14 | AC 35 T 23 FF 27 | HP [136/121] 121/121| F +15 (17) R +18 W +16 | CMD 34 | Init +14/+12 | Perc +19/21 lowlight vision, scent, darkvision, see in darkness, deaf | Spells (-, 6/8, 4/8, 6/8, 0/7, 3/7, 4/6, 3/4)

Based on Flyn's scouting, how much time do we need to Stealth for?

Quenly can give those who might benefit Vanish for up to 10 rounds (via Blessing of Fervour, which will also give us +30' speed)

If we Veil as mosquitos, do we get a Size bonus to Stealth? (Fine is +16, Diminutive is +12)

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Given that the spell does not actually change your size or give you a new size bonus, I would say that you still have all of your weight and noise, preventing Stealth bonuses.

Flyn would guess that you need a couple minutes, more than an extended Vanish would grant. Vanish also depends on the defenders not having invisibility counters.

Scarab Sages

active effects:
magic vestment (shield), flight, armour, ward of the season, hunter's blessing x2
more active effects:
freedom of movement, deathwatch, shield of faith, blessing of fervour
M Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 14 | AC 35 T 23 FF 27 | HP [136/121] 121/121| F +15 (17) R +18 W +16 | CMD 34 | Init +14/+12 | Perc +19/21 lowlight vision, scent, darkvision, see in darkness, deaf | Spells (-, 6/8, 4/8, 6/8, 0/7, 3/7, 4/6, 3/4)

Okay. Let's see...

Quenly can cast Silence, negating one of the problems. This can also be Extended under Blessing of Fervour. 2 x Extended Vanish will cover 2 minutes - albeit there probably will be some sort of invisibility counter.

If Tad and/or Tamerius want invisibility Quenly's happy to spend the spell slots.

For Flyn and Quenly, Stealth looks like the way to go. Quenly can expend 2 minutes worth of Many Form to become a bat (diminutive animal) giving him a net +15 bonus to Stealth on top of his basic +18.

I think if we're Veiled as bugs and under a Silence spell we probably don't draw too much attention even if noticed, but who knows what's inside or what effects the Mark has?

What approach do Tad and Tamerius want to take?

Grand Lodge

Male Elf LG Ranger (Inf) 6 / Monk (ZA) 6 / Shadowdancer 2 / Paladin (DH) 1 / Investigator (PD) 1| LG | HP: 167/167| AC:29 T:29 FF:20 | CMB:20 CMD:42 (56) | Saves F:+22 R:+27 W:+22 (+2 vs enchant) | Init:+11 | Per: +29 | IP: 3/3 | Darkvision: 60’ | Speed: 50’

Sounds good to me, sv…I’m ready to press on…

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

When you guys have your preparations complete, go ahead and let me know how you proceed and make your rolls.

Silver Crusade

ecclesitheurge of Sarenrae 15 | HP 118/118 | AC 32, T 22, FF 26 | F: +16 R: +17, W: +21 | Perc +22 | Init +10

Tad only has +10 in stealth, unless we are in a marsh, so would gladly accept a bit of magical help.

He does have air walk prepared, if anyone thinks that might be worth using?

Sorry for the delay. I think I'm back now, as long as the problem does not flare up again in the next few days.

Dark Archive

Human Cleric (Mendevian) 16
HP162/162 | AC27 (26FF, 15T) | Perception +14, Sense Motive +24 | +2 Init | Fort +20*, Ref +12*, Will +28* | Channel (Su) 5/5 Firebolt : 12/12

Tamerius has a wand of invisibility so he will use it on himself and on Thadd if he wants it.

