Braving the Borderlands

Game Master Edeldhur

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Male Human Cleric 1; HP 3/6

The stream doesn't seem far, and since everyone seems to agree that's the way to go tomorrow, I suggest we look for a good place to camp along the way there.

d'Reco starts scouting along the road to the river, paying attention to any signs of the party that seems to have been attacked in the clearing, as well as a good place to spend the night, with some vegetation cover so that our fire isn't obvious from a distance.

Currency and Loot // MAP

The group decides to head towards the stream, looking for a suitable place to camp along the way. Pah d'Reco takes the lead, doing his best to scout the path and search for any signs of the party involved in the clearing scuffle. Though not experienced with the outdoors, d'Reco confidently leads the way, feeling optimistic about his choice.

After a short walk, you reach the stream and find a small, sheltered clearing near the water's edge. From d'Reco’s perspective, it seems like an ideal spot. The area is surrounded by a dense thicket of trees and underbrush, providing decent cover and a relatively safe place to build a fire without it being easily seen from a distance.

Since this is the first time you guys are spending the night outdoors, let me know if there are any particular actions you would like to take, any precautions, what is the watch order, etc.

Human| Male| Fighter 1| HP: 9/9| AC 2| THAC0 18

Arriving at the campsite, Dobin drops the gathered firewood and walks the perimeter of the site.

"Looks like a good place to lay our heads for the night. I will volunteer for the first watch if that is alright with everyone?"

Halfling Lvl 1 | HP 6/6| AC 6 | Thac0 Melee: 17 Ranged:17 |

" Ill help out." She says as she looks at herself and then the others.

" Unlike the test of you I was covered to by chest. Ill need time to bath amd rinse, and I doubt the good father will abuse that" she says with a smile. Almost urging the others to try so she can smash them

Male Human Cleric 1; HP 3/6

Sounds good I guess. There's seven of us, we can double up on two watches. I can take the second one, it's as good as any, d'Reco says merrily, seeming to enjoy the procedures.

Thief Lvl 1 | HP 3/3| AC 6 | Thac0 Melee: 18 Ranged:18 |

"I'm flexible. Whichever watch works best is the one I'll be on." the old rogue grumbles.

Currency and Loot // MAP

Ok, watches will be:
First - Dobin + Rizana + Regnar
Second - Pah d'Reco + Kallum
Third - Al'Lan and Draven
This way you always have someone who 'kinda' sees in the dark in every watch. Makes sense?

Let me know if you take any other actions, otherwise I will move us along later today.

Halfling Lvl 1 | HP 6/6| AC 6 | Thac0 Melee: 17 Ranged:17 |

Rizana is gonna try to wash her clothes and mud spatters

Male Elf

I'm good with the wahtches. Lets get to sleep after a meal and some talk :)

Currency and Loot // MAP

1d3 ⇒ 2

With the watches agreed upon, the group settles in for the night. The fire crackles warmly as you all share a meal and some light conversation before resting. Rizana takes some time to wash her clothes and remove the mud spatters, enjoying the cool water of the stream.

The night progresses uneventfully during the first watch, with Dobin, Rizana, and Regnar keeping a vigilant eye on the surroundings. The forest around you remains peaceful, with the gentle sound of the stream providing a soothing backdrop.

As the second watch begins, Pah d'Reco and Kallum take over, adjusting their eyes to the darkness. The campfire burns low, casting flickering shadows around the camp.

About an hour into their watch, both d'Reco and Kallum notice faint flickering lights in the distance, coming from the elevated area across the stream. The lights move slowly, weaving through the trees, suggesting that they are not stationary. While it's hard to make out exactly what they are, the flickering and movement indicate that they are likely torches.

Male Human Cleric 1; HP 3/6

Hey Kallum, you see those lights in the distance? Are they coming closer you think?

d'Reco focuses on the lights to try and determine where they seem to be headed and if they're getting closer or not.

Maybe we should douse the fire a bit...

