GM Brenael |
Welcome to the game!
Before we begin, please fill out the macros, slides and signup sheet linked at the top of the page. On the slides please add your token and work out the marching order. Please also dot in to the gameplay page with the character you will be playing.
If you have GM glyphs to share, please post who you are giving them to here.
We’ll use this forum for general discussion about the game.
I'm expecting everyone to post once per weekday and once on weekends. As we are on a timeline for the convention, this is important to stick to. I'll generally delay a character if they haven't posted for 24 hours while it is their turn. If you would then otherwise miss a turn I'll bot your character to the best of my ability. Botting instructions on your character sheet are appreciated!
As per the Pathfinder Society Community Standards, each player must decide if they will allow their characters to be damaged by friendly fire (usually via splash damage). In keeping with the “Explore, Report, Cooperate” motto of the Pathfinder Society, engaging in non-consensual character-versus-character conflict is prohibited. While accidental friendly fire happens due to missed attack rolls or other factors, players must obtain the consent of other players before deliberately including fellow PCs in damaging effects. This rule does not apply in situations where a character is not acting of their own free will, such as if they’re being mind-controlled by an NPC and forced to attack a fellow Pathfinder.
Thanks for joining and I hope we’ll all have a fun game!
Qarawyn |
I have one GM glyph, and I'm happy to give it to whomever is playing the lowest-level PC (besides Qarawyn, of course!).
Thevenin Serkat |
Bzzap! Bzzap! I'll bring Thevenin.
I have 3 GM glyphs.
GM Brenael |
Have any of the characters encountered the Absalom Sewer Dragons before? Does Qarawyn have any relation to them?
Also has anyone not played Quest #10 - The Broken Scales and want me to go easy on spoilers?
Qarawyn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Qarawyn is a Sewer Dragon kobold (my -2001 played Q10), but did not take the <redacted> on that chronicle sheet.
GM Brenael |
As this is PFS restricted we'll fade this one to the background - it will have no rules effect and I prefer if it is not focused upon.
Simon Osbourne |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Simon has
Protective Mentor (Radiant Oath)
While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you shield your more fragile wards from the threat of death. For any PCs
benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase their current and maximum Hit Points by an
additional amount equal to 3 times your Radiant Oath reputation tier (Liked = 1, Admired = 2, Revered = 3).
Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s Hit Points by 10% or 10, whichever is higher.
Special: A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.
Sadly it is only a 3 hp boost if any of our level 1s wish to take it.
Simon Osbourne |
Have any of the characters encountered the Absalom Sewer Dragons before? Does Qarawyn have any relation to them?
Also has anyone not played Quest #10 - The Broken Scales and want me to go easy on spoilers?
Sadly that quest was so long ago that despite going slow track for several levels my character that played it is too high to do this one so Simon will have to suffice.
GM Brenael |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Anyone else have mentor boons available for our two first level characters?
Characters only need to be liked (20 rep) by their faction to acquire the faction's mentor boon for 0 ACP.
A character receiving a level bump can benefit from up to two mentor boons from their fellow party members.
Otherwise the rules for level bumps for Blackfeather Jack and High in the Mountains are:
* Increase every DC the PC has by 1.
* Increase the attack modifiers, attack damage, spell damage, saving throw modifiers, skill modifiers, Perception modifiers, and AC of the PC by 1
* Increase the Hit Point totals of the PC by 10 or by 10%, whichever is higher.
Thevenin Serkat |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Thevenin will buy the Horizon Hunter mentor boon.
Rugged Mentor (Horizon Hunters)
Prerequisites: Liked by Horizon Hunters
Cost: 0 AcP
While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you provide important insights that keep your less experienced colleagues safe from harm. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase the Level Bump’s modifier to saving throws to 2.
Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s saving throw modifiers by 1.
Special: A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.
GM Brenael |
We will be using the influence subsystem for the encounters with Comissioner Larrett and (optionally) Adula Tremane. See the full rules on Archives of Nethys. However, a precis is that each round every PC may take one Influence or Discover action.
Influence - You try to make a favorable impression on an NPC. Attempt a relevant skill check.
* Critical Success Gain 2 Influence Points.
* Success Gain 1 Influence Point.
* Critical Failure Lose 1 Influence Point.
Discover - You study an NPC to learn more about their preferences and behaviors. Attempt a Perception or a relevant skill check
* Critical Success Choose two from Success (you can choose the same option twice to learn two pieces of information from the same category).
