Records of the Caia Outfit (Inactive)

Game Master NotEspi

Apparently, mercenary life isn't all sparkles and sunshine. Who would have thought?


Area Templates

Ghaf Estate Ground Floor | Ghaf Estate Top Floor

401 to 450 of 479 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | next > last >>

F Aiuvarin Abberant Sorcerer 1/Mastermind Racket Rogue 1 | ♥️ 9/17 | AC 16 | Fort 4; Ref 8; Will 5 | Perc +5 (lowlight vision) | ☘️ 0/1 | | Speed 30ft | Class DC 17 | ⚕: | ✋: | 20/20 arrows | Exploration Action:

I realize now that the mirror is actually the clock face--oops. Is it just a clock face, or does it have hands, and are they pointed toward a certain time?

Ghaf Estate Ground Floor | Ghaf Estate Top Floor | ◆ ◇ ↺

It definitely seems like some sort of clock. The symbols are odd, though. Not a language you recognise. The central area has some geometric shapes in it. Those are probably the hands, but they are not moving at this point.

Whatever time it shows, the surface is reflective. You lean over and look, expecting to see Ghaf, but he is nowhere to be seen. Even your own reflection seems "foggy" and distant. Hard to see anything in the glass, really.

It's like looking at a river made purely of white mist through a circular hole.

M Catfolk artist bard/air kineticist 1; HP 20 | AC 17| F+9, R+7, W+4 | Perc +4 (Low-Light Vision; imprecise scent) | Speed 25 | Class DC 17 | Active Conditions: _____ | Hero Points: 1

Feeling the time pressure, Rem leaves the close investigations in the room to the others and goes and peeks out the one remaining door -- the one we heard wind behind. "I just want to get a sense of how much there is left to explore, and what our exit options might be."

Ghaf Estate Ground Floor | Ghaf Estate Top Floor | ◆ ◇ ↺

Rem walks over to the last door in the hallway. This time the one on the eastern wall. With some effort, he pulls away the large latches on the door. Opening the door reveals a balcony that overlooks the stables and most of the eastern grounds.

Revealed map as needed.

M Catfolk artist bard/air kineticist 1; HP 20 | AC 17| F+9, R+7, W+4 | Perc +4 (Low-Light Vision; imprecise scent) | Speed 25 | Class DC 17 | Active Conditions: _____ | Hero Points: 1

Rem shuts the door but doesn't re-latch it. "If we need to make an exit, there's a balcony outside the door at the end of the hall. I'm going to peek around the rest of this floor to see if I can find the study, since it seems like there are enough of us examining these hidden rooms. Since we're not here to steal valuables, the main thing I'm taking from this is that Ghaf is an avid collector with questionable taste, who may have gotten into some weird stuff recently. Fey's theory sounds reasonable to me. But I do suggest that those in the room continue to search for the book (only Endoin has searched so far)."

Rem exits this hidden hallway and opens the southernmost door in the main upstairs hallway (I moved the token on the map). He first listens and checks for traps and then opens the door if he doesn't find or hear anything.

Female Kobold Tinker Rogue/Alchemist 1 | HP 16 | AC 18 | Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +6; | Perception +6 darkvison | Speed 25 | Alchemist DC 16 | Exploration (Scout)

Tamhar looks at the inscription on the cannon, and then glances around the room.
Does anyone feel like staring into the eyes of this demon armor thing? Or we could make this armor and the guy in on the vase stare into each other's non-existent souls.

Pretty sure in the end we need to blast something with this cannon, but it feels like something else involving someones soul or a demon within needs to happen first.

Male Kobold Cultist Investigator/Psychic 1 | HP 13 | AC 16 | Fort +2; Ref +7; Will +6; | Perception +6 darkvison | Speed 25 | Spell DC 17 | Exploration (Investigate)
Tamhar wrote:
Does anyone feel like staring into the eyes of this demon armor thing?

Endoin grabs his hand mirror again. "Sure. Cover me though." He also grabs his long knife in his other hand and comes towards the strange armor - holding the mirror up so that the armor sees its own reflection. "Let's see what it does if it sees itself."

