[Outpost VII] PF2 #5-04 Equal Exchanges - Necessary Introductions (Inactive)

Game Master cmlobue

Low subtier, 18 CP

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺


Verdant Wheel

Woodland Elf Fighter 3 |NG | AC 19 | HP 39/39 | Fort +8 Reflex +9 Will +8 | Perception +8 | Low light vision Fighter 3

Wow. I've been playing this character at conventions and haven't updated her here in some time. Will do that soon.

When do these games start?

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

March 4th you got time!

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

Game officially starts Monday, and that is when I will post the briefing, but feel free to dot into the Gameplay thread and introduce yourselves to each other. You will be starting in the Lantern Lodge.

Horizon Hunters

open | male (he/him) hillock halfling (Song'o) magus (starlit span) 4 | ◆◇↺ | AC 21 (22) | HP 46/46 | P+7, F+9, R+10, W+9 | Explore: | NV, NH, 25' | Hero (1/3) | Focus (1/1) | Halfling Luck (1/1) | Spells 1st SS [ ][ ] 2nd B [ ] DV [ ] | Active Conditions: marinading (1/3)

I have 3 GM glyphs, so the three lowest level characters can have an extra Hero Point.

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

3 Glyphs here too so we got the table covered.

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

GM, are there mechanics for helping the goblins?

Or are we expected to guess and throw dice at the situation?


Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

Athletics is definitely an option here, but if you have other ideas, feel free to give it a shot.

Verdant Wheel

HP 52 | AC 21 | F +10 R +9 W +9 | Perc +9, Darkvision | Speed 25 ft | Hero Points: 1 | Active Conditions: None

My apologies for any confusion regarding Big Stick - they were originally a triceratops, but they changed to a giant elk before actually being created and I didn't update that part of the sheet until just now. And also didn't catch it in the initial post due to sleep deprivation. XD

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

Wait - you had a Triceratops - the coolest dinosaur - and let it go!?


Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions
rainzax wrote:

GM, are there mechanics for helping the goblins?

Or are we expected to guess and throw dice at the situation?


cmlobue wrote:
Athletics is definitely an option here, but if you have other ideas, feel free to give it a shot.


Difficult to decide what to do without mechanics communicated, GM.


Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

You're well past that, but what I intended to communicate (and failed) was that Athletics was listed in the module, but coming up with other ways to help is also acceptable.

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

I'm trying to parse when to throw resources (like hero points, etc) at a problem, and when not to, based off of what I can infer from descriptions that omit mechanics.

And pointing out the difficulty in doing so to you, GM.


Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

I'm going to have to step down from this game.

Please remove Axel from the campaign.

He contributed 4 challenge points for being 3rd level.

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

Sad to see you go. Take care.

This change switches our subtier, so I will change all the encounters moving forward.

Envoy's Alliance

Sprite Barbarian 5 | AC 22 | ♥️ 81 | Spd 30 | F 12, R 9, W 11 | Perc 11 | Athletics 13 | Acrobatics 10 | Intimidation, Guild Lore, Society, Stealth, Survival, Thievery 9 | ◆
cmlobue wrote:

My understanding is that you can't flank from inside a creature's space, because you're not on opposite sides. Nethys.


Not a problem, the 2e language is very similar.

In particular it says:
"Tiny creatures usually have reach of 0 feet and need to be in a creature's space to attack it. This makes a Tiny creature unable to flank unless it's able to use a weapon with reach or has a melee unarmed attack with reach greater than 0 feet."

I've had GMs read that as saying that a tiny creature with 0-foot reach cannot give flanking to another creature because it cannot actually damage the creature, but, when occupying the same space, it can threaten the foe, therefore it gives flanking.

Unfortunately, until there is a ruling from Paizo, it is up to you. I must abide by your interpretation (See Rule 0)

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

Hero points to Bechamel and Folmyr.

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

Sorry for the posting delay. I went to watch the Sun being devoured, and the hotel did not have the promised wifi (or breakfast! negative three stars!).

Verdant Wheel

Woodland Elf Fighter 3 |NG | AC 19 | HP 39/39 | Fort +8 Reflex +9 Will +8 | Perception +8 | Low light vision Fighter 3
cmlobue wrote:
Sorry for the posting delay. I went to watch the Sun being devoured, and the hotel did not have the promised wifi (or breakfast! negative three stars!).

Ug. Hey, at least we weren't raptured! :)

Envoy's Alliance

Sprite Barbarian 5 | AC 22 | ♥️ 81 | Spd 30 | F 12, R 9, W 11 | Perc 11 | Athletics 13 | Acrobatics 10 | Intimidation, Guild Lore, Society, Stealth, Survival, Thievery 9 | ◆

Just to let you know, I will be away Monday through Wednesday of next week.

Envoy's Alliance

Sprite Barbarian 5 | AC 22 | ♥️ 81 | Spd 30 | F 12, R 9, W 11 | Perc 11 | Athletics 13 | Acrobatics 10 | Intimidation, Guild Lore, Society, Stealth, Survival, Thievery 9 | ◆

That's a lot of single-digit rolls...

Verdant Wheel

Woodland Elf Fighter 3 |NG | AC 19 | HP 39/39 | Fort +8 Reflex +9 Will +8 | Perception +8 | Low light vision Fighter 3
Folmyr Engwyn wrote:
That's a lot of single-digit rolls...

The Blessing of the Almighty DiceBot are upon us...



... Sometime when I say that he shows up...

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

I've been lax in awarding hero points. I doubt it will matter at this point, but Sindrailla and Speaks Softly can each have one.

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

We're just about done here, so check that your information in the sign in sheet is correct, and if you want your downtime on your chronicle and haven't already noted it, please do so now.

Verdant Wheel

Woodland Elf Fighter 3 |NG | AC 19 | HP 39/39 | Fort +8 Reflex +9 Will +8 | Perception +8 | Low light vision Fighter 3

Downtime roll:
legal lore, part time barrister/consultant: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

Thank you all for playing my run of PF2 #5-04 Equal Exchanges - Necessary Introductions!

The game has been reported and chronicles are >HERE<.

I will leave the thread open a few days for any final roleplay or questions.

Envoy's Alliance

Sprite Barbarian 5 | AC 22 | ♥️ 81 | Spd 30 | F 12, R 9, W 11 | Perc 11 | Athletics 13 | Acrobatics 10 | Intimidation, Guild Lore, Society, Stealth, Survival, Thievery 9 | ◆

Chronicle looks good.

Horizon Hunters

open | male (he/him) hillock halfling (Song'o) magus (starlit span) 4 | ◆◇↺ | AC 21 (22) | HP 46/46 | P+7, F+9, R+10, W+9 | Explore: | NV, NH, 25' | Hero (1/3) | Focus (1/1) | Halfling Luck (1/1) | Spells 1st SS [ ][ ] 2nd B [ ] DV [ ] | Active Conditions: marinading (1/3)

Mine looks good too! Thanks for running!

Cooking Lore: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25 vs DC 15

Verdant Wheel

Woodland Elf Fighter 3 |NG | AC 19 | HP 39/39 | Fort +8 Reflex +9 Will +8 | Perception +8 | Low light vision Fighter 3

Chronicle looks good. I enjoy your pictorial additions. :) Thank you for running and thanks to all for playing. Was another great group!

Verdant Wheel

HP 52 | AC 21 | F +10 R +9 W +9 | Perc +9, Darkvision | Speed 25 ft | Hero Points: 1 | Active Conditions: None

All good here! Thanks Cmlobue!

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