Scarab Sages

active effects:
magic vestment (shield), flight, armour, ward of the season, hunter's blessing x2
more active effects:
freedom of movement, deathwatch, shield of faith, blessing of fervour
M Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 14 | AC 35 T 23 FF 27 | HP [136/121] 121/121| F +15 (17) R +18 W +16 | CMD 34 | Init +14/+12 | Perc +19/21 lowlight vision, scent, darkvision, see in darkness, deaf | Spells (-, 6/8, 4/8, 6/8, 0/7, 3/7, 4/6, 3/4)
Tamerius Nalmois wrote:
Tamerius has a wand of invisibility so he will use it on himself and on Thadd if he wants it.

Better than Vanish.

Quenly will provide Silence, and Blessing of Fervour to boost our speed (and Extend the Silence).

I'll get a post up in Gameplay tomorrow (Tuesday).

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

They may have undercosted the pitched battle costs for class features, but I think that is balanced by the possibility of multiple inflictions if you fail the skill challenges to move between sites in the city.

Scarab Sages

active effects:
magic vestment (shield), flight, armour, ward of the season, hunter's blessing x2
more active effects:
freedom of movement, deathwatch, shield of faith, blessing of fervour
M Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 14 | AC 35 T 23 FF 27 | HP [136/121] 121/121| F +15 (17) R +18 W +16 | CMD 34 | Init +14/+12 | Perc +19/21 lowlight vision, scent, darkvision, see in darkness, deaf | Spells (-, 6/8, 4/8, 6/8, 0/7, 3/7, 4/6, 3/4)

I'm traveling tomorrow (Monday) and probably won't be able to post until late Tuesday night. Please bot me if necessary.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf LG Ranger (Inf) 6 / Monk (ZA) 6 / Shadowdancer 2 / Paladin (DH) 1 / Investigator (PD) 1| LG | HP: 167/167| AC:29 T:29 FF:20 | CMB:20 CMD:42 (56) | Saves F:+22 R:+27 W:+22 (+2 vs enchant) | Init:+11 | Per: +29 | IP: 3/3 | Darkvision: 60’ | Speed: 50’

Is Tamerius still with us?

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

I certainly hope so! Could be the Cloudstrike outage impacting him hard.

Dark Archive

Human Cleric (Mendevian) 16
HP162/162 | AC27 (26FF, 15T) | Perception +14, Sense Motive +24 | +2 Init | Fort +20*, Ref +12*, Will +28* | Channel (Su) 5/5 Firebolt : 12/12

Sorry for my unexpected absence this last few days.
My last weekend hasn't happened as I expected and then work hit hard as well as Real Life with my two little boys.

I'm back now.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

I completely understand, glad things are stable now.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
active effects:
magic vestment (shield), flight, armour, ward of the season, hunter's blessing x2
more active effects:
freedom of movement, deathwatch, shield of faith, blessing of fervour
M Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 14 | AC 35 T 23 FF 27 | HP [136/121] 121/121| F +15 (17) R +18 W +16 | CMD 34 | Init +14/+12 | Perc +19/21 lowlight vision, scent, darkvision, see in darkness, deaf | Spells (-, 6/8, 4/8, 6/8, 0/7, 3/7, 4/6, 3/4)

I'm travelling again tomorrow, normal posting frequency will resume on Monday.

Silver Crusade

ecclesitheurge of Sarenrae 15 | HP 118/118 | AC 32, T 22, FF 26 | F: +16 R: +17, W: +21 | Perc +22 | Init +10

Not going to be posting much this weekend into early next week due to a family celebration. Please bot me if I'm holding things up. I expect to return to posting late Monday or early Tuesday US time.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

I will be available, but I will call this weekend a hiatus, so please feel free to check back in Monday.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf LG Ranger (Inf) 6 / Monk (ZA) 6 / Shadowdancer 2 / Paladin (DH) 1 / Investigator (PD) 1| LG | HP: 167/167| AC:29 T:29 FF:20 | CMB:20 CMD:42 (56) | Saves F:+22 R:+27 W:+22 (+2 vs enchant) | Init:+11 | Per: +29 | IP: 3/3 | Darkvision: 60’ | Speed: 50’
Quenly wrote:
You were planning on stopping shooting once you dropped the Master, right Flyn? ;)