Tamhar wrote:
Pretty sure in the end we need to blast something with this cannon

"I vote for that giant mirror in the corner. Blast that thing."

If the armor doesn't react to the mirror, Endoin lowers the mirror and looks at the armor directly.

Male Versatile Human Fighter/Cloistered Cleric 1 HP 21/21| AC 19| Fort +8| Reflex +6| Will +7| Perception +7 Speed 25 ft.| Class DC 17| Spell DC 15| Hero Points 1/3| Focus Pool: 1/1| Conditions: None

Fabian raises an eyebrow as he reads the inscription. "A cannon would certainly be a useful weapon if we had to fight a demon." He mutters before turning towards Endoin as he calls for blasting the mirror.

"Do any of us know how to fire a cannon? Is there even anything for us to fire out of it?"

WarfareLore: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Ghaf Estate Ground Floor | Ghaf Estate Top Floor | ◆ ◇ ↺

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

You move out of the room, back into the main hallway, and listen to the southern door. Nothing to hear. You try the door handle, and it gives no resistance. The door opens, revealing a spacious room. You see barrels and crates stacked against the southern wall, and something akin to an alchemical laboratory in the northern section of the room. Glass vials, mortars and several exotic plants are stacked on the table and the floor.

Next to some vials on the table, you notice a familiar plant known as toothwort in a mortar. One of the vials is filled with a fresh, single dose of oil. Putting two and two together, you extrapolate that this might be a toothwort extract, an alchemical agent known for enhancing efficacy of many poisons.

There are also two more doors in the north and west walls of this room.

Meanwhile, Endoin does some experimentation with the handheld mirror, although to no avail. Since that bears no fruit, he stands in front of the armour to gaze at it intently. As he does, he moves everyone aside to clear some space in his immediate vicinity, and gently pushes Tamhar aside. She bumps her foot into one of the busts in the room as a result.

Male Kobold Cultist Investigator/Psychic 1 | HP 13 | AC 16 | Fort +2; Ref +7; Will +6; | Perception +6 darkvison | Speed 25 | Spell DC 17 | Exploration (Investigate)

"Well," Endoin says as the armor has no reaction, "that's a bust." He looks over at Tamhar. "And so is that. Sorry."

M Catfolk artist bard/air kineticist 1; HP 20 | AC 17| F+9, R+7, W+4 | Perc +4 (Low-Light Vision; imprecise scent) | Speed 25 | Class DC 17 | Active Conditions: _____ | Hero Points: 1

Rem sends a whisper directly in Fey's ear (using his whisper on the wind ability) to let her know what he found -- that Ghaf or his double is messing with poison -- and to let her know he is going to continue to explore.

He then proceeds to the door across the room, listens and checks for traps, and then opens the door if he doesn't find or hear anything.

Ghaf Estate Ground Floor | Ghaf Estate Top Floor | ◆ ◇ ↺

As Tamhar hits the bust with her foot, it lets out a hollow thud. It does not sound like stone at all. Further investigating the busts by tapping on them brings various results. Two busts facing the eastern wall are very much stone. The hollow one, turned towards the southwestern corner, ishollow. By the sounds of it, it should be made of wood instead of stone. Despite this, try as you might, lifting it from the floor to check it is not possible. It does spin with some effort, though.

Meanwhile, Rem continues exploring. He opens the eastern door to find himself on a walkway of the library's second floor. The walls are lined with further bookshelves going all the way to the ceiling. A few ladders hang from rail-like mechanisms from the top of the shelves.

M Catfolk artist bard/air kineticist 1; HP 20 | AC 17| F+9, R+7, W+4 | Perc +4 (Low-Light Vision; imprecise scent) | Speed 25 | Class DC 17 | Active Conditions: _____ | Hero Points: 1

Rem will plan to continue to look for the book in the library later if the group doesn't find it elsewhere, but his gut tells him the book isn't there. He heads back into the alchemy lab and then to the Northern door. He listens and checks for traps, and then opens the door if he doesn't find or hear anything.

