Troglodyte Champion

Tamhar's page

30 posts. Alias of MysticMom.


HP 16 | AC 18 | Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +6; | Perception +6 darkvison |


Speed 25 | Alchemist DC 16 | Exploration (Scout)


Female Kobold Tinker Rogue/Alchemist 1 |

About Tamhar

Being a Kobold, Tahmar has a serious case of 'small dragon syndrome', which is very similar to 'small dog syndrome' except the yapping is intelligible.

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Ancestry, Background, Class:

Ancestry: Kobold (green)
Heritage: Strongjaw

Background: Tinker

Class: Rogue/Alchemist
Rogue: Thief
Alchemist: Toxicologist

Character Details:

Nationality: Mwangi Expanse
Age: 14
Gender & Pronouns: Female
Height: 2’6"
Weight: 3 bulk
Physical Appearance: Grey-green scales.


Core Stats:

HP: 16
AC: 18

Fortitude: +7
Reflex: +9
Will: +6

STR: +0
DEX: +4
CON: +2
INT: +3
WIS: +1
CHA: +0

Speed 25



Background: Specialty Crafting ()

Ancestry 1: Kobold Breath

Rogue 1: Tumble Behind

Alchemist 1: Alchemical Savant

Skill 1: Quick Repair

Feat and Ability Mechanics:

Strongjaw Kobold: "I will bite you!"

Toxicologist: You can apply an injury poison to a weapon you wield as one action instead of 2.
You can change the DC of your infused poisons to your Class DC.

Thief: You can add your Dex modifier to damage rolls on finesse weapons.

◆◆ Kobold Breath: 15 foot Cone of poison. 1d4 damage. Basic Fortitude save.

Alchemy: Infused reagents = level + INT :: 4

◆ Quick Alchemy: Requirements: You have alchemist tools, the formula for the item, and a free hand.
You create one item out of one of your Infused Reagents.
It remains potent until the start of your next turn.

Advanced Alchemy: During your daily preparations you can craft one of your Infused Reagents into two of the same item that you know the formula for.
These items remain potent until your next daily preparations.

Sneak Attack: When you attack an enemy that is off-guard against your attacks with a ranged weapon, or a melee or thrown weapon (or unarmed attack) with the agile or finesse traits, you deal 1d6 precision damage.

Surprise Attack: If you roll deception or stealth for initiative, creatures that have not acted before you are off-guard to your attacks.

Specialty Crafting (leatherworking): You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to crafting leather items.

Tumble Behind: When you Tumble Through an enemy, that enemy is off-guard to the next attack you make before the end of your current turn.

Alchemical Savant: You can identify alchemical items that you are holding with 1 action instead of 10 minutes.
If you have the formula for the item, you get a +2 circumstance bonus to the check and crit fails are upgraded to fail.

Quick Repair: You can repair items in 1 minute instead of 10 minutes.


Acid Flask
Blight Bomb
Bottled Lightning
Elixir of Life
Glow Rod
Junk Bomb
Skunk Bomb
Spear Frog Poison


+6 Perception Expert

+7 Acrobatics Trained
+6 Arcana Trained
+3 Athletics Trained
+6 Crafting Trained (+1 to leather items)
+3 Deception Trained
+3 Diplomacy Trained
+3 Intimidation Trained
+4 Medicine Trained
+1 Nature
+6 Occultism Trained
+0 Performance
+4 Religion
+6 Society Trained
+7 Stealth Trained
+4 Survival Trained
+7 Thievery Trained

+6 Lore(engineering) Trained


Adventurer's pack
Leather Armor