Thief Lvl 1 | HP 3/3| AC 6 | Thac0 Melee: 18 Ranged:18 |

"Probably not a bad idea." Kallum says, kicking a bit of dirt onto the fire. "Can't quite tell if they're getting closer or not, but we'd be fools not to keep a closer eye on it. Regardless, it's far enough out we can wait a minute or two before waking the others."

Currency and Loot // MAP

As Pah d'Reco and Kallum keep an eye on the distant flickering lights, it becomes clear that they are moving closer. The torches, now more defined in the dark forest, are carried by several figures advancing with purpose. The movement suggests that the figures are actively searching or investigating, and their approach is deliberate.

Kallum throws some dirt onto the fire to reduce its visibility, and the dim glow of the campfire casts long shadows around the camp. The figures with the torches appear to be heading in the direction of your camp, their presence now more noticeable.

Pah d'Reco observes that the figures seem to be scanning the area, likely aware of the camp or at least suspicious of its location.

Male Human Cleric 1; HP 3/6

I think they're coming for us man, let's wake the others!

With this, d'Reco moves to the sleeping companions and wakes them up, explaining in quick words what's going on.

There's someone coming. Wake up! Not sure they're hostile but wake up!

Once that business is done, he looks for a place where he could hide and jump them if the need arises.

Thief Lvl 1 | HP 3/3| AC 6 | Thac0 Melee: 18 Ranged:18 |

Kallum nods and goes to start waking up others, starting with Riza. "Wake up, kid. You wanna start bashing kneecaps? I think you're gonna get your chance."

With the others start to come to, Kallum likewise looks for a place he can ambush the interlopers from, drawing his dagger.

Halfling Lvl 1 | HP 6/6| AC 6 | Thac0 Melee: 17 Ranged:17 |

Rizana grabs her mace first and almost swings it up. she stops and then gets to her feet. Once she does she looks about to find a spot to stand by and hide behind. She would set herself up to swing a surprise blow to the oncoming foes knee.

Human| Male| Fighter 1| HP: 9/9| AC 2| THAC0 18

Dobin slowly awakes and stretches as he gets up.

"So do we know what is coming at us?", he asks as he readies his armour and weapons.

Thief Lvl 1 | HP 3/3| AC 6 | Thac0 Melee: 18 Ranged:18 |

"Several beings with torches...could be the bandits." Kallum says, speculating on the approaching figures.

Male Elf

Dobin, Riz, you guys are out front line. If you see me casting a spell on you it's for protection. If they are Lizards we night try to be friends - says Lan quietely to his friends, then he goes looking for a place to get cover and redies his bow

Currency and Loot // MAP

As Pah d'Reco and Kallum rouse the group and everyone scrambles to prepare, the approaching figures with the torches finally come into clearer view. The flickering lights reveal a group of shadowy shapes moving deliberately towards the campsite. The figures stop at the edge of the forest, their torchlight casting erratic shadows on the trees.

After a tense moment, the torchbearers seem to spot the dim glow of the campfire and the movement of your group. The figures huddle briefly, and you can hear some indistinct murmurs carried by the night breeze. Then, as if reconsidering their approach, the torchbearers begin to retreat slowly, their lights fading into the darkness as they withdraw.

The distant glow of their torches grows dimmer, indicating that they are moving away from your position.


Reminder - those without Infravision are barely able to see anything at the moment.

Halfling Lvl 1 | HP 6/6| AC 6 | Thac0 Melee: 17 Ranged:17 |

Rizana if she had time went to a tall wnough tree to hide behind alonf the perimeter to smack whatwver came in uninvited.

Male Human Cleric 1; HP 3/6

d'Reco whispers to whoever's closest (is it Kallum)?

Are we gonna let them walk away? Now I wanna know who they are... Also, it could be a patrol and come back with reinforcements in a bit...

d'Reco is visibly nervous, looking around the group while holding back the urge to call out to the mysterious figures...

Human| Male| Fighter 1| HP: 9/9| AC 2| THAC0 18

Dobin stares out into the darkness.

"WHat in the hells is going on? I cannot see anything...are they coming or going?", he whispers to those around him.