Ghaf Estate Ground Floor | Ghaf Estate Top Floor | ◆ ◇ ↺

Rem's Perception (U): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Standing near the door in the alchemist laboratory, Rem puts his ear to the door. A deep, muffled voice shouts from within.

"Hello? Who's there?"

M Catfolk artist bard/air kineticist 1; HP 20 | AC 17| F+9, R+7, W+4 | Perc +4 (Low-Light Vision; imprecise scent) | Speed 25 | Class DC 17 | Active Conditions: _____ | Hero Points: 1

Rem quickly sends a whisper to Fey: "There's someone in a room here! Can someone come and join me?"

To the voice on the other side of the door: "Who are you and what are you doing in there?"

Male Kobold Cultist Investigator/Psychic 1 | HP 13 | AC 16 | Fort +2; Ref +7; Will +6; | Perception +6 darkvison | Speed 25 | Spell DC 17 | Exploration (Investigate)
The Curtain wrote:
By the sounds of it, it should be made of wood instead of stone. Despite this, try as you might, lifting it from the floor to check it is not possible. It does spin with some effort, though.

Endoin notices Tamhar fiddling with the bust a bit and comes to investigate as well. "Huh. Maybe get it to face the demon armor. What do you think?"

Ghaf Estate Ground Floor | Ghaf Estate Top Floor | ◆ ◇ ↺

Rem hears some papers shuffling from within the room, something topples over. After a brief moment of silence, you hear "Get out of here!" from beyond the door.

M Catfolk artist bard/air kineticist 1; HP 20 | AC 17| F+9, R+7, W+4 | Perc +4 (Low-Light Vision; imprecise scent) | Speed 25 | Class DC 17 | Active Conditions: _____ | Hero Points: 1

Not yet hearing Fey respond, Rem whispers (whisper on the wind) to Endoin: "Endoin, there's someone here in the room across the hall! I'm going in! Come help!" Rem then opens the door (if it's not locked), and he activates his kinetic aura so that wind whips around him and makes him look threatening.

If he is able to open the door: "I'm coming in. Surrender peacefully and don't make me or my friends hurt you!"

Male Kobold Cultist Investigator/Psychic 1 | HP 13 | AC 16 | Fort +2; Ref +7; Will +6; | Perception +6 darkvison | Speed 25 | Spell DC 17 | Exploration (Investigate)
Remqaur wrote:
"Endoin, there's someone here in the room across the hall! I'm going in! Come help!"

Endoin pauses his fiddling around with the bust to reply. "Well, if it is another talking bird, just grab it and bring it back here."

He looks to the rest of the group and calls out, "Remqaur is busting doors, or heads, or something. We should probably make sure he isn't getting in over his head on his own."

F Aiuvarin Abberant Sorcerer 1/Mastermind Racket Rogue 1 | ♥️ 9/17 | AC 16 | Fort 4; Ref 8; Will 5 | Perc +5 (lowlight vision) | ☘️ 0/1 | | Speed 30ft | Class DC 17 | ⚕: | ✋: | 20/20 arrows | Exploration Action:

Sorry for my delay. I've been crazy busy the last couple of weeks.

Fey, having been rather distracted, doesn't quite process Rem's initial whisper; however, she does pay attention to Endoin. "Alright, time to back him up!" and the sorceress rushes out and stops short of the catfolk's aura. "And we will!" She says loudly, nodding at Rem.

Ghaf Estate Ground Floor | Ghaf Estate Top Floor | ◆ ◇ ↺

Some rolls:
Rem's Perception (U): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

You find that the door is, in fact, not locked. As you activate your aura, a surge of wind sweeps through the room, scattering papers and leaves from nearby plants. In an intimidating display, you push open the door and peer inside.

To your left, against the wall, stands a bookshelf in the corner and a wide study table with a single chair. The only items on the table are an inkpot, a candle holder, and a glass paperweight. A shelf above holds a stack of neatly stored white candles. Across the room, against the opposite wall, stands a king-size bed with nightstands on either side. A wooden privacy screen conceals the far corner of this wall. To your right is another study table, this one with an inkwell and sheets of paper that were neatly stacked before you entered. The sudden wind has scattered the papers, sending them drifting to the floor.

