Wedding Amok!! A Hommlet Tsle [Temple of Elemental Evil]

Game Master Critzible

The Town of Hommlet is Celebrating the Weddinf of its defacto protector Byrne the Badger a Powerful Transmuter. Unfortunately the new and returning arrivals are shocked to see the bride was Absconded by Bandits!!!

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Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

You all eat and rest for the rest of the night. The rain out side is intermittent. thankfully the dwarves set up a temporary barrier of old scrap and wood to keep out curious animals form the outside. On the inside they reset their traps on the tunnel they came out of. As they do they then eat and rest. All these were simple, but a deterrent was a deterrent.

Wounds (0) HP (10) AC (18) Lvl 1 (2/2) Proficiency Bonus (2) Artificer (1)

Sorry I could have sworn I had made a post. But let’s get this rolling

”Right.” Kardin said. ”We all be properly rested. Let’s do this before we all die of old age.”

Male halfling rogue 1 HP 9/9, PB + 2, AC 13, Init: + 2, Perception: + 3, Sneak Attack 1d6, HD pool: ?

Having rested well and eaten a cold but filling breakfast, Boram nods in agreement with Kardin. Shouldering his pack, he heads towards the tunnel where the 'jellies' were. Stopping at the entrance he waits for everyone to be ready. Looking down at his rapier, he observes, "So, the best way to kill these things is smashing them? So, who wants to go first?"

As they decide who will lead the attack, Boram ponders if he should swing his crowbar at the things or stand back and throw his ball bearings.

Wounds (0) HP (10) AC (18) Lvl 1 (2/2) Proficiency Bonus (2) Artificer (1)

”I’ll take point.” The dwarf said. ”It seems fitting.”

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

The Dwarves start by dismantling the Traps and Barricades. Freya and Elmo step up to help. The tunnel goes straight for awhile.

Once you get a good mile in the track continues on in a bridge and you see several crystals and metal in the larger cavern. They continue on and you find a collapse of an outer wall. The Dwarves stop the cart before the cavern entrance and point to the opening.

"They be in there"

Before you there are several small stone carved huts with scale shingles and rusty chimneys'. Beyond these in a Relief wall. This wall is well decorated with strange engravings.

"They come from beyond that door. We tried opening it, then one of the buggers popped out. Can't tell ya much of whats behind, save a temple. the old runes we found said it in dwarf. Along with maybe goo. My Ancient Dwarf is rusty" Dinger says as he holds up the light gem in a lantern.

Male halfling rogue 1 HP 9/9, PB + 2, AC 13, Init: + 2, Perception: + 3, Sneak Attack 1d6, HD pool: ?

Hearing the 'buggers popped out' Boram stays back away from the door, letting the heavier armed and armored open it. While he waits, he looks around the cave floor for a rock or two he can throw at the creatures.

Passive perception is 13, looking for rocks he can throw

Half-Elf Warlock 1 HP 7/7, PB + 2, AC 13, Init: - 1, Perception: + 2, HD pool: ?

Jairdan was a bit uncertain about fighting slime-type things, and had spent the whole time nervous about the undertaking. They had some tricks they could use to help fight, but getting close enough to use a staff was something that was to be avoided at all costs. So after some thought, being in the back and using the crossbow they had with them was the best of the ideas that they could come up with.

Wounds (0) HP (10) AC (18) Lvl 1 (2/2) Proficiency Bonus (2) Artificer (1)

”Should we survive then I’d be mighty interested in the ruins.” For the first time he was taking an interest in their task that went beyond just coin. He truly wanted to see this through. With that in mind he strode forward.

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