Male Elf

Lan cames out of the brush he was hiding and going to the front line he says quietely

They must be a scouting party, from bandits or lizards I have no idea. We should move our camp, they can come back with a bigger force. Two of us that can see better in the dark, we should find a camp site a bit away from here, then we move and continue the watches, They use torchlights if they come it should be in the morning, but we'll be awake and ready by then. Or away from our position

Currency and Loot // MAP

As the group debates their next move, those with Infravision can clearly see the figures withdrawing into the darkness. The torchlights continue to fade, their flickering glow becoming fainter until they finally disappear behind the trees. Whatever the group of torchbearers was, they seem to have decided to move away, likely to regroup or perhaps to reconsider their approach.

For those without Infravision, the darkness is nearly complete, the only visible signs being the faint, eerie lights of the torches as they disappear into the distance. The surrounding forest has returned to its quiet state, but the tension in the air remains palpable.

The mysterious figures have fully retreated, leaving your camp in silence. However, the uncertainty lingers—are they gone for good, or will they return? And if so, when?


Thief Lvl 1 | HP 3/3| AC 6 | Thac0 Melee: 18 Ranged:18 |

"Most of us can't see for s$%* in this dark. I would suggest we just keep our eyes and ears open and keep watch as we planned." Kallum says.

"In the morning we can go take a closer look and see if we can track whoever or whatever the hell that was."

Human| Male| Fighter 1| HP: 9/9| AC 2| THAC0 18

"A sound plan Kallum. Beats thrashing around in the dark!"

Dobin returns to his blanket, but remains upright with his sword at the ready for the first hour or so.

Halfling Lvl 1 | HP 6/6| AC 6 | Thac0 Melee: 17 Ranged:17 |

"I can help scout tomorrow morning. So I can do some smashing to these disrupters" She says a bit excited but also sleepy.

Currency and Loot // MAP

With the decision made to stay vigilant and continue the watch as planned, the group settles back into their positions, keeping their weapons close and eyes peeled. The forest remains quiet, the occasional rustle of leaves or distant hoot of an owl breaking the silence. The night passes uneventfully, with no further signs of the mysterious figures or any other disturbances.

As the first light of dawn breaks through the dense canopy, the forest slowly awakens with the chirping of birds and the rustle of small creatures going about their morning routines. The air is cool and crisp, a reminder of the night's tension but also a promise of a new day.

The camp begins to stir as each of you wakes up, stretching and preparing for the day ahead. The events of the previous night still weigh on your minds, but the warmth of the morning sun offers a bit of comfort.

Halfling Lvl 1 | HP 6/6| AC 6 | Thac0 Melee: 17 Ranged:17 |

Rizana Stretches and twists. She does a quick routine of swings and steps warming up as she then yawns stretches a bit more and looks at the others.

'Breakfast, then break skulls?" She says casually going over to the campfire and looking at the others around her as if expecting a halfling breakfast to appear.

Male Human Cleric 1; HP 3/6

Sounds like a plan Rizz, d'Reco says as he sits down for a bite of bland rations.

Once he's done, he looks around the area for signs left by last night's interlopers.

Male Elf

Back to sleep then, I say we'll have a full day tomorrow my friends.

Currency and Loot // MAP
Al'Lan Mandragoran wrote:

Back to sleep then, I say we'll have a full day tomorrow my friends.

It is already daytime Al'Lan...

d'Reco finds no tracks.


Halfling Lvl 1 | HP 6/6| AC 6 | Thac0 Melee: 17 Ranged:17 |

Rizana will as she walks aroundesting looking at the perimeteans then moving out a bit more to see any signs of foot prints and passage but humaniods.

Human| Male| Fighter 1| HP: 9/9| AC 2| THAC0 18

Dobin gathers his gear and then stirs up the fire to begin making breakfast for the group.

"Don't go wandering too far off...breakfast will be ready shortly."

Once everyone is around the fire and eating, the warrior asks some questions.

"Well I don't know what to make of the intrusion last night, but I think we have two choices. First we could follow in the wake of whoever that was and try to get more information, or we can continue on the way we were...trying to locate these bandit's lair."