A blue and gold parrot perches on the table. Startled by your entrance, it lets out a loud screech, flaps its wings, and performs a quick loop over the table before darting out of the room. The bird flies past you and disappears through the doorway into the library.

Whoever is moving to catch up with Rem:
You rush out of the room and enter the T-shaped hallway next to the mirrored wall. The door to the south is open, and a soft breeze flows from the doorway. A loud screech echoes from within before fading into silence.

M Catfolk artist bard/air kineticist 1; HP 20 | AC 17| F+9, R+7, W+4 | Perc +4 (Low-Light Vision; imprecise scent) | Speed 25 | Class DC 17 | Active Conditions: _____ | Hero Points: 1

Rem recognizes the possibility that it may have just been another parrot, but he did hear papers shuffling -- not very parrot like. He keeps his aura going, pulls out his knife, and moves over to the privacy screen and pulls it down.

Ghaf Estate Ground Floor | Ghaf Estate Top Floor | ◆ ◇ ↺

1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 7 - 2 = 7

You pull down the screen and it topples on the floor with a loud thud. Behind it, in a corner, you see two open cherry tree cabinets filled with various articles of clothing. A still-life portrait hangs on the wall nearby. It's no masterpiece, but comparing it to the fresh paintings on the bottom floor, it is an improvement. It is signed N.G. and dated three years back.

M Catfolk artist bard/air kineticist 1; HP 20 | AC 17| F+9, R+7, W+4 | Perc +4 (Low-Light Vision; imprecise scent) | Speed 25 | Class DC 17 | Active Conditions: _____ | Hero Points: 1

Rem will take a moment to listen to make sure there's not someone there he can't see. If he doesn't hear anything, he sends a whisper to Endoin and then Fey that it appeared to be a false alarm, but he asks Fey to come and back him up. "Fey, if you don't mind, could you help me search the room? It may be my imagination, but I'm sure I heard the ruffling of papers. So, either I'm mistaken, there's someone hiding in here, or someone turned into the parrot that just flew away from this room." Rem will then shut the door (so an invisible person can't easily sneak out) and then search the room VERY thoroughly. He, of course, checks the bookcase for the book and keeps his eyes out for it in general. He also checks the papers on the desk (and now on the floor) to see what they were. Is there wet ink on any of them?

Female Kobold Tinker Rogue/Alchemist 1 | HP 16 | AC 18 | Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +6; | Perception +6 darkvison | Speed 25 | Alchemist DC 16 | Exploration (Scout)
Endoin notices Tamhar fiddling with the bust a bit and comes to investigate as well. "Huh. Maybe get it to face the demon armor. What do you think?"

"It is worth a try." Tamhar helps Endoin try to get the bust to face the armor.

As the group starts following Rem to find out what is making all the noise, Tamhar decides to follow.

Male Kobold Cultist Investigator/Psychic 1 | HP 13 | AC 16 | Fort +2; Ref +7; Will +6; | Perception +6 darkvison | Speed 25 | Spell DC 17 | Exploration (Investigate)

Endoin helps adjust the bust and stands there expectantly for a few seconds.

Remqaur wrote:
If he doesn't hear anything, he sends a whisper to Endoin and then Fey that it appeared to be a false alarm

Endoin replies back, "So was it another bird? Did you catch it?"

Ghaf Estate Ground Floor | Ghaf Estate Top Floor | ◆ ◇ ↺

I have already rolled a perception for you in this room. Unfortunately, it was a natty 1. Sorry.

You look around the room with the winds around you still buffeting the place. You do not see anyone else here with you, and neither is the book you are looking for. You spend some time chasing around papers that are being blown away from you, and examining a few shows they are either parts of form of ledger or contracts between Ghaf and several craftsmen in Dalain proper.

The kobold couple kneel and attempt to turn the bust. Surprisingly enough, it does shift slowly, producing clicking sounds throughout the process. Once the bust is facing the armour near the western wall, something falls into place. You hear a few springs being released, and the sound of liquid flowing in tubes under the floor.