I think that was the most damage I’ve ever done at one go, even if you don’t count the surprise round as part of one attack…and if I hadn’t had to roll a save at the beginning that could’ve been another crit…

While that’s a great way to start with my first attack of this adventure, the bad news is…it can only go down from here…

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

If only he had been smart and taken Deflect Arrows with his monk abilities. :P

Not rolling a 1 on initiative would also maybe have helped him have full AC for some of those attacks to miss.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf LG Ranger (Inf) 6 / Monk (ZA) 6 / Shadowdancer 2 / Paladin (DH) 1 / Investigator (PD) 1| LG | HP: 167/167| AC:29 T:29 FF:20 | CMB:20 CMD:42 (56) | Saves F:+22 R:+27 W:+22 (+2 vs enchant) | Init:+11 | Per: +29 | IP: 3/3 | Darkvision: 60’ | Speed: 50’

Yeah, I was kinda expecting that to be the case…

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Hope everyone had a good GenCon weekend, even if you were stuck home like I was!

Scarab Sages

active effects:
magic vestment (shield), flight, armour, ward of the season, hunter's blessing x2
more active effects:
freedom of movement, deathwatch, shield of faith, blessing of fervour
M Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 14 | AC 35 T 23 FF 27 | HP [136/121] 121/121| F +15 (17) R +18 W +16 | CMD 34 | Init +14/+12 | Perc +19/21 lowlight vision, scent, darkvision, see in darkness, deaf | Spells (-, 6/8, 4/8, 6/8, 0/7, 3/7, 4/6, 3/4)

I'm glad our Commune told us we can still retrieve Strake's memories with the Master dead. Probably something to do with one of the non-combatant humanoids around the chamber's periphery...

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

I’m just glad no one had Wall of Thorns prepared to trap them all without recourse to escape or meaningfully continue the combat.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf LG Ranger (Inf) 6 / Monk (ZA) 6 / Shadowdancer 2 / Paladin (DH) 1 / Investigator (PD) 1| LG | HP: 167/167| AC:29 T:29 FF:20 | CMB:20 CMD:42 (56) | Saves F:+22 R:+27 W:+22 (+2 vs enchant) | Init:+11 | Per: +29 | IP: 3/3 | Darkvision: 60’ | Speed: 50’

Hmmm…do we want the Master alive? The augury said we don’t need him alive and, with his mental powers, might be dangerous reviving him, if he’s not already dead…

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Deathwatch has already determined he is dead, but his two assassins are still very alive.

Dark Archive

Human Cleric (Mendevian) 16
HP162/162 | AC27 (26FF, 15T) | Perception +14, Sense Motive +24 | +2 Init | Fort +20*, Ref +12*, Will +28* | Channel (Su) 5/5 Firebolt : 12/12

I will have been easier to have him alive as it seems that we already have everything that was needed to give back Strake’s memory… just we don’t know what we need and in which order.

Scarab Sages

active effects:
magic vestment (shield), flight, armour, ward of the season, hunter's blessing x2
more active effects:
freedom of movement, deathwatch, shield of faith, blessing of fervour
M Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 14 | AC 35 T 23 FF 27 | HP [136/121] 121/121| F +15 (17) R +18 W +16 | CMD 34 | Init +14/+12 | Perc +19/21 lowlight vision, scent, darkvision, see in darkness, deaf | Spells (-, 6/8, 4/8, 6/8, 0/7, 3/7, 4/6, 3/4)

It would only have been easier if the Master was willing to parley; I think this was not a possibility given the total hostility of the Pagoda's denizens.

I expect that Strake is, in effect, here in the chamber. I think his memories are locked in one of the dormant humanoids.