* Success Choose one: You learn which skill that can Influence the NPC has the lowest DC, one of the NPC’s personal biases, one of their resistances, or one of their weaknesses.
* Critical Failure Choose one, as success, but the information is incorrect.
When taking a discover action please nominate the main success option and a secondary option (they may be the same) so I can respond with the information. This will help to keep things flowing in the PBP format.
There may be some unique Influence actions available in some rounds and I'll advise of those at the time.
High in the Mountains |
Here is a better link to the Influence system.
GM Brenael |
The meeting with Adula Tremane is an extra opportunity to achieve the success you have already gained. If you still wish to meet up I can run it as a very cut down quick discussion. Otherwise we can move on to the next morning and entering the undercity to meet the Chief Dragon.
Post here to let me know your preference and I'll move on once we have a majority or in around 12 hours (my evening).
GM Brenael |
The Breath of the Dragon challenge uses the Chase subsystem rules. Again as a quick precis, the idea here is to work together to get past the obstacles as quickly as possible and ideally not too long after your Sewer Dragon competitor. Each obstacle will have a certain number of chase points required to overcome it, with points gained as follows:
* Critical Success - Gain 2 Chase Points.
* Success - Gain 1 Chase Point.
* Critical Failure - Lose 1 Chase Point (minimum 0 Chase Points)
I'll provide some suggestions for skills to use, but other solutions are possible and encouraged e.g. use of spells, items or alternative skills or abilities. Chase actions are open rolls. Chase Points do not carry over to the next obstacle.
We will operate in a series of rounds, with each person taking one action per round. Once you have overcome an obstacle we'll move on to the next obstacle but in the same round, so those who have not already acted in that round will go first. That may influence who you want to act first. To adapt to the PBP format I'm happy if you specify an order when you post (e.g. I'll do this if Valeros and Lem haven't already completed it) and I'll resolve things in order as best I can. If you do specify that your action should be in the future, please include your result in spoiler tags.
GM Brenael |
Wait, no, I just realized that it's a new challenge but the rounds don't correspond with the challenges, so Thevenin was the first to act in this challenge but the last to act in the last round.
Yeah it took me a while to grok that the rounds and obstacles were separate in chases. Running it again in PBP I'd probably use headers more to make the new obstacles more obvious.
I feel this is one of the mechanics less suited to PBP as it relies a lot on fast responses to stop it from dragging on. However it has been great to see you all carving through the course at breakneck speed!
Qarawyn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I'm definitely going to adopt the chase strategy you've used here in the future. This has flowed very well.
GM Brenael |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
This is one of those points that fits very well into the Outpost VII theme of "The Allies We Made Along the Way"
GM Brenael |
We are nearing the end of the scenario now. Please check that your details on the signup sheet are accurate and feel free to roll for income for 8 days of downtime.
Thevenin Serkat |
Leshy Lore: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 vs TL 1, DC 16
Success, 0.2 gp x 8 d = 1.6 gp
Simon Osbourne |
I hope avoiding the fight hasn't disappointed anyone too much. To be honest I didn't really expect it to work. Seeing that the kobold from the trial was reluctant was the kicker and I just couldn't throw the first punch. Actually if it did in fact come to blows I probably still wouldn't throw an actual strike and would instead resort to raise shield, trip/shove/grapple/disarm, and diplomacy until they surrendered.
crafting-earn income DC16: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
failure .32 gold
GM Brenael |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Convincing Tok to stand down was the best outcome as far as the adventure was concerned - a few rewards were tied to that outcome.
Overall I think you all did a great job with the adventure and I really enjoyed it, so thank-you all. I hope you had fun also!
I'll send out chronicles in the next day or two to give Thevenin and Zaos time to include any downtime activities.
Blackfeather Jack |
I hope avoiding the fight hasn't disappointed anyone too much. To be honest I didn't really expect it to work. Seeing that the kobold from the trial was reluctant was the kicker and I just couldn't throw the first punch. Actually if it did in fact come to blows I probably still wouldn't throw an actual strike and would instead resort to raise shield, trip/shove/grapple/disarm, and diplomacy until they surrendered.
[dice=crafting-earn income DC16]1d20+6
failure .32 gold
Not at all! It was a terrific speech :-D
Qarawyn |
Fun table, everyone, and thanks for running, GM Brenael!
No Downtime stuff for me.