In the next few seconds, you look around the room, wondering whether you have sprung a trap of some sort. As the tension builds, you look at the armour, and hear another click. And just like that, a hidden drawer slides out from underneath the armour.

Looking into it, you see something wrapped in hide. Roughly the size of a certain tome you are after. Unwrapping the hide confirms the suspicion.

Male Kobold Cultist Investigator/Psychic 1 | HP 13 | AC 16 | Fort +2; Ref +7; Will +6; | Perception +6 darkvison | Speed 25 | Spell DC 17 | Exploration (Investigate)

Endoin stays completely still, but looks ready to burst as the sound of water flows and springs release. When all that happens is the drawer opens, he looks somewhat relieved. After a few seconds he stands up and almost swaggers over to the drawer and pulls the package out. "Hah. Exactly as deduced." He sets the wrapping of the book back in the drawer and then hurries out the door after his wife.

I don't think I have the fake book. I thought Fey had it. Someone should put the fake book back in the drawer - just for the LOLs if nothing else.

In the hall he sees Fey outside the door to the other room, but doesn't hear any commotion. So, bored, he opens up the book to check it out.

Arcana/Occultism at +7

M Catfolk artist bard/air kineticist 1; HP 20 | AC 17| F+9, R+7, W+4 | Perc +4 (Low-Light Vision; imprecise scent) | Speed 25 | Class DC 17 | Active Conditions: _____ | Hero Points: 1

Finding nothing in the area of the floor he searched, Rem wanders over to see how the others are doing, and sees Endoin with the book. He whistles a celebratory tune and says, "Well done! I knew you had it covered! So, what now? We still need to free the real Ghaf before we go, right? Do we have an idea how to do that? Is it in the book?"

Ghaf Estate Ground Floor | Ghaf Estate Top Floor | ◆ ◇ ↺

Endoin, Arcana: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Unwrapping the hides shows this is indeed 'Advanced Protective Measures in Practical Arcane Relocation and Summons' Volume 2.

Thumbing through the book, it seems to be exactly what the name suggests. Endoin gleans that it describes setting up magics and rites related to summoning circles, but it seems a bit above his pay grade.

F Aiuvarin Abberant Sorcerer 1/Mastermind Racket Rogue 1 | ♥️ 9/17 | AC 16 | Fort 4; Ref 8; Will 5 | Perc +5 (lowlight vision) | ☘️ 0/1 | | Speed 30ft | Class DC 17 | ⚕: | ✋: | 20/20 arrows | Exploration Action:

Last night was parent-teacher conferences, and I'm usually not busy, but this year I was? Things in my personal life have calmed down, so I should be a little more on top of things. Sorry for making you all wait.

Also, Fey does have the fake book.

"The bird was probably whoever is in here, but I'll check it out..." Fey says, poking around the room a bit before she overhears Rem talking to Endoin about the book.

"You found it? Where?" She holds up the fake book. "Let's at least follow through and put this fake one in there. Regardless of the outcome of all of this, at least we've done what they asked us."

Fey will place the book if Endoin shows her the spot.

"Can I see the real one?" She asks Endoin, peering over his shoulder--or rather, looming a bit, given the height difference.

Arcana: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20 I know we talked about rolls in Discord, so if you'd rather handle these kinds, just disregard

Male Kobold Cultist Investigator/Psychic 1 | HP 13 | AC 16 | Fort +2; Ref +7; Will +6; | Perception +6 darkvison | Speed 25 | Spell DC 17 | Exploration (Investigate)

Endoin follows Fey back to the museum room when she mentions that she has the fake. "I found it in here," he says while gesturing to the open drawer under the armor.

"It is the book we are looking for. I'm not making much sense of it." He hands Fey the book.

Ghaf Estate Ground Floor | Ghaf Estate Top Floor | ◆ ◇ ↺

Perception Fey: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Fey quickly pokes her head and looks around, but is distracted by the announcement of the book being found. She doesn't notice anything of importance in the area.

