Braving the Borderlands

Game Master Edeldhur

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Elf lvl:1 HP 7/7 AC 5 Melee 19 Ranged 19 Spell 1:1

"Yeah Regnar, you came from caves what is all this about?" Drusilla says playfully as she looks about and then thinks.

"I could try a spell. Its a simple protection form Evil but we can try"

Dwarf 1, Male, AC:3(2 shield), Hp:8

Do I understand anything of what they are saying?

They are goblins guys

Regional Map // Ravine map // Tactical Map
Dwarf Regnar Steelshield wrote:
Do I understand anything of what they are saying?

They seem to be going on about intruders... Something, something waiting... Something, something Mungo kill all... Something, something...

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