We'll find out once we finish off the two giant assassins.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf LG Ranger (Inf) 6 / Monk (ZA) 6 / Shadowdancer 2 / Paladin (DH) 1 / Investigator (PD) 1| LG | HP: 167/167| AC:29 T:29 FF:20 | CMB:20 CMD:42 (56) | Saves F:+22 R:+27 W:+22 (+2 vs enchant) | Init:+11 | Per: +29 | IP: 3/3 | Darkvision: 60’ | Speed: 50’

Aye, I’m thinking that as well Quenly; since the Strake we originally met thought he was someone else, I’m hoping it’ll be as easy as asking those dormant humanoids, ‘Who in here is Strake?’

Silver Crusade

ecclesitheurge of Sarenrae 15 | HP 118/118 | AC 32, T 22, FF 26 | F: +16 R: +17, W: +21 | Perc +22 | Init +10

What are those colored ovals, one of which is between the two enemies? (trying to figure out if an AoE spell which would do damage there is a problem...)

Grand Lodge

Male Elf LG Ranger (Inf) 6 / Monk (ZA) 6 / Shadowdancer 2 / Paladin (DH) 1 / Investigator (PD) 1| LG | HP: 167/167| AC:29 T:29 FF:20 | CMB:20 CMD:42 (56) | Saves F:+22 R:+27 W:+22 (+2 vs enchant) | Init:+11 | Per: +29 | IP: 3/3 | Darkvision: 60’ | Speed: 50’

I think those might be the bells that were ringing?

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

That’s correct! The captives are around the perimeter of the room.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

I'm guessing Tad was planning a flame strike. If that's correct I can bot to move us forward.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf LG Ranger (Inf) 6 / Monk (ZA) 6 / Shadowdancer 2 / Paladin (DH) 1 / Investigator (PD) 1| LG | HP: 167/167| AC:29 T:29 FF:20 | CMB:20 CMD:42 (56) | Saves F:+22 R:+27 W:+22 (+2 vs enchant) | Init:+11 | Per: +29 | IP: 3/3 | Darkvision: 60’ | Speed: 50’

Sounds good to me, GM…

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Had a busy weekend, Deadpool and Wolverine is amazing and Betrayal Legacy is worth the time investment. Anyway, botting us forward now!

Dark Archive

Human Cleric (Mendevian) 16
HP162/162 | AC27 (26FF, 15T) | Perception +14, Sense Motive +24 | +2 Init | Fort +20*, Ref +12*, Will +28* | Channel (Su) 5/5 Firebolt : 12/12

I will be on vacation until Sunday with only my phone to access the internet.
Please bot me if necessary.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

One thing to hash out, since Quenly doesn't have precise senses on the invisible assassin, I think he would only be able to do an area dispel instead of a targeted. Am I missing something that allows him to target the assassin?

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Suggestions for Tamerius' actions? I can bot him to keep us moving.

Scarab Sages

active effects:
magic vestment (shield), flight, armour, ward of the season, hunter's blessing x2
more active effects:
freedom of movement, deathwatch, shield of faith, blessing of fervour
M Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 14 | AC 35 T 23 FF 27 | HP [136/121] 121/121| F +15 (17) R +18 W +16 | CMD 34 | Init +14/+12 | Perc +19/21 lowlight vision, scent, darkvision, see in darkness, deaf | Spells (-, 6/8, 4/8, 6/8, 0/7, 3/7, 4/6, 3/4)
Grandmaster TOZ wrote:
One thing to hash out, since Quenly doesn't have precise senses on the invisible assassin, I think he would only be able to do an area dispel instead of a targeted. Am I missing something that allows him to target the assassin?

That question occurred to me after I posted. I think you're right GM, and Quenly doesn't have any other immediate way around it.

Do you mind if I switch Quenly's spell to Tenebrous Shadow Conjuration for Glitterdust? The AoE should reveal the assassin, and the Will save vs the shadow illusion will be 23. (Fail = attempt a DC23 Will save vs blindness, save = 20% chance to still have to attempt a DC23 Will save vs blindness).

The conjuration will be a full-round action leaving Quenly still able to make a flying 5' step back and up away from the assassin's location.

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