Looking over the book, Fey does find a few rites relevant to your situation.

See spoiler below.

There are three relevant rituals here. Since you have the book, you will be able to perform them even though you are technically under-leveled. Note that each will have different DC values to beat. It's up to you to pick which one you use. Each ritual takes an hour to perform. You can try to do multiple rites if you think you are up for it. Having an item that belongs to the target or knowing their name lowers the DC.



Level 1 (Primary - Arcana or Occultism)

Create a barrier the creature has difficulties passing through once it enters a designated 20x20 ft area (up to).



Level 2 (Primary - Arcana, Occultism, or Religion)

Draw invisible runes on the ground. Sap the life force out of the target once it enters the designated area, the runes activate and sap the life force from them.



Level 3 (Primary - Arcana, Occultism / Secondary - Arcana, Occultism, Religion, Medicine)

Similar to the Weaken rite but more potent. It causes complete paralysis for a short time.



Level 4 (Primary - Arcana, Occultism / 2x Secondary - Arcana, Occultism, Religion)

Force the creature to return back to its home plane once it steps on a 5x5 ft runic circle.

Male Kobold Cultist Investigator/Psychic 1 | HP 13 | AC 16 | Fort +2; Ref +7; Will +6; | Perception +6 darkvison | Speed 25 | Spell DC 17 | Exploration (Investigate)

Endoin paces around the cluttered room watching Fey read the book. He fiddles with the floating ice crystal a bit. He paces a bit more. He looks at the urn.

"Either you have a lot more patience with reading gibberish than I do, or you found something," he finally exclaims to Fey. "What have we got?"

F Aiuvarin Abberant Sorcerer 1/Mastermind Racket Rogue 1 | ♥️ 9/17 | AC 16 | Fort 4; Ref 8; Will 5 | Perc +5 (lowlight vision) | ☘️ 0/1 | | Speed 30ft | Class DC 17 | ⚕: | ✋: | 20/20 arrows | Exploration Action:

Fey flips through the book, mostly ignoring Endoin's pacing, although she does look up and raise her eyebrows at the kobold for a moment. "A few options. All of them would be easier if we had something of the Not-Ghaf's. Like if he left something in the bedroom? I assume all the claw marks and the weird fur are from Not-Ghaf. It'll be easier if we have a name for the creature, too...maybe we can peek into a mirror and see if real-Ghaf can tell us a name..." Fey sighs, snapping the book shut. "Or maybe there's something in that trophy room that could give us a hint? Ugh, this is a headache."

"I'd prefer to banish him, but that's a rough one. I'm going to check the bedroom and see if I can snag a bit of fur or something."

Fey will head that way, and if there's nothing stopping her, grab a bit of that fur...

M Catfolk artist bard/air kineticist 1; HP 20 | AC 17| F+9, R+7, W+4 | Perc +4 (Low-Light Vision; imprecise scent) | Speed 25 | Class DC 17 | Active Conditions: _____ | Hero Points: 1

All of this business about magical rituals is definitely above Rem's head, but he's glad Fey seems to have some idea what she's doing. He follows her to help look out for her and to be an extra set of eyes watching out for anything interesting.

"Too bad we can't just take the book and take off, but if we don't free the real Ghaf the fake Ghaf is going to make a lot of trouble for us. And maybe we'll get some extra for showing initiative, if we do succeed."

Ghaf Estate Ground Floor | Ghaf Estate Top Floor | ◆ ◇ ↺

And Fey walks away into the hallway, turning right, and enters the dilapidated bedroom.

Immediately upon entering the room, you notice a change in temperature. You instantly see your exhales, but the worse part is your feet touching the ground feel frostbitten straight away and your lungs burn of inhaling the freezing air. It's essentially like walking into a cryosauna.

You will take 1d6 ⇒ 2 cold damage, and roll a fortitude save for me, please.

She moves to the table with the mass of hair-like fibres wading through the air not unlike a sea anemone moving in the water currents. The fibres slowly shift in your direction as you do this. Not deterred, Fey moves closer to the fibrous mass and reaches for it. As she does, the hairs suddenly shift and form a whip-like structure that slashes at Fey.