He takes a bite of his meal...waiting to see if anyone else has anything to add.

Male Human Cleric 1; HP 3/6

I think it's dangerous for us to go about not knowing who these guys are, but also I didn't find any tracks so as far as I'm concerned we can go back to locating the bandit's lair.

Except we're also stuck on that front. So... back to the keep?, d'Reco says trying to provoke some reactions.

Currency and Loot // MAP

Further away from last night's camp, and closer to the stream, Rizana does find a group of tracks, probably those left behind by last night's mysterious figures. They seem to lead into the stream, matching what you were able to ascertain from the torchlight movements during the night.

Halfling Lvl 1 | HP 6/6| AC 6 | Thac0 Melee: 17 Ranged:17 |

"I found tracks!!!" she says excitedly the idea of coming into contact with foes was enthralling.

Thief Lvl 1 | HP 3/3| AC 6 | Thac0 Melee: 18 Ranged:18 |

"Into the stream, eh?" Kallum grumbles. "Guess that confirms the whole lizardman theory."

Male Elf

Probably Kallum, but it could be the bandits to hide their tracks. Either way we got stuck with no tracks to follow. We must keep on the alert. - says Lan with a thoughtfull face

Currency and Loot // MAP

So gang, what is the plan? :)

Male Human Cleric 1; HP 3/6

I guess there's nothing now but cross the stream heh?

Male Elf

Is that the direction the bandits headed that we we're following? I think that your guess is as good as mine Draco. I follow you my friend.

Male Human Cleric 1; HP 3/6

Well, if the tracks lead to the stream my guess is that whoever made the tracks crossed the stream from the other side.

Just a guess of course, but one that should be easy to confirm.

Obermind, is the stream very wide, deep or in any other way hard to cross?

Halfling Lvl 1 | HP 6/6| AC 6 | Thac0 Melee: 17 Ranged:17 |

"If we have to go across someone may need to carry me" She says looking at the water and wondering if it will swallow her whole.

Male Elf

Don't worry Riz, I can carry you, just waiting for everyone to be ready.

Halfling Lvl 1 | HP 6/6| AC 6 | Thac0 Melee: 17 Ranged:17 |

"Okay, I'll smash anything that trys to attack us" She says with a smile that makes her look well pleasant.

Human| Male| Fighter 1| HP: 9/9| AC 2| THAC0 18

"Well let's get going and see where these tracks lead us. They may be using the stream to his their tracks or numbers...we will need to go slow and carefully!"

Dobin wades into the water to check for tracks on the other side of the river.

Currency and Loot // MAP

Pah d'Reco, you take a moment to assess the stream. At first glance, it seems wide and potentially troublesome in some spots, but after a brief search, you spot a section where the water is shallow enough to cross without much difficulty. The current is gentle, and while the water reaches up to about thigh-high on an average human, it should be manageable for the group—with some help for the smaller members, like Rizana.

Dobin wades in first, carefully testing the ground beneath the water as he moves. The cold stream swirls around his legs, but he presses forward, making it across without incident. One by one, the rest of you follow, with Al'Lan carrying Rizana to ensure her safe passage.

Once on the other side, you regroup and begin making your way up a gentle slope, the forest thickening around you as the ground rises. The air grows cooler under the dense canopy of trees, and the morning sunlight filters through in thin beams, casting dappled shadows along the forest floor. The climb is steady but not overly difficult, though it requires careful footing as the ground becomes uneven.

After some time, you crest a hill, and in the distance, through the breaks in the trees, you spot what looks like an encampment. It's partially concealed by the natural rise of the land, but you can make out a few figures moving about. The camp itself is rugged, with scattered tents, a central fire pit, and various supplies strewn around. The figures appear to be going about their tasks—tending to the fire, sharpening weapons, and occasionally glancing out into the surrounding woods.


Human| Male| Fighter 1| HP: 9/9| AC 2| THAC0 18

Can we see if these are people or creatures, like goblins or orcs?

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