Pseudopod: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

But she manages to pull her hand back and avoid the sudden hostile response to her presence.

Endoin, Investigate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Tamhar, Other: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Fey, Detect Magic: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Rem, Investigate: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Fabian, Other: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Marcus, Scout: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Anemone: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

~~Dilapidated Bedroom, Turn 1~~

~~Ghaf Estate Top Floor~~


Alright, well, you can all make your turns, since the creature had the lowest roll. You are where you are on the map.

M Catfolk artist bard/air kineticist 1; HP 20 | AC 17| F+9, R+7, W+4 | Perc +4 (Low-Light Vision; imprecise scent) | Speed 25 | Class DC 17 | Active Conditions: _____ | Hero Points: 1

Rem moves to the door of the bedroom and (unsuccessfully) attacks the pseudopod with a slashing blast of air.

attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

F Aiuvarin Abberant Sorcerer 1/Mastermind Racket Rogue 1 | ♥️ 9/17 | AC 16 | Fort 4; Ref 8; Will 5 | Perc +5 (lowlight vision) | ☘️ 0/1 | | Speed 30ft | Class DC 17 | ⚕: | ✋: | 20/20 arrows | Exploration Action:

Fortitude Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19 I hope that's enough rofl

"Oh, sweet Pharasma!" Fey flinches away from the creature and yelps. "I made it mad! Come help!" She shouts before ◆taking a few steps back.

Fey raises a hand and casts ◆◆daze.

damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5 with a basic will save, stunned 1 if it crit fails

As part of the mastermind racket, if I successfully ID a creature with Recall Knowledge I can sneak attack it. What would be the skill to roll for that? I'm going to cast this round but next round I'll Recall.

Male Kobold Cultist Investigator/Psychic 1 | HP 13 | AC 16 | Fort +2; Ref +7; Will +6; | Perception +6 darkvison | Speed 25 | Spell DC 17 | Exploration (Investigate)

Endoin flips through the book again after Fey points out the few useful rituals. He hardly pays attention as Fey mentions going back into the other room.

Fey Dawnglow wrote:
"I made it mad! Come help!" She shouts

"Wait, that bedroom is dangerous." Endoin jumps up and runs out of the room and down the hallway, drawing his long knife as he does so.

◆ Stride, ◆ Stride, ◆ Draw

Female Kobold Tinker Rogue/Alchemist 1 | HP 16 | AC 18 | Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +6; | Perception +6 darkvison | Speed 25 | Alchemist DC 16 | Exploration (Scout)

Tahar hearing the cry for help. Rushes out the door of the room she is in, pulling out her bow as she goes.

◆ Stride, ◆ Stride, ◆ Draw

Ghaf Estate Ground Floor | Ghaf Estate Top Floor | ◆ ◇ ↺

Marcus runs over to the entrance to the bedroom, but hearing Endoin's warning, does not enter. Not yet. He draws his newly found blade.

2x Stride, Manipulate

Fabian, Force Open, Athletics: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 7 - 2 = 19

Fabian hears the commotion, and runs into the wrong door. Quick on his feet, he slams his foot into the wall. The wall creaks, and a few planks fo wood fall down.

Fabian made an extra door in the wall between the armory and the bedroom.


Meanwhile, the gray mass on the bedroom table seems unaffected by either Rem's, nor Fey's attempts to attack it. It slowly moves closer to Fey, moving its mass over, under, and through cracks in the bed. The provoked mass fills every crevice in furniture as it moves, and darkening whatever wood it touches. The spot on the table where it had been previously resting seems to only be a black spot with the textures of the material barely visible. As it moves closer, Fey, you can feel the air temperature dropping rapidly with every inch. It slowly extends its wispy, hair-like appendage in your direction.

Pseudopod: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

But Fey is able to evade the attack. For now.

2x Stride, 1x Strike

Meanwhile, Tiqi observes the situation through the freshly made opening, paralysed with fear. Jassim seems conflicted, his eyes darting between the room to the second floor proper and the door to the bedroom.

I'm keeping them out of this one.


~~Dilapidated Bedroom, Turn 2~~

~~Ghaf Estate Top Floor~~

The Thing

M Catfolk artist bard/air kineticist 1; HP 20 | AC 17| F+9, R+7, W+4 | Perc +4 (Low-Light Vision; imprecise scent) | Speed 25 | Class DC 17 | Active Conditions: _____ | Hero Points: 1

"Tiqi and Jassim, stay back! We can handle this.", Rem declares, with somewhat more certainty than he feels in the face of such an aberration.

I'll wait to post his action. He's going to play a courageous anthem (+1 to attack, damage, and fear saves), but given his initiative position only Tamhar and Fabian will benefit.

Male Kobold Cultist Investigator/Psychic 1 | HP 13 | AC 16 | Fort +2; Ref +7; Will +6; | Perception +6 darkvison | Speed 25 | Spell DC 17 | Exploration (Investigate)

Endoin darts forward and slashes at the strange animated ... thing. Then darts back into the hallway, not wanting to stay in that room for long.

Attack, anthem: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 5 + 1 = 13
slashing, anthem: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

◆ Stride, ◆ Strike, ◆ Stride

F Aiuvarin Abberant Sorcerer 1/Mastermind Racket Rogue 1 | ♥️ 9/17 | AC 16 | Fort 4; Ref 8; Will 5 | Perc +5 (lowlight vision) | ☘️ 0/1 | | Speed 30ft | Class DC 17 | ⚕: | ✋: | 20/20 arrows | Exploration Action:

"This thing is cold," Fey mutters, narrowing her eyes at it to try to identify the weird, fuzzy creature.

Occult, DC 17: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Fey's amber-colored eyes scan the creature briefly then chuckles "Ah, so that's what you are..." And she'll share when the DM does :P

Fey reaches for the dagger in her belt and lunges forward quickly, taking advantage of her knowledge.

Attack, anthem: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 6 + 1 = 25
Damage + precision (sneak attack): 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + (3) = 6

actions: Identify creature, draw, sneak attack strike

M Catfolk artist bard/air kineticist 1; HP 20 | AC 17| F+9, R+7, W+4 | Perc +4 (Low-Light Vision; imprecise scent) | Speed 25 | Class DC 17 | Active Conditions: _____ | Hero Points: 1

Rem remains at the door to the bedroom and plays a simple inspirational melody on his horn (courageous anthem: +1 to ally attack, damage, and fear saves) and then again attacks the pseudopod with a slashing blast of air.

attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

"You know what that thing is, Fey?! Do share!"

Ghaf Estate Ground Floor | Ghaf Estate Top Floor | ◆ ◇ ↺

The life form in the room reminds you of yeast ooze - a combination of alchemy and wild yeast. But this one seems odd. It moves slowly at the moment and seems to be continually absorbing heat from its surroundings.

You barrage the gray mass with slices and punctures. As you do so, you notice the hair-like structures mostly unaffected after you pull your weapon away.

~~Dilapidated Bedroom, Turn 2~~

~~Ghaf Estate Top Floor~~

Br(e)ad (-5)

M Catfolk artist bard/air kineticist 1; HP 20 | AC 17| F+9, R+7, W+4 | Perc +4 (Low-Light Vision; imprecise scent) | Speed 25 | Class DC 17 | Active Conditions: _____ | Hero Points: 1

"It seems unaffected by my slicing air attack, so I am going to switch to attacking with electricity!"

F Aiuvarin Abberant Sorcerer 1/Mastermind Racket Rogue 1 | ♥️ 9/17 | AC 16 | Fort 4; Ref 8; Will 5 | Perc +5 (lowlight vision) | ☘️ 0/1 | | Speed 30ft | Class DC 17 | ⚕: | ✋: | 20/20 arrows | Exploration Action:

"They don't like my dagger, either--or some of my magic? It looks like a yeast ooze," Fey calls out.

If Fey replying isn't within the bounds of our allowed actions, I'll have her call this out at the top